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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Sara Paretsky

        Detective fiction as trauma literature

        by Cynthia Hamilton

        Sara Paretsky is known for her influential V.I. Warshawski series, which transformed the masculine hard-boiled detective formula into a vehicle for feminist values. But Paretsky does more than this. Her novels also illustrate the extent to which detective fiction acts as a literature of trauma, allowing Paretsky to address the politics of agency in ways that go beyond the personal, for trauma always has a social and a political dimension. Paretsky's work also exploits the way detective fiction mirrors the writing of history. Here, Paretsky uses the form to expose the partiality of historical accounts - whether they be personal, institutional, or national - that authorise 'forgetting' of a particularly insidious kind. Significantly, all these issues are explored within the framework of the traditional hard-boiled detective novel. As a result, Paretsky's achievement forces us to acknowledge the deeply subversive potential of detective fiction.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Cold, hard steel

        by Agnes Arnold-Forster, Keir Waddington

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1994

        Broadway - the hard way

        Sein Exil in den USA 1941-1947

        by Bertolt Brecht

        Bertolt Brecht wurde am 10. Februar 1898 in Augsburg geboren und starb am 14. August 1956 in Berlin. Von 1917 bis 1918 studierte er an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Literatur. Sein Studium musste er allerdings bereits im Jahr 1918 unterbrechen, da er in einem Augsburger Lazarett als Sanitätssoldat eingesetzt wurde. Bereits während seines Studiums begann Brecht Theaterstücke zu schreiben. Ab 1922 arbeitete er als Dramaturg an den Münchener Kammerspielen. Von 1924 bis 1926 war er Regisseur an Max Reinhardts Deutschem Theater in Berlin. 1933 verließ Brecht mit seiner Familie und Freunden Berlin und flüchtete über Prag, Wien und Zürich nach Dänemark, später nach Schweden, Finnland und in die USA. Neben Dramen schrieb Brecht auch Beiträge für mehrere Emigrantenzeitschriften in Prag, Paris und Amsterdam. 1948 kehrte er aus dem Exil nach Berlin zurück, wo er bis zu seinem Tod als Autor und Regisseur tätig war.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2010

        World stages, local audiences

        Essays on performance, place and politics

        by Peter Dickinson, Maria M. Delgado, Maggie B. Gale, Peter Lichtenfels

        World Stages, local audiences argues that the forms of intimacy and identification that come from being part of the public of a local performance, provide a potential model for rethinking our roles as world citizens. Using his own experience of recent theatrical practice in Vancouver as a starting point, Dickinson maps the spaces of connection and contestation, the flows of sentiment and social responsibility, produced by different communities in response to global sports spectacles. He also analyses how such topics are taken up in the work of playwrights, conceptual, installation, and performance artists like Ai Weiwei, and Rebecca Belmore. In so doing, Dickinson makes an original contribution to the emerging discourse on live art and 'livability' by examining not only the geographical and historical affiliations between different sites of performance, but also the - at times - radical new social bonds created by audiences witness to those performances. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Great Abai

        by Almira Suzhikova

        “Great Abai” is an encyclopedic edition intended for young people and a wide range of readers. The book is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the most famous and revered Kazakh poet, writer and philosopher. The main goal of the book is to show the younger generation the personality of Abai (Ibragim) Kunanbayev from a new side, to instill in young people a sense of hard work, unity and brotherhood, just in the spirit of Abai’s precepts. In order to reveal the different facets of Abai’s personality, the materials are grouped by topics: 1) Abai’s childhood; 2) The era of Abai; 3) Abai’s participation in ruling the people; 4) Abai’s works; 5) The image of Abai in the visual arts; 6) Abai in the heart of the people. At the same time, this edition contains new additional information, excerpts from the writer’s works, memoirs of children, relatives and friends of the poet. The book has many illustrations; most of the illustrative material are exhibits from the Abai museum.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        January 2021

        What’s the Dark Matter With You?

        by Kyrylo Bezkorovainyi (author), Daria Skybchenko (illustrator)

        Do you know how stars are born and what dark matter that is still considered one of the greatest mysteries in the universe is made of? These questions are worth discussing if you are from a family of astrophysicists as our protagonist and have a real telescope at home. Then it is not hard to imagine that your room is open space. But you are not alone there, because suddenly an amazing girl appears out of nowhere assuring that she comes from... dark matter. Get ready for exciting adventures, and a strong friendship that inspires, motivates you to make new scientific discoveries, and will, after all, last forever.

      • Trusted Partner
        History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600
        November 2014

        The matter of art

        Materials, practices, cultural logics, c.1250–1750

        by Edited by Christy Anderson, Anne Dunlop and Pamela H. Smith

        Materials carried the meaning of early modern art. Transformed and crafted from the matter of nature, art objects were the physical embodiment of both the inherent qualities of materials and the forces of culture that used, refined and produced them. The study of materials offers a new approach to this important period in the history of art, science and culture, linking the close study of painting, sculpture and architecture to much wider categories of the everyday and the exotic. Drawing on new research and models from anthropology, material culture and the history of art, scholars in The matter of art explore topics as diverse as Inka stonework, gold in panel painting, cork platforms for shoes, and the Christian Eucharist.

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

      • Trusted Partner

        The big PTAheute Handbook

        Practical knowledge for the pharmacy

        by Edited by Dr. Iris Milek

        Already in its 3rd edition, the PTAheute handbook presents the essence of practical pharmacy knowledge and is becoming the standard work for a practical pharmacy. PTAheute authors contribute their professional experience and bundle the most important facts, in the proven manner of the trade journal PTAheute: ■ Comprehensibly prepared content facilitates putting knowledge effectively into practice. ■ Infographics help readers understand the contexts. ■ Yellow boxes provide a quick overview. ■ Pictures and graphic design increase reading pleasure. The content on multiple sclerosis or on the various aspects of Covid-19 is new to the 3rd edition. The chapters on „Antibiotics“ and „Interactions“ have been completely restructured and revised and all other content has been brought fully up to date. The PTAheute handbook – the reliable companion in everyday pharmacy life!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2009

        Local government today

        by J. Chandler, Bill Jones

        Local government today provides a comprehensive analysis of the structure, finance, management and democratic framework for local government in Britain. This new edition has been substantially rewritten to encompass the many changes to the structure and function of the system since 2000, including developments flowing from the 2007 Local Government Act. The study discusses how, during the Blair years, local governments came to be seen once again as centrally important institutions within Britain's political system. However, they are not seen as organisations that can function as separate agencies, undertaking all their duties 'in-house'. They are now required to work in partnership with the private, public and voluntary sectors to deliver local services and represent local interests. It is further argued that, for the first time in over a century, the barriers between civil servants and senior local government officers are being eroded as central government begins to incorporate leading local government officials into its decision-making processes. This established textbook also offers a comparative focus by showing how the British system differs from the structures for local governance in Western Europe and the United States. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2010

        Competition of Local Governments

        by FENG Xingyuan

        This book discusses the theoretical paradigm and analytical framework of local government competition. It carries out empirical analysis from several perspectives - local development mode, local protectionism, division of public service duties between different government levels, urban government competition, county and township level financial and fiscal system, and villager self-governance etc. The book expands the application of the paradigm of “competition-oriented government” in the analysis of economy, finance, and political behavior of local governments and explores the possibility of using fiscal federalism as a framework of order for local government competition.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 1998

        Overseas Famous Chinese Paintings of Various Periods

        by Peng Benren

        More than 2,000 pieces of paintings are selected from over 20,000 overseas Chinese famous paintings of various periods of China, and are involved with more than 180 collection units or individuals in over 20 countries. This book consists of 8 volumes and the included works are hard to find in China. Many of these pieces of works are the first time to show in China, which can help readers to learn the charm of painting culture existing in China for several thousand years. This book has won the nomination prize in the 4th National Book Prize of China.

      • Trusted Partner

        Micronutrient Depleters: Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

        Things to know about medicines and micronutrients

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Elevated blood lipid levels are among the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The class of substances most commonly used for lowering blood lipids is the type of cholesterol-lowering drug known as statins. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs can lead to disruption of the coenzyme Q10 balance and muscle metabolism. In addition, statin therapy increases the need for selenium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and L-carnitine. This guide provides patients with important medical information about the interactions of their medicines with these micronutrients. This way, patients can optimise their treatment, reduce the side effects of their medication, and improve their quality of life!

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2015

        Great Courage

        Zedong Mao at the Great Divide of the Long March

        by Jianjun YE

        This series of books divided into 4 volumes.In chronological order,this series record Mao’s life in 4 different period of time and different activity places in the form of stories,which embody the fobsimon and the ability to stabilize the nation of the great man.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2018

        Beauty of the Useless

        by Ye Zhaoyan

        This essay collection deserves careful reading. It is a book of heart-to- heart talk. Ye Zhaoyan’s prose is free and approachable, just like talking with an old friend when you read them. He can observe the desolation and warmth of human nature and see clearly the pain and goodness of the world. With this book to accompany, one is not alone in the hard times.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007

        Hölderlin in Bad Homburg

        by Jochen Schmidt

        Zweimal zwei Jahre verbrachte Hölderlin in Bad Homburg. In jener Zeit entstanden einige seiner wichtigsten Werke, u.a. Hyperion und Der Tod des Empedokles sowie bedeutende Gedichte. Der vorliegende Band berichtet über Hölderlins Lebensgeschichte bis zum Ausbruch des Wahnsinns und bietet einen Überblick über seine geistige Welt, insbesondere seinen Philosophenkosmos und die literarischen Leitfiguren. Er zeigt auch sein politisch-revolutionäres Engagement in einer vom Spätabsolutismus bestimmten Zeit. Der Leser erhält eine bisher so nicht vorhandene, konzentrierte Darstellung zu Hölderlins Dichtung aus der Feder eines führenden Hölderlin-Forschers. Eine Auswahl von Gedichten und Bildern rundet diesen Begleiter zu Hölderlin ab.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2018

        Local Identities and Transnational Cults within Europe

        by Fiorella Giacalone, Kevin Griffin, Alfonsina Bellio, Riccardo Cruzzolin, Paola de Salvo, Laurent S. Fournier, Fiorella Giacalone, Kevin Griffin, Etienne Guillaume, André Julliard, Tony Kiely, Inga B. Kuzma, Mathilde Lamothe, Gaëlla Loiseau, Daniele Parbuono, Gianfranco Spitilli

        Local-level pilgrimages, when based on strong expressions of faith, can have a much wider local, regional and international appeal. It has been estimated that pilgrims and religious tourists number around 330 million per year, meaning development of these faith identities can help drive destination visitation and regional development. This book explores the central role of ordinary people in the popularisation of faith-based practices, thus illustrating religious tourism as an expression of cultural identity. Focusing on the interrelationship of cultural groups and the overall formation of culture and society, this book: - Uses a range of multidisciplinary, sociological and ethnographic studies to illustrate the evolution of pilgrimage sites and saints. - Includes practical case studies and illustrations of religious tourism and pilgrimage development from a variety of international perspectives. - Provides a selection of discussion questions for each chapter, encouraging readers to engage with further study and investigation of these important issues. An invaluable review of cultural identity and faith, this book delivers to scholars, students and local policy makers a collection of current perspectives on the growth, development and evolution of faith practices surrounding contemporary and historical sites and saints.

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