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Geology & the lithosphereMarch 2006
Geological and Geotechnical Engineering in the New Millennium
Opportunities for Research and Technological Innovation
by Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering in the New Millennium; Opportunities for Research and Technological Innovation, Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, National Research Council
The field of geoengineering is at a crossroads where the path to high-tech solutions meets the path to expanding applications of geotechnology. In this report, the term "geoengineering" includes all types of engineering that deal with Earth materials, such as geotechnical engineering, geological engineering, hydrological engineering, and Earth-related parts of petroleum engineering and mining engineering. The rapid expansion of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and information technology begs the question of how these new approaches might come to play in developing better solutions for geotechnological problems. This report presents a vision for the future of geotechnology aimed at National Science Foundation (NSF) program managers, the geological and geotechnical engineering community as a whole, and other interested parties, including Congress, federal and state agencies, industry, academia, and other stakeholders in geoengineering research. Some of the ideas may be close to reality whereas others may turn out to be elusive, but they all present possibilities to strive for and potential goals for the future. Geoengineers are poised to expand their roles and lead in finding solutions for modern Earth systems problems, such as global change, emissions-free energy supply, global water supply, and urban systems.
Geology & the lithosphereMay 2017
Landslide Research
The DST Initiative
by SM. Ramasamy & Bhoop Singh
The book Landslide Research- The DSTs Initiatives is a compilation of over 21 Scientific articles on various aspects of Landslides viz: Overviews, Earth system processes and Landslides, Landslide hazard Zonation mapping, Geotechnical investigations, instrumentation and early warning of Landslides, Satellite based monitoring of Landslides, site specific investigations etc. These articles are the outcome of the studies carried by various academicians, researchers and the research institutions under the funding of NRDMS/DST in different geological provinces of Indian subcontinent. These articles provide wider and deeper spectrum of information on earth system processes like post collision tectonics of Shillong plateau, Churachandpur-Mao fault and up-warping of Tirumalai hills and the Landslides; different geo-spatial and geo-statistical techniques and optimisation of methods for Landslide hazard zonation mapping from Western Ghats of South India, BIS based methods of LHZ mapping and Geotechnical investigations encompassing RMR, SMR & Kinematic studies of landslides of northeastern region; instrumentation and forewarning of Jakhri Landslides, wireless sensor based Landslide monitoring of Munnar (Kerala); SAR interferometery based monitoring of Nainital and Mansadevi landslides; and site specific landslides studies of Kailasaur (Himalayas), Rawana slides (Himachal Pradesh), geophysical studies of Landslides of Mizoram region, Malin landslides (Maharashtra) , techniques of diagnosing active movements from Nilgiris etc.
Technology: general issuesJanuary 1984
Geotechnical Site Investigations for Underground Projects
Volume 1
by Subcommittee on Geotechnical Site Investigations, U.S. National Committee on Tunneling Technology, National Research Council
Technology: general issuesFebruary 2013
Underground Engineering for Sustainable Urban Development
by Committee on Underground GeoEngineering for Sustainable Development; Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council
For thousands of years, the underground has provided humans refuge, useful resources, physical support for surface structures, and a place for spiritual or artistic expression. More recently, many urban services have been placed underground. Over this time, humans have rarely considered how underground space can contribute to or be engineered to maximize its contribution to the sustainability of society. As human activities begin to change the planet and population struggle to maintain satisfactory standards of living, placing new infrastructure and related facilities underground may be the most successful way to encourage or support the redirection of urban development into sustainable patterns. Well maintained, resilient, and adequately performing underground infrastructure, therefore, becomes an essential part of sustainability, but much remains to be learned about improving the sustainability of underground infrastructure itself. At the request of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Research Council (NRC) conducted a study to consider sustainable underground development in the urban environment, to identify research needed to maximize opportunities for using underground space, and to enhance understanding among the public and technical communities of the role of underground engineering in urban sustainability. Underground Engineering for Sustainable Urban Development explains the findings of researchers and practitioners with expertise in geotechnical engineering, underground design and construction, trenchless technologies, risk assessment, visualization techniques for geotechnical applications, sustainable infrastructure development, life cycle assessment, infrastructure policy and planning, and fire prevention, safety and ventilation in the underground. This report is intended to inform a future research track and will be of interest to a broad audience including those in the private and public sectors engaged in urban and facility planning and design, underground construction, and safety and security.
Natural disastersFebruary 1994
Practical Lessons from the Loma Prieta Earthquake
by Geotechnical Board, National Research Council
The Loma Prieta earthquake struck the San Francisco area on October 17, 1989, causing 63 deaths and $10 billion worth of damage. This book reviews existing research on the Loma Prieta quake and draws from it practical lessons that could be applied to other earthquake-prone areas of the country. The volume contains seven keynote papers presented at a symposium on the earthquake and includes an overview written by the committee offering recommendations to improve seismic safety and earthquake awareness in parts of the country susceptible to earthquakes.
Hydrology & the hydrosphereOctober 2012
Dam and Levee Safety and Community Resilience
A Vision for Future Practice
by Committee on Integrating Dam and Levee Safety and Community Resilience; Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council
Although advances in engineering can reduce the risk of dam and levee failure, some failures will still occur. Such events cause impacts on social and physical infrastructure that extend far beyond the flood zone. Broadening dam and levee safety programs to consider community- and regional-level priorities in decision making can help reduce the risk of, and increase community resilience to, potential dam and levee failures. Collaboration between dam and levee safety professionals at all levels, persons and property owners at direct risk, members of the wider economy, and the social and environmental networks in a community would allow all stakeholders to understand risks, shared needs, and opportunities, and make more informed decisions related to dam and levee infrastructure and community resilience. Dam and Levee Safety and Community Resilience: A Vision for Future Practice explains that fundamental shifts in safety culture will be necessary to integrate the concepts of resilience into dam and levee safety programs.
Geology & the lithosphereMarch 2016
Characterization, Modeling, Monitoring, and Remediation of Fractured Rock
by Committee on Subsurface Characterization, Modeling, Monitoring, and Remediation of Fractured Rock; Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Fractured rock is the host or foundation for innumerable engineered structures related to energy, water, waste, and transportation. Characterizing, modeling, and monitoring fractured rock sites is critical to the functioning of those infrastructure, as well as to optimizing resource recovery and contaminant management. Characterization, Modeling, Monitoring, and Remediation of Fractured Rock examines the state of practice and state of art in the characterization of fractured rock and the chemical and biological processes related to subsurface contaminant fate and transport. This report examines new developments, knowledge, and approaches to engineering at fractured rock sites since the publication of the 1996 National Research Council report Rock Fractures and Fluid Flow: Contemporary Understanding and Fluid Flow. Fundamental understanding of the physical nature of fractured rock has changed little since 1996, but many new characterization tools have been developed, and there is now greater appreciation for the importance of chemical and biological processes that can occur in the fractured rock environment. The findings of Characterization, Modeling, Monitoring, and Remediation of Fractured Rock can be applied to all types of engineered infrastructure, but especially to engineered repositories for buried or stored waste and to fractured rock sites that have been contaminated as a result of past disposal or other practices. The recommendations of this report are intended to help the practitioner, researcher, and decision maker take a more interdisciplinary approach to engineering in the fractured rock environment. This report describes how existing tools -- some only recently developed -- can be used to increase the accuracy and reliability of engineering design and management given the interacting forces of nature. With an interdisciplinary approach, it is possible to conceptualize and model the fractured rock environment with acceptable levels of uncertainty and reliability, and to design systems that maximize remediation and long-term performance. Better scientific understanding could inform regulations, policies, and implementation guidelines related to infrastructure development and operations. The recommendations for research and applications to enhance practice of this book make it a valuable resource for students and practitioners in this field.
Natural disastersSeptember 2013
Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies
by Committee on Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies; Committee on Earth Resources; Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering; Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council
In the past several years, some energy technologies that inject or extract fluid from the Earth, such as oil and gas development and geothermal energy development, have been found or suspected to cause seismic events, drawing heightened public attention. Although only a very small fraction of injection and extraction activities among the hundreds of thousands of energy development sites in the United States have induced seismicity at levels noticeable to the public, understanding the potential for inducing felt seismic events and for limiting their occurrence and impacts is desirable for state and federal agencies, industry, and the public at large. To better understand, limit, and respond to induced seismic events, work is needed to build robust prediction models, to assess potential hazards, and to help relevant agencies coordinate to address them. Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies identifies gaps in knowledge and research needed to advance the understanding of induced seismicity; identify gaps in induced seismic hazard assessment methodologies and the research to close those gaps; and assess options for steps toward best practices with regard to energy development and induced seismicity potential.
Mining technology & engineeringJuly 2020
Guidelines for Slope Performance Monitoring
by Edited by Robert Sharon, Erik Eberhardt
Although most mining companies utilise systems for slope monitoring, experience indicates that mining operations continue to be surprised by the occurrence of adverse geotechnical events. A comprehensive and robust performance monitoring system is an essential component of slope management in an open pit mining operation. The development of such a system requires considerable expertise to ensure the monitoring system is effective and reliable. Written by instrumentation experts and geotechnical practitioners, Guidelines for Slope Performance Monitoring is an initiative of the Large Open Pit (LOP) Project and the fifth book in the Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design series. Its 10 chapters present the process of establishing and operating a slope monitoring system; the fundamentals of pit slope monitoring instrumentation and methods; monitoring system operation; data acquisition, management and analysis; and utilising and communicating monitoring results. The implications of increased automation of mining operations are also discussed, including the future requirements of performance monitoring. Guidelines for Slope Performance Monitoring summarises leading mine industry practice in monitoring system design, implementation, system management, data management and reporting, and provides guidance for engineers, geologists, technicians and others responsible for geotechnical risk management.
Natural disastersOctober 2000
Risk Analysis and Uncertainty in Flood Damage Reduction Studies
by Committee on Risk-Based Analysis for Flood Damage Reduction, Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council
Reducing flood damage is a complex task that requires multidisciplinary understanding of the earth sciences and civil engineering. In addressing this task the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employs its expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, and geotechnical and structural engineering. Dams, levees, and other river-training works must be sized to local conditions; geotechnical theories and applications help ensure that structures will safely withstand potential hydraulic and seismic forces; and economic considerations must be balanced to ensure that reductions in flood damages are proportionate with project costs and associated impacts on social, economic, and environmental values. A new National Research Council report, Risk Analysis and Uncertainty in Flood Damage Reduction Studies, reviews the Corps of Engineers' risk-based techniques in its flood damage reduction studies and makes recommendations for improving these techniques. Areas in which the Corps has made good progress are noted, and several steps that could improve the Corps' risk-based techniques in engineering and economics applications for flood damage reduction are identified. The report also includes recommendations for improving the federal levee certification program, for broadening the scope of flood damage reduction planning, and for improving communication of risk-based concepts.
Structural engineeringMarch 2012
Temporary Works
Principles of Design and Construction
by Murray Grant (Author)
Temporary Works: Principles of Design and Construction is the first reference book to deliver authoritative and comprehensive guidance on temporary works for practising engineers. The practicalities of temporary works are an essential, cost-and-safety-critical aspect of all construction projects, but receive minimum coverage in training and remain poorly understood by many engineers. Covering all sub-specialties of this wide-ranging topic in a single resource, this book is invaluable for permanent works designers, engineers, technicians and contractors looking to minimise costs, maximise efficiency and ensure the safety of those working on-site. Temporary Works is • the only reference book to provide complete coverage of temporary works sub-specialties in a single volume • written by more than twenty industry experts established in specific fields, from falsework to floating plant • informed by the latest European codes – complete with the explanatory detail needed to use them – and up to date with current safety standards • a source of immediate, practical solutions to common problems and extensive references for readers to build on existing knowledge. Drawing on years of collective experience of temporary works in practice, this book is a key reference for temporary and permanent works designers alike, a useful training aid for new engineers, and a timely and relevant contribution to furthering knowledge in this often-overlooked field.
Marine engineeringJune 2014
Port Designer's Handbook, Third edition
by Carl A. Thoresen (Author)
The Port Designer’s Handbook, Third Edition provides practising port and harbour consulting engineers with essential guidance and recommendations for the layout, design and construction of modern harbour and port structures. The third edition is extensively revised and discusses various factors to consider when designing efficient container terminals. Water depth, berth structure, and environmental forces are discussed in line with PIANC recommendations and considerations. The latest developments in navigation safety, site selection, layout, cargo handling, and mooring principles are outlined and evaluated, and operational conditions for ships in channels and harbour basins are discussed. Drawing on PIANC specifications, international harbour standards and recommendations are thoroughly explored. This handbook is an invaluable resource to practising port and harbour consulting engineers as well as contractors involved in the layout, design and construction of berth and harbour structures. The Port Designer’s Handbook, Third Edition: • provides revised calculations for wind, current and wave forces according to the PIANC and international specification and recommendations • demonstrates safety considerations, calculations, evaluations and recommendations in line with PIANC and Eurocode specifications • outlines design considerations relating to loadings, berth structures, cargo handling equipment and berthing forces • details open berth structures including larger type of vessels e.g. large oil and LNG tankers which need increased water depth for berthing • discusses new container handling equipment and the demand for more efficient container terminals based on the new PIANC recommendations.
September 2018
A Decision Framework for Managing the Spirit Lake and Toutle River System at Mount St. Helens
by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Environmental Change and Society, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Water Science and Technology Board, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Committee on Long-Term Management of the Spirit Lake/Toutle River System in Southwest Washington
Geography & the EnvironmentSeptember 2017
State of the Art and Practice in the Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction and Its Consequences
by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Committee on State of the Art and Practice in Earthquake Induced Soil Liquefaction Assessment
Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction (liquefaction) is a leading cause of earthquake damage worldwide. Liquefaction is often described in the literature as the phenomena of seismic generation of excess porewater pressures and consequent softening of granular soils. Many regions in the United States have been witness to liquefaction and its consequences, not just those in the west that people associate with earthquake hazards. Past damage and destruction caused by liquefaction underline the importance of accurate assessments of where liquefaction is likely and of what the consequences of liquefaction may be. Such assessments are needed to protect life and safety and to mitigate economic, environmental, and societal impacts of liquefaction in a cost-effective manner. Assessment methods exist, but methods to assess the potential for liquefaction triggering are more mature than are those to predict liquefaction consequences, and the earthquake engineering community wrestles with the differences among the various assessment methods for both liquefaction triggering and consequences. State of the Art and Practice in the Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction and Its Consequences evaluates these various methods, focusing on those developed within the past 20 years, and recommends strategies to minimize uncertainties in the short term and to develop improved methods to assess liquefaction and its consequences in the long term. This report represents a first attempt within the geotechnical earthquake engineering community to consider, in such a manner, the various methods to assess liquefaction consequences.
Mining technology & engineeringSeptember 2020
Surface Subsidence Engineering
Theory and Practice
by Edited by Syd Peng
Underground coal mining disturbs both the overburden strata and the immediate floor strata. The subject of surface subsidence deals with the issues associated with the movement of overburden strata, which are the layers from the seam to the surface, where structures and water resources important to human activities are located. Surface Subsidence Engineering provides comprehensive coverage of the major issues associated with surface subsidence. The chapters are written by experts on surface subsidence in the three leading coal producing and consuming countries in the world: Australia, China and the United States. They discuss general features and terminologies, subsidence prediction, subsidence measurement techniques, subsidence impact on water bodies, subsidence damage, mitigation and control, and subsidence on abandoned coal mines. In addition, the final chapter addresses some of the unique features of surface subsidence found in Australian coal mines. The book provides information on coal seams ranging from flat to gently inclined to steep to ultra-steep seams. Written for mining engineers, geotechnical engineers and students of mining engineering, this book covers both theories and practices of surface subsidence. Unlike previous publications, it also deals with the subsidence impact on surface and groundwater bodies, crucial resources that are often neglected by subsidence researchers.
Mining technology & engineeringJanuary 2014
Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability
by Edited by Geoff Beale, John Read
Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability is a comprehensive account of the hydrogeological procedures that should be followed when performing open pit slope stability design studies. Created as an outcome of the Large Open Pit (LOP) project, an international research and technology transfer project on the stability of rock slopes in open pit mines, this book expands on the hydrogeological model chapter in the LOP project's previous book Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design (Read & Stacey, 2009; CSIRO PUBLISHING). The book comprises six sections which outline the latest technology and best practice procedures for hydrogeological investigations. The sections cover: the framework used to assess the effect of water in slope stability; how water pressures are measured and tested in the field; how a conceptual hydrogeological model is prepared; how water pressures are modelled numerically; how slope depressurisation systems are implemented; and how the performance of a slope depressurisation program is monitored and reconciled with the design. Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability offers slope design practitioners a road map that will help them decide how to investigate and treat water pressures in pit slopes. It provides guidance and essential information for mining and civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists and hydrogeologists involved in the investigation, design and construction of stable rock slopes.
Earth sciencesApril 2012
New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences
by Committee on New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences at the National Science Foundation; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council
The 2001 National Research Council (NRC) report Basic Research Opportunities in Earth Science (BROES) described how basic research in the Earth sciences serves five national imperatives: (1) discovery, use, and conservation of natural resources; (2) characterization and mitigation of natural hazards; (3) geotechnical support of commercial and infrastructure development; (4) stewardship of the environment; and (5) terrestrial surveillance for global security and national defense. This perspective is even more pressing today, and will persist into the future, with ever-growing emphasis. Today's world-with headlines dominated by issues involving fossil fuel and water resources, earthquake and tsunami disasters claiming hundreds of thousands of lives and causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damages, profound environmental changes associated with the evolving climate system, and nuclear weapons proliferation and testing-has many urgent societal issues that need to be informed by sound understanding of the Earth sciences. A national strategy to sustain basic research and training of expertise across the full spectrum of the Earth sciences is motivated by these national imperatives. New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences identifies new and emerging research opportunities in the Earth sciences over the next decade, including surface and deep Earth processes and interdisciplinary research with fields such as ocean and atmospheric sciences, biology, engineering, computer science, and social and behavioral sciences. The report also identifies key instrumentation and facilities needed to support these new and emerging research opportunities. The report describes opportunities for increased cooperation in these new and emerging areas between EAR and other government agency programs, industry, and international programs, and suggests new ways that EAR can help train the next generation of Earth scientists, support young investigators, and increase the participation of underrepresented groups in the field.
Mining technology & engineeringNovember 2009
Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design
by John Read, Peter Stacey
Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design is a comprehensive account of the open pit slope design process. Created as an outcome of the Large Open Pit (LOP) project, an international research and technology transfer project on rock slope stability in open pit mines, this book provides an up-to-date compendium of knowledge of the slope design processes that should be followed and the tools that are available to aid slope design practitioners. This book links innovative mining geomechanics research into the strength of closely jointed rock masses with the most recent advances in numerical modelling, creating more effective ways for predicting rock slope stability and reliability in open pit mines. It sets out the key elements of slope design, the required levels of effort and the acceptance criteria that are needed to satisfy best practice with respect to pit slope investigation, design, implementation and performance monitoring. Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design comprises 14 chapters that directly follow the life of mine sequence from project commencement through to closure. It includes: information on gathering all of the field data that is required to create a 3D model of the geotechnical conditions at a mine site; how data is collated and used to design the walls of the open pit; how the design is implemented; up-to-date procedures for wall control and performance assessment, including limits blasting, scaling, slope support and slope monitoring; and how formal risk management procedures can be applied to each stage of the process. This book will assist in meeting stakeholder requirements for pit slopes that are stable, in regards to safety, ore recovery and financial return, for the required life of the mine.
Technology, Engineering & AgricultureNovember 2014
CESMM4: Examples
by N/A
This new edition of CESMM4 Examples provides a comprehensive range of examples of diagrams and bills of quantities, based on Section 8, Work Classification, of the updated CESMM4: Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement. The numerous examples of bills of quantities illustrate the application of the rules of measurement in all 26 classes of CESMM4. The diagrams include a selection of helpful short cuts for engineers and surveyors preparing bills of quantities. CESMM4 does not require any new learning or changes to business practices. The latest update to CESMM incorporates all the newest technologies and is contract neutral for the first time. It can be used across contract suites including with NEC, FIDIC and ICC contracts. The diagrams within CESMM4 Examples include some helpful shortcuts for engineers and surveyors preparing bills of quantities. This edition has been published in a larger format to enable the diagrams to be more easily interpreted. CESMM4 Examples builds upon the success of previous editions in providing quick easy reference examples of the usage of CESMM3.