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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        A tale about two brothers and a sister

        by Dara Kornii

        The World was beautiful and happy then. There was no hatred, malice, or envy. The earth gave birth generously, the sun shone gently, the sky poured with a bountiful rain, and children grew in harmony with nature. The Creator admired his beloved creation. Two brothers, Morok and Zhytnyk, and the youngest sister Veselka grew up in one glorious family. They were beautiful children, generously gifted with talents. Everything changed when one of the brothers wanted to feel like God and shed the first innocent blood. And the other brother did not stop him. Evil, envy, hatred, and temptation entered the World. The Creator knew in advance how everything would end for this World and decided to destroy people. But not everything is so simple, because this is a fairy tale. Who or what saved people from death? Why is it so important to value other people's lives, love the land you walk on, and reject temptations, even if they promise you omnipotence?

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 1996


        Ben Jonson

        by Tom Cain

        Set in Ancient Rome, "Poetaster" offers one of the first and most subtle statements in English of the Augustan cultural ideal. Jonson contrasts Augustus' wise rule with an English polity dominated (like the stage) by malice, intrigue and envy. This text examines these different strands so skilfully interwoven by Jonson, and argues for a reassessment of "Poetaster" as one of the most ideologically interesting of all early modern plays. The accompanying explanatory notes guide the reader through the personal and political illusions which gave the play its immediate satirical impact. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2021

        Batalha das Velas

        A Rota dos Espiões

        by Manu & Deepak

        This book is the first volume in a series of comic books about the spice trade and the spirit of navigation with all its vivid humor. The dominance of the Arabs in the spice trade and the envy of the Portuguese and Spaniards define the script and plot of the story, covering the maritime trade from 1440 to 1500. The story is inspired by the adventures and navigation techniques of Ahmed bin Majid, the great Arab navigator. Medieval history, mythology and archetypes are adapted to the modern world to facilitate the narration of the story and generate interest. He uses anachronisms and discourses of contemporary media to create comedy. In this volume, Prince Henry hires Chung Chung, the Chinese traveler to steal Majid's map, but Majid's cunning prevails. Majid also gives a lesson to the 41 pirates and their captain, Black Fin.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A Long Long Name

        by TANG Sulan

        Is there a best name in the world? A blue fox always envies others’name. On his trip, he asked Frog, Squirrel and other animals for names. His name became longer and longer, and harder to remember as well. The story tells us, if it suits you most, then it is the best.

      • Trusted Partner

        But Why Me?!

        by Noga Marron

        The original Hebrew edition of But Why Me?!, which has been published so far in six reprints, has been successfully established as a proven help for young readers to enhance their self-image by pointing out that nobody is perfect and that “the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence”. Many educators are using it in workshops and via guided reading, to assist their students in coping with personal problems.  The book contains twenty scenarios, each focusing on a different child. In these scenarios, despite the child’s personal advantages he or she is preoccupied with a certain personal difficulty, and envies the child in the following scene. In the last scenario we meet a child who aspires to be like the one in the first… With its rhyming text and lighthearted illustrations, the book succeeds in coping cheerfully with this serious subject matter. Since 1987 Jerusalem-born Noga Marron has published a total of 32 books, mostly for grade school students and young adults. She has worked for many years as a teacher, a school principal, and board member of the Teachers’ Association of Israel. Ms Marron has a B.A. degree in literature and education from Bar-Ilan University. 48 pages, full-color hardcover, beautiful color drawings,14.5X21.5cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Mais pourquoi moi ?!

        by Noga Marron

        Mais pourquoi moi ?! par Noga Marron Concernant l'édition originale en hébreu de Mais pourquoi moi ?!, qui a déjà été publiée avec six réimpressions, il a été positivement établi qu'elle aide vraiment les jeunes lecteurs à rehausser leur propre estime en soulignant que personne n'est parfait et que « l'herbe n'est pas forcement plus verte de l'autre côté de la barrière ». De nombreux éducateurs utilisent ce livre dans des ateliers et, au moyen de lectures dirigées, aident leurs élèves à surmonter leurs problèmes personnels. Le livre contient vingt scénarios, consacrés chacun à un enfant différent. Dans ces scénarios, l'enfant, en dépit de ses avantages personnels, est préoccupé par une certain difficulté personnelle et il, ou elle, envie l'enfant de la scène suivante. Dans le dernier scénario, on rencontre un enfant qui voudrait bien être l'enfant du premier scénario… Avec son texte en rimes et ses amusantes illustrations, le livre réussit à affronter gaiement le sujet sérieux qu'il attaque. Depuis 1987, Noga Marron, née à Jérusalem, a publié un total de 32 livres, surtout adressés aux écoliers et aux jeunes adultes. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années dans l'enseignement, professeur puis directrice et membre du Comité Directeur de l'Association des Enseignants en Israël. Mme Marron a une licence en littérature et éducation de l'Université Bar Ilan.

      • Trusted Partner

        THE KETER

        by Amnon Shamosh

        Amnon Shamosh The Aleppo Codex (the Hebrew term "Keter," literally meaning "crown," signifies a codex of the Bible, as opposed to a scroll) is the earliest known manuscript comprising the full text of the Bible. In all probability, it is also the most authoritative, accurate, and sacred source document, both for the biblical text and for its vocalization, cantillation, and "Massorah" (literally "transmission" of the Bible, the oral and written tradition by which the holy scriptures have been preserved and passed on from generation to generation). As such, the Aleppo Codex has achieved a position of preeminence among Hebraic and Judaic manuscripts, and is of greater religious and scholarly import than any other manuscript of the Bible. A time-honored tradition invests the Codex with a unique aura of authority, reverence, and sanctity, and maintains that this was the manuscript consulted by Maimonides in setting down the exact rules for writing scrolls of the Torah (deduced from his comment: "I used it as a basis for the copy of the 'Sefer Torah', which I wrote according to the Law"). The Rabbis and elders of the Aleppo community guarded the Codex jealously for some six hundred years. The drama (if not the trauma) of its loss during the 1947 anti-Jewish riots in Aleppo when the local synagogue was set on fire, turned to joy and relief when it was rediscovered (albeit partially) thanks to intensive, dramatic rescue efforts, and brought to Jerusalem. Born in Syria in 1929, Amnon Shamosh immigrated to Tel Aviv as a child, and later became one of the founding members of Kibbutz Ma'ayan Baruch, where he resides today. A graduate of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, author of both poetry and prose for children and adults, his work has been translated into English, Spanish, and French, and one of his novels was made into a mini-series for television. Amnon Shamosh is a recipient of the Agnon Prize, named after the celebrated Israeli Nobel Laureate in Literature, the Shalom-Aleichem Prize, the Prime Minister's Prize for Creativity, the President of Israel's Award for Literature, and numerous other literary awards.

      • Trusted Partner

        Marianne de la Neige

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Marianne de la Neige   Roman psychologique sur les victimes du traumatisme du combat   par Hadassa Ashdot Psychologue de l'armée, Hadassa Ashdot, nous livre un roman émouvant sur le pouvoir guérisseur de l'amour et du désir, de la haine aveugle et tueuse qui détruit ce qui est bon, sur la forte envie de liberté sans limite, opposée aux restrictions culturelles et sociales et aux tabous, et sur la perte profonde cédant la place à la lumière et l'espoir.   L'histoire tourne autour de trois combattants israéliens – Nadav, un médecin et membre désillusionné du kibboutz, et ses amis David, un soldat de carrière qui fait partie des « socialement désavantagé » d'Israël, et Osama, un commandant d'unité, venant d'un petit village druze et membre de cette unique minorité servant dans l'armée israélienne.   Les trois se cachent dans une forêt de cyprès au Liban, Osama, grièvement blessé, en attente d'un hélicoptère de l'armée venant les chercher pour les sauver. Durant ces quatre jours d'attente désespérée, la forêt dans laquelle ils avaient trouvé refuge devient un piège mortel fatidique et symbolique dans lequel leurs vies et leurs sorts sont entremêlés. Le temps que l'hélicoptère arrive, deux des hommes meurent et Nadav, le protagoniste, vit le traumatisme de la perte de ses amis durant la guerre.   Secoué par la mort de ses amis et l'expérience horrible de la guerre, Nadav quitte Marianne, la fille qu'il aime et part vers un voyage de purification personnelle dans l'Himalaya. Mais aucun salut ne l'attend là-bas. Après avoir été enseveli sous une avalanche, de laquelle il a été secouru, meurtri et cassé, il sombre dans les ténèbres et la dépression, supportant des années de mort vivante et tombant dans le gouffre du désespoir. L'amour, finalement, s'avère être la lumière au bout du tunnel à travers laquelle Nadav fait son chemin de retour à la vie – l'amour, la seule force capable de guérir la blessure profonde causée par la guerre. Marianne, volontaire finlandaise dans le kibboutz, est la femme que Nadav a aimée et quittée; mais néanmoins, elle l'accompagne à travers les neiges de l'Himalaya dans lesquelles il cherche un refuge, dans une tentative de se libérer de la peine et de la culpabilité de la mort de ses amis. Nadav redécouvre Marianne dans l'affection calme d'une personne ayant atteint l'âge adulte, dans les neiges de Finlande, elle est le baume qui l'aide finalement à apaiser les blessures de guerre. Sur l'auteur Hadassa Ashdot, voir Identité Empruntée ci-dessus

      • Children's & YA

        Journey to the Land of Men

        by Mónica-Ramón Ríos

        Journey to the Land of Men follows Gege, a skilled orphan raised by a sword master near Puna in Los Andes. In a post-apocalyptic future, the Southern Globe (formerly South America) is governed by women who nurture the Earth with mestizo knowledge. Invading armies of men threaten their peaceful existence due to outdated extractive economies. Gege becomes crucial in the conflict, joining a group of young warriors to uncover the enemy's leaders. With Ena, the future leader of the Southern Globe and Gege's love interest, they embark on a dangerous mission dragged as men. Tragedy strikes when Gege's teacher is killed, fueling suspicions of a traitor. As they journey through Central America towards the Caribbean, they liberate cities and face perilous landscapes. As they reach Florida and then New York with the help of an underground organization, Gege discovers Ena's identity as a trans woman, who has travel to undergo sex change. In love, Gege supports Ena, but soon learns Ena's family is responsible for her teacher's death. Driven and confused, Gege ventures alone to the enemy's stronghold, enduring torture and uncovering shocking truths about her own identity: her mother, the leader who liberated the Southern Globe came from across the Atlantic and was betrayed by Ena’s mother, the current leader. Gege escapes with unexpected help from Ena and her surviving teacher, unleashing her latent powers to eliminate the enemy. She sets sail across the Atlantic to explore her ancestral roots, entrusting Ena with leading the Southern Globe.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021


        Violence against women

        by Julia Cruschwitz, Carolin Haentjes

        In Germany, 132 women were murdered by their (ex-)partners over the past year, according to police statistics. An attempted murder happened every other day – the real figure is in all probability much higher. Julia Cruschwitz and Carolin Haentjes unveil their book on femicides in Germany with research from interviews with academics, criminologists, police officers, social workers, lawyers, survivors, witnesses and relatives and their analysis of scientific reports. Their work highlights how the issue of femicides affects the whole of society, but there are sensible ways to protect women more effectively from male violence. All we must do is take steps to follow these.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2017

        Jackie Chan:Never Grow Up, Only Get Older

        by Jackie Chan, Zhu Mo

        This is an autobiography of Chinese Kongfu star Jackie Chan. The book is a true recording of this international superstar’s growth and life experience for the last 50 years. It tells us the legendary actor’s stories, and also reflects a fantastic acting age.

      • Fiction
        April 2024

        Moons of Instanbul

        by Sophie Goldberg

        Ventura, a beautiful young Turkish woman, travels to Mexico because her family has arranged her marriage to a fellow Sephardic immigrant. With a trunk full of hopes and traditions, she bravely faces the unknown, as she embarks on a surprising journey to start a new life, far from her homeland. The arrival, the nostalgia, the heart-wrenching uprooting and the adoption of a new homeland will mark her adventure as a migrant, until the long-awaited return to Turkey. Ventura will live each event with intensity and will season her days with the aromas, flavors, rhythms, colors and proverbs from the Far East. Amid recipes and customs inherited from her ancient culture, she will find the best antidote to homesickness, even if her memory cannot forget the Moons of Istanbul.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Release the Wound

        Una oportunidad de vida

        by Gina Goldfeder

        Release the Wound is about letting go of our primal wounds as a path towards building a new identity. The result of many years of practice, this book teaches readers how to overcome the challenge and succeed in rebuilding their selves. It invites readers to let go of the role of the victim and resignify who we really are. For many, unresolved trauma develops an existence of their own and converses with us, becoming our accomplice in the practice of justifying why we cannot live a fulfilling life, no matter how much we want to Release the Wound is an invitation to defeat the victim and start anew. Using examples from many cases from her private practice, and building from the deep understanding taught by experts and professionals, Dr. Golfeder's book includes three main sections: Part One describes the meaning of the primal emotional wound, its origin, and how we identify ourselves with it. Part Two offers specific tools to release the wound and strenghten the creation of a new personal identity. Part Three is about practices and disciplines to enjoy life from a new point of view. This book is centered on the process of knowing, honoring, and learning to release the wound and turn it into a new opportunity for life. The tools devised and described by the author are a compilation of different therapeutic approaches and years of work in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2017

        Vivien Leigh

        Actress and icon

        by Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This edited volume provides new readings of the life and career of iconic actress Vivien Leigh (1913-67), written by experts from theatre and film studies and curators from the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The collection uses newly accessible family archives to explore the intensely complex relationship between Vivien Leigh's approach to the craft of acting for stage and screen, and how she shaped, developed and projected her public persona as one of the most talked about and photographed actresses of her era. With key contributors from the UK, France and the US, chapters range from analyses of her work on stage and screen to her collaborations with designers and photographers, an analysis of her fan base, her interior designs and the 'public ownership' of Leigh's celebrity status during her lifetime and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner

        Journey in Trumplandia: The Rise of Populism in America

        by Tiberiu Dianu

        The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.

      • Fiction
        September 2018


        Livre 1

        by Laetitia Danae

        Rozenn is a djinn. For many years, her kind suffered from the domination of the dagnirs, but if slavery is abolished, freedom still has a bitter taste. What if a royal union could help to get over this painful past? The djinns have their blood, the essence of their power, taken by the dagnirs. Envy, fear? The dagnirs did all they could to maintain the djinns submissive. Rozenn, princess, had to meet the Sultan’s sons and find a husband to help their people overcome their differences. But once in the capital, she realizes that the Sultan is not ready to give up his ascendancy over the djinns. She will have to swim between plots, lies, but one thing is sure: she will do everything to free her kind.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        October 2020

        The Voice of Portraits

        by Aurora Villalba

        Did the Dorias really have everything a family could want? Will Lucia still believe this years later? Lucia believed the Dorias were the perfect family. They seemed to have everything anyone could want: beauty, fame, and money. Just being near them made her feel safe and secure. However, the passing years reveal a very differ- ent reality to that which several family objects have borne witness: a wedding invitation, a pregnancy test, an urn that once held someone’s ashes, and a family photograph. The photograph is as tattered as Lucia’s life upon reach- ing adulthood. At twenty-five, she thought she had severed all ties with the Doria family, but one day she receives an invitation to a wedding from Alejandra Doria. Will Lucia attend?

      • Women's Fiction

        SHE AND HERS

        by Mara Charmanta

        In this women’s short stories collection, you could stay so close to each woman’s lives, secrets, hidden truths and thoughts that seem impossible to be spoken out or put into words. Each story seems so different and separate, but at the same time, so charmingly and familiar. Those stories carry us away while at the same time, some figures of the women that impacted our lives may appear right before our eyes: our grandmother, mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, lover, daughter, the girl sitting right next to us on the subway and moreover… even our own selves. It works like a spectrum of souls and humanities, exploring the subtle, complicated inner world of the women and the intricate, intertwined relationship among them. Through those affairs and trial matters in the daily lives, we could see each live soul and read their characters, independent, generous, confessions, greed, envy, selfish, betray, redemption, dedication, love, friendship and every single feminine side.

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