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      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        Gli insegnamenti spirituali del grande poeta mistico persiano


        A journey into the poetic and spiritual world of the great Sufi mystic Rumi, who lived in the thirteenth century, considered not only a poet but also a prophet and a saint, so much so that for many Muslims he is a new Mohammed; for many Christians, a new Jesus; for many Jews, a new Moses.His message - love is the essence of all things - can be compared to St. Francis' and Dante's, his contemporaries; but there is also evident affinity with the thinking of Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato. The book, through a selection of evocative verses by Rumi, explores the path connecting it with Dante's work, explaining how the treasure of doctrines and ecstatic techniques still preserve a very modern flavor. This is because Rumi's approach, free and universal, transcends the specifics of the individual religions. TOPICSIncludes practical instructions on meditative techniques used by Rumi.Gives an unprecedented experiential and spiritual angle unlike studies on Rumi that have a predominantly literary and historical approach.

      • November 2020


        The shamanic path to overcome illusion and fear


        Each card helps you to improve your future, teaches you a shamanic ritual, helps you overcome obstacles and supports you when taking important decisions. Eachcard is a great act of imaginal life coaching, a living meditation, an ode to life, a poem for the soul able to vanish doubts and fears, a triumph of forces coming from within you as well as from millenary wisdom, narrated by one of the most important and revolutionaryrepresentatives of the imaginal method and of shamanism globally. These cards will empower your freedom as they represent a bridge between you and the world’s soul. They are a revelatory instrument, which answers your questions by intensifying your awareness, amplifying your sight and allowing you to see other perspectives.Moreover, each card will provide you with a “new course” formula, developed by Siberian hereditary shamans as a tool to support personal and social rebirth following the great rite of passage offered by the global pandemic, which has indelibly left its mark on humanity and the life of everyone. This deck of card is a powerful tool to understand more deeply what is happening in the world and how to see beyond it.


        free the hero inside yourself


        Archetypes are a valuable evolutionary tool that allows us to develop our potential. in fact the journey through the different archetypal figures is a path through our qualities and our characteristics and it is also a unique opportunity to be able to review and also rebalance those aspects which, for one reason or another, we have not been able to express to our best. Thus the journey through the archetypes is a journey through ourselves, that traces our lives and our experiences in search of new meanings. it is a heroic journey, intended to awaken us, to make us open our eyes on something much more real, deep and rich, than what we are used to seeing. This book, through the analysis of twelve archetypal figures (the innocent, the orphan, the Warrior,the Angel, the Seeker, the lover, the Destroyer, the Creator, the ruler, the Magician, the Sage, the Fool) that each one of us will discover within himself/herself, in different proportions, intends to stimulate change, awaken ourselves from the deep sleep in which we are immersed, allowing us to find a new, more authentic reality, along with a completely different view of ourselves. TOPICS• A book for those who are not only happy to live but who also want to grow.• Many self-assessment tests on the presence of the archetype.

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2019


        come scoprire ciò che devi fare e farlo con decisione


        The Japanese word “Ikigai” can be translated as “that, which makes life worth living”. Dedicating our days to what for us is really worth experiencing, to the things that, as soon as we’ve opened our eyes in the morning, fill us with the energy and the  enthusiasm we need to face the coming day is the best condition in which to exist.This book is a practical guide. It does not rely on theory, but provides concrete practices that anyone can do, easily and autonomously. Readers will be astonished at how much these experiences will reveal. Selene Calloni Williams, an expert in deep psychology,shamanism and life-coaching, renowned worldover for her energy and clarity, provides a path to develop the awareness needed to make your “Ikigai” come true. For only when we are working at it can we discover what our “Ikigai” truly is. An “Ikigai” cannot just be a vision in our mind, for it is far vaster, deeper, absolute than our heavy mind.One can only live it, and only by living it can one come to know it. Living your “Ikigai” is joy, it’s an inexhaustible source of satisfaction, contentment and fulfilment.

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