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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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      • Dylan-Related-Books (Agentur für englishsprachige Dylan-Autoren und Literatur)

        Dylan-Related-Books is a literature agency only for books with a relation to the artist and the many different themes, which he´s able to connect with his songs. It´s about the aim to bring this special field in writing to a German readership, which might get the lyrics in a song, but have some struggle to get through a sophisticated analysis of a song. Dylan-Related-books is also a network of and for Dylan-authors and presents the new books of the Dylan-Kosmos in a series of musical readings, the ONE-MORE-CUP-OF-COFFEE-READINGS. To realize these projects, especially during the culture cutting times of Corona the agency is running a Crowdfunding-Campain which is explore on

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        What Does the Ball Think?

        Why football is not just kicking

        by Johannes Schweikle, Oliver Lück

        A football is a moody thing, and the art of mastering it a highly challenging concern. Whether fan or philosopher, football is a fascination, and its various facets are revealed in this anthology with memorable, intelligent and curious contributions. How and with what (human rights-violating) methods did Qatar prepare for the World Cup? Actress Christiane Paul explains why she supports FC Bayern. Herman van Veen explains the difference between Dutch and German football fans, and the report 'Five balls for Angola' takes readers on a journey to football in Africa. A book for dedicated fans and critical football observers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2011

        The Transformation of European Football

        Towards the Europeanisation of the national game

        by Arne Niemann, Borja Garcia, Wyn Grant

        The book examines the transformation of European football in recent years by focusing on the impact of Europe in general and the EU in particular on the way that the game has evolved in a broad cross section of European states. The book brings together two significant research agendas: first, that on the governance of sport in Europe/the European Union; secondly, that within European integration studies on 'Europeanisation' (most commonly understood at the process of change in the domestic arena resulting from European integration). The concept of Europeanisation and in particular' top down' Europeanisation is used to shape the individual country case studies. Other transformational factors such as globalization are also assessed. The three chapters in the introductory section set the context within which the transformation of European football has occurred with particular emphasis on the role of UEFA and EU institutions. The ten country studies in the central part of the book include the five leading football nations in Europe and smaller countries that are facing new challenges in the competitive environment of modern European football. They include an example of a country that is a recent accession state and one outside the EU. What emerges from these chapters is both the shaping influence of Europeanisation but also the extent to which it is countered and modified by national culture and structures. What is also noticeable the sense of decline amongst some of the small and even larger footballing nations in the continent. This book will be of interest to students of European politics, sports governance and football, it also represents a substantial contribution to the debate on Europeanisation. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Football: the game that changed the world

        by Laurent Nicolet and Lev Virovets

        Is it true that the first football players in Russia entertained the public between bicycle races? Why did bachelors and married men have to play against each other? Is it possible to cheat, to deceive the referee and win the world championship? What teams did the Little Mozart, Black Spider and Black Panther play for? Most people never ask such questions, while the authors of this book have not only asked them, but also found the answers. This is an exciting history of football from the very beginning till present day, for both children and adults, either long-standing fans or those trying to understand what inspires their friends and family.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2014

        An ethnography of English football fans

        by Geoff Pearson

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Soccer Gang (4). A Strong Player For The Team

        by Frauke Nahrgang/ Nikolai Renger

        Even the best team can’t win if the defence is weak. And that’s not surprising, because Finn the attacker now has to play as a defender. The Soccer Gang urgently needs to get a boost! Of all people, it’s Gregor – who knows nothing whatsoever about football – who knows somebody: Leo, a defender, has moved to the town. Could Leo be the answer to the Soccer Gang’s problem?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        Fifi, La Footballeuse

        by Mary G Mbabazi

        Fifi la footballeuse est une histoire pour enfants qui parle d’une jeune fille passionnée de football.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        The fall and rise of the English upper class

        Houses, kinship and capital since 1945

        by Daniel R. Smith

        The fall and rise of the English upper class explores the role traditionalist worldviews, articulated by members of the historic upper-class, have played in British society in the shadow of her imperial and economic decline in the twentieth century. Situating these traditionalist visions alongside Britain's post-Brexit fantasies of global economic resurgence and a socio-cultural return to a green and pleasant land, Smith examines Britain's Establishment institutions, the estates of her landed gentry and aristocracy, through to an appetite for nostalgic products represented with pastoral or pre-modern symbolism. It is demonstrated that these institutions and pursuits play a central role in situating social, cultural and political belonging. Crucially these institutions and pursuits rely upon a form of membership which is grounded in a kinship idiom centred upon inheritance and descent: who inherits the houses of privilege, inherits England.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2023

        Sleep and its spaces in Middle English literature

        Emotions, ethics, dreams

        by Megan Leitch

        Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2023

        Poison on the early modern English stage

        Plants, paints and potions

        by Lisa Hopkins, Bill Angus

        Many early modern plays use poison, most famously Hamlet, where the murder of Old Hamlet showcases the range of issues poison mobilises. Its orchard setting is one of a number of sinister uses of plants which comment on both the loss of horticultural knowledge resulting from the Dissolution of the Monasteries and also the many new arrivals in English gardens through travel, trade, and attempts at colonisation. The fact that Old Hamlet was asleep reflects unease about soporifics troubling the distinction between sleep and death; pouring poison into the ear smuggles in the contemporary fear of informers; and it is difficult to prove. This book explores poisoning in early modern plays, the legal and epistemological issues it raises, and the cultural work it performs, which includes questions related to race, religion, nationality, gender, and humans' relationship to the environment.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Passing into the present

        Contemporary American fiction of racial and gender passing

        by Sinead Moynihan

        This book is the first full-length study of contemporary American fiction of passing. Its takes as its point of departure the return of racial and gender passing in the 1990s in order to make claims about wider trends in contemporary American fiction. The book accounts for the return of tropes of passing in fiction by Phillip Roth, Percival Everett, Louise Erdrich, Danzy Senna, Jeffrey Eugenides and Paul Beatty, by arguing meta-critical and meta-fictional tool. These writers are attracted to the trope of passing because passing narratives have always foregrounded the notion of textuality in relation to the (il)legibility of "black" subjects passing as white. The central argument of this book, then, is that contemporary narratives of passing are concerned with articulating and unpacking an analogy between passing and authorship. The title promises to inaugurate dialogue on the relationships between passing, postmodernism and authorship in contemporary American fiction.

      • Trusted Partner

        Theory and Clinical Practice of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion (in Chinese and English)

        by Chen Shaozong

        For decades, Prof. Chen Shaozong has been dedicating to the research on the modern acupuncture and moxibustion system that is different from the traditional paradigm. As early as 1990, he published Theory and Clinical Application of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The book is the prototype of the modern acupuncture and moxibustion system, though it contains merely 100,000 Chinese characters. 21 years later in 2011, Prof. Chen Shaozong published Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion that contains nearly 1 million Chinese characters with more informative content and a more comprehensive theoretical system. At the same time, as acupuncture and moxibustion grows into a more international discipline, the European and American community of acupuncture and combustion is going beyond the study of traditional acupuncture and moxibustion to start exploring into the acupuncture and moxibustion system in the context of modern science and technology. In recent years, they have gradually developed "western acupuncture and moxibustion" represented by "dry needling". As a response to the huge challenges brought by the evolution of western acupuncture and moxibustion, we published the six-volume Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Prof. Chen Shaozong in 2018. Containing more than 3 million Chinese characters, this book features richer content and a further improved theoretical system.   A few foreign universities have expressed their hope to have a compact edition of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Chinese and English languages based on the original edition so that they can use it as a textbook in teaching. This is how this Theory and Clinical Practice of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion (in Chinese and English) comes into being. It is believed that the publication of this book not only benefits the international exchange and communication on acupuncture and moxibustion, but also produces positive impact on the orientation of the discipline.

      • Trusted Partner
        Social issues: war & conflict issues (Children's/YA)
        October 2019

        Noticias al margen

        by María José Ferrada, Andrés López Martínez

        Disappearances, ecological disasters and humanitarian crisis are most of the time less important topics in the news —or in our everyday life— compared to movie premieres or the result of football matches. The relevance of this matters, require our urgent reflection.

      • Trusted Partner

        THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics

        by HUGO N. GERSTL

        America is being systematically destroyed – not by terrorists from without, but by vested interests from within! It’s being destroyed by politicians, talk show hosts, media moguls, and populist rabble rousers who seek to preserve their “territory” at any cost – by obstructing the passage of beneficial laws, by scandalous lies and accusations, by negative campaigning, and by gratuitous insults. These “saviors” pose absolutely no constructive ideas of their own to resolve the morass in which our country now finds itself. The politicians think no further than getting themselves elected or re-elected. The lure of $100,000 in lecture fees is a powerful aphrodisiac. The lure of power is an even greater aphrodisiac. Politicians, fearmongers, “talking heads,” and captains of industry revel in their fame, their glory, and their self-styled wisdom when the country is in greater debt than any other nation in history, and when we are more and more quickly slipping toward becoming a third world nation each year. If the public starts putting two and two together, the answer should come out “four.” But so far, the “average” American can still be led to believe that 2+2 equals whatever number the spin masters want to make it. What is even worse, more than 40% of Americans are buying into the politics of fear, dissension, and abuse without stopping for even a moment to consider exactly what these political hatemongers are offering in exchange for turning one faction out and securing the benefits of power for themselves. But regardless of political infighting or outfighting, what we are doing is akin to two fleas fighting over who owns the dog. We don’t seem to realize that we have run out of time and money; that we no longer have the luxury of political gamesmanship and needless, stupid bickering. While this timely book points the finger at who’s to blame, it also goes one step further and tells how America, the most powerful nation on earth, can take back control of its destiny and cure its own disease!   HUGO N. GERSTL earned a degree in political science and history at UCLA, then went on to graduate from the UCLA School of Law. He turned down an invitation to run for Congress on the Republican ticket as it meant running against his friend and fellow-lawyer, Leon Panetta, who was just finishing his first term in Congress. Gerstl has been a nationally known trial lawyer for forty-six years and remains eternally optimistic about the resilience of the American people. An English eBook Edition was published in fall 2012 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons  INC., C.A. 454 pages, 15x22.5cm

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Pride in prejudice

        by Paul Jackson

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2023

        The politics of male friendship in contemporary American fiction

        by Michael Kalisch

        How might our friendships shape our politics? This book examines how contemporary American fiction has rediscovered the concept of civic friendship and revived a long tradition of imagining male friendship as interlinked with the promises and paradoxes of democracy in the United States. Bringing into dialogue the work of a wide range of authors - including Philip Roth, Paul Auster, Michael Chabon, Jonathan Lethem, Dinaw Mengestu, and Teju Cole - this innovative study advances a compelling new account of the political and intellectual fabric of the American novel today.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2021

        Bad English

        by Rachael Gilmour

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