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Literasia Creativa
Literasia is a creative agency established in 2019. We are focusing on bringing the best literary talents and creative creators from Southeast Asia to the world stage.
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Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos
by Amnon Shamosh
Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos por Amnon Shamosh “Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos” es una saga familiar, escrita por el muy bien conocido escritor Israelí Amnon Shamosh. La historia es semi biográfica y toma lugar de forma parcial en Alepo, Siria, el lugar de nacimiento del autor. El libro describe la vida, las luchas, y la dispersión de una adinerada familia de sirio-judíos durante el curso de tres generaciones, comenzando a los mediados de los años 30. La historia de la familia Ezra Safra es la historia de una familia judía del medio oriente y sus valores básicos tradicionales, los cuales son constantemente desafiados por otras normas, ya sean circunstanciales como universales. Sacudida por levantamientos locales como globales, la familia encabezada por Michel y su hermosa esposa Linda, es obligada a abandonar su hogar, la ciudad de Alepo, durante los disturbios generados por la resolución de las Naciones Unidas a finales de 1947, de establecer el estado judío en Palestina. Michel, un hombre práctico, continúa manejando su imperio económico. Su poder sobre sus hijos parece desvanecerse, sin embargo, aunque aún disfruta de su respeto y cariño. Rachmo, el hijo mayor y su aparente heredero, dirige la sucursal del negocio familiar en Paris, pero su comportamiento como hombre de familia no cumple con los estándares de sus padres. Alberto, el hermano menor, aborrece el negocio familiar y rehuye el curso que se espera que tome. Encuentra una salida en las actividades sionistas clandestinas, incluyendo el “contrabando” de judíos hacia Palestina. Los otros 5 hijos e hijas Safra emigran a Europa, Estados Unidos e Israel. Lo que más preocupa, obsesiona y perturba a Michel, no es la situación financiera de su imperio, sino el grave “pecado” que ha cometido. Cuando la vieja sinagoga de Alepo fue incendiada, Michel rescató los rollos de la Torá “Aram de Soba” y logró rescatarlos del fuego. Se llevó un pedazo de su más preciado y sagrado rollo y secretamente lo guardó en una caja fuerte en Niza, Francia. Mientras su tesoro está protegido, Michel interpreta las tragedias que sufre su familia como un castigo divino. A través de la novela, el lector sigue a Michel a través de sus viajes por el mundo, estableciendo asuntos familiares como comerciales. Sin embargo sufre de una débil salud y de culpa de conciencia. La vida de su hijo Alberto, ahora un influyente miembro de una comunidad colectiva en Israel, es completamente ajeno a él. La saga de la familia Ezra Safra llega a su final cuando Michel muere de tristeza unos pocos días después de la muerte de su nieto durante la guerra de los Seis Días en 1967. Más tarde, Rachmo, que tomó parte en el secreto de su padre, muere de un ataque al corazón al saber que el rollo en Niza ha sido robado. Linda concuerda unirse con sus hijos en Israel, pero rechaza vivir con ellos. Ella escoge vivir una vida solitaria, rodeada de fotos y memorias del pasado. La novela “Michel Ezra Safra” fue llevada a la televisión como una mini-serie, teniendo un altísimo éxito. Amnon Shamosh nació en Siria en 1929, inmigró a Tel Aviv de niño, y llegó a ser posteriormente uno de los miembros fundadores de Kibutz Ma'ayan Baruch, donde reside hasta hoy en día. Se graduó en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén .Es autor tanto de poesía como de prosa para niños y adultos, su trabajo se ha traducido al inglés, al español, y al francés, y una de sus novelas fue llevada a la televisión en forma de miniserie. Amnon Shamosh ha sido galardonado con el Premio "Agnon", denominado con ese nombre en honor al laureado célebre israelí Nóbel de Literatura, el Premio "Shalom-Aleichem", el Premio del Primer Ministro de creatividad, el Premio de literatura del presidente de Israel, y numerosos premios de literatura adicionales.
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El KETER: el Códice de Alepo
by Amnon Shamosh
El KETER: el Códice de Alepo por Amnon Shamosh El códice de Alepo (el término hebreo "Keter", cuyo significado literal es "corona", simboliza un códice de la Biblia, a diferencia de un rollo manuscrito) es el primer manuscrito conocido que incluye el texto completo de la Biblia. Sin lugar a dudas se trata del documento de origen sagrado más fidedigno y preciso, por su texto bíblico y por su vocalización, cantilación bíblica, y "Massorah" (literalmente "transmisión" de la Biblia, la tradición oral y escrita gracias a la cual las escrituras sagradas se han preservado y transmitido de generación en generación). Como tal, el códice de Alepo ha logrado una posición de preeminencia entre los manuscritos hebraicos y judaicos y es de gran trascendencia religiosa y erudita, más que cualquier otro manuscrito de la Biblia. Una antigua tradición confiere al códice un aura única de autoridad, reverencia y santidad y sostiene que Maimónides lo consultó al establecer las reglas exactas para escribir manuscritos de la Torá (esto se deduce de su comentario: "lo he utilizado como base para el ejemplar del 'Sefer Torá', que escribí según la ley"). Los rabinos y ancianos de la comunidad de Aleppo protegieron celosamente el códice durante unos seiscientos años. La desgracia (si no el trauma) que representó su pérdida durante los disturbios antijudíos en Alepo en 1947, cuando la sinagoga local fue incendiada, se tornó en alegría y alivio al ser redescubierto (aunque no completo) gracias a intensivos y espectaculares esfuerzos de rescate y finalmente fue traído a Jerusalén. Amnon Shamosh nació en Siria en 1929, inmigró a Tel Aviv de niño y llegó a ser posteriormente uno de los miembros fundadores de Kibutz Ma'ayan Baruj, donde reside hasta la fecha. Se graduó en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén y ha escrito tanto poesía como prosa para niños y adultos. Sus obras se han traducido al inglés, al español y al francés y una de sus novelas fue llevada a la televisión en forma de miniserie. Amnon Shamosh ha sido galardonado con el Premio "Agnón" denominado en honor del célebre Premio Nóbel de Literatura israelí, el Premio "Shalom-Aleijem", el Premio del Primer Ministro a la Creatividad, el Premio de Literatura del Presidente de Israel y otros numerosos premios literarios.
Andreaa Constantin
by Esteban Torres Lana
A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.
Health & Personal Development
And Then There Was Light
by Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez
Faced unexpectedly with Lyme Disease, Spanish Architect Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez must face illness and abandonment, while at the same time trying to take care of her two small children. She struggles to find help and treatment from doctors, until the combination of finding the right physician, and an iron will to overcome adversity through meditation and non traditional healing, puts her back on the road to full health. As the author says in her own words: "I wrote this book with a single purpose in mind: make it into a song of hope for anybody who is ill and feels defeated by pain, and have lost the will to live." This book is not about illness, is about recovery and new beginnings
The Countess and the Organ Player
by Cesia Hirshbein
In the historical context of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the height of the Romantic era, the 19th century, Anton Bruckner, the famous Austrian composer and organist, falls in love with the imposing Countess Henriette. She had been appointed lady-in-waiting to Princess Charlotte of Belgium, the wife of Prince Maximilian of Habsburg, to attend to her during the couple's Mexican endeavor. They had been named Emperor and Empress of Mexico and would embark on a journey to America for this mission. Bruckner meets the countess by chance at the funeral of Maximilian, who had been assassinated in Querétaro in 1867, during the so-called Second Mexican Empire. On the recommendation of a musician friend of Henriette's, who sees him at the funeral, she takes piano lessons with Bruckner. When she tells him that she had accompanied the empress to Mexico, the composer becomes enchanted. He admired Maximilian and was passionate about Mexico; he had even wanted to accompany the emperor. Ultimately, the only trips he made were to give organ concerts in London and another at Notre Dame in Paris. Between classes, the countess tells him of the Atlantic crossing, the arrival in Veracruz, and the entrance to Mexico City. Gradually, they grow closer. In one of his concerts, Bruckner meets Franz Liszt, who was a patron of Maximilian's empire in Mexico. Meanwhile, the countess and the organist plan a Requiem, which will be the turning point between them.
Innovación - Para Cabezas Cuadradas
by Edgar Guillermo Solano
“Innovación para Cabezas Cuadradas no es un libro, es una pintura colorida de finos trazos que cuando la tenemos al frente nos invita a ser apreciada, a que seamos creativos y nunca dejemos de tener capacidad de asombro en una búsqueda permanente de lo posible; en su lienzo plasma historias humanas y cotidianas que se desprenden de la experiencia y el conocimiento que con generosidad nos entrega su autor Edgar Guillermo Solano. Con un pincel auténtico y cercano delinea el mundo de las ideas, la observación y la motivación para que no nos dejemos vencer por los obstáculos y podamos transformar el presente y descubrir y encontrar un futuro mejor para las personas, las empresas, las organizaciones y la sociedad ”. “Innovation for Square Heads is not a book, it is a colorful painting with fine lines that when we have it in front of us invites us to be appreciated, to be creative and never cease to have the capacity to wonder in a permanent search for the possible; On his canvas he captures human and everyday stories that emerge from the experience and knowledge that its author Edgar Guillermo Solano generously gives us. With an authentic and close brush he delineates the world of ideas, observation and motivation so that we do not allow ourselves to be overcome by obstacles and we can transform the present and discover and find a better future for people, companies, organizations and the society ".
October 2020
El Lugar de la creatividad
by Daniela Besa, María Solange Moreno
“Este libro te invita a viajar por la ciudad. Mientras lo recorre, puede explorar su potencial creativo, artístico y lúdico. Exprésate con dibujos, pintura, recortes y mucho más ”. Tamaño A4 80 páginas en color y en blanco y negro
Literature & Literary Studies
Profesor Sísifo
by Álex Saldías
Un profesor recién egresado inicia un patético y revelador camino al enfrentarse por primera vez a alumnos desinteresados y a un sistema sin interés por educarlos. Sus ilusiones como docente, la responsabilidad con los estudiantes, su creatividad artística, las posibilidades económicas o sociales son las piedras que empuja durante el año escolar. La fatalidad no está en el peso de esas rocas, sino en la montaña que hace imposible ascender. La inutilidad del esfuerzo humano dentro de un sistema educacional injusto trata de cobrar algún sentido en el caos de esta novela de prosa recursiva y ágil, pero atomizada en guías de aprendizaje, currículums de vida y autoevaluaciones pedagógicas que no tienen una verdadera razón de ser.
October 2020
by Patricia Aravena
Libro silencioso, sobre sueños. Este libro promueve la promoción de la escritura. Funciona como una pizarra, porque puedes escribir y reescribir diferentes historias. Tenemos lectores que se han apropiado de este material y que han escrito y reescrito la historia a partir de la narrativa visual que posee este material. Libro silente, creatividad, imaginación. promueve la escritura creativa debido a sus propiedades físicas.
Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation
Mandalas for the Soul Kids
by Andrea Agudelo
This book was created so that adults can meet their inner child through color and kids can have a different experience with each mandala while they enjoy coloring.
Humanities & Social SciencesAugust 2019
Enseñemos paz, aprendamos paz: la pedagogía al servicio de la cohesión social
by Juan David Enciso
Peace is an idea, an abstract concept, which must be grounded in concrete realities. And building peace involves moving from an initial state, which may or may not be conflict, to a second moment in which people have learned to know, relate, meet, and live together. This book tries to elaborate on the construction of peace from an educational process, in which individuals learn to recognize themselves as subjects of equal dignity and with the capacity to carry out projects oriented to the common good. Similarly, educational settings, the so-called learning environments, are not confined exclusively to the walls of the classroom or the boundaries of formal education institutions: peace education occurs in any environment in which two or more coincide. people with potential conflicts of interest or collective construction.
Health & Personal Development
Los frutos de la inteligencia emocional
¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite
by Mariel Mambretti
This volume will crown your journey, making you a participant in one of the greatest contributions that applied psychology made both to the business world and to all related areas of life: the value of emotional intelligence. From its definition to the means to make the most of it and achieve your ends, you will find the keys to making emotions not a stumbling block, but a weapon for job advancement. Paying attention to the other, giving him a framework of trust and appreciation, stimulating him and accompanying his moods, have been revealed as essential points for the development of all productive activities. Today it is known that whoever smiles and knows how to relate well with their environment is the most capable of climbing positions of great responsibility in the workplace. You will also find suggestions aimed at ensuring that everything obtained in this field results in a particularly full life and suitable for enjoying what has been achieved. These pages are, then, the corollary to make your triumph comprehensive and lasting. Enjoy them!
September 2018
Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte: aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia
by Editor académico: Diego Salcedo Fidalgo. Autores: Karen Cordero Reiman, María Clara Cortés Polanía, Claudia Angélica Reyes Sarmiento, Isabel Cristina Ramírez Botero, Mario Alejandro Molano Vega, Diego Salcedo Fidalgo, Julián Sánchez González, María Margarita Malagón-Kurka, Ana María Franco, Jesús Pedro Lorente, Antonio Sánchez Gómez, Gabriela Gil Verenzuela, Paula Jimena Matiz López, Carlos Rojas Cocoma, Daniel García Roldán, Anne-Marie Losonczy, Jairo Enrique Salazar Chaparro, Mariana Dicker Molano.
Horizontes culturales de la historia del arte. Aportes para una acción compartida en Colombia da cuenta de reflexiones que van desde los silencios u omisiones en la historia del arte, pasando por las conexiones complejas entre estética e historia del arte, hasta las vicisitudes de su práctica en el museo o lugares alternativos. También examina la memoria del arte como nuevo modo de representación, relectura y construcción de subjetividad.
Health & Personal Development2020
Early emotional education
by Gloria Latorre
The family is the first modeler of interpersonal relationships. In it all the richness of the emotional world unfolds. That is why it is key to teach our children from birth to build their own path to inner well-being, through self-knowledge and the skills to manage their emotions. This will help them from the beginning of their lives to connect with the other from empathy and compassion. “This book offers us a journey to recognize the emotions in our relationships. On each page, it offers us pauses to reflect, realize and experiment, allowing true learning. It is a companion for travelers such as parents, teachers, psychologists and for all of us who work in accompaniment ”. Jorge Genzone, President of the Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires
Graphic novels
Supernatural Terror set in the twenties. where seduction, desire y treason weaves a nightmarish fabric of mistery. THRILLER TERROR POLICE/CRIME Diego Felgueroso is a very vital libertine. His life is summed up in drinking, smoking and flirting with girls. He comes to town to work as trumpeter in a Cabaret and he falls for one of the dancers, the enigmatic Satanela. But what begins as a date turn out to be a ghostly encounter where he is taken from his body, confining him on another dimension. Seeking for revenge, Diego would do anything to come back and make Satanela pay for her treason. A window to the Europe of the 20th Simone’s drawing and colour are a masterpiece of light and shadows Thorough documentation that will make travel history lovers
October 2019
Keys to Creative and Innovative Religious Education
by Óscar Armando Pérez Sayago
Este libro brinda valiosas herramientas a padres y maestros sobre la nueva función cultural de la escuela en la enseñanza de la Educación Religiosa. Advierte respecto a la importancia de acompañar y orientar al estudiante para ayudar a comprender el hecho religioso, puesto que hoy más que nunca está expuesto a mucha información desestructurada e indiscriminada, a través de los medios de comunicación, que es importante discernir.
Aprender a pensar en positivo
¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite
by Mariel Mambretti
In this volume, you will learn about the prodigious qualities of the brain, the powerhouse that governs who we are and, above all, how much we can become. Right now, millions of neurons are working for you, flashing, sending out a constant electrical flow. These tiny cells transmit sensations, desires, feelings, but also orders, attitudes, dispositions. Learning to wield that prodigious force to your advantage is at your fingertips. You can do it. Also, the brain can give answers that no computer has. It is proven that this amazing quality can be educated and increased. Whoever trains his ability to think, who knows how to encourage it and use his wealth of intelligence to the fullest, will have that tool available to geniuses, whose brain is potentially similar to everyone's. To achieve this, here you will find exercises and small challenges that will allow you to face the greatest challenges, those that will undoubtedly lead you to the goal.
Health & Personal Development
Trabajo en equipo y liderazgo
¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite
by Mariel Mambretti
This volume has the virtue of focusing on one of the resources that large companies appeal to most today: teamwork. The current complexity of businesses means that they must be approached with a plurality of points of view, which is achieved through a conjunction of different opinions and qualities. You will be able to know the secrets of how to join a good work group and how to make your work perform and look without entering sterile competitions. But at the same time, every human group requires a leader and this aptitude, that of leadership, is another of the most valued today. Here you will learn about the means by which those who created their own business, or lead large corporations, got to get what they needed and expected from others. Skills and attitudes such as persuasion, respect, the wise distribution of rewards and punishments, and the ability to instill enthusiasm will awaken the leader in you. Leadership is learned, earned, deserved. Know how and take action.
Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)2022
Damaged Deer. Anthology
by Rafael Rubio
This poetic anthology by Rafael Rubio, without a doubt one of the most relevant poetic voices nowadays in Chile, is of greatest relevance to invite teenagers to approach to poetry and helping them to face directly their pains and joys, with that which tears the apart and also with that which enlightens their path. This anthology includes a selection of poems made by the author himself. It includes poems published in Arbolando (1998), Luz rabiosa (2007), Mala siembra (2013) and Viernes santo (2019), as well as 17 unpublished poems.
Lifestyle, Sport & LeisureOctober 2019
Cuadernos del fútbol africano
by Alberto Edjogo-Owono
This book talks about Africa and its football, trying to illuminate the overflowing, fierce and profound story of a continent that has been overshadowed too many times. The ball is a reflection of the impulses that run through it, and traces a path through which to approach its people, their stories and their desires. Politics, war or religion are intertwined with leather in every city, in every stadium and on every page. Alberto Edjogo-Owono, international with Equatorial Guinea, makes his debut in the literary world trying to discover where this indomitable land gets the strength to rise up after everything was taken from it.