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Trusted PartnerMay 2024
Fish in Distress
On the careful management of an endangered resource
by Manfred Kriener, Stefan Linzmaier
Consumers stand perplexed at the fish counter. Cod or salmon; mackerel or sea bass? Or perhaps rather carp and trout? How about flounder and dab? Dab what? A terrific flatfish, but sadly hardly anyone has heard of it. And what was it again about organic, aquaculture, wild-caught, and that little blue sustainability certificate? Is catching your own a way out? Before you start thinking it’s time to opt for a chop and fried potatoes instead, read this book. It provides readers with deep blue facts from the world’s waters and analyses the global and local habitat of the finned creature.
Trusted PartnerApril 2022
Silent Killers
How Big Food Risks Our Health
by Wilfried Bommert, Christina Sartori
Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”
Children's & YAApril 2022
The Wild Meadow
Discover the diversity of a hidden world
by Angelika Huber-Janisch, Annette Zacharias
Crawling, chirping, flying and buzzing: a meadow is full of action! And a wild meadow is a fascinating place: A miniature biotope just waiting to be discovered. This book aims to raise awareness among children and adults of how to help preserve what we consider to be everyday, run-of-the-mill meadows, because they are not only home to a wide range of flowers, but innumerable creatures above and below ground. Meadows play a decisive role in a well-functioning ecosystem. This book takes a look at the flowers and plants, fungi and mosses which grow here and which children can then examine more closely on their next walk. And there are various animals and phenomena underground, too – an exciting microcosm whose diversity is little known.
Perma- und Wildniskultur
Mit einfachen Schritten zum Klimaschutz im eigenen Garten
by Johann und Sandra Peham
Das Einsteigerbuch in die Permakultur bzw. die Wildniskultur, die Weiterentwicklung des Permakultur-Konzeptes! Im Zentrum steht die Schaffung oder Bewahrung von natürlichen Kreisläufen im Garten, um eine weitgehende Selbstversorgung sicherzustellen. Die klassische Permakultur bietet viele Elemente wie Biotope, Kräuterspiralen oder Terrassierungen an, um einen Kreislauf im Garten zu schaffen. Die Wildniskultur, die Johann und Sandra Peham in diesem Buch beschreiben, legt noch mehr Wert darauf, was der jeweilige Garten und seine Bewohner benötigen, und zeigt, wie man diejenigen Elemente in den eigenen Garten integriert, die zum Standort und den eigenen Bedürfnissen passen, z. B. statt der Kräuterspirale einen Kräuterhügel.
September 2019
WUESTEN - Lebensraum der Extreme
by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger
The satellite image book WÜSTEN – Lebensraum der Extreme from the series Human Footprint covers a theme that does not seem to be related to the Human Footprint. Nevertheless, during millennia of history humans have developed a wealth of different relations to deserts, despite natural limitations from the lack of water and from extreme temperatures. Deserts are places without liquid water and by that extremely hostile to life. Yet this hostile character has contributed to the fascination exerted by these harsh landscapes over people. The presentation of deserts in this book starts with examples of natural landscapes from the Sahara to the polar desert of Antarctica. Structures such as wadis, yardangs, and sand dunes reflect the forces of water and wind, by which they were formed. The next section highlights margins of deserts and oases, which up to now are of vital importance also for man.
July 2017
Sturmwind der Seele
Eine Lebensreise erzählt von E. M. Tollovich
by E. M. Tollovich
Der Mann von Alice stirbt und nach anfänglicher Verzweiflung beginnt sie, sich dem neuen Lebensabschnitt zu stellen. Durch ihren Beruf hatte sie mit sehr vielen Menschen Kontakt und mit ihrer offenen, aufgeschlossenen Art fällt es ihr auch jetzt nicht schwer, neue Menschen kennen zu lernen. Sie macht Reisen, zu denen sie sich früher nie durchringen konnte, und versucht, durch verschiedene andere Unternehmungen der Einsamkeit zu entfliehen. Sie lernt dadurch auch einige alleinstehende Männer kennen, die ihr den Hof machen. Leider ist aber keiner dabei, der ihre Ansprüche erfüllen kann. Und dann, nachdem sie schon meinte, dass keine neue Partnerschaft für sie in Frage kommen würde, lernt sie unerwartet jemanden auf für sie ungewöhnliche Weise kennen. Wer war der Geheimnisvolle? Und was sollte daraus werden?
Children's & YA
The Puddle
Discovering the diversity of a hidden microcosm
by Angelika Huber-Janisch/Annette Zacharias
The fascination of the everyday Children are irresistibly drawn to puddles: it rains, a small amount of water accumulates on the path, and two minutes later, they are splashing happily about in it. But a puddle is so much more! This book describes the diversity of a hidden microcosm. It explains what makes one puddle different from another, why the number of puddles is decreasing, the lifecycle of a puddle and the living organisms it contains. Who would have thought a puddle could be home to such exciting creatures as hairybacks and water bears?
Health & Personal Development
On the Trail of Unconscious Affirmations
How you can regain control and free yourself from the constructs in your head
by Nicole Truchseß
Freeing yourself of harmful unconscious affirmations: 22 exercises that work “I don’t have a talent for that”; “I could never do that”; "Trust is good, control is better”. Do these statements sound familiar? If so, you’re likely one of the many individuals who is lugging around a suitcase of unconscious affirmations. Like ghosts, these learned beliefs haunt our heads and trick us into believing that we always know what, when and why a thing is happening. They are constructs in our head. Every one of us has these rules for life, and we use them to navigate our day-to-day existence. Most unconscious affirmations turn out to be anything but helpful, because they cause us to feel comfortable in our comfort zone and, in the worst case scenario, can block us from evolving and developing. In this book, Nicole Truchseß explains in a clear, humorous style with a focus on practical implementation, how to expose the various types of false construct, to recognise why they’re so hard to shift and to tame them effectively. The book begins by addressing the great realm of false constructs and some of its most notable inhabitants, from the wallflower to the headteacher, the hard taskmaster to the helpless, “defenceless” victim. The first chapter of the book will allow you to recognise the constructs in your own head, while subsequent sections will help you get to the root of your unconscious affirmations and replace them with kinder beliefs. Where once you might have been agitated, you’ll now respond calmly; where once you might have been silent, you’ll now stand up for your interests. Where once a stupid joke might have unsettled you, you’ll simply be able to smile. It’s often the small pieces of the puzzle that can bring about the biggest changes What are unconscious affirmations; where do they come from; how do they affect us? The book is rounded out by 22 exercises to help us banish our harmful learned beliefs.
The ArtsFebruary 2020
Mysterious Forest Dwellers
by Ingo Arndt, Jürgen Tautz
Completly new insights into the mysterious life of wild honeybees The bee is the new symbol of nature conservation, and people all over the world are studying its fate and the threat posed by mites, large-area agriculture and dwindling biodiversity. The honeybee is considered an endangered species, though the significance of its role as a pollinator can hardly be emphasised enough. In contrast, the honeybee’s close relative, the far more robust and adaptable wild bee, is little known. Prof. Dr. Tatz, the German authority on bees, is conducting major research into wild honeybees, while Ingo Arndt has captured sensational and unique photos documenting their life. This is a book full of exciting new insights which could revolutionise conventional apiculture and provide the impetus for a move towards healthier, ecologically sound and appropriate beekeeping.