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      • Children's & YA

        Ecopreguntas para niños curiosos

        by Francisco Bozinovic, Luz Valeria Oppliger

        Respondiendo 49 preguntas relacionadas con la ecologí­a y biodiversidad recurrentes en los niños, los autores de Ecopreguntas para niños curiosos rescatan la curiosidad caracterí­stica de la infancia, buscando validarla como herramienta de aprendizaje. ¿Por qué escupen los guanacos? ¿Se comunican las plantas? ¿Por qué es tan frí­o el mar en Chile? Estas son algunas de las preguntas a las que responde el presente libro, que también recoge dudas relativas a la biodiversidad de Chile. Este tí­tulo está pensado para lectores entre 6 y 12 años e incluye delicadas ilustraciones para cada respuesta. Este libro que contiene un montón de interrogantes que probablemente ya te has hecho y muchas otras que estás por descubrir. Esperamos que a través de estas páginas encuentres respuestas a esas preguntas que no tienen nada de tontas, al contrario, te ayudarán a entender el fascinante mundo natural que te rodea. ¿Qué es la evolución? Las ballenas, ¿son peces? ¿Existen los dragones? ¿Cuántas especies de seres vivos hay en el planeta?

      • November 2019

        Insects. Complete guide to explore its world.

        by Valladares, Graciela; Salvo, Adriana;Defagó, María Teresa.

        This book attempts to show ways to the complex world of insects,  the reasons for their success, their diversity, the enormous variety of functions they fulfill in nature; their amazing strategies for living, reproducing and defending themselves in all environments, as well as their fascinating modes of communication; also explaining why some species become pests and how they can be controlled.  This is probably the most comprehensive and up-to-date book on insects available in spanish. It is intended for students and university teachers and researchers of Biology, as well as other readers interested in insects out of curiosity. It includes a glossary of entomological terms, multiple illustrations and great pictures of local insects.

      • May 2020

        Walking in Hope Why doesn't God apparently answer our prayers?

        by P. Emmanuel de Bézenac, SSCC

        El propósito fundamental de esta obra más que indagar el mensaje que nos deja la pandemia, el cual actualmente azota nuestro planeta, es intentar resolver unos interrogantes que muchos de nosotros nos formulamos frente a esta situación: ¿A qué atribuir el aparente silencio de Dios? ¿Por qué Dios no atiende nuestros ruegos?Estos y otros interrogantes se encuentran a lo largo del libro, sustentados especialmente con textos de la Sagrada Escritura y documentos eclesiales. El autor nos invita a reflexionar acerca de un Dios misericordioso y preocupado por la suerte de sus hijos, que no es ajeno a nuestro dolor, que nos ama tiernamente y que tiene un proyecto para nosotros. Si bien lo que está pasando actualmente en el mundo cuestiona nuestra organización social y económica, esta obra tiene como objetivo que nos interpelemos en nuestra condición como seres creados y cómo es nuestra relación con Dios.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2015

        Social Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems

        by Ranjay Kumar Singh, Nancy J. Turner, Victoria Reyes-Garcia & Jules Pretty

        This book draws on world-wide experiences and valuable lessons to highlight community-ecosystem interactions and the role of traditional knowledge in sustaining biocultural resources through community-based adaptations. The book targets different audiences including researchers working on human-environment interactions and climate adaptation practices, biodiversity conservators, non-government organizations and policy makers involved in revitalizing traditional foods and community-based conservation and adaptation in diverse ecosystems. This volume is also a source book for educators advocating for and collaborating with indigenous and local peoples to promote location-specific adaptations to overcome the impacts of multiple biotic and abiotic stresses.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2020



        by Ladislau Dowbor

        In this book, Ladislau Dowbor analyzes a set of changes in capitalism that suggests we are in transition to another system of production, leaving behind the so-called industrial era and developing something new, which the author calls the Age of Knowledge. However, new does not necessarily mean better: we may be living in a more connected and collaborative society,  but old problems – such as environmental, social and economic ones – that are getting worse every day, in addition to individualized control over populations, through algorithms and artificial intelligence, weigh on the future of humanity. It is up to us to foresee the directions that this brave – or horrid – new world will take.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Üñüm püllü. Bird spirit

        by Lorenzo Aillapán

        Lorenzo Aillapán, recognized as a Living Human Treasure in 2012 by UNESCO, is the Mapuche bird man - üñümche in Mapuzugun. A poet originally from the coast of the Araucanía Region, he is a great connoisseur of nature, of the mysteries hidden by living beings on land and in the sea. Part of this wisdom is shared with the readers in these 46 poems about diverse organisms that inhabit different environments: the water (fish and seafood), the mountainous universe (trees) and the winged universe (birds). Through hisverses, the poet describes various aspects of these living beings: what they are like, what the place is like where they live, how they behave, what use they can be put to and what importance they have for the Mapuche people. In the case of the birds, the poems also incorporate the onomatopoeia of their song. This complete anthological volume is bilingual Mapuzugun/Spanish.

      • December 2019


        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-0-9 Titel "Cicatrices". Mario Salazar Montero. Novela En un remoto puerto fluvial de la selva húmeda tropical ubicada sobre la franja ecuatorial del planeta tierra, Odín A., hombre joven e internauta primerizo, decide convertirse en un Historiador Universal. Los recursos y medios digitales de los cuales dispone para lograrlo a duras penas le permiten rastrear la azarosa y enrevesada historia del país en donde nació. Descubre sin embargo en el intento la existencia de una inteligencia artificial y de algoritmos. Papelito, mujer joven, víctima sobreviviente de un conflicto armado, forzada a recorrer y enfrentar ese mismo país, guardaespaldas de ocupación, de remate boxeadora e inteligente, resuelve su vida a golpes y le funciona. A contracorriente de creencias heredadas y de raíces africanas en un país de mestizos renegados, ellos dos reclaman lo que les pertenece, se otorgan su derecho a vivir de un recurso natural, el Oro, que otros explotan impunes y abusivos. Su reivindicación es una ofensa grave para otros, se hace merecedora de un escarmiento ejemplar. Su instinto alerta y su inteligencia, combinados, descubren y persiguen una opción temeraria para redimirse que también podría incluir el amor, otro recurso escaso, desde luego si la opción escogida funciona, al menos por un tiempo. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Children's & young adult: general non-fiction


        Learn How People Celebrate in America

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        This book wants to celebrate the cultural richness that comes from the native people and from different migration processes that vitalize our whole continent. Along with an attractive design, based on illustrations and images, the objective is to encourage children to have a positive attitude towards reading a text of greater difficulty, and thus contribute to a comprehensive education, developing reading skills and the cultural heritage of little readers. At the same time you will discover shared experiences that unite us as one great nation—like slavery or the cycles of Mother Earth—which are remembered and celebrated in ways you would never have imagined. Find out and celebrate the most interesting and beautiful festivals in America, a continent full of colors!

      • Fiction

        Polar Quantum

        by Almudena Otero

        Polar Quantum is a scifi novel set in the 22nd century. Global warming finally caused polar caps to melt and the air to become poisonous. To save humankind, two giant domes were built: one in Greenland, where rich people live; and one in Antarctica, for scientists and intellectuals. Antarctica is the sole remaining part of the Earth where some permanent ice survives, allowing for the development of a type of quantum technology to create a system of AI humanoid systems, that interact with humans being to save what remains of the planet. In this context, historian Gabriel Beristain moves to Quanta, in Antarctica, with his family, where he has been tasked with translating classic works of literature into Kunstig, a language developed to allow the interaction of humanoids and humans. What seems to be a fascinating project opens the door to a world of intrigue, betrayal, and violence that puts the fragile balance of Antarctica, and the survival of the world, into question. The purpose of Polar Quantum is depticing a world where the very essence of humankind is put to the test, and where the coexistence of synthetic humanoids and flesh and blood humans is possible…only if they work together.

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