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        Franz Steiner Verlag / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag

        Academic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.

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      • Atrium Verlag | Arche Literatur Verlag | WooW Books

        Atrium Verlag was founded 1935 in Switzerland in order to be able to continue publishing Erich Kästner's work, who was by then a forbidden author in the so-called Third Reich. Since the beginning Kästner's children's books are a world-wide success story and continue to fascinate readers in more than 25 countries all over the world. Moreover, he has written famous poem collections and adult novels reaching a broad audience. Atrium has started to publish more children's books that share Kästner's spirit and instantly connect with our young readers. Furthermore, Atrium publishes important contemporary fiction, mystery and non-fiction. WooW Books is focussed on children's books for readers aged 6-11, ranging from timeless classics to modern adventures and unconventional stories. As the name suggests, the program stands for special and surprising children´s literature that conjures a »wow-feeling« while reading. Arche Literatur Verlag is a traditional literary publisher that started in the 1940s with authors such as Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch and Gottfried Benn. Today Arche publishes novels by outstanding international and German writers, telling stories about the rich variety of human relationships. Arche aims to reach women readers of all ages, both through content and through clear cover designs. The core of the brand is the “rich variety of human relationships” – deliberately targeting a female readership that feels addressed and entertained in a unique way by Arche.

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        A Woman's Body Is A Country

        by Dami Ajayi

        Dami Ajayi journeys into emotional borders that reveal the burdens of transitions, offering us lyrical poetry that reinvents perspectives. Here is the poetry of the quotidian, a philosophic and profound interrogation, and relationships, of words, of bodies and their burdens, of times and time. There is poetry here, and it breathes.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2024

        Borrowed objects and the art of poetry

        Spolia in Old English verse

        by Denis Ferhatovic

        This study examines Exeter riddles, Anglo-Saxon biblical poems (Exodus, Andreas, Judith) and Beowulf in order to uncover the poetics of spolia, an imaginative use of recycled fictional artefacts to create sites of metatextual reflection. Old English poetry famously lacks an explicit ars poetica. This book argues that attention to particularly charged moments within texts - especially those concerned with translation, transformation and the layering of various pasts - yields a previously unrecognised means for theorising Anglo-Saxon poetic creativity. Borrowed objects and the art of poetry works at the intersections of materiality and poetics, balancing insights from thing theory and related approaches with close readings of passages from Old English texts.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry

        by Tom Docherty

        The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Selected Poetry

        by Vasyl Stus

        Vasyl Stus was not only a poet of rare talent, publicist, translator and literary critic, but he is also a personification of "the voice of conscience in the world of shaky and blurred concepts of honour, truth, decency." He spent nearly half of his life in Soviet detention centres, solitary confinement cells, Mordovian and Kolyma camps and toiling at mines. The Soviet penal system deprived him of family visits, seized his poems, letters and manuscripts, physically abused him and tried to destroy him morally but it never managed to break his spirit.The poems in this collection are the best examples of Vasyl Stus's lyrics. In these lines, civic motives and the artist's pain for the fate of Ukraine are intertwined with a delicate lace of love lyrics and philosophical reflections on life and the purpose of man. Poems are full of hope and unyielding resolve.

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        April 2023

        Winterpoem 20/21

        Leipziger Buchpreis zur Europäischen Verständigung 2023

        by Maria Stepanova, Olga Radetzkaja

        Der Ausbruch der Covid-Pandemie setzte im März 2020 einem Aufenthalt Maria Stepanovas im britischen Cambridge ein Ende. Zurück in Russland, verbrachte sie die folgenden Monate in einem Zustand der Erstarrung – die Welt hatte sich vor ihr zurückgezogen, die Zeit war »ertaubt«. Als sie aus diesem Zustand auftauchte, begann sie Ovid zu lesen. Motive fanden zueinander, die lange in ihr gewartet hatten. Wie schon in Der Körper kehrt wieder verwandelt sie historische und aktuelle Kataklysmen in ein ungemein feingliedriges, bewegliches Gebilde aus Rhythmen und Stimmen. Das Poem, das in einer rauschhaften poetischen Inspiration entstand, spricht vom Winter und vom Krieg, von Verbannung und Exil, von sozialer Isolation und existentieller Verlassenheit. Stepanova findet grandiose Bilder für das Verstummen: wenn etwa Worte, die wir einander zurufen, in der Luft gefrieren und unser Gegenüber nicht mehr erreichen. Das Werk verwebt Liebesbriefe und Reiseberichte, chinesische Verse und dänische Märchen in eine vielstimmige Beschwörung der gefrorenen und langsam auftauenden Zeit.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Poetry about Yongzhou

        by Liu Aicai

        The lyric poetry describes and praises Yongzhou, a city of Hunan province that is noted for its profound history and breathtaking landscape. The book combines poems composed by the author and various pictures to lead readers to appreciate the beauty of Yongzhou.

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        Flor Loynaz. Poesía (Flor Loynaz. Poetry)

        by Flor Loynaz

        Poetry Book of Flor Loynaz, sister of Dulce María Loynaz and a very important figure of the literature of the beginning of the 20th century.

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        December 2017

        Verse für Zeitgenossen

        by Kaléko, Mascha

        Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Gedichte von Mascha Kaléko nur originalgetreu, unverändert und ungekürzt abgedruckt werden dürfen. Außerdem gilt es, die alte Rechtschreibung und das Versmaß zu beachten. Autorenfotos müssen beim Literaturarchiv Marbach angefragt werden. Sofern Sie den gewünschten Text der Sammlung „Mascha Kaléko: Sämtliche Werke und Briefe“ entnommen haben, überprüfen Sie bitte anhand der dort vorhandenen Einteilung, in welchem Buch der Text ursprünglich erschienen ist. Wählen Sie dann den entsprechenden Band für Ihre Anfrage hier aus. Sollte der entsprechende Band nicht auf IPR gelistet sein, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an

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        April 1978

        Strophen und Verse

        by Sappho, Joachim Schickel, Joachim Schickel

        ». . . die Sappho-Übertragungen sind hervorragend, weit besser als alles, was mir bisher bekannt wurde. Die Wiedergabe der vorletzten Strophe der Aphrodite-Ode ist eine Zauberei.« KurtWolff

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        Guang Ling Verse

        by Guo Ping

        Through the stories of several students of the Conservatory of Music, who enter school, seek employment, get married, have families and build their careers, the novel brings out the historical situation and real-life entanglements of several generations of qin players, as well as the complex attitude of contemporary society towards national cultural heritage. The story involves three generations of qin players, young and old, from “qin” to “people”, and then to the deepest depths of traditional Chinese culture and the spiritual world of the literati, vividly depicting the contemporary fate of traditional culture.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2012

        In the Zoo: Poem-Game

        by Oksana Krotiuk (Author), Yuliia Polishchuk (Illustrator)

        In the Zoo: poem-game is a beautiful folding book about animals with educational poems for little children.   From 3 to 5 years, 113 words Rightsholders: Diana Semak,

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2017

        A Corpus of Studies on ZhuZhi Poem

        Ancient Folk Songs in China

        by Liu Mengchu, Ding Xingyu

        Zhuzhi poem is a kind of literary poems developed from folk songs. Since the mid-Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi learned and sang the Zhuzhi poem, Zhuzhi poem has become a cultural trend that reflects people's sentiments and also a channel for people to express true feelings for thousands of years. The book contains 22 related research papers, including research on the origin of Zhuzhi poems, the relationship between Zhuzhi poems and local culture, the characteristics and expression of Zhuzhi poems, the differences and connections between Zhuzhi poems and folk songs, the comparison between Zhuzhi poems and other poetic styles, and the study of Zhuzhi poems teaching and creation, etc. This book helps readers to deepen understanding of Zhuzhi poems and further realize the beauty.

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        February 2016

        Kakadu und Kukuda

        Mit Gedichten, Geschichten und Spielen durchs ganze Jahr

        by Paul Maar, Nina Dulleck

        "Kakadu und Kukuda" ist eine farbenfrohe Anthologie, die die ganze Bandbreite des kreativen Schaffens von Paul Maar, einem der beliebtesten Kinderbuchautoren Deutschlands, präsentiert. Dieses Hausbuch ist ein echtes Fest für die Sinne, vollgepackt mit charmant-witzigen Gedichten, Nonsens-Reimen, interaktiven Ideen, verrückten Zungenbrechern und liebenswerten Geschichten, die alle das Lieblingsthema Tiere zum Gegenstand haben. Illustriert von Nina Dulleck, deren zauberhafte und detailreiche Bilder das Lesevergnügen für Kinder ab 6 Jahren und deren Eltern zu einem wahren Erlebnis machen. Von Gedichten über Rätsel bis hin zu Geschichten bietet "Kakadu und Kukuda" abwechslungsreichen Lesestoff für das ganze Jahr und für die ganze Familie. Die interaktiven Elemente und Wortspielereien regen nicht nur zum Lesen an, sondern auch zum Mitmachen, Nachdenken und Kreativwerden. Nina Dullecks Illustrationen voller Elan und Witz machen das Buch zu einem optischen Highlight. Fröhlich-frecher und herrlich verrückter Sammelband, der zum Schmunzeln, Kichern und herzhaft Lachen bringt, dabei aber trotzdem auch tiefgründige Geschichten erzählt. Mit seiner klaren, pointensicheren Sprache und den kurzen Texten eignet sich "Kakadu und Kukuda" hervorragend zum Vorlesen und gemeinsamen Erleben. "Kakadu und Kukuda" ist ein herausragendes Werk von Paul Maar, das Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen begeistert und beweist, dass Bücher wahre Schatzkisten der Fantasie sind. Es ist das perfekte Geschenk für junge Leser, das nicht nur zum Lesen, sondern auch zum Träumen und Lachen einlädt. Ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter durchs ganze Jahr und ein leuchtendes Beispiel für die Kraft der Fantasie.

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        Politics & government
        January 2021

        Subaltern Squibs and Sentimental Rhymes

        The Raj Reflected in Light Verse

        by Graham Shaw

        An anthology of light verse written during the British Raj in India

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        November 2022

        The Doors of the Poem

        Tribute to Habib Tengour

        by Sagawe Regina Keil, Hervé Sanson

        The twenty-seven contributions gathered here and superbly illustrated by Hamid Tibouchi - critical studies and creative texts - pay tribute to a work that is at the forefront of Algerian and, more broadly, contemporary letters, but paradoxically still little-known. On the occasion of Habib Tengour's seventy-fifth birthday, this volume is intended to open up new avenues of research into this work, and provide a more accurate understanding of the issues at stake. Tributes from his peers - poets from all over the world - give the book an affective, carnal dimension, extending the researchers' analyses with unexpected echoes. “Tengour warns us: “Only those with the right intention enter the poem! LES PORTES DU POEME thus opens on one of the most important poetic voices of his generation (Prix Dante in 2016, Prix Benjamin Fondane in 2022, Prix Dante Alighieri in 2023, for his body of work).

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        December 2019

        Grave - Verse der Toten

        Ein neuer Fall für Special Agent Pendergast

        by Preston, Douglas; Child, Lincoln / Übersetzt von Benthack, Michael

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