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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        UFO Invasion

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's alien series original science fiction works. The book continues Yang Peng's consistent style of creation—incredible imagination, extraordinary exaggeration, unrepeatable comedy, bizarre plots, sci-fi elements, relaxing, humorous, and thrilling fun. At the same time, courage, integrity, kindness, unity, patriotism, and environmental protection are integrated into the delightful storytelling. The theme is positive, setting a good example for the children. Aliens have invaded Earth! This is a group of aliens from the ghost planet who cannot be killed. How to do? In this critical situation, the brave primary school student Dididi, the intelligent Dr. Guima, the wise Witch Gurit, the Hiroshima atomic bomb victim Shuiyunjingzi gathered together to form the "Save the Earth Four" group. A fierce battle with the aliens started ...

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019

        Heldinnen, Ufos und Straßenschuhe

        Die Arbeit mit Metaphern und der Systemischen Heldenreise in der Praxis

        by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1998

        Das UFO-Dossier

        Verstörende Begegnungen mit ausserirdischen Intelligenzen

        by Marrs, Jim / Englisch Pumpernig, Annemarie

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1998

        Die UFO-Akte

        Die X-Files des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums

        by Pope, Nick

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Unsolved mysteries that fascinate children

        by Pao Ba

        Who is the devil of Bermuda Triangle? Is Sanxingdui a masterpiece of alien? What's the matter with UFO falling into the water? Did aliens really take the earth people? Why did Maya civilization disappear from the world? Children are always full of curiosity and fantasy about some unknown things. Based on the children's interests, pop dad selects from many fields the unsolved mysteries that children are interested in, are concerned by children, have thinking value, and shows them one by one with unthinkable stories from the aspects of geography, history, UFO, etc. Wonderful stories leave children more space to think and imagine.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Consequences of Interstellar Contact

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook explores the currently hypothetical subject of alien contact within the framework of two basic issues: the UFO hypothesis and the potential consequences of making contact with an alien life-form, especially one that has superior intelligence or technology. Selected examples from science fiction  literature and film are used to emphasize recurring themes regarding the consequences of interstellar contact.

      • Trusted Partner

        Conspiracy Myths

        How we are deceived by twisted facts

        by Holm Gero Hümmler

        The twin towers of the World Trade Center were blown up on behalf of the US government. Vapour trails in the sky contain chemicals that cause disease. The moon landing never took place; it was staged in a studio. Many people believe in conspiracy theories: supporting evidence can seem plausible, until you look closely. To refute conspiracy theories often requires scientific and technical knowledge. Dr. Holm Gero Hümmler has precisely this sort of knowledge, and he is able to communicate it clearly for laypeople. In his book “Conspiracy Myths” he provides guidelines on how to deal with questionable facts. He gives valuable tips for personal research and shows how to deconstruct well-known conspiracy theories – from 9-11 to the “earthquake machine” HAARP, to chemtrails and “Nazi UFOs”. Sometimes, refutation is easy: you only need a sand pit and game pieces ...

      • April 2024

        UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know)

        by By Robert Powell

        The book begins with a chronological historic overview of some of the more interesting UFO sighting reports. This provides a background on famous UFO sightings to any reader new to the subject. The second chapter discusses how sighting reports are investigated, the strengths and weaknesses of UFO reports, UFO flaps, and ways to determine which UFO sightings are more likely actual events. It also discusses anecdotal reports and how we deal with anecdotal reports in day-to-day life. Sometimes we accept them and sometimes we don’t. The next three chapters deal with the strangeness of the phenomenon: light that bends, objects that tumble through the sky, extreme acceleration, and high speeds without friction or a sonic boom. These chapters lead to the seventh chapter, which discussed how we as a society react to the personal sighting reports of the phenomenon. The book examines the impact on the witness, the media, the public, the military and government, and the scientific community. Chapter 8 discusses our rec

      • Fiction

        Kreta the Time Traveler

        by Gülşah Ozdemir Koryürek - Selin Saygili

        "Time Traveler Kreta" is a science-fiction children's book that tells the effects of our consumption habits on the climate crisis to children aged 8 and above, through the adventures of two alien friends, Kreta and Shiva. While the text is based on the climate crisis, topics such as sustainability, how the world works, time and space, exploration, scientific and technological progress are also covered. The adventurous Earth journey of Kreta and Shiva progresses in a fictional reality that emerges with the narration of scientific data about the climate crisis and ends with proposals for solutions. Kreta, an inquisitive and excited time traveller, want to embark on every adventure without thinking about the end and thus become an experienced time traveller. Once Kreta gains enough experience, they will find their profession and acquire new skills. On the other hand, their friend Shiva is a mature, somewhat lazy, poet alien cat who tries to rein in Kreta in every adventure. Kreta and Shiva travel to the planet Earth to meet humans, but they encounter strange creatures that are not human-like: dinosaurs! Yes, they find the Earth, but they are at the wrong time to meet people. They don't get along well with the dinosaurs and leave Earth, but Kreta is determined to find humans. When they try their luck once again, this time, they go to the 2070s of the world. Despite technological progress, they encounter a dark and hot planet where oxygen and water are scarce. In the world of the 2070s, among robots and other strange creatures, they finally find a human being: Omer. What they learn from Omer, an engineer specializing in climate research, surprises Kreta and Shiva. In the 2070s, the world is struggling with the effects of a big problem called climate change, and this problem cannot be solved. In the light of this information, a brand new task comes before Kreta and Shiva. This mission is to go back to the 2010s, the deadline when the climate crisis can be averted, and deliver a video message to the people. When Kreta and Shiva reach the world of the 2010s, they accidentally land in the middle of Omer's birthday party. Their aim is to deliver the video message to Omer, but during the party, they fail to do so, and they start following Omer. Both at the birthday party and while they follow Omer, Kreta and Shiva witness the culture of waste in the World of the 2010s: huge vehicles designed for people's tiny bodies, aeroplanes, plastic packaging used to present gifts, decorations, single-use plastic serving plates and glasses and vast amounts of waste food... Kreta and Shiva understand why they have been teleported to this date when problems of the 2070s could have been prevented. Kreta and Shiva eventually find Omer in an enormous hotel where his Youtuber mother is visiting for a launching event. They have funny moments when they introduce themselves to Omer. Yet, they manage to deliver the video to Omer and tell him about the problems that will happen in the future. However, when he watched the video, Omer realizes that the problem cannot be solved immediately. He thinks that he cannot persuade other people, either alone or as a child; he cannot change their consumption habits. He tries to ask his mother for her support, but he can't make his mother, who is always busy, listen to him. Kreta and Shiva decide to stay a little longer and help Omer, and they achieve their goals in the launching meeting of Omer's mother. They manage to show the video to thousands of people. The fact that most of the viewers are children is a great advantage because they understand the climate change problem best. Children do not remain silent to the call of the message and take action for the Earths future. The book's pedagogical structure and the scientific data on which it is based were established with experts in these fields. The reading of scientific data was done by the engineer members of the Sustainability Steps Association. The reading in the pedagogical context was carried out by PCG Teachers. The video mentioned in the story is embedded in the book via QR code and can be watched with English subtitles on Youtube.

      • The Arts
        October 2020

        Alien Invasions!

        The History of Aliens in Pop Culture

        by Edited by Michael Stein; foreword by David J. Hogan

        Written by a team of internationally renowned experts on the subject, Alien Invasions! Explores how aliens—and the ways we perceive them—have evolved over the years across a wide range of media, from books and magazines to film and television. Within these richly illustrated pages, you’ll meet aliens with eyes on stalks; the tentacled aliens of H. G. Wells’s War of the Worlds; Frank R. Paul’s barrel-chested Martians of the 1930s; the blob-like B-movie creatures of the 1950s; H. R. Giger’s nightmarish creation for Ridley Scott’s Alien; Steven Spielberg’s friendly visitor in E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial; and many, many more. Each of the book’s chapters tackles its subject from a different vantage point, beginning with the earliest fictional examples by Wells and others, before looking at the pulp-magazine explosion of the 1920s and 1930s; the UFO phenomenon of the 1950s, in print and on screen; comic-book aliens, from Buck Rogers to the present day; the B-movie boom of the 1950s, heralded by The Thing and The Day the Earth Stood Still; invaders from within, in the form of Body-Snatchers and Triffids; aliens’ interactions with Earth women; small-screen aliens, from Star Trek to Falling Skies; and blockbuster invasions, from Close Encounters to Arrival.   Along the way, you’ll encounter ray guns, seedpods, mind control, and body transference, not to mention a whole galaxy of friendly visitors and fearsome invaders. Never before have so many aliens assembled in one place!

      • Geography & the Environment
        May 2018

        The Balance Point

        A Missing Link in Human Consciousness

        by Joseph Jenkins

        The Balance Point is a story of a search for something so mysterious that the main character doesn't even know what it is, or how to recognize it if he finds it. It touches on science, mathematics, economics, and other big-ticket issues such as religion and spirituality in a manner that is both illuminating and disturbing.Based on actual occurrences and factual scientific and environmental information, The Balance Point weaves a compelling adventure story into an ominous tapestry of environmental destruction and planetary degradation. The author is reluctantly goaded into satisfying the conditions of his deceased Aunt's cryptic Last Will, sending him on a puzzling journey to perplexing destinations. What he finds is worrisome, yet hopeful: something has gone missing in our collective human consciousness.The author ingeniously delivers a critical message with a voluminous amount of valuable information, without ever missing a beat. The message is so timely while taking a most serious subject and handling it in a clever way. This is an uncommonly provocative educational and spiritual journey which captivates the reader from the beginning. The story is so engrossing and the author's writing style so light and breezy that only after finishing the book will it hit the reader just how much information had been conveyed. The book is intriguing and suspenseful; all in all, a fascinating read.The Balance Point took first place in the Science/Nature/Environment category in the the 2018 TopShelf Indie Book Awards! It was also a finalist in the Current Events/Social Change category. It also won the New York City Big Book Awards, also in two separate categories: Environment, and Spirituality!

      • November 2020

        The Science of Why, Volume 5

        Answers to Questions About the Ordinary, the Odd, and the Outlandish

        by Jay Ingram

        Have you ever wondered if octopuses are from outer space? What Mexican jumping beans are? Or if banana peels are really slippery?   If questions like these are keeping you up at night, you can rest easy. Bestselling author Jay Ingram is here to answer all the whimsical and whacky wonderings that have baffled people since the dawn of time. From our bodies to our pets (and other beasts) to the natural world around us, Ingram tackles science topics big and small, such as:Did dinosaurs sit on their eggs?What is our funny bone?Is there a specific muscle that makes dogs cute? Because who hasn’t pondered whether plants have feelings? Or if Robin Hood was a real person? Or what humans will look like in the future? Teeming with amusing answers to bemusing questions and handy and hilarious illustrations this latest volume separates fact from fiction, lesson from legend, and myth from marvel. Endlessly illuminating and entertaining, The Science of Why, Volume 5 is five times the fun for new and old readers of the series.

      • The Arts

        Need to Know

        Ufos, the Military and Intelligence

        by Timothy Good

        UFOs remain essentially a military and intelligence problem - and one demanding unprecedented security and deception, with access to information on a strictly 'need to know' basis. As early as 1960 former CIA director Admiral Hillenkoetter confirmed that, 'Behind the scenes, high-ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.' The same could be said today. Based on many years of research by one of the world's most respected authorities on alien phenomena, Need to Know draws on top-secret documents, reports of encounters with large craft of unknown origin from pilots and personnel aboard aircraft carriers and destroyers and interviews with high-ranking military insiders. It is full of revelations, including the alarming escalation of aircraft accidents and the disappearance of hundreds of military aircraft during UFO encounters and recent near-misses with UFOs. The evidence is clear, balanced - and irrefutable.

      • Fiction
        January 2016

        First Contact

        by Marc Everitt

        There must be someone else out there. In the cold, in the dark, in the vastness of space there can't be just one lonely species peering out into the void; but if there's others, where are they? Now an alien probe has been found and it's point of origin calculated, so a state of the art ship has been sent to take the first step, to make first contact.

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