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      • Sounds True

        Sounds True was founded in 1985 by Tami Simon with a clear mission: to disseminate spiritual wisdom. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, we have grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 110 employees, a library of more than 3000 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. From bestselling authors to new voices in spiritual wisdom, our products represent a variety of popular topics, including meditation, mindfulness, yoga, shamanism, psychology, health and healing, along with a line of children’s books.

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      • Storymoja Publishers

        Storymoja Publishers, based in Nairobi with branches in Uganda and Rwanda, has a 15-year legacy of promoting African literature and a vision of putting "a book in every hand".

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 5: Bummel durch Europa

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, B. Day, W. Fr. Brown, True W. Williams, Gustav Adolf Himmel, Norbert Kohl

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Love for Northeast China

        by Laoteng, whose real name is Teng Zhenfu, is a member of the Tenth Presidium of the China Writers Association and is currently the Party Secretary and Chairman of the Liaoning Writers Association. He has published ten novels, includingThe Northeast China, The Numerous Armed Conflicts,and The Forests of Beizhang;eight collections of novels, such as The Black Thrush and A City Without Crows; and three cultural essays, such as Confucian Notes. He has won the 15th and 16th Five-One Project Awards,respectively, and The Northeast China has been selected on the list of 2021 Chinese Good Books.

        "Never invest beyond theShanhai Pass", as the saying goes.The particular cultural environment and openness make the brain drain in Northeast China extremely serious. However, Miao Qing, a seemingly delicate doctoral student from a famous school, resolutely went northward because she had a personal plan thatwas related to both her father and herself, namely, to design a world-leading large aircraft. Her father once said that just as a poet without imagination must be a lousy poet, a country without advanced aircraft could never escape the fate of a backward country. For this reason, Miao Qing started her career atKunpeng Group, later went to Feiying Company to produce a leading small low-altitude aerial drone, and then sheplayed the leading role in the national G-31 project that designed a stealth supersonic aircraft and made a successful trial flight.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Die Olchis und das Schrumpfpulver

        by Erhard Dietl, Wolf Frass, Dagmar Dreke, Eva Michaelis, Nadine Schreier, Gerlinde Dilge, Robert Missler, Elga Schütz, Kai Henrik Möller, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, CSC creative sound conception, Die Olchis, Helena Thiemann, Erhard Dietl

        Hilfe! Die Olchis sind geschrumpft! Als Professor Brausewein ein besonders starkes Putzpulver entwickelt, ahnt er nicht, welch schreckliche Nebenwirkung es hat: Alles, was mit dem Pulver in Berührung kommt, wird klein geschrumpft! Eines Nachts erwischt es auch die Olchis. Als sie am Morgen aufwachen, sind sie zu Winzlingen geworden! Muffelfurzteufel, nun ist guter Rat teuer, denn der Besitzer des Flohzirkus wittert seine Chance auf ein großes Geschäft … Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022


        by Cat S.

        Are you going somewhere, Big Bear? Way Way Out There is where big things reside. They're so big - they cast shadows impossible to ignore. It's a long way away, but sometime big things come to shore on White Cliff to watch fascinating little things. Jules is an aspiring Big Bear born in White Cliff. He's been dreaming big from an early age, but has yet to figure it out. How does one grow Big? Where does one find directions? Who do you listen to? Can one so small really get There? To take one giant's advice--you'd have to see it for yourself. Way Way Out There.A wonderful fable told from the point of view of a small mind mapping out a path that would lead to something beautiful, good and true.

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        Children's & YA
        June 2016

        The Story of Birth

        by CAI Gao

        The Story of Birth is quite unique among Cai Gao’s works. This is the latest picture book of Ms. Cai, both its words and illustrations were created by herself. In this book, she describes the process of a baby' s birth by wax crayon, depicting the joy of life’s birth and expressing a high tribute to all mothers.

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        Children's & YA

        The Child in Three-Story Attic

        China Story Picture Books

        by Zhang Qiusheng

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Child in Three-Story Attic tells a story of growing up in the alley of Shanghai of Old China. The protagonist lives in a three-story attic in an old alley from the age of one to twelve. On a typhoon night, the protagonist curled up in the corner of the attic found a copy of The Adventures of Pinocchio and began his writing. Now although the old alley has disappeared, his memory of the attic will never die.

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        Mind, Body, Spirit

        May the Loveforce Be With You

        Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing Through Divine Mother & Yogic Wisdom

        by Rajashree Maa

        May the Loveforce Be With introduces a new lineage in energy healing, Kali-Ki ReikiTM, that was revealed to the author, Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), in a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. The book brilliantly tells the stories of these encounters and presents the healing symbols that She revealed, explaining how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls "wisening." While traditional reiki systems also use symbols to transmit healing energy, the symbols introduced in Kali-Ki Reiki are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. The fact that these symbols were revealed by Divine Mother to a woman in this era points to a need in today's world to re-establish our connection with the feminine forces of nature and spirit. The healing energy transmitted through these symbols is called Loveforce, which is considered to be the manifesting, creative, and healing power of the Limitless Love that is the Source of all that is.

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

      • Trusted Partner

        Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling for Chronic Pain

        Myofascial medicine as an approach to an unresolved challenge

        by Beat Dejung

        Medicine for the relief of pain has made little progress in the last 50 years. 16% of our population claim to suffer from chronic pain, for which no lasting help can be found, despite years of treatment by different doctors. Trigger point therapy experts have integrated myofascial techniques into their everyday therapy in recent decades and through this they have achieved good results even with complex and chronic problems. In this book, instructors from the Interest Group for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (IMTT) in Switzerland present 33 complex cases of patients with chronic pain, whose pain they were able to relieve perma­nently with manual trigger point therapy and dry needling. Using these case studies, double­page spreads with an edu­cational, uniform layout clearly present the diagnosis, pathophysiology and chronifcation of myofascial pain syn­dromes and, in conclusion, describe encouraging and sur­prising successes despite previous therapy resistance.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        Science, Being, & Becoming

        The Spiritual Lives of Scientists

        by Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.

        Spirituality is the Final Frontier for ScienceContrary to popular belief, not all scientists are materialists fervently discounting the spiritual. Science, Being, & Becoming is about the spiritual lives of scientists, their actual transpersonal, metaphysical and mystical experiences. The book's material is derived from intimate interviews with over 30 scientists as they describe the circumstances under which they had the experiences and how those experiences changed their consciousness, transformed their belief systems about the nature of the world, and changed their scientific work.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Bonbon and Blanket

        by Emily House

        A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Story Story, Story Come

        12 Reimagined Tales From Africa

        by Maïmouna Jallow

        However, the age-old tradition of oral storytelling is on the decline. Rapid urbanisation, the breakdown of the extended family, technology and so on have altered our social fabric. Whilst our daily lives are still peppered with snippets of remembered words of wisdom and proverbs, the reality is that a new generation of Africans have never had the pleasure of listening to a story being told by a storyteller. Story, Story! Story Come! is a contribution to larger efforts to revive storytelling in Africa and beyond. Through a global online contest, Positively African invited African writers, wherever they lived and whatever their age, to write a folktale – either based on an old one, or newly imagined. The challenge was to develop new narratives that speak to issues that are fundamental to Africa’s development in a way that is unconventional but true to our past traditions of folktale and oral storytelling. The stories needed to contain life lessons that are relevant for both young and old, however writers were invited to be as inventive and disruptive as they wished in terms of theme, form, language, characters, imagery and context. The ten winning stories are refreshingly imaginative and tackle a mix of issues. We criss-cross from South Sudan to South Africa, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. Some stories offer valuable moral lessons on greed and pride; others celebrate bravery, perseverance and friendship. One story takes us to a real archaeological site in Niger where a young girl imagines the future. In another, African water spirits share a world with a Beyoncé-obsessed teen that is taught a big lesson in humility. We have also included two additional stories, one by author and publishing partner Zukiswa Wanner and another by the editor of the anthology, Maimouna Jallow. One thing that they all have in common is that they speak to issues we face globally today, from an African perspective.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2005


        Empire and society

        by Edited by Joanna Story

        The age of Charlemagne was a crucible for change in the history of Europe, bridging the divide between the medieval and the classical worlds and setting the political and cultural tone for centuries to come. This book focuses directly on the reign of Charlemagne, bringing together a wide range of approaches and sources from the diverse voices of fifteen of the top scholars of early medieval Europe. The contributors have taken a number of original aproaches to the subject, from the fields of archaeology and numismatics to thoroughly-researched essays on key historical texts. The essays are embedded in the scholarship of recent decades but also offer insights into new areas and new approaches for research. A full bibliography of works in English as well as key reading in European languages is provided, making the volume essential reading for experienced scholars as well as students new to the history of the early middle ages. ;

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