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        Founded in 2006, Suryastra is an integral media company, representing classic, mythical, enlightening works to be expressed globally across media.

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        March 1983


        by Jacques Derrida, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Hanns Zischler

        Unter dem Titel Grammatologie erarbeitet Jacques Derrida eine Theorie der Schrift, des Zeichens, des Bezeichnens, die eine Reihe tradierter Vorstellungen und Begriffe in Frage stellt, u.a.: Vernunft, Ursprung, Subjekt, Geschichte (die immer nur eine Geschichte der »Vernunft« gewesen sei). Im ersten Teil des Buches - »Die Schrift vor dem Buchstaben« - entwirft Derrida eine theoretische Grundlage, die er im zweiten Teil - »Natur, Kultur, Schrift« - an einem Schlüsseltext des europäischen Logozentrismus überprüft, an Rousseaus Essai sur l'origine des langues, dessen (von Lévi-Strauss her unternommene) Lektüre zu einer Lektüre der Epoche Rousseaus wird.Derrida verfolgt von Plato über Rousseau, Hegel, Husserl, Saussure bis zu Lévi-Strauss das Funktionieren und die Problematik (die historischen Kosten) der logozentrischen Begrifflichkeit des abendländischen Denkens.

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        May 2011

        Die Sterne von Paris

        Ein Roman der kulinarischen Abenteuer

        by Idwal Jones, Andrea Fischer, Anthony Bourdain

        Die Geschichte eines jungen Mannes, der nach Paris kommt und dort leben, lieben und kochen lernt – nur nicht in dieser Reihenfolge. Eigentlich will Jean-Marie zur See fahren. Aber dann improvisiert er für eine englische Baronin eine Mahlzeit. Und die trägt ihm eine Empfehlung an ein altehrwürdiges 3-Sterne-Restaurant in Paris ein. Dort tafeln Aristokratinnen und Anarchisten, große und kleine Ganoven, Mätressen und Maharadschas. Noch interessanter geht es aber in der Küche zu – hier begegnet Jean-Marie der wahren Liebe seines Lebens. Folgen Sie Idwal Jones ins Paris der 30er Jahre, köstlich und leicht wie ein Soufflé, lebensklug und witzig wie ein Tischnachbar im Paradies. »Ein bezaubernder Roman über die wirklich wichtigen Dinge im Leben: Liebe, Freunde, Schokolade.« Denis Scheck

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        Business & management
        November 2012

        Veterinary Practice Management

        by Catherine R Coates, Alan Jones, Michael W Coates

        Veterinarians are increasingly aware of the need to recognise they are working in a business enterprise. From operating as small practices twenty years ago, veterinary businesses are now run along sophisticated models and operate out of multi-million pound hospitals. Drawing together the latest information on practice management, this textbook provides practical and straightforward coverage of major elements, including client relationships and staff management, business and financial procedures, computer systems and project management. This book covers practice management topics as taught in veterinary schools worldwide, providing students with a textbook resource in this increasingly important subject. It is also a valuable source of information for newly qualified veterinarians, veterinarians interested in practice management and veterinary practice managers.

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        Children's & YA

        The Old Tire

        Feng Zikai Comic Award laureate

        by Jia Wei

        The tire walks a long distance with an off-road vehicle during summer days. Now he is old and he wants to travel alone. However, tripped by a rock stone at the beginning of his journey, he falls on the ground of grass. Soon, a lot of strange things take place….The Old Tire is a moving story about friendship and exploration in a journey. With a gentle brushwork of Zhu Chenliang, a renowned Feng Zikai Comic Award laureate, the book would take you into a subtle literary world with marvelous aesthetics.

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        September 2023

        Perlas de araña (Spider pearls)

        by Valentina Winocur

        Nona and Catalina, grandmother and granddaughter, have to flee to Mexico because of the Argentine dictatorship. The two land in a new place where they will have to reconfigure themselves in many ways. To begin with, as happens in exile, families are reorganized in unique sizes and structures. Catalina is just a child, she understands it at her own pace. Her seemingly innocent gaze observes a Chilean city that opens into a country with a life of its own. La Nona, who wields a singular wisdom, is an identity star. Questions about history and the present, arrive in time. Mexico and Argentina are distant countries on the map, but space-time merges them in a notion made of pain but also a lot of love, the argenmex, which throbs and has taken root in the south and north of the continent. This book does not stop there, but develops, reaching other geographies as well. As if it were a spider's web, it is carefully woven, captures and, above all, crosses threads of multiple meanings, from the historical, political and national, to those of childhood, the family and the individual.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        Nombres propios (Proper nouns)

        by Mercedes Alvarado

        In the face of uncertainty, we have lost the right to mourn; in the face of this, perhaps all that remains is to search, to ask, to name. This is a book that puts memory in the foreground, a recognition of the collective mourning that runs through us. Nombres propios is an approach to the legitimate and loving resistance that sustains the living victims of violence in Mexico. As Natalia Mendoza notes in the prologue: Alvarado's verses point to the concrete mechanism that could inaugurate a new time.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        Prueba olímpica (Olympic Trial)

        by Lorena Huitrón

        "Prueba olímpica" test demystifies what is in front of him. Here prose poems are explored, there are verses that become epigraphs of a following poem, obsessions that open a process that can be endless, wounds that discover, themselves, that it makes sense to mock their existence. Lorena has a natural force that disturbs those who read her, like that bird that murmurs near our ear. This book is inserted in the tradition to modify it.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        The Malleus Maleficarum

        by Peter Maxwell-Stuart

        A shocking glimpse into the mind of a medieval witch hunter. In 1487, the zealous Dominican inquisitor Heinrich Kramer wrote a treatise that would have a remarkable influence on European history. Blaming women for his own lust, and frustrated by official complacency before what he saw as a monstrous spiritual menace, Kramer penned a practical guide to aid law officers in the identification and prosecution of witches. Fusing theology, lurid anecdotes and advice for those engaged in combating sorcery, The Malleus Maleficarum transports the reader into the dark heart of medieval belief - where fear of the supernatural provokes a gripping struggle for understanding and control. Kramer's book led to the burning of numerous innocents and had a lasting impact on the popular image of witchcraft. It remains a sinister symbol of fanaticism and cruelty to this day.

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        September 2020

        Aveline Jones und die Geister von Stormhaven

        by Hickes, Phil

        Schaurig schön und echt gruselig: die Abenteuer von Aveline! Der Wind pfeift durch die Ritzen und jede Diele knarzt: Avelines neues Zuhause ist ihr auf den ersten Blick gar nicht geheuer. Dass die Einwohner des stürmischen Küstenörtchens überall Vogelscheuchen aufstellen, macht es nicht besser. Einfach. Nur. Gruselig! Avelines einzige Rettung ist Mr Liebermans verwunschener Buchladen, der sofort zum Stöbern einlädt - denn sie liebt schaurige Geschichten und Bücher über alles. Aber schon bald steht die schauerlichste Nacht des Jahres bevor. Und an Halloween werden längst vergessene Legenden in Stormhaven sehr viel lebendiger, als Aveline lieb ist ... Pünktlich zu Halloween erscheint dieses schaurig-schöne Kinderbuch für alle Mädchen ab 9 Jahren, die wohlfühlige Gruselgeschichten lieben. Perfekt ist für stürmische Herbstabende: zum gemütlichen Einkuscheln, Schmökern und Gruseln! Wunderschön und stimmungsvoll illustriert von Kaja Reinki. Mit Aveline Jones geht es immer schön schauerlich weiter! Band 2 „Aveline Jones - Im Bann der Hexensteine“ erscheint im Frühjahr 2021.

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        December 2006

        Tom Jones

        Die Geschichte eines Findelkindes. Roman

        by Henry Fielding, Horst Höckendorf

        Gutsherr Allworthy findet einen Säugling und zieht den Jungen an Sohnes Statt auf. Der Findling – Tom Jones – wächst und gedeiht prächtig, in den Augen seines Ziehvaters mitunter sogar etwas zu prächtig. Als sich Tom in die Nachbarstochter verliebt, die Allworthys Neffen versprochen ist, verweist der Gutsherr Tom des Hauses. Der junge Mann macht sich auf nach London, wobei ihn seine Reise quer durchs Land und auch durch sämtliche Schichten der vorviktorianischen Gesellschaft führt. Auf Toms Suche nach sich selbst, seiner Herkunft und vor allem nach der großen Liebe erschließt sich ein wahres Panoptikum des 18. Jahrhunderts.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2010

        British politics today: Essentials

        6th Edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones, Dennis Kavanagh

        Short, yet comprehensive. Completely up to date. Great value for money textbook by two established scholars . ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        Dictionary of British Politics

        Second edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones

        From Diane Abbott to Hugo Young via Keynesianism and Thatcherism, from Major to Millbank and from New Labour to Norman Tebbitt, this book is the ultimate student reference guide to British politics. The 2nd edition has been fully updated to take account of all the changes that have taken place in British politics since 2004. With over one thousand entries, the book covers the personalities, policies and institutions that have shaped British politics, with special emphasis on developments since the beginning of the twentieth century. This is the ideal instant reference book on British politics. It provides the reader with short, authoritative explanations and definitions of key terms, institutions, offices of state, political events, processes and policies as well as biographies of well known politicians, political thinkers, movements and theorists. Any student unsure of a term, an event, the details of the life of a prominent politician, or the inner workings of an institution can turn to this book for immediate assistance. ;

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        Children's & YA
        April 2020

        Greta’s Voice

        by Ged Umlimi / Amelina Jones

        Very few people had the courage and the chance to change the course of events in history. Ghandi was one of them. Rosa Parks was another. But for the first time, a teenager stood up. Greta Thunberg started with small steps, sitting in front of the Swedish Parliament and later skipping schools on every Friday in order to demand action on climate crisis. In time, she inspired millions of young people and adults around the world to take to the streets to demand the same. Greta’s Voice is the real story of the 16-year-old climate activist, a story that will give hope to people of all ages and prove to children that they don’t need to wait becoming a grown up to make a difference. Greta’s is a story of persistence and inspiration, a wake up call for us all. We hope we will stop the climate crisis altogether

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        The Arts
        February 2022

        "I am Jugoslovenka!"

        Feminist performance politics during and after Yugoslav Socialism

        by Jasmina Tumbas, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon

        "I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.

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