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        Y, De Qué Se Trata?

        by Gideon Bar-Sinai

        Y, De Qué Se Trata? – Acertijos gráficos (teasers) para lectores jòvenes por Gideon Bar-Sinai Como muchos adultos, los niños son muy curiosos por naturaleza. Captan principios con facilidad, encuentran desafíos y disfrutan resolviéndolos pero, ?cómo fomentar su curiosidad? Al encontrarse con un libro tan original, que es como el cofre de un tesoro de sorpresas: colorido, inteligente y fascinante. Se trata de un concepto único, cuyo objetivo primordial es entretener igualmente a lectores jóvenes y adultos. La utilización y el fomento de su curiosidad natural aumenta el disfrute del libro. Toda la serie contiene 81 acertijos gráficos (“teasers”) multicolores que cubren una amplia y diversa gama de acontecimientos. Cada “teaser” oculta un acertijo cuyo descubrimiento constituye en sí un desafío. En su intento de revelar el misterio, el lector desarrolla una capacidad de pensamiento creativo e investigador, así como abstracción, percepción espacial e imaginación. El autor Gideon Bar-Sinai explica: “La obra va más allá de la estimulación de la curiosidad de los lectores y busca investigar, enfrentándolos a la complejidad de nuestro mundo. El libro pone en claro que el mundo no es tan sencillo y estructurado como lo sugieren todos los manuales psicométricos, que son la antítesis dogmática y monodimensional de ?Y, de qué se trata?” Esta brillante serie amplía la imaginación del lector con la vistosidad y el humor que se ha invertido en ella. Aun cuando contiene pocas palabras, permite a los jóvenes lectores y a padres que aún no han perdido su curiosidad natural, entretenerse, aprender, discernir y disfrutar. En su calidad de libro universal sin palabras, supera las barreras de edad, idioma y cultura y es un regalo ideal. Próximamente saldrá a la luz una continuación, con 27 acertijos gráficos adicionales. Gideon Bar-Sinai, de 49 años, casado y padre de tres hijos, es expiloto y licenciado en ciencias informáticas. Trabajó durante muchos años en el desarrollo de programas de software y ocupó altos cargos directivos en varias empresas de alta tecnología. ?Y, de qué se trata? es el primer volumen de esta original serie de libros de acertijos gráficos.

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        by Israel (Puchu) Wiesler

        RAMÓN QUE SE LE PERDIÓ EL PANTALÓN (En medio del baile) por Israel (Puchu) Wiesler Este es un cuento acerca de un niño flaco, que al principio no le apetecía comer y que era muy delgado, pero que después, cuando al fin comenzó a comer, no podía parar. Era horrible: cuando era flaco se le caían los pantalones y al subir de peso le reventaban las costuras. ?Que se podía hacer? Preguntad a su madre, que tenía una solución para cada problema. Este libro, que en los últimos diez años ha registrado ventas muy buenas en Israel, se ha vuelto últimamente de mayor aceptación, gracias a la creciente conciencia tanto de padres como de niños sobre el problema de la obesidad en la infancia. Aun cuando este relato tiene una moraleja, su gran éxito (?hasta ahora se han publicado 12 ediciones!) deriva principalmente de lo divertido que es para los lectores jóvenes. El autor, Israel Wiesler, cuyo apodo es “Puchu”, nació en Tel Aviv y publicó su primer libro, “Qué pandilla” a los 26 años. Desde entonces ha escrito Wiesler más de treinta libros y docenas de libretos para series de televisión destinados a niños y a adultos jóvenes. Las obras de Wiesler, escritas con un cálido y especial sentido del humor, fueron galardonadas con seis premios literarios en Israel. El acreditado “Léxico Ofek” de literatura para niños en hebreo, describe a Wiesler como “como el mejor escritor humorista para niños y adultos jóvenes de Israel”. Puchu ha sido uno de los tres únicos escritores israelíes que fueron honrados el año pasado con la emisión de un sello de correo que muestra la portada de uno de sus libros.

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        La hermandad de la Casa Grande (The brotherhood of the Big House)

        Una novela negra sobre el juicio del Estado a los brujos de Chiloé (A detective novel about the state's trial of the witches of Chiloé)

        by Eduardo Pérez Arroyo

        It's 1879. To the north, Chile defends foreign investment in the Pacific War. To the south, beyond the already invaded Araucania, from a large, almost unexplored island, rumors of violence, superstition and a state incapable of enforcing its law spread. The elite would be at ease if some “elements” that are not occupied at the border with Peru penetrated Chiloé. They need evidence to condemn those criminals who terrorize the population with old indigenous beliefs. They call themselves witches. They are organized as La Recta Provincia or La Hermandad de la Casa Grande. They lie to scare and change the names of the cities on the island –Achao, Dalcahue or Quicaví–, confusing them with others: Buenos Aires, Villarrica, Salamanca. If they were only myths, it would be enough for the government to forget that secret place. But the one who calls himself the Greatest Liar in the World claims to have escaped the sorcerers and travels the north glimpsing the aliens: he talks to them of malice, monsters and murders; of the bloody clans' struggles to become a decaying reign. For these lies, or to secure an unstable national pride, coronels and tenants decide to put an end to things that a mortal has no power to finish.

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        Children's & YA

        I Am Not Alone

        by Ramy Tawil

        Maher realizes one day he is an only child with no siblings. He starts to feel a bit lonely, and wishes he had siblings - like his friends and cousins. Luckily, his toys are here and now it’s time to show Maher what it means to be surrounded with brothers and sisters.It’s a heartwarming story that shows how rich and powerful the imagination of an only child can be.

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        Children's & YA

        I Am Special

        by Nadine Kamal Karrit

        You may be both different and the same as all the other children.This is what this book tackling the Down Syndrome explains, through the story of a child who just wants to be friends with everybody else.

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        Biography & True Stories
        March 2019

        Biography of He Binglin: An Educator in China

        by Li Guiyuan

        He Binglin, a modern educator, established Yueyun Middle School in Hunan province. From Qing Dynasty to the period of People's Republic of China, He devoted his life to education and Yueyun Middle School as a principal for more than 50 years. With unique educational philosophy, he developed any amount of talents as backbones of China. Besides, as a democrat, he committed himself to the building of democracy in his old age. This book aims at artistically presenting the whole life of He Binglin based on historical facts to show the figure as a civilian educator. In this way can students in Yueyun Middle School have a further understanding of the founder of their school. Also, this book can be as the source to study the educational philosophy and personality of He Binglin.

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        Un oso en la cama y un chacal en el horno

        by Avinoam Lourie y Cissy Shapiro

        Un oso en la cama y un chacal en el horno Divertidas aventuras de un zoólogo israelí especializado en la fauna silvestre Avinoam Lourie y Cissy Shapiro   ?Cuántos pueden decir que han tenido un oso en la cama, que calentaron un chacal en el horno, que fueron corneados por un corzo celoso o atacados por un tigre, que han tenido monos colgados de la araña, o que han perdido una víbora en un avión?   Las vivencias  reconfortantes, divertidas y educativas del zoólogo israelí Avinoam Lourie con una exótica variedad de animales salvajes y también con los miembros de su familia, contadas con la calidez, el humor, el ingenio y la sabiduría que bien conocen sus asiduos lectores.   Avinoam Lourie ha recibido la Medalla de Honor del Presidente de Israel, ha sido seleccionado como una de las "100 personas más importantes" de Haifa, y ha ayudado a traer a Israel varias especies en peligro de extinción.   "Como alguien que ha acompañado a Avi en el terreno, mientras enseñaba a nuevas generaciones de israelíes acerca de sus ecosistemas nativos, es una alegría compartir el dramatismo, el humor y las ideas que esta fascinante colección contiene", señala Sneed Collard III, autor y editor, que ha recibido el premio del Washington Post y del Children's Book Guild a obras de noficción.   "Muchos de nuestros amigos tenían perros, gatos y otras mascotas, ?pero nadie tenía un padre que trajera a casa un tigre, un oso o incluso un mono, como nosotros!", dice Dr. Barak Lourie (el hijo intermedio de Avinoam), Haifa, Israel.   “Él me enseñó que los animales son como la gente: trátalos de la misma manera y bien". Resumen del estudiante de una comunicación de Avinoam a la escuela secundaria media de octavo grado de Conservación de la naturaleza y ecología de Green Bay, Wisconsin, Estados Unidos.

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        Your Psychological Complexes Is Your Eternal prison

        by Youssef Al-Hasani

        If you are not ready to face your reality, if you are running away from yourself and avoid facing yourself, then this book is not for you! In this book, you will be shocked by discovering many things and facts that you thought were part of the postulates of life. Also, this book will deal with many bold and realistic matters in our Arab societies that were not discussed in detail in the past, and it will be enough to cause a bout of awareness within you.Get ready for a unique journey that will enable you to see things differently, know your true self, your psychological complexes, and how to have a decent and real life.The book addresses the following points: How are we indoctrinated intellectual legacies? And to what extent does the influence of parents in shaping our id entity and our reactions? A detailed psychological analysis of the most important psychological complexes that exist in the aspects of relationships, work, money, Authority, love, and others. A detailed explanation of the methods of deception and emotional manipulation in relationships. How do we become mature? Why are we afraid of confrontation and expressing our thoughts? How do we overcome our fears? The relationship between the psychological complexes and gender.And many other things.

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        Devouring Himself, Starting with His Feet

        by Abdallah Al-Zioud

        Despite its small size, it managed to take its place among the best modern literature books in recent years. From the title and cover, going through its amazing preface and eloquent language, and to the element of surprise and unexpected ending. Abdallah Al-Zioud was able to make the reading journey of this novel a meaningful journey despite its shortness; a journey introduces readers to new terms that manipulate their imaginations and puts them in the eye of the event through a visual language that conveys the reader from paper to the visual world of the novel. It teaches them some of writing tricks and simplifies what seems complicated at the beginning so that the reader believes in its ordinary before discovering that he has fallen victim to fraud.I can say that the most beautiful thing about this novel is that it was not written in a style and did not follow a context. it rebelled against the ordinary, uniquified in style, and combined simplicity and complexity in a way predicting an amazing ability and counted in its writer favor.

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        Blood and Milk

        by Mohamed Al-Jezawi

        The novel poses the problem of identity, as it is the essence of the psychological and intellectual conflict of the main character (Hassoun), who is disputed by two contradictory identities; He was born in the land of Yemen from a Muslim father and a Jewish mother and carried the inheritance of the two religions and their old and new conflict.Hassoun's internal journey continues with his own human crises and transformations that he witnesses along with his external journey through various societies that he went through in transitional stages of their history. Over two thousand seven hundred years, Hassoun seeks to discover himself and reach his identity by retiring at times, and by experimenting at other times, thus he goes through multiple experiences to get closer to himself.

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        Compulsory Training. Preparing and blistering

        Pursuant to Art. 34 ApBetrO

        by Manuela Queckenberg

        If medicines are prepared or blistered in advance, this not only saves time during the course of nursing care but also prevents medication errors. Section 34 of the German Ordinance on the Operation of a Pharmacy (ApBetrO) regulates the procedure and at the same time stipulates staff training. This is the perfect tool to use! The whole field of preparing and blistering, presented on 43 slides: - Basics: definitions and statutory requirements - Requirements: rooms, staff, hygiene, and occupational safety and health - Prerequisites: quality and plausibility - Drug products: whitelist and blacklist - Manufacture: from deblistering to labelling The content of the 2nd edition has been updated. The volume now contains many new photos and illustrations. Training slides, explanatory text and the form for documenting the training can be found as usual on the tabletop display and for download. Whether new employees or old hands – everyone benefits!

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        The Half Quilt

        by Zeng San

        Rucheng, Hunan, is the first large-scale centralized land recuperation after the Red Army's Long March. A story of "half-quilt" embodies the deep feelings of the military and civilians in the village of Shazhou in Rucheng. The revolutionaries Mao Zedong and Zhu De launched revolutionary activities in Rucheng, which has consolidated the mass foundation on this land.The book takes the "Half Quilt" story as the entrance, integrates the Long March story and revolution story of Rucheng, and the story of Shazhou Village's poverty eradication in the new era.

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        Children's & YA

        O sumiço do tatu (The disappearance of the armadillo)

        by Marília Moreira

        Haroldo, a minho, who as he relates to other animals in the garden brings to light issues such as friendship and respect, mixing a harmonic field with an inside-out view of the garden of a house inhabited by some strange animals, among them the (human) balance-beast.

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        Health & Personal Development
        May 2019

        4:30 am at Harvard University

        a compulsory course for teenagers from Harvard University

        by Wei Xiuying

        This book starts with the spirit and temperament of Harvard students (including graduate students) in education and learning, and focuses on cultivating the quality of young students. It guides young students from the ordinary to the aspects of ambition, habits, personality, emotional management, and time management Excellence is the main narrative content! Not only from the perspective of human growth and development, but also from the specific content of time management and self-discipline management to provide references and cases to help young students work hard, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, guide them to work harder and more consciously to learn knowledge and enhance integration Ability to become a useful resource for society.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Looking up at the stars in the abyss: the humbleness and pride of celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasty

        by Bei Mingyu

        This book is a celebrity biography of Wei Jin Dynasties. The stories are authentic, which take us to review the Wei Jin Dynasties, and appreciate those interesting stories and souls

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