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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Faith stories

        by Anna Hickey-Moody

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        May 1985

        Wie entsteht Religion?

        by Alfred North Whitehead, Hans Günter Holl

        Religion in the Making – so der englische Originaltitel – besteht aus vier Vorlesungen, die Whitehead 1926 gehalten hat. In der gleichen Perspektive, wie er in den ein Jahr früher gehaltenen Lowell Lectures, die unter dem Titel Wissenschaft und moderne Welt erschienen sind, Entwicklung und Wirkung der modernen Wissenschaft analysiert hatte, verfolgt er in Wie entsteht Religion? die Ziele, »eine gedrängte Analyse der vielfältigen Faktoren in der menschlichen Natur vorzulegen, die in ihrem Zusammenwirken eine neue Religion entstehen lassen, den unausweichlichen Wandel der Religion im Zusammenhang mit dem Wandel des Wissens darzustellen und insbesondere die Aufmerksamkeit darauf zu richten, wie die Religion von unserer Auffassung jener beständigen Elemente abhängt, vermöge derer es in der Welt eine feste Ordnung gibt – beständige Elemente, ohne die es keine sich verändernde Welt geben könnte«.

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        September 2023

        Situating religion and medicine in Asia

        Methodological insights and innovations

        by Michael Stanley-Baker

        This edited volume presents the latest research on the intersection of religion and medicine in Asia. It features chapters by internationally known scholars, who bring to bear a range of methodological and geographic expertise on this topic. The book's central question is to what extent 'religion' and 'medicine' have overlapped or interrelated in various Asian societies. Collectively, the contributions explore a number of related issues, such as: which societies separated out religious from medical concerns, at which times and in what ways? Where have medicine and religion converged, and how has such knowledge been defined by scholars and cultural actors? Are 'religion' and 'medicine' the best terms by which scholars can grapple with knowledge about the sacred and the self, destiny and disease?

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        May 2002

        Die Religion der Gesellschaft

        by Niklas Luhmann, André Kieserling

        Die Klassiker der Soziologie hatten die Religionssoziologie als einen zentralen Teil der Gesellschaftstheorie angesehen, und zwar auch und gerade dort, wo ihnen die moderne, angeblich so religionsfern gebaute Gesellschaft vor Augen stand. Der vorliegende Band, an dem Niklas Luhmann bis kurz vor seinem Tod gearbeitet hat, erneuert diesen Anspruch, indem er die Religion als autonomes Kommunikationssystem innerhalb der modernen Gesellschaft beschreibt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Religion, war and Israel’s secular millennials

        by Stacey Gutkowski

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2020

        Forms of faith

        by Jonathan Baldo, Isabel Karremann

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2007

        Religion in Revolutionary England

        by Christopher Durston, Judith Maltby

        This book offers a collection of essays tightly focused around the issue of religion in England between 1640 and 1660, a time of upheaval and civil war in England. Edited by well-known scholars of the subject, topics include the toleration controversy, women's theological writing, observance of the Lord's Day and prayer books. To aid understanding, the essays are divided into three sections examining theology in revolutionary England, inside and outside the revolutionary National Church and local impacts of religious revolution. Carefully and thoughtfully presented, this book will be of great use for those seeking to better understand the practices and patterns of religious life in England in this important and fascinating period. ;

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        April 2019

        Spiritual Growth

        by Rabbi Paul Steinberg

        This book began with Paul Steinberg's realization that although religions are struggling to meet the needs and trends of our modern age, spirituality is not. Its contemporary manifestations continue to thrive, and Jews can be found throughout all varieties of spiritual leadership in America.Facing the fact that, for whatever reason, Jewish leaders simply have not done a good job of translating the ancient, spiritual wisdom of their beliefs into contemporary language and images that resonate with mass appeal, Rabbi Steinberg knew that the faith of his fathers was ready for a new spiritual message. And so he has written it―a message that is both particular to Judaism and uses Jewish language and text as starting points for a view that is universal enough to include spiritual concepts, terms, and expressions from many other spiritual traditions.Spiritual Growth: A Contemporary Jewish Approach provides both a language and a set of Jewish spiritual principles that are accessible and integrated with contemporary life, as well as being deep and authentically real (i.e., not “dumbed down” for anyone). It is a work that emerged out of Rabbi Steinberg's own personal experiences, pains, and spiritual journey―the trials and growth documented in his highly successful book Recovery, the 12 Steps, and Jewish Spirituality.There are not a lot of works like this. There are books on Jewish scholarship, history, and theology. But books on Jewish spirituality tend usually to focus on a particular motif, such as the feminine, grief, aging, or Kabbalistic biblical interpretations. Spiritual Growth: A Contemporary Jewish Approach presents its message through the psycho-spiritual world view of 2018 but without the language and narrative of a therapist. It is an important contribution to the spiritual-seeking community at large, to Jews who have become alienated from their faith, and to anyone interested in learning more about what a historically vibrant spirituality can bring to today's troubled world.

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        April 2022

        Corona Chaos. Confessions from a pharmacist

        by Simon Krivec

        More than two years of pandemic is more than two years of corona clutter. Only a staggering level of helpfulness, improvisation and flexibility prevented the healthcare system from collapsing completely. In this highly topical book, pharmacist Simon Krivec tells of his incredible experiences and the stormy ups and downs of pandemic madness, missing masks and disinfectants, and the feeling of having been totally abandoned by a helpless state. We learn, for instance, of the short-term procurement of large quantities of ethanol and the transportation of the highly flammable substance, and just what lured the author – and 71,400 euros in cash – to visit the port of Neuss at night.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2019

        Spiritual and Religious Tourism

        Motivations and Management

        by Ruth Dowson, Jabar Yaqub, Razaq Raj

        This book reviews tourist motivations for making religious or spiritual journeys, and the management aspects related to them. It explores sacred journeys across both traditional religions such as Christianity and Islam, and newer forms of pilgrimage, faith systems and quasi-religious activities such as sport, music and food. Demonstrating to the reader the intrinsic elements and events that play a crucial role within the destination management process, it provides a timely re-assessment of the increasing interconnections between religion and spirituality as a motivation for travel. The book: - Includes applications, models and illustrations of religious tourism and pilgrimage management for converting theory into good practice; - Addresses theories of motivation and why travel to religious destinations has increased; - Explores key learning points from a selection of international case study perspectives. Providing researchers and students of tourism, religious studies, anthropology and related subjects with an important review of the topic, this book aims to bridge the ever-widening gap between specialists within the religious, tourism, management and education sectors.

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        Prisoner of Faith and Judgment

        by Rauf Parfi

        Iymon Asiri and Hukmnoma by Rauf Parfi is an insightful work exploring the themes of faith and judgment. The book examines the intricate relationship between belief and justice, offering a profound analysis of moral and ethical dilemmas through the lens of religious and philosophical thought.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        The religion of Orange politics

        by Joseph Webster, Alexander Smith

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        April 2000

        Goethe und die Religion

        Aus seinen Werken, Briefen, Tagebüchern und Gesprächen

        by Hans-Joachim Simm

        Hans-Joachim Simm, Dr. phil., geboren 1946 in Braunschweig, war bis 2009 Verlagsleiter des Insel Verlags und des Verlags der Weltreligionen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Über Sünde, Glaube und Religion

        by John Rawls, Sebastian Schwark, Jürgen Habermas, Joshua Cohen, Thomas Nagel, Robert Merrihew Adams

        John Rawls, der vielleicht wichtigste politische Philosoph des 20. Jahrhunderts, galt zeitlebens als »religiös unmusikalisch«, doch nach seinem Tod wurden zwei Texte entdeckt, die zu einer gründlichen Revision dieses Bildes zwingen. Seine »Senior Thesis« aus dem Jahr 1942 zeigt einen brillanten Studenten, der Politik, Ethik und Theologie dadurch gekennzeichnet sieht, dass sie versuchen, mit der Sünde – dem Bösen – in der Welt fertig zu werden. Im zweiten, fast 50 Jahre später entstandenen, sehr persönlichen Text gewährt uns Rawls einen bewegenden Einblick in »seine Religion« und schildert auf eindringliche Weise, wie er als Soldat im Zweiten Weltkrieg den Glauben seiner Jugend verlor.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        Critical theory and feeling

        The affective politics of the early Frankfurt School

        by Simon Mussell

        This book offers a unique and timely reading of the early Frankfurt School in response to the recent 'affective turn' within the arts and humanities. Resisting the overly rationalist tendencies of political philosophy, it argues that critical theory actively cultivates a powerful connection between thinking and feeling, and rediscovers a range of often neglected concepts that were of vital importance to the first generation of critical theorists, including melancholia, hope, (un)happiness, objects and mimesis. In doing so, it brings the dynamic work of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Ernst Bloch and Siegfried Kracauer into conversation with more recent debates around politics and affect. An important intervention in the fields of affect studies and social and political thought, Critical theory and feeling shows that sensuous experience is at the heart of the Frankfurt School's affective politics.

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