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        Pest control
        November 2009

        Citrus Mites

        Identification, Bionomy and Control

        by Vincenzo Vacante

        Citrus pests are a serious issue for crop growers, causing problems in yield and economic losses. Citrus Mites is a comprehensive study of mites harmful to citrus plants from all citrus growing regions around the world. Providing a useful resource for identifying citrus crop pests, the text will also address methods of removal from plants, describe symptoms of damage caused by pests and discuss methods of eradication and control, making it essential for horticulturalists, pomologists and acarologists as well as practitioners, researchers and students of crop protection and pest management.

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        Insects (entomology)
        August 2003

        Mites of Greenhouses

        Identification, Biology and Control

        by Edited by Zhi-Qiang Zhang

        Mites are among the most important arthropods in greenhouses, both as pests causing economic injury to greenhouse crops, and as natural enemies used in the biological control of pest insects and other mites. Because of their minute size, mites are much less well known than insects.This book describes the biology, identification and control of such mites and the topics covered include an introduction to the Acari, illustrated keys to orders, families and selected species, the control of pest mites, and the role of beneficial mites in biological control. The book will be of interest to those working in entomology, crop protection and horticulture.

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        Agronomy & crop production
        December 2015

        The Handbook of Mites of Economic Plants

        Identification, Bio-ecology and Control

        by Vincenzo Vacante

        Mites pose a serious problem to plants worldwide, attacking crops and spreading disease. When mites damage crops of economic importance the impacts can be felt globally. Mites are among the most diverse and successful of invertebrates, with over 45,000 described species, with many more thousands to be discovered. They are responsible for a significant portion of the losses of crops for food, fibre, industry and other purposes, and require expensive and often controversial pest control measures. Understanding these mites is vital for entomologists, pest researchers, agronomists and food producers. Knowledge of mite pests helps to inform control strategies and optimize the production of economic plants and the agrarian economy. This encyclopedia provides a thorough coverage of the mites and the problems they cause to crops, yet it is easily searchable, organised by mite species and subdivided into helpful headings. It takes a worldwide view of the issue of mites injurious to economic plants, describing mites prevalent in different regions and discussing control methods appropriate in different environments. This book provides an encyclopaedic reference to the major mites, described by family in terms of their internal and external morphology, bio-ecology and family systematics. Methods of mite collection and laboratory study is described, as well as species diagnostic characteristics, worldwide distribution, host plants, identification by the type of damage they cause and control strategies, including chemical and biological intervention and integrated pest management measures. Mites of the following families are included: (Eriophyoidea, Tarsonemidae, Tuckerellidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tetranychidae, Acaridae, Penthaleidae). The Handbook of Mites of Economic Plants is an important resource for students of entomology and crop production, and as a thorough reference guide for researchers and field workers involved with mites, crop damage and food production. Click here to read the first chapter for free.

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        October 2002

        Proust für Gestreßte

        by Marcel Proust, Reiner Speck

        Spätestens seit Marcel Prousts Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit wissen wir, daß die wahren Paradise die verlorenen sind. In Prousts siebenbändigem Roman finden sich ebenso treffende wie einfühlsame Bemerkungen über das Vergehen der Zeit, die Würde der Krankheit oder das Glück des Lesens. Die Beschäftigung mit Prousts Werk kann sich als ein wahrer Segen für gestreßte Leser erweisen: Dem Zivilisationsmüden spendet sie Ruhe und Weisheit, dem Leidenden Trost und Ermutigung, und allen Lesern gewährt sie tiefe Einblicke in die verborgenen Motive menschlichen Handelns. Reiner Speck hat aus der Frankfurter Ausgabe von Prousts Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit die schönsten Passagen zusammengestellt und mit einem Nachwort versehen. Diese Sammlung von Miniaturen voller Melancholie und Esprit zeigt einmal mehr, daß der wohl bedeutendste französische Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts auch ein großer Psychologe war.

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        March 2004

        Guten Tag, wie geht es Ihnen?

        Besser kommunizieren im Alltag (Einklinker: Bekannt aus der ARD-Talkshow)

        by Speck, Dieter

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1983


        by Reiner Speck

        Marcel Proust gehört zu den großen Autoren der klassischen Moderne. Sein Romanwerk »Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit« findet immer mehr begeisterte Leser. PROUSTIANA versammeln neue wissenschaftliche und essayistische Arbeiten über Autor und Werk und geben Hinweise auf Publikationen und Veranstaltungen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 1999

        Marcel Proust

        Zwischen Belle Époque und Moderne

        by Michael Maar, Reiner Speck

        Michael Maar, geboren 1960, Studium der Germanistik und der Psychologie. Regelmäßig literaturkritische Veröffentlichungen sowie Buchpublikationen; zahlreiche Auszeichnungen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Piccola Sicilia


        by Speck, Daniel

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        September 1997

        Sexueller Missbrauch

        Die Einsamkeit der Opfer. Die Hilflosigkeit der Justiz

        by Däubler-Gmelin, Herta; Speck, Dieter

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        March 2021

        Jaffa Road


        by Speck, Daniel

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