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      • MIS Publishing Co., Ltd.

        MIS Publishing Co., Ltd. is one of the creators of best-selling educational books and materials in Thailand. Our mission is to create high-quality books at a reasonable price everyone can afford. . Our company produces high-quality content and hi-tech learning multimedia with care in every detail for people of all ages, especially young learners. We have a strong team of creative writers in different specific fields, and native speakers with perfect accents to ensure that all products will be pleased and accurate. . From small beginnings, MIS has been growing at a rapid pace. We never stop developing new products for all book lovers. We have sold book rights to many foreign publishing houses in Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and still counting.

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      • Mistery Trackers

        Robbery in the Old Mansion

        by Barbara Menezes and Ricardo Barreiros

        Ice cream makes your detective brain more efficient. Artur, Mariana, and Pedro have a very exciting life: Their father is a detective at the local police department. When they come home from school, they first hear about the new crimes that happened in town. This time, a very precious violin has been stolen from a rich man living in an old mansion. The three of them decide to conduct their own investigation. And they soon find the main suspects. But who really robbed the violin? The housekeeper who needs the money for her mother’s medical treatment, the music teacher who loves violins, or the lawyer responsible for the instrument’s safety . . . Artur, the younger brother, has his own investigation methods, and after some elbow grease and ice cream, the three of them discover the truth . . .

      • Children's & YA

        Kiko Robot

        by Valentín Rincón

        Discover the mistery found in the robot that Frida and Eduardo built with their grandfather's help. You won't be able to believe everything Kiko can do. A story centered around family and friendship.

      • Fiction
        September 2020

        El bosque de los cuatro vientos

        by Maria Oruña

        THE FOREST OF THE FOUR WINDS Jon Bécquer is an anthropologist whose job is to locate and uncover lost historical objects. In an old monastery in Ourense he begins to investigate the curious disappearance of centuries-old relics which are part of The Legend of Nine Rings. So, when the corpse of a man in a Benedictine habit worn two centuries before unexpectedly appears, Bécquer and sergeant Xocas will venture deep into the legendary forests of Galicia in search of an explanation. As they move back in time, they will come across a singular story of doctor Vallejo and his daughter Marina, who, at the beginning of the 19th century travelled from Valladolid to the former Principality of Galicia to dedicate themselves to monastic life. There they will witness the fall of the Church after centuries in power and the final demise of the Anciene Régime, brought about by political upheaval and the Enlightenment. Interested in medicine and botany but not allowed to study, Marina will break the rules of knowledge, love and liberty that will change forever the course of life of the future generations.

      • Fiction
        May 2016


        Comics Anthology

        by Andik Prayogo, Yudhanegara Nyoman, Nan-Nan

        Shivers is a comics anthology created by a number of talented Indonesia comics artists. It contains 6 thrillers and horror/mistery comics with superb artworks. 1. Reunion-Revival-Requiem, created by Andik Prayogo and Felix Setiawan, is a mistery comic trilogy about a young boy who experienced a series of unfortunate events, caused by misterious beings. 2. Kris, created by Yudhanegara Nyoman and Aloysius Alfa, tells the adventure of two young ghosthunters, 3. Midnight Visitor, created by Nan-Nan, is a horror comic which tells about the misterious visitor who often comes to new-moms. 4. Freudian, by Yudhanegara Nyoman and Bening Andyani, tells a story about the journey of young college students that ended tragically, caused by winning a bottle cap lottery.

      • Children's & YA
        December 2019

        Zoira & Max e il fantasma della quercia grande

        by Bonifacio Vincenzi

        Un fantasma apparso dal nulla, una colonia di conigli scomparsa improvvisamente, un medaglione rubato. In questa loro avventura, Zoira e Max hanno risolto tanti misteri affidandosi ai loro doti di gatta e cane. E contando, soprattutto, sulla loro fraterna amicizia, l'arma più potente contro le differenze e le avversità.

      • June 2018

        Traveling with Emma

        by Rita Remagnino

        Knowing that history has been written by victors for thousands of years, archaeologist Emma Bauer leaves from Genua to Kurdistan in search of the true story of the "fall of the angels", that is, the "devils" of the religious narrative. The elderly professor Mauro Biancardi watches over his footsteps, who suddenly dies, but perhaps not entirely. Paolo Ornesi, blogger and follower of conspiracy theories, and Ferdinando Lingiardi, a spirited hairdresser who interprets life as fun squared, join in the investigation, otherwise what a life it would be. The journey of the unlikely trio is followed discreetly by Giuliano Bellini, a plainclothes Marshal of Foreign Office, and in a nagging manner by the American Brian Collins, who declares himself to be very much in love with Emma Bauer. Some minor characters animate this surprising adventure full of twists and not without irony. A mix of religious spirit and joy of traveling is this novel published in 2018 and now ready for european loving of mistery.

      • Graphic novels



        Supernatural Terror set in the twenties. where seduction, desire y treason weaves a nightmarish fabric of mistery.   THRILLER TERROR POLICE/CRIME   Diego Felgueroso is a very vital libertine. His life is summed up in drinking, smoking and flirting with girls. He comes to town to work as trumpeter in a Cabaret and he falls for one of the dancers, the enigmatic Satanela. But what begins as a date turn out to be a ghostly encounter where he is taken from his body, confining him on another dimension. Seeking for revenge, Diego would do anything to come back and make Satanela pay for her treason.   A window to the Europe of the 20th Simone’s drawing and colour are a masterpiece of light and shadows Thorough documentation that will make travel history lovers

      • Biography & True Stories

        Best test book ever

        by Best Author

        Best book on beer ever

      • Soul Keeper

        by Rocco Luigi Gliro

        It’s a story between reality and dreams,between hope and the inevitable. It’sabout life and death. The protagonist is agraveyard’s keeper, and he’s also thenarrating voice. He tells the stories andthe dead listen. What’s interesting aboutthis graveyard is that the dead are crammedin drawers, not cemetery plots, as ifthey were documents to be read in orderto learn something and live a better life.The graveyard has its rules: in themorning the dead leave the graveyardand head for home (what used to be theirhome before they died) to go visit theirliving relatives and help them solveremaining problems. The dead want tomake sense out of their death and thekeeper wants to make sense out of hislife.

      • Children's & YA

        Ed & Pierre: the red book mystery

        by Lucy Silva, Regina Mara Conrado

        Ed and Pierre are inseparable friends. Alicia is a very strange girl. This is the perfect ingredient to spark fear in Pierre, curiosity in Ed, and cause lots of trouble. A mysterious red book, a world full of adventure, magic, action and suspense, as well as a touch of humor.

      • Fiction


        6th volume of the “VÍCTOR ROS’ series

        by Jerónimo Tristante

        1885. A new and amazing case for detective Víctor Ros that will take him to Cuba, the pearl of the Caribbean, together with his inseparable companions Alfredo Blázquez and Arístides Mínguez. They will get involved in the cosmopolitan environment of Havana, among spies of the Western powers, double agents, North American businessmen, autonomists, insurgents, the Cuban sugar aristocracy, military men and Spain supporters. A fast-paced adventure in prewar Cuba and Spanish Empire debacle that will lead Víctor deep into the Cuban jungle, the manigua, forced to meet old enemies and ghosts of the past .   Other titles of the series: El misterio de la casa Aranda (2007), El caso de la viuda negra (2008), El enigma de la calle Calabria (2010), La última noche de Víctor Ros (2013), Víctor Ros y el gran robo del oro español (2015).   In 2015 TVE (Spain) produced a TV series based on Víctor Ros novels.

      • Twinology

        by Marco Zoppas

        Twinology è un viaggio attraverso le tante suggestioni offerte dai testi letterari e brani musicali che hanno influenzato o sono stati influenzati da I segreti di Twin Peaks. Perché se il mondo di Twin Peaks non ha mai smesso di affascinare seguaci e appassionati che dagli anni Novanta si interrogano su singoli passaggi, personaggi o scelte registiche, la terza stagione uscita a distanza di venticinque anni ha rispalancato porte dell’immaginario mai chiuse e ogni sorta di tentativo interpretativo su misteri destinati a sconfinare ben oltre  il leggendario “Chi ha ucciso Laura Palmer?”. Intorno alla galassia creata dal genio di David Lynch e Mark Frost orbitano riferimenti e omaggi ad artisti altrettanto amati e prolifici. Muovendosi agile e leggero fra curiosi collegamentiesoterici, simbolici e aneddotici, Zoppas ci accompagna in un percorso che va dalla musica dei nativi americani a Chrysta Bell, passando per Leonard Cohen e Timothy Leary, Dylan e Bowie. Cosa c’entrano poi la figura di Giuda e quella del Golem? Cosa lega Michel Houellebecq e Murakami Haruki a Twin Peaks? Chi cita chi fra Lynch e Foster Wallace? E cosa avrà mai costretto la regina Elisabetta II a perdersi un concerto privato dedicatole da Paul McCartney?

      • Fiction

        Adicción a ver muertos

        by Oswaldo Buendía Galicia

        This novel is the first installment of a fantastic trilogy, it narrates the adventures of two weird detectives (a man with "age problems" and a ghost dwarf ... yes, ghost dwarf) who are dedicated to solve the strangest cases of a city called Ciudeath. Everything in this novel is a transgression of genres that, paradoxically, serves to honor them.The black and sly humor, politically incorrect, is obvious: his author has a perfect rhythm to release dialogues that are linked to the action. In addition, the environment in which the episodes take place is dark, gothic. A novel that comes out of the ordinary within the so-called 'Mexican Noir'.

      • Nostra Signora delle Ceneri

        by Simone Colaiacomo

        Rome, Anno Domini 2013. Abigail is a girl stuck in her teenage years, whose life is made even more complicated when, one day, she finds herself trapped a library that suddenly bursts into flames. Though miraculously survived, Fire starts to haunt her existence. On her eighteenth birthday, on the eve of All Saints' Day, Chance leads her to the The Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome, where she begins an inner journey to discover herself. Meanwhile, a series of esoteric crimes start to take place in many of the Ossuaries around Europe. An ancient and mysterious Order of exorcists, a prophecy, conspiracies inside the Vatican and unexpected plots intertwine together in this occult Urban Fantasy. ---  Roma, Anno Domini 2013. Abigail è una ragazza incastrata nella sua complicata adolescenza, a seguito di un incendio in una biblioteca in cui si è trovata prigioniera, pur uscendone miracolosamente incolume. Da quel drammatico evento, le fiamme condizionano la sua esistenza; tenta infatti alcuni mesi dopo di darsi fuoco con dei carboni ardenti, per capire come mai era stata graziata. Il giorno del suo diciottesimo compleanno, alla vigilia di Ognissanti, il caso la conduce nel cimitero Acattolico alla Piramide Cestia, dove inizia un viaggio interiore alla scoperta di se stessa.Fulcro e contorno delle vicende, una serie di furti e omicidi a sfondo esoterico che toccano, tra l'altro gli Ossari di mezza Europa. Un antico e misterioso Ordine di esorcisti, una profezia, complotti in Vaticano ed intrecci inattesi si sovrappongono in questo occulto Urban Fantasy. Il Bene e il Male si alternano, si scambiano, si confondono in una danza degli eccessi che investono le anime dei personaggi tra una possessione ed un esorcismo, il cui suggestivo scenario non poteva che essere costruito nell'ineguagliabile cornice della città eterna.

      • Inventory of The Suspended Days

        Happy Ideas for Hard Times

        by Agnès de Lestrade, Valeria Docampo

        There are days that you don’t feel likegoing anywhere. There are days you can’tphysically go anywhere. You feel locked,trapped. But sometimes there are enoughhappy little thoughts to smile and hope: forexample, trying to breed a snail, to celebratethe birthday with your neighbor, or to planthe next vacation dreaming on the map. A sweet picture book born during thepandemic, but suitable for all stages oflife. Last but not least: the authors and thepublisher will donate a part of the proceedsto a solidarity project.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2019


        Logic Mysteries

        by Antonio Calvani, Benedetto Zanaboni

        A comic book mystery for practicing logic skills in primary school How can you help a 6-year-old child with limited literacy skills develop autonomous logical skills? Here’s the answer: a mystery comic strip, which enhances visual skills and minimizes written text. Children can follow the story in complete autonomy and carry out fun activities, which will help them develop reasoning skills.  It is a beautiful spring morning and the sun is shining on the Rialto market. All of a sudden, however, something upsets the cheerful atmosphere: Mimì the poodle has disappeared … Did she run away or was she kidnapped?  To find out what happened, the children will have to help Ms. Teresa collect the clues and carry out captivating logical challenges such as finding the missing shape, rotating letters and shapes, rearranging and completing sequences, solving mazes, finding the mysterious character by verifying the identikit, completing symmetries, reading and completing groups.

      • Children's & YA

        Plan to Uncover Withches

        by Dávila, Valeria

        When Diulia Huzarska moved to the next house, the detective boy im-mediately suspected of her. There was no doubt: she was a witch. Step by step, the main character narrates to a police officer the clues to his discovery, without losing the opportunity to use his abilities of deduc-tive thinking and confirm his theory.

      • Children's & YA

        Edison's Revange

        by Sáez Castan Javier.

        Imagine someone creating a machine to undo all of the world's inven-tions, and also undo the memories that people have about them. How do you think the world would be without phones, wheels, pencils, elec-tric guitars, and computers?

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