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      • Marshall Cavendish

        Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.

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      • Jill Marshall Books

        Jill Marshall is the author of the popular middle-grade series about Sensational Spylet, Jane Blonde, and many other titles and series for tweens, teens, YA and adult.   Jill’s books have been published by Macmillan Children’s Books, Penguin and Hachette, in 22 countries, 11 languages and paperback, ebook and audio formats. Jane Blonde has been optioned for film and TV, with significant film interest in other Jill Marshall titles. Jill has also been an editor and manuscript assessor for trade publishers and societies, a creative writing teacher for over 1000 clients, and works in corporate communications.   During lockdown in 2020, and with all rights for all titles successfully re-acquired, Marshall fulfilled two long-term ambitions. The first – to create an independent publishing house of her own titles, rebranded and re-imagined for a digital world. The second – to pull together Jane Blonde and three other ‘superhero’ characters, all with their own origin series, into an ensemble series, S*W*A*G*G ( The third ambition was one that she couldn’t have foreseen: the wish to provide quality fiction for tween readers and upwards, in readily accessible digital formats and for free, in a world ravaged by a global pandemic.   In May 2020, Jill Marshall Books was born, and all three ambitions met. JMB has gathered momentum and fandom during those months, and it’s now time to partner with like-minded book people – innovative, passionate, caring – to extend the reach of JMB titles across formats, locations and media. Welcome to Jill Marshall Books. We look forward to connecting at Frankfurt 2020.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2025

        Soil Health and Nutrition Management

        by Naveen Chandra Joshi, Thomas Leustek, Prashant Kumar Singh, Arti Mishra, Vijayta Deepak Singh, Shalini Love, Shalini Porwal, Jaagiriti Tyagi, Mukul Joshi, Swati Mohapatra, Seema Pradhan, Priyanka Das, Deepanker Yadav, Charu Khosla Gupta, Kamlesh Choure, Manish Kumar Dubey, Sakshi Arora, Debananda S Ningthoujam

        A major challenge for agriculture and future crop production is the deterioration in soil health and fertility. We have large areas of barren land across the globe with degraded soil which can only be made fertile by applying proper nutrition and soil health management practices. It is crucial to protect soil health in order to feed the world's ever-growing population. Healthy soil is a dynamic ecosystem containing microbes that aid in the breakdown of organic materials and minerals, increasing the availability of plant nutrients (nutrient recycling) and enhancing soil quality and crop output. Healthy soil also helps mitigate the impact of climate change by maintaining nutrients and sequestering atmospheric carbon. This book summarizes the numerous components of soil health management including cutting-edge technologies such as genome editing and rhizospheric engineering, together with conventional techniques for preserving soil nutrients.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Soils for Landscape Development

        Selection, Specification and Validation

        by Simon Leake, Elke Haege

        This second edition of Soils for Landscape Development provides a clear, practical and systematic template for specifying landscape soils based on scientific criteria. The soil specifications provide essential information and a universally applicable method for landscape architects and designers, specification writers, landscape contractors and soil supply companies to ensure quality and fit-for-purpose soils. A strong emphasis is placed on reducing environmental impacts by reuse of on-site soil, promoting appropriate minimal soil intervention, and using recycled products. The first edition won the Award of Excellence for Research and Communication in Landscape Architecture at the AILA NSW (Australian Institute of Landscape Architects) Awards in 2014. The authors won a 2nd award for this book through The Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH) in 2015).

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Die vorletzte Station / Die Chronik Dingy

        Ein Bericht

        by Ludwig Hohl, Magnus Wieland

        Der nachgelassene Bericht Die vorletzte Station, eine Chronik von Ludwig Hohls Aufenthalt im Bergdörfchen Dingy, schildert die reale Begegnung mit Georges Mergault, einer heruntergekommenen ehemaligen Montparnasse-Bekanntschaft. In der haltlosen und kranken Künstler-Existenz Mergaults sieht sich der Erzähler mit einem monströsen Gegenbild seiner Vorstellung vom richtigen Leben konfrontiert und zugleich mit eigenen Abgründen. In einzelnen Episoden, schwankend zwischen Abscheu und unterschwelliger Faszination, entsteht das Porträt einer Figur radikaler Unangepasstheit vor der Kulisse eines skurrilen Dorfalltags.Eine Sozialstudie von zuweilen grotesker Komik.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Die vorletzte Station / Die Chronik Dingy

        Ein Bericht

        by Ludwig Hohl, Magnus Wieland, Ulrike Draesner

        Der nachgelassene Bericht Die vorletzte Station, eine Chronik von Ludwig Hohls Aufenthalt im Bergdörfchen Dingy, schildert die reale Begegnung mit Georges Mergault, einer heruntergekommenen ehemaligen Montparnasse-Bekanntschaft. In der haltlosen und kranken Künstler-Existenz Mergaults sieht sich der Erzähler mit einem monströsen Gegenbild seiner Vorstellung vom richtigen Leben konfrontiert und zugleich mit eigenen Abgründen. In einzelnen Episoden, schwankend zwischen Abscheu und unterschwelliger Faszination, entsteht das Porträt einer Figur radikaler Unangepasstheit vor der Kulisse eines skurrilen Dorfalltags.Eine Sozialstudie von zuweilen grotesker Komik.

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        January 2025

        Nursing the English from plague to Peterloo, 1665-1820

        by Alannah Tomkins

        This book studies the negative stereotypes around the women who worked as sick nurses in this period and contrasts them with the lived experience of both domestic and institutional nursing staff. Furthermore, it integrates nursing by men into the broader history of care as a constant if little-recognised presence. It finds that women and men undertook caring work to the best of their ability, and often performed well, despite multiple threats to nurse reputations on the grounds of gender norms and social status. Chapters consider nursing in the home, in general hospitals, in specialist institutions like the Royal Chelsea Hospital and asylums, plus during wartime, illuminated by multiple accounts of individual nurses. In these settings, it employs the sociological concept of 'dirty work' to contextualise the challenges to nurses and nursing identities.

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        Science & Mathematics
        November 2020

        Techniques for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes

        by Roland N Perry, David J Hunt, Sergei A Subbotin

        Techniques for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes is an up-to-date, comprehensive book covering the practicalities of working with and studying soil and plant nematodes. Written by an international team of experts, this book is highly illustrated and provides thorough coverage of methods whilst allowing for relevant information to be located quickly. It includes the fundamental traditional techniques and new methodologies, covering: sampling; extraction; estimating numbers; handling, fixing, staining, mounting; culturing techniques; figure preparation, measurement and image processing; electron microscopy techniques; behavioural and physiological assays; and cytogenetic, biochemical and molecular biology techniques. This book is an essential resource for anyone involved in plant nematology needing to refer to a readily available methodology standard, including students of nematology and parasitology, university lecturers and researchers, diagnostic laboratories, and quarantine and advisory service personnel. It provides a much needed compendium of the spectrum of information needed to work with these microscopic organisms.

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        Geography & the Environment
        September 2019

        Soil Carbon

        Science, Management and Policy for Multiple Benefits

        by Steven A Banwart, Elke Noellemeyer, Eleanor Milne

        This book brings together the essential evidence and policy opportunities regarding the global importance of soil carbon for sustaining Earth's life support system for humanity. Covering the science and policy background for this important natural resource, it describes land management options that improve soil carbon status and therefore increase the benefits that humans derive from the environment. Written by renowned global experts, it is the principal output from a SCOPE rapid assessment process project.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2019

        Healthy Soils for Healthy Vines

        Soil Management for Productive Vineyards

        by Robert White, Mark Krstic

        Healthy Soils for Healthy Vines provides a clear understanding of vineyard soils and how to manage and improve soil health for best vineyard performance. It covers the inherent and dynamic properties of soil health, how to choose which soil properties to monitor, how to monitor soil and vine performance, and how vineyard management practices affect soil health, fruit composition and wine sensory characters. It also covers the basic tenets of sustainable winegrowing and their significance for business resilience in the face of a changing climate.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2025

        Dirty books

        by Barry Reay, Nina Attwood

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        July 2019

        Dirty Cops


        by Adrian McKinty, Peter Torberg

        »Die Reihe gehört zweifellos zu den besten Krimiserien, die derzeit im Buchhandel erhältlich sind.« Jörg Kijanski, krimi-couch Gejagt von unbekannten Kräften, bedroht von internen Ermittlungen, unter Druck gesetzt von der Mutter seines Kindes, versucht er, einen der wahnwitzigsten Mordfälle seiner Laufbahn aufzuklären, ohne dabei sein eigenes Leben zu verlieren. Belfast 1988: Ein Mann wird mit einem Pfeil im Rücken tot aufgefunden. Es waren wohl kaum Indianer, und auch Robin Hood dürfte als Täter nicht in Frage kommen. Und da das Opfer eh nur ein Drogendealer war, könnte man sein kurioses Dahinscheiden ruhigen Gewissens zu den Akten legen. Doch Inspector Sean Duffy tut sich schwer damit, Morde zu den Akten zu legen – auch wenn seine Vorgesetzten ihn dazu drängen und der Haussegen bei der jungen Familie Duffy gerade reichlich schief hängt. Und noch jemand möchte Duffy zum Aufgeben zwingen: Eines Nachts findet er sich im Wald wieder, wo drei bewaffnete, maskierte Gestalten ihn dazu zwingen, sein eigenes Grab auszuheben …

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        Geography & the Environment
        June 2020

        New Land, New Life

        A success story of new land resettlement in Bangladesh

        by Andrew Jenkins, Natasha Haider, Bazlul Karim, Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Kiran Sankar Sarker, Rezaul Karim, Robiul Islam, Nujulee Begum, Edward Mallorie, Koen de Wilde

        The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta has newly emerged 'char' islands, resulting from the deposition of sediment, which are very vulnerable, socially, institutionally and environmentally. This book explains how the governments of Bangladesh and the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development cooperated on a land-based rural development project to give settlers security and purpose. It details how they engaged communities and civil societies, and implemented an infrastructure aimed at reducing flooding, improving drainage, and providing adequate drinking water and sanitation. The book describes the project's application to crop and animal agriculture, and the development of value chains and encouragement of female participation. It considers the financial underpinning and infrastructure, as well as how to ensure the impacts of the scheme are enduring. The scheme serves as a model for support projects to vulnerable groups faced with climate change and other environmental challenges. This book is suitable for students, researchers, specialists and practitioners in rural development, water resources, land management and soil science.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2007

        Dirty blonde

        Die Tagebücher

        by Love, Courtney

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Talking Dirty

        Mein Job bei der Sex-Hotline

        by Sommer, Marischa

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