Those who love the sea want to hear its voice and see its colours. But they also want to touch it, smell it and, sometimes, taste a little salt water. Walking along the shoreline, perhaps barefoot, offers all the pleasures of the sea, especially in autumn, winter or spring, even in the wind and rain, or in summer at dawn or dusk in the noise and silence of the waves. Moments when the relationship with the Mediterranean is passionate and sensual, when the attraction for water becomes irresistible. The journey is interrupted for a dip or a swim, and then resumed with the smell of salt. Strolling along the shores is a simple and free way of 'sailing', but also of claiming the gratuitousness of the sea, in Marseilles as in Palermo, on the island of Ithaca as on the Gargano promontory. That is why the walk along the beaches and cliffs is today also a form of civil disobedience, a libertarian practice, to reclaim the joys of our daily sea.