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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        Beef, Bible and bullets

        Brazil in the age of Bolsonaro

        by Richard Lapper, Leighton Pugh

        Backed by Brazil's wealthy agribusiness groups, a growing evangelical movement, and an emboldened military and police force, Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019. Driven by the former army captain's brand of controversial, aggressive rhetoric, the divisive presidential campaign saw fake news and misinformation shared with Bolsonaro's tens of millions of social media followers. Bolsonaro promised simple solutions to Brazil's rising violent crime, falling living standards and widespread corruption, but what has emerged is Latin America's most right-wing president since the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Famous for his racist, homophobic and sexist beliefs and his disregard for human rights, the so-called 'Trump of the Tropics' has established a reputation based on his polemical, sensationalist statements. Written by a journalist with decades of experience in the field, Beef, Bible and bullets is a compelling account of the origins of Brazil's unique brand of right-wing populism. Lapper offers the first major assessment of the Bolsonaro government and the growing tensions between extremist and moderate conservatives.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Geronnene Lava

        Texte zu politischem Totenkult und Erinnerung

        by Reinhart Koselleck, Manfred Hettling, Hubert Locher, Adriana Markantonatos

        »Gestorben wird alleine, zum Töten des Anderen gehören zwei. Die Fähigkeit des Menschen, seinesgleichen umzubringen, konstituiert vielleicht mehr noch menschliche Geschichte als seine Grundbestimmung, sterben zu müssen.« Der »gewaltsam Umgebrachten« zu gedenken, gehört zum Kern der politischen Kultur. Reinhart Koselleck hat mit seinen wegweisenden Arbeiten zum »Totenkult« ein neues Forschungsfeld erschlossen: die europäischen Denkmalslandschaften in ihrer ganzen historischen, ästhetischen und politischen Komplexität. Ob es sich um Opfer für das Vaterland oder um solche von Kriegen und Gewaltherrschaft handelt, ob Menschen in Bürgerkriegen und Revolutionen oder durch Staatsverbrechen, politischen oder religiösen Terror umgebracht wurden – alle sind »getötete Tote«. Ohne ihrer zu gedenken, so der Humanist Koselleck, ist ein Weiterleben nicht möglich. Der Band versammelt Kosellecks Aufsätze zum politischen Totenkult, publizistische Beiträge zu den Debatten über die »Neue Wache« und das Holocaustmahnmal in Berlin, theoretische Überlegungen zum Erinnerungsbegriff und unveröffentlichte autobiografische Notizen über seine Erfahrungen in Krieg und russischer Gefangenschaft. In Distanz zur populären »Erinnerungskultur« betonen sie die Unhintergehbarkeit der Differenz zwischen individueller Erfahrung und kollektiven Erinnerungskonstruktionen. Die Historie soll solche kollektiven Identitäten nicht stiften, sondern kritisch analysieren. Darin liegt für Koselleck die Aufgabe der Geschichtswissenschaft.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1986

        Die letzten Tage von Pompeji

        by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Friedrich Notter

        Generationen von Lesern und Filmzuschauern haben sich von der faszinierenden Vorstellung jener furchtbaren Naturkatastrophe fesseln lassen, von der Vorstellung, daß durch den Ausbruch des Vesuvs menschliches Leben und Treiben in einem Augenblick erstarb und manche Schreckensmomente in Lava und Asche bis in die Gegenwart konserviert und sichtbar blieben.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Weil Tashi die wichtigste Regel seines Volkes gebrochen hat, wurde er aus der Höhlenwelt der Jain verstoßen. Der einzige Weg zurück führt über den mystischen Pfad der Jain. Doch der birgt einige Gefahren! Kannst du Tashi helfen, sie zu überwinden? Zum Glück hat sein Großvater ihm ein Buch hinterlassen. Die Rätsel darin können euch den Weg weisen. Aber nehmt euch in Acht! Ein Yeti hat eure Fährte aufgenommen und ist euch dicht auf den Fersen … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Oder folge Cookie & Mojo durch Feuer und Lava. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Die Hinweise, die Lias’ verschollener Vater hinterlassen hat, führen euch in einen exotischen Urwald. Dabei stoßt ihr auf ein altes Flugzeugwrack. Was hat es damit nur auf sich? Kannst du Lias helfen, die Spuren richtig zu deuten? Die Rätsel im Expeditionstagebuch seines Vaters weisen euch den Weg. Schon bald findet ihr heraus, dass ihr einem großen Geheimnis immer näherkommt. Wäre da nicht die schreckliche Bestie, die es auf euch abgesehen hat … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Oder folge Cookie & Mojo durch Feuer und Lava. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Explorer Team (1). The Adventure Begins!

        by Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert

        Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal. Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU? Join Lias, Mojo and Cookie on a mission to the Himalayas: together they must find out what has happened to Lias’s father. He disappeared six months ago and the only thing he left behind was his expedition diary, which is full of strange clues and puzzles. The reader will be able to move onto the next stage only if you can decipher them. A great adventure awaits you! And you decide In the end, you must decide: How should the adventure continue for you and the Explorer Team? Hunt with Lias through the forgotten world. Go with Tashi to discover the eternal ice or follow Cookie and Mojo through fire and lava. You will have to choose which of the Explorers you want to accompany on the next adventure.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Caves, Revised Edition

        by Jeanne K. Hanson

        A captivating introduction to the world's most fascinating caves, Caves, Revised Edition explores every nook and cranny of these nature-made creations—including lava caves, sea caves, and glacial caves—from Kentucky's Mammoth Cave, to the amazing Paleolithic paintings of Lascaux, to Fingal's Cave of Scotland, which inspired Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture. Engrossing facts about the geologic origins of these underground voids; their astonishing speleothems, or formations, such as stalactites and stalagmites; and the microscopic extremophile organisms that dwell within are enhanced by exciting photographs and a wealth of other educational resources for further exploration.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Taking travel home

        The souvenir culture of British women tourists, 1750–1830

        by Emma Gleadhill

        In the late eighteenth-century, elite British women had an unprecedented opportunity to travel. Taking travel home uncovers the souvenir culture these women developed around the texts and objects they brought back with them to realise their ambitions in the arenas of connoisseurship, friendship and science. Key characters include forty-three-year-old Hester Piozzi (Thrale), who honeymooned in Italy; thirty-one-year-old Anna Miller, who accompanied her husband on a Grand Tour; Dorothy Richardson, who undertook various tours of England from the ages of twelve to fifty-two; and the sisters Katherine and Martha Wilmot, who travelled to Russia in their late twenties. The supreme tourist of the book, the political salon hostess Lady Elizabeth Holland, travelled to many countries with her husband, including Paris, where she met Napoleon, and Spain during the Peninsular War. Using a methodology informed by literary and design theory, art history, material culture studies and tourism studies, the book examines a wide range of objects, from painted fans "of the ruins of Rome for a sequin apiece" and the Pope's "bless'd beads", to lava from Vesuvius and pieces of Stonehenge. It argues that the rise of the souvenir is representative of female agency, as women used their souvenirs to form spaces in which they could create and control their own travel narratives.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agronomy & crop production
        September 2010

        Industrial Crops and Uses

        by Randy D Allen, Harbans L Bhardwaj, Benjamin Todd Campbell, Enrico Casadei, Louise Estabrook, Daniel Geller, Lou A Honary, Murray B Isman, Peter Kulakow, Lava Kumar, J E Losey, Denis Murphy, Dharmalingam Pitchy, Sadequr Rahman, Dennis T Ray, Roger Ruan, Sivendra Sahi, Dev S Shrestha, Jorge da Silva, R Siva, Kazuhiro Takamizawa, Donghai Wang, Jay-lin Jane, Ralph E. H Sims, Gillian Eggleston, Renyong Zhao, Sarita Jaiswal. Edited by Bharat P Singh.

        The demand for plant-based industrial raw materials has increased as well as research into expanding the utility of plants for current and future uses. Plants are renewable, have limited or positive environmental impact and have the potential to yield a wide range of products in contrast to petroleum-based materials. Plants can be used in a variety of different industries and products including bioenergy, industrial oil and starch, fibre and dye, rubber and related compounds, insecticide and land rehabilitation. This title offers a comprehensive coverage of each of these uses. Chapters discuss the identification of plant species with desired traits, their cultivation to obtain the needed raw materials, methods utilized in producing different finished products, current and future research in crop production and processing and the present state and future prospects for the industry. Providing the first systematic review of industrial crops and their uses, this book will be an important resource for students and researchers of crop science and agricultural policy makers.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        EVERNA Rajni Sari


        by Andry Chang

        Rajni Sari, princess of Rainusa is forced to flee from the palace to catch up with her mother, Lastika. Together with Jaka, a market thug appointed as the palace guard, Sari goes through various adventures and faces powerful adversaries. The love between Sari and Jaka grows, but her destiny as Lastika's daughter, who turns out to be Calon Arang, separates herself and Jaka. Sari prefers her mother. Unable to reject the legacy of strength from her mother, Sari relents and accepts her mother's orders to become her successor, the ruler of dark powers. Sari is on the crossroads: following her mother's orders or following her heart's wishes. Sari's choice then triggers a new fight between Light and Darkness, namely Barong and Calon Arang, which will simultaneously determine Rainusa's future. Favorite Winner in the 2019 Comico x Elex E-Novel Challenge Contest.

      • Crime & mystery

        The Cedar Face

        DI Elizabeth Jewell Book 3

        by Carole Pitt

        When Keith Wilson, an art teacher at Grasmere Academy is murdered DI Elizabeth Jewell expects to lead the investigation. Within hours, her new boss DCI Liam Yeats takes over and excludes both her and Sergeant Patterson without giving a valid reason. However, Yeats's policy is short lived when he realises alienating Jewell and her team is counterproductive.Jacob Morven, a Canadian citizen from a remote area of North-Western British Columbia is the prime suspect. Although the evidence against him points to his guilt, DI Jewell has doubts. Keith Wilson, the victim, had boasted of a change in his fortune, implying he was about to receive a substantial amount of money. With this in mind, Jewell looks further afield for other suspects. As the mystery deepens, Jewell and Patterson look back almost three hundred years to the origins of a lost artefact.Amidst escalating dissent at Park Road HQ, Elizabeth tackles yet another problem. Where is their previous boss, DCS Daly? And is his unexpected disappearance connected to the current situation?

      • Domingo Teporing-Autumm

        by Marcos Almada Rivero

        Domingo enjoys to share adventures with his friends. They will go out, colect volcanic rocks, visit an ash hill, and discover an underground lava river.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        May 2011

        Dorsche haben traurige Augen. Geschichten aus Island

        by Bjarnason, Brigitte

        Iceland – the island of fairytales and sagas. Within 16 short stories the author revives Iceland’s magical landscapes: lonely villages, fiords framed by snowy mountains and lava fields cover with moss. Based on this touching stories about the Icelandic everyday life develop – snapshots that give insight in the feelings and thoughts of the people there and that are a matter of reflection. The stories often are somewhat melancholic. They deal with love, the escapes from everyday life, family and homesickness and also with the encounters of Germans and Icelanders or those that consider themselves a little bit of both.

      • Fiction
        October 2020


        When Gerfaut learns that Brittany, land of legends, is also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will have to face the impossible.

        by Gilles Milo-Vacéri

        In Brittany (western France), near Yeun Elez, a ghosthunter vanishes during an investigation, two childrendisappear and a man is crucified and beaten to death.The prosecutor panics and calls Major Gerfaut as abackup. When the latter learns that this land of legendsis also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will haveto face the impossible, starting with the secret of theFortress of the Cursed.Used to sadistic killers and defying the invisible, Gerfautexpects the worst. Unfortunately, there is always aworse than the worst ...

      • 21st century history: from c 2000 -
        November 2014

        The Unraveling of Shelby Forrest

        by Donna Friess

        This beautifully crafted, poignant story takes the reader on a journey through one woman’s experience as she struggles to come to terms with her life choices. Coping with loss, moving forward, and  the social issues of the 50’s-70’ssurrounding the controversy regarding an adoptee’s right to know vs. a mother’s right to privacy, are central themes to this captivating drama. Set in 2005 against a backdrop of the War in Iraq, the action packed plot makes this psychological fiction hard to put down. Readers describe this psychological drama as “stunning” with well developed characters and an intriguing and suspenseful plot. “I could not put it down. When it ended I wanted more!”

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Andamios singulares (Singular scaffolding)

        by Roberto Cruz Arzabal

        The movement of lava is apparently predictable. At first glance, when it advances slowly, its destiny can be calculated, but what happens inside it, on the other hand, is completely alien. It is a brutal dichotomy: something almost static is full of energy. This kind of equilibrium is precisely what is manifest in Andamios Singulares, where it is confirmed that what is evident is always incomplete, and that what is hidden, moreover, has a life of its own. The pages of this work are inhabited by a secret observation placed in strategic places, in such a way that a critical and irreverent character at the same time underlies this work.

      • Travel & holiday guides
        July 2014


        by Andrew Evans

        Replete with lava flows, colossal glaciers and thundering waterfalls, Iceland is one of Europe’s most unusual destinations. This brand-new edition of Bradt’s Iceland guide gives everything needed to break free from the pack and explore Iceland, a country increasingly accessible and affordable, on your own. Containing information on remote offshore islands, the uninhabited interior and Reykjavik’s bustling music and art scene, this remains the definitive guide. Compared to 2011, 2012 saw a 13.8% and 32% rise in summer and winter visitors to the country respectively, of which over 25% were arrivals from either the UK or USA. Andrew Evans, the author, made his first trip to Iceland in 1998 and has been back a dozen times since. He has written a handful of books including the Bradt guides to Ukraine and Kiev.

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