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Kampu Mera Edition
A publisher dedicated to promote the works by Cambodian female authors. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2024
An empire of many cultures
Bahá’ís, Muslims, Jews and the British state, 1900–20
by Diane Robinson-Dunn
Based upon extensive archival research and bringing to life the words and actions of extraordinary individuals from the early 20th century, this book calls into question contemporary assumptions about the appreciation of diversity as a solely postcolonial phenomenon. It shows how Bahá'í, Muslim, and Jewish leaders prior to and during WWI found value in the existence of many different religions, races, languages, nations, and ethnicities within the British Empire. Recognition of this heterogeneity combined with sympathy for certain liberal traditions allowed those historical actors to engage with that imperial state and culture in ways that would have an impact on future generations and relevance to modern debates.
Promoted ContentJuly 2006
Eran ud Aneran
Studien zu den Beziehungen zwischen dem Sasanidenreich und der Mittelmeerwelt. Beiträge des Internationalen Colloquiums in Eutin, 8.-9. Juni 2000
by Herausgegeben von Wiesehöfer, Josef; Herausgegeben von Binder, Carsten; Herausgegeben von Huyse, Philip
Trusted PartnerJune 1990
Sämtliche Erzählungen in fünf Bänden
by Lew Tolstoj, Gisela Drohla
Die fünfbändige Ausgabe im Insel Verlag versammelt sämtliche Erzählungen Tolstojs aus den Jahren 1851 bis 1906, darunter auch die großen und berühmten Erzählungen Der Tod des Iwan Iljitsch, Die Kosaken, Die Kreutzersonate, Hadschi Murat, Herr ud Knecht, Der Schneesturm, Wieviel Erde braucht der Mensch? und Leinwandmesser.
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Trusted PartnerMarch 2020
Im Alten Land
by Birgit Haustedt
Apfelbäume, so weit das Auge reicht, idyllische Fachwerkdörfer hinter dem Deich und am Horizont die Elbe: Das Alte Land ist eine uralte Kulturlandschaft am Wasser, die ihren eigenen Charakter bewahrt hat. Prächtige Bauernhöfe und Backsteinkirchen mit kostbaren Barockorgeln zeugen noch heute vom frühen Wohlstand der Altländer. Birgit Haustedt erzählt von den Anfängen im Mittelalter, von Deichbau und Sturmfluten, vom Alltag der kleinen Leute und von großer Handwerkskunst, von stolzen Bauern und mutigen Schiffern. Dazu ein Exkurs, welche Rolle das Alte Land in Lessings Leben und Goethes Faust spielte.
Trusted PartnerGeography & the EnvironmentJune 2020
New Land, New Life
A success story of new land resettlement in Bangladesh
by Andrew Jenkins, Natasha Haider, Bazlul Karim, Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Kiran Sankar Sarker, Rezaul Karim, Robiul Islam, Nujulee Begum, Edward Mallorie, Koen de Wilde
The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta has newly emerged 'char' islands, resulting from the deposition of sediment, which are very vulnerable, socially, institutionally and environmentally. This book explains how the governments of Bangladesh and the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development cooperated on a land-based rural development project to give settlers security and purpose. It details how they engaged communities and civil societies, and implemented an infrastructure aimed at reducing flooding, improving drainage, and providing adequate drinking water and sanitation. The book describes the project's application to crop and animal agriculture, and the development of value chains and encouragement of female participation. It considers the financial underpinning and infrastructure, as well as how to ensure the impacts of the scheme are enduring. The scheme serves as a model for support projects to vulnerable groups faced with climate change and other environmental challenges. This book is suitable for students, researchers, specialists and practitioners in rural development, water resources, land management and soil science.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA
I Am Special
by Nadine Kamal Karrit
You may be both different and the same as all the other children.This is what this book tackling the Down Syndrome explains, through the story of a child who just wants to be friends with everybody else.
Trusted PartnerMay 2000
Die Heilkunde im Alten Ägypten
Magie und Ratio in der Krankheitsvorstellung und therapeutischen Praxis
by Kolta, Kamal Sabri; Schwarzmann-Schafhauser, Doris
Trusted Partner
Seven Tools for Powerful Creation and Living Your Unstoppable Life
by Catherine DeMonte
Beep! Beep! Get Out of My Way is based on the seven transformative tools from Abundance Circle groups created by psychotherapist Catherine DeMonte where participants manifested their long- held dreams. This process shifted them into manifesting mavens.This easy-to-read and engaging book shares the inspiring stories of those partic-ipants and how they manifested what their heart deeply desired but had been elusive for many years, even when the odds seemed impossible. Learn how they did it and practice easy, enjoyable exercises and tools to manifest your own dreams.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesAugust 2024
The machinic city
Media, performance and participation
by Marcos P. Dias
As human and machine agency become increasingly intermingled and digital media is overlaid onto the urban landscape, The machinic city argues that performance art can help us to understand contemporary urban living. Dias analyses interventions from performance artists such as Blast Theory, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Rimini Protokoll, which draw from a rich history of avant-garde art movements to create spaces for deliberation and reflection on urban life, and speculation on its future. While cities are increasingly controlled by autonomous processes mediated by technical machines, Dias analyses the performative potential of the aesthetic machine, as it assembles with media, capitalist, human and urban machines. The aesthetic machine of performance art in urban space is examined through its different components - design, city and technology actants. This unveils the unpredictable nature and emerging potential of performance art as it unfolds in the machinic city.
Trusted PartnerSelf-help & personal development
Do Whatever You Want to Do!
How a Flatworm Demonstrates the Way to Satisfaction and Freedom
by M. Storch
Many people don't know what they want. In this book, a little worm shows the reader how to live life the best way possible. It shows, how often decisions or even entire lifestyles are determined by what is “intimated” by parents, friends, the media, or even the latest fad. Ultimately, the worm shows the reader, that it is only possible to be happy and free, if one knows what one wants and actually actively pursue this. Target Group: For people who want to improve their lives, psychologists, and therapists.
Trusted Partner2022
Paediatric Pharmacy
Handbook for further training from the PädiaAkademie
by Dr. MHA Constanze Schäfer, Dr. Christian Ude, Dr. Miriam Ude (eds.)
The treatment of small and growing patients requires a broad knowledge - and the advising of these patients and their parents calls for great skill! The interdisciplinary team of pharmacist and physician authors addresses the central themes of paediatrics: - What is important for a high degree of safety in pharmacotherapy? - Which prophylactic measures maintain health? - Administration and adherence: what are the special features? - Comprehensive information for advising on the most important indications from the point of view of pharmacists and paediatricians. The handbook has become an established reference work in pharmacies. The second, updated edition provides the fundamental knowledge for certified further training “Specialist Adviser Paediatrics” and for skilful advice at the pharmacy in a tried and tested way.
Trusted Partner
by Patrick Ann Hardwick & Dara Dayana Mohd Jufry; Kamal Nawie
The Dewa Pechil tale teaches we cannot succeed alone. The loyalty of Cemara Bermas and her followers are needed for Dewa Pechil's revival. Through the effort of this heroic princess and her followers and their wiliness to abandon a corrupt society, Dewa Pechil is restored and the wilderness is no longer wild. The story reflects important Southeast Asian values of loyalty and community support and sociality as essential for a meaningful life. This pro-social tale shows that empathy and altruism counter greed and self-interest. for non-Malay, readers the story will introduce traditional Malay cultural values. For insiders, child or adult, it is a message in narrative form from ancestors about how to be Malay.
Trusted PartnerDecember 2021
Land Governance and Gender
The Tenure-Gender Nexus in Land Management and Land Policy
by Uchendu Eugene Chigbu
This book delivers new conceptual and empirical studies surrounding the design and evaluation of land governance, focusing on land management approaches, land policy issues, advances in pro-poor land tenure and land-based gender concerns. It explores alternative approaches for land management and land tenure through international experiences. Part 1 covers Concepts, debates and perspectives on the governance and gender aspects of land. Part 2 focuses on Tenure-gender dimensions in land management, land administration and land policy. It deals with land issues within the interface of theory and practice. Part 3 covers Applications and experiences: techniques, strategies, tools, methods, and case studies. Part 4 focuses on Land governance, gender, and tenure innovations. Case studies discussed include China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Germany, Mexico, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Korea, etc. Themes include Islamic tenure, reverse migration, matriarchy/matrilineal systems, structural inequality, tenure-responsive planning, land-related instabilities and COVID-19, urban-rural land concerns, women's tenure bargaining, tenure-gender nexus concerns in developing and developed countries. This book: · Includes theoretical or empirical studies on land governance and gender from a diverse group of countries. · Provides the basis for a new land administration theory to be set against conventional land administration approaches. · Offers, in an accessible manner, a range of new tools for design and evaluation of land management interventions. The book will be valuable for students and researchers in land governance, urban and rural planning, international development,natural resource management, agriculture, community development, and gender studies. It is also useful for land practitioners, including those working within international organizations.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2018
Acht Stunden mehr Glück
Warum Menschen in Skandinavien glücklicher arbeiten und was wir von ihnen lernen können
by Boom, Maike van den
Trusted PartnerMay 1998
Das verlorene Land
Israel – eine persönliche Geschichte
by Göran Rosenberg, Jörg Scherzer
Das Buch von Göran Rosenberg vereint die historische Analyse mit der Subjektivität. Rosenberg berichtet am Anfang über seine Kindheit in Schweden und die Einwanderung nach Israel. Von Beginn an zeigt Rosenberg seine Meisterschaft in der Verknüpfung der eigenen mit der politischen Geschichte. Er beleuchtet die Anfänge des Zionismus im 19. Jahrhundert im ersten Teil seines Buches, der den Titel »Exodus« trägt. Es folgt »Das Gelobte Land«, und die nachfolgenden Kapitelüberschriften nennen die verschiedenen Themen: »Ein Land wie alle anderen«, »Ein besseres Land«, »Ein größeres Land« und schließlich »Ein Land am Ende der Zeit«. Immer ging es in der Ideengeschichte des Zionismus um das Land - aber welches? Am Leitfaden dieser Frage entwickelt Rosenberg seine Geschichte des modernen Israels. Am Ende steht der Anfang: »Das jüdische Problem«, Reflexionen über das Judentum nach dem Holocaust.
Trusted PartnerGeography & the EnvironmentJuly 2008
Conserving Land, Protecting Water
by Deborah Bossio, Deborah Bossio, Frits W T Penning de Vries, Kim Geheb, Kim Geheb, Line J. Gordon, Antonio Trabucco, William Critchley, Pay Drechsel, Hanspeter Liniger, Francis Gichuki, Lech Ryszkowski, Jules Pretty, Andrew Noble
The degradation of land and water resources resulting primarily from agricultural activities has had enormous impact on human society. In order to alleviate this problem an advanced understanding of the state of our resources and the process of degradation is needed. Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Part 1: Land and Water Degradation: Assessment and Issues1.1: Learning from bright spots to enhance food security and to combat degradation of water and land resources.1.2: Land degradation and water productivity in agricultural landscapes.1.3: Land Degradation, ecosystem services and resilience of smallholder farmers in Makanya catachment, Tanzania.1.4: Political ecologies of bright spots1.5: Large scale fluxes of crop nutrients in food cause environmental problems at the sources and at sinks1.6: Carbon sequestration, land degradation and waterPart 2: Towards Better Land and Water Management2.1: Local Innovation in ‘Green Water’ Management2.2: Sustainability and Resilience of the Urban Agricultural Phenomenon in Africa2.3: Safeguarding water resources by making the land greener: knowledge management through WOCAT2.4: Bright basins - do many bright spots make a basin shine?2.5: The influence of plant cover structures on water fluxes in agricultural landscapes2.6: Investments in collective capacity and social capitalPart 3: ‘ Bright Spots’3.1: ‘Bright spots’: Pathways to ensuring food security and environmental integrity3.2: Ecosystem benefits of ‘Bright Spots’
Trusted PartnerOctober 2007
Polymeric Nanocomposites
Theory and Practice
by Bhattacharya, Sati N.; Kamal, Musa R.; Gupta, Rahul K.
Trusted PartnerDecember 2024
The Rangelands of Libya
by Gustave Gintzburger, Slim Saïdi
Libya remains a land of mysteries with a harsh arid climate, a land rich in millenaries of troubled history, a land where the Sahara meet the Mediterranean Sea, a land where the West and the East Mediterranean merge. Libya is also a land where the desert and the sown intermingle in the steppe country where the rainfall is unpredictable, the soils are poor, rocky, saline, rendering rainfed cultivation hazardous, where grazing and rainfed cropping remained for long the only viable agricultural options. Over the past 60 years, oil resources allowed gigantic agricultural development projects, urbanization, road network expansion and well drilling. This changed the ways of life of rural populations, impacting and undoubtedly altering rangelands conditions and systems, as well as native vegetation cover, wildlife and land use. This book reviews the past and current environmental and agricultural condition of the Libyan rangelands with example of how territories and resources are used by tribal communities. It describes, explains and illustrates the landscapes, the vegetation, the wildlife, the rainfed cereal systems and livestock systems, the reasons for the rampant overstocking, the relentless land clearing for hazardous cropping and uncertain irrigation projects, the wild fuelwood collection and charcoal manufacturing, triggering land degradation and desertification. Long-tested rangeland recovery and rehabilitation techniques in Libya are reviewed using appropriate plant material and proven establishment techniques with successes and failures assessed. This book is offered in hopes of a better future for the Libyan people and the whole Mediterranean arid regions from Morocco to Pakistan.