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      • world-wide-wealth (c/o autónomy)

        ... wealth is not materialism - not in universe (only 5% is about matter) and not on earth (it´s all about education: i.a. as a buddhists, you are happy, if YOU are happy - and not comparing - and NOT buying things you don´t need, with money you don´t have, to impress people you don´t like ... ). I invented the formulas of TIME (as such), SPACE (as such) and DYNAMIC  RELATIVITY ( as such ... relativizing Albert Einstein - and explaining the 95% of astronomy not known up to now:  23% "dark matter" and 72" "dark energy"). Wealth is not materialistic. At least not in universe, expanding since 13.8 billion years, with faaar less problems, than those of the so called "homo-sapiens"...  . "Space" in the 4th ("energetic-") dimension (not in the "low-level" 3-D-version of combating for territories or market-shares), space, is the top of the top targets of universe - and all this is transferable to mankind ... in order to achieve  world-wide-wealth !!!

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      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2019

        Field Trials in Oil Palm Breeding

        A Manual

        by Baihaqi Sitepu, Umi Setiawati, Fazrin Nur, Nur D Laksono, Yassier Anwar, Pujo Widodo, Brian P Forster, Dan Dwarko, Brian P Forster, Peter D. S. Caligari

        This is a hands-on, practical guide to describe field trials in oil palm. The location for field trials is key, as is land preparation. Other logistics include the germination of seeds from crossing programmes, planting in a nursery and well-grown seedlings for field planting. The trial design needs to be translated into field lay out. Field planting is a critical point requiring plant care, good labelling, field lining and a system of checks, and must be timed to the rainy season. Recording of trials starts 1 year after planting for crown disease assessment and continues for yield approximately 30 months after field planting. Growth measurements also begin 30 months after planting. Tests for oil yield and quality are carried out one year after yield recording.

      • Democracy in Indonesia: From Stagnation to Regression?

        From Stagnation to Regression?

        by Thomas Power & Eve Warburton

        Indonesia has long been hailed as a rare case of democratic transition and persistence in an era of global democratic setbacks. But as the country enters its third decade of democracy, such laudatory assessments have become increasingly untenable. The stagnation that characterized Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s second presidential term has given way to a more far-reaching pattern of democratic regression under his successor, Joko Widodo.  This volume is the first comprehensive study of Indonesia’s contemporary democratic decline. Its contributors identify, explain and debate the signs of regression, including arbitrary state crackdowns on freedom of speech and organization, the rise of vigilantism, deepening political polarization, populist mobilization, the dysfunction of key democratic institutions, and the erosion of checks and balances on executive power. They ask why Indonesia, until recently considered a beacon of democratic exceptionalism, increasingly conforms to the global pattern of democracy in retreat.

      • November 2017

        A Beautiful Butterfly Contest

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        The King of butterflies holds the contest of the most beautiful winged butterfly.  The winner will receive the beautiful prize from the King. All butterflies dress up and try to beautify the wings they have. They do various ways to beautify themselves. There is one butterfly is not completely unclothed. It's not that she doesn't want to look beautiful, but that she is a simple butterfly that has nothing. But this butterfly won the contest. Why did the butterfly win the contest? You will get the answer after reading this Beautiful Butterfly Contest story.

      • Cat is The Dog's Best Friend

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        cat and dog is a loyal friends. However, cat is not honest enough and make dog angry with him. The Dog give some advice to cat many times. But, what dog has done make him expelled by his owner.  What will happen next, let’s read the story!

      • November 2017

        Bungli The Curious Chameleon

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        A chameleon cub has just been born into the world. He was amazed to see the nature around him. He immediately wanted to have an adventure enjoying the beauty of nature, but his mother forbade him. However, the chameleon boy wanted to know. When his mother told him to look after the house, he came out of the nest. He also jumped from tree to tree, climbed to the top, saw mountains, valleys, rivers, then various types of animals and humans. Then what happened to this chameleon boy? Come on, read the story of this book until it's finished.

      • November 2017

        Run Snail The Champion

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        One day the conch met a deer. Deer laughs at conch for being slow. Conch feels belittled. "Eventhough my path is slow, but if we do the race you don't necessarily win!" said the conch. Deer laughed out loud. Feeling belittled, finally the conch came to the Deer running competition. Of course Deer agreed with his arrogant laugh. In order to defeat the arrogant deer, conch congregates with his friends. They are scheming. The race started and conch won the race. While deer collapsed with exhaustion. With a sense of surprise, deer finally asked, how could the conch beat him? On the other side conch is the honest animal, he also tells the strategy. Finally Deer admits the ingenuity of conch. He admitted defeat even though he was actually faster.

      • November 2017

        The Shrewd Rabbit

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        A mother of rabbit looks for water and food for her young children who are dying of hunger. However, not a single animal wanted to help him. The wolf is willing to come and eat on the condition that one of the rabbit children must be surrendered. With a heavy heart the mother of rabbit agreed. After the rabbits grow up, the wolf collects the promise. The wolf was confused, which one to choose because they  were fat and delicious to eat for him. What happened to the wolf, what did he do to the rabbits?

      • March 2017

        The Persistent Sparrow

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        Pipit is a young bird who lives in a nest with his six siblings. One night a mouse came. He want to eat the youngest chicks. His leg was bitten and dragged out by the mouse. Luckily the mother sparrow managed to save him. But since then the sparrow has grown into a deformed bird that only has one leg. But the sparrow never gave up and never lost his zeal for life. He remains cheerful and always learns to fly with his brothers even though he has to perch on a tree with one leg. What will happen? Do the sparrows continue to grow and become special birds?

      • March 2020

        Bee The Shed Of Honey

        by Bambang Joko Susilo

        Bee is animal that diligently collect honey. In contrast, the beetle is a lazy animal. The beetle often taunts the bee who are overworked. But bee does not care about that. He continued to collect honey diligently and store it in the warehouse. Bee is known as a kind animal. He often helps his friends who are in trouble. On the other hand, black beetle is stingy animals and never want to help. The rainy season comes. No animal came out. The flowers didn't bloom either. The black beetle is having a hard time. He was starving because his food supplies ran out. He asked for help from other animals, but no one helped him, even he was increasingly shunned by his friends because they dared to ask forcefully. What happened next? Do the black beetle find his food?

      • Agronomy & crop production
        August 2019

        Crop Improvement,Nursery and Rootstock Management

        by Sachin Tyagi

        Horticulture plays an important part in todays agriculture and there are new avenues that are being achieved by horticulture. The subject has transformed from only being about vegetables, fruits, flowers and postharvest technology and has moved towards disease, breeding, pathology, physiology, greenhouse technologies and other areas which were never heard for. The book series: Hi-Tech Horticulture has been worked out keeping the above mentioned issues in mind with contribution by eminent professors and scientists.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2009

        Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants

        Breeding and Biotechnology

        by Bidhan Roy & Asit Kumar Basu

        Abiotic stresses have become an integral part of crop production. One or other persist either in soil, water or in atmosphere. The information in the areas of injury and tolerant mechanisms, variability for tolerance, breeding and biotechnology for improvement of crop plants against abiotic stresses are lying unorganized in different articles of journals and edited books. This information is presented in this book in organized way with up-to-date citations, which will provide comprehensive literatures of recent advances. More emphasis has been given to elaborate the injury and tolerance mechanisms, and development of improved genotypes against stress environments. This book also deals with the plants symptoms of particular abiotic stress, reclamation of soil and crop/cropping pattern to over come the effect of adverse condition(s). Each has been laid out with systematic approaches to develop abiotic stress tolerant genotypes using biotechnological tools. Use of molecular markers in stress tolerance and development of transgenic also have been detailed. Air pollution and climate change are the hot topic of the days. Thus, the effect of air pollution and climate change on crop plants have been detailed in the final three chapters of this book. Under abiotic stress, plant produces a large quantity of free radicals (oxidants), which have been elaborated in a separate ‘Oxidative Stress. This book has been divided into seven major parts- physical stress (salt), water stresses (drought and waterlogging), temperature stresses (heat and cold), metal toxicities (aluminium, iron, cadmium, lead, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc etc) and non-metal toxicities (boron and arsenic), oxidative stress, and finally atmospheric stresses (air pollution, radiation and climate change). This book will be of greater use for the students and researchers, particularly Plant Breeders and Biotechnologists as well as the Botanists, to understand the injury and tolerance mechanisms, and subsequently improvement of crop genotypes for abiotic stresses.

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