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      • Fiction

        The Roots of All Evil

        by Paola G. Gasca

        A black and white photograph; a little girl; a small town. Dolores and Jacinta are sisters-in-law who cope with parallel grief. Dolores cannot seem to find a place inside her husband’s heart, not a simple life as she is surrounded by children. Jacinta carries the burden and sadness of being unable to get pregnant. It will be Inés, one of Dolores’ daughters, who strikes the balance and determines the destiny, love, and loss path not only of those women, but of the entire town. The Roots of All Evil happens in a town where hate is so deeply grounded, and where stories get tangled up with superstition, and where the roots of both touch each other, to the point where reality is suspended between veils of evil and sheer coincidence.

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        Picture storybooks
        December 2017

        The Complete Guide to Being a Monster

        by Chetram, Astika / Ricciardi, Danica

        Every little monster faces challenges while growing up. Wouldn't it be great to have someone teach you how to deal with these challenges? The Complete Guide to Being a Monster is a fantastic read on how to be the best monster you can possibly be... have you practiced your roar? Have you embraced the dark for its glow worms and twinkling stars? Have you built a lair yet? Follow three adorable little monsters, Ike, Spike and Mia, as they discover what it means to be a monster, and learn what it means to enjoy being you.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2018

        Adapting Frankenstein

        The monster's eternal lives in popular culture

        by Dennis R. Cutchins, Dennis R. Perry

        Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is one of the most popular novels in western literature. It has been adapted and re-assembled in countless forms, from Hammer Horror films to young-adult books and bandes dessinées. Beginning with the idea of the 'Frankenstein Complex', this edited collection provides a series of creative readings that explore the elaborate intertextual networks that make up the novel's remarkable afterlife. It broadens the scope of research on Frankenstein while deepening our understanding of a text that, 200 years after its original publication, continues to intrigue and terrify us in new and unexpected ways.

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        July 2009

        Die Sage von Sleepy Hollow

        und andere unheimliche Geschichten

        by Washington Irving, Erika Gröger

        Washington Irving ist der »Erfinder« und erster Vertreter der amerikanischen Short story. Vor allem seine unheimlichen Geschichten wie »Die Legende von Sleepy Hollow« und »Rip van Winkle« sind bis heute äußerst populär und wurden mehrfach verfilmt. »Sleepy Hollow« erzählt die Geschichte eines kopflosen Reiters, der ein ganzes Dorf in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Niemand, der ihm begegnet, kommt mit dem Leben davon. Die Sammlung enthält zudem die Storys »Rip van Winkle«, »Der Geisterbräutigam«, »Die Sage vom arabischen Sterndeuter« sowie »Die Sage vom Vermächtnis des Mauren«.

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        Children's & YA

        The Little Moody Monster (2). A Four-Legged Visitor

        by Julia Boehme/ Franziska Harvey

        Hurray! Moritz can look after Grandma’s dog Charly because she’s going on holiday. So at last Moritz has a pet of his own, even if it’s only for a few days. Milo, Moritz’s new friend, is also wild about Charly. There’s only one creature who is not at all pleased, and that’s the Moody Monster. Until Charly suddenly disappears…

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1982

        Die Orte der Marguerite Duras

        by Marguerite Duras, Michelle Porte, Justus Franz Wittkop

        Marguerite Duras wurde am 4. April 1914 in der ehemaligen französischen Kolonie Gia Dinh, dem heutigen Vietnam als Marguerite Donnadieu geboren und starb am 3. März 1996 in Paris. Sie besuchte das Lycée Français in Saigon und machte 1931 Abitur. Ein Jahr später siedelte die Familie nach Paris um, wo sie an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Paris und an der École des Sciences Politiques studierte. Von 1935 bis 1941 arbeitete sie als Sekretärin im Ministère des Colonies. 1939 heiratete sie Robert Antelme. Beide waren ab 1940 in der Résistance aktiv. Antelme wurde später ins Konzentrationslager Dachau deportiert. 1943 erschien ihr Debütroman Les Impudents (Die Schamlosen) unter dem Pseudonym Marguerite Duras, welchem keine besondere Aufmerksamkeit in der Öffentlichkeit zuteil kam. Mit Un Barrage contre le Pacifique (Heiße Küste), das 1950 erschien, hatte Duras größeren Erfolg. Sie schrieb nicht nur Romane, sondern verfasste auch Theaterstücke und trat als Filmregisseurin in Erscheinung.

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        May 2025

        Blue-Green Rehabilitation

        Urban Planning, Leisure and Tourism in River Cities

        by Philip Hayward

        In recent decades there has been a burgeoning interest in the development of blue-green corridors: areas where waterways are complemented by adjoining green spaces and related paths and leisure facilities. Urban planners have increasingly favoured such zones as a means of refreshing inner-city spaces. In many cases, such projects have involved the rehabilitation of former industrial and/or otherwise polluted waterways and adjacent land. These newly configured blue-green spaces have benefitted residents and provided a substantial attraction to tourists through in- and on- the water options (e.g., swimming, kayaking, fishing, cruise boat transit etc.), waterside relaxation and a range of riverbank activities. The establishment of managed green spaces has also seen the return of a variety of native species to such areas and the re-presentation of former waterside industrial features as heritage artefacts has also added value and appeal to such corridors. The anthology comprises nine international case studies that illustrate examples of best practice and/or the problems that can arise from such rehabilitations, such as gentrification (forcing housing prices up and dispersing established communities) and de-industrialisation that leads to reduced livelihood opportunities. Individual studies in the volume analyse the dynamics of neglect and rehabilitation, contrasting stakeholder agendas, destination branding and regional-national orientations. Collectively, the volume comprises an important reference point for future blue-green rehabilitation projects and the conclusion offers an agenda for the development of just and sustainable blue-green initiatives.

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        Children's & YA

        Searching for Little Green Men

        by Jin Bo

        The first installment of the ‘Little Green Men’ series --- a new full-length fairytale by famous children’s book author Jin Bo. The book centerson the cute fairytale image of ‘little green men’. It depicts a pair of good friends who hope to encounter mysterious little green men, their accidental discovery of them in the suburbs, and, finally, the adventures that occur after they invite the little green men to come to the human world. The book preserves Jin Bo’s beautiful and lyrical style, extols on the value of childlike innocence, and is a classic original fairytale.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        The secret life of romantic comedy

        by Celestino Deleyto

        The secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2008

        Frankenstein oder Der moderne Prometheus

        by Mary Shelley, Karl Bruno Leder, Gerd Leetz

        Der Roman erzählt von einem künstlich geschaffenen, beseeltem Menschenwesen, das ob seiner Häßlichkeit von Liebe und Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen bleibt. In seiner ursprünglich kindlich-schuldlosen Seele entsteht so das Böse, und haßerfüllt nimmt es Rache an der Menschheit.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Marguerite Duras

        by Renate Gunther

        The first book in English to deal exclusively with Duras' cinema, including such films as India Song, Le Camion, and Nathalie Granger. Provides a lucid and stimulating introduction to her films, which is accessible to a wide readerhip, both specialist and non-specialist.. Locates the films in their autobiographical as well as social and historical context, making the book broadly interesting to students and teachers in all areas of French Studies.. The book's empahasis on gender issues widens it's appeal to include those working in Women's Studies, Gender Studies and Gay and Lesbian Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Health Benefits of Green Tea

        An Evidence-based Approach

        by Yukihiko Hara, Chung S Yang, Mamoru Isemura, Isao Tomita, R Agnihotri, Z Apostolides, T Asakawa, Z. M. Chen, S Gaur, Yukihiko Hara, M Inai, Mamoru Isemura, T Kakuda, T Kan, M. J. Lee, Z Lin, M Maeda-Yamamoto, S Masuda, S Meguro, T Minami, N Miyoshi, M Monobe, H Moriwaki, Y Nakamura, O Numata, K Saeki, K Sayama, Y Shimamura, M Shimizu, T Suzuki, H Tachibana, P. W. Taylor, I Tokimitsu, I Tomita, T. A. Tomita, K Unno, H Wang, H Yamada, C. S. Yang, H Yokogoshi

        This book provides evidence to support the health-promoting components of green tea for human health. It explores the significance of green tea and its catechins represented by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), demonstrating their beneficial effects on diseases including cancer, obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and neurodegenerative diseases. The present status of human studies and avenues for future research are discussed. It is written by a team of experts from across the globe and makes significant Japanese findings available to international researchers. It is an essential resource for researchers interested in the biochemistry and pharmacology of green tea, and functional foods and beverages.

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        April 2005

        »Wir leben im Ei«

        Geschichten aus fünf Jahrzehnten

        by Günter Grass, Dieter Stolz, Dieter Stolz

        Persönliche Verlusterfahrungen und erkenntnistheoretisch fundierte Skepsis führten dazu, daß Grass den existentiell zu denkenden Zweifel zum Strukturprinzip seiner trotz allem durchaus sinnenfrohen Dichtung erhob. Der Band versammelt allerhand phantastischrealistische Lebensgeschichten aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, darunter wenig bekannte Kurzprosa und zwei in diesem Band erstmals abgedruckte Archivskizzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        New Strategies on National Rejuvenation

        by Shujin HUANG

        In the 18th National Congress of CPC,President Jinping Xi proposed the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy,which are the new thoughts,new claims and new requests of the country governing.This book explores these new thoughts,new claims and new requests in-depth,and explains the strategies of national rejuvenation so as to complete the new tasks of the modern society.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2022

        Hyde Park

        by James Shirley

        by Helen Ostovich, Eugene Giddens

        Hyde Park (1632) is one of the best-loved comedies of James Shirley, considered to be one of the most important Caroline dramatists. The play showcases strong female characters who excel at rebuking the outlandish courtship of various suitors. Shirley's comic setting, London's Hyde Park, offers ample opportunity for witty dialogue and sport - including foot and horse races - across three love plots. This is the first critical edition of the play, including a wide-ranging introduction and extensive commentary and textual notes. Paying special attention to the culture of Caroline London and its stage, the Revels Plays edition unpicks Shirley's politics of courtship and consent while also underlining the play's dynamics of class and power. A detailed performance history traces productions from 1632, across the Restoration to the present day, including that of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987. A textual history of the play's first quarto determines how it was printed and what relationship Hyde Park has to other texts by Shirley from the same publishers.

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        The Arts
        April 2024

        Hyde Park

        by James Shirley

        by Eugene Giddens

        Hyde Park (1632) is one of the best-loved comedies of James Shirley, considered to be one of the most important Caroline dramatists. The play showcases strong female characters who excel at rebuking the outlandish courtship of various suitors. Shirley's comic setting, London's Hyde Park, offers ample opportunity for witty dialogue. This is the first critical edition of the play, including a wide-ranging introduction and extensive commentary and textual notes. Paying special attention to the culture of Caroline London and its stage, the volume unpicks Shirley's politics of courtship and consent while also underlining the play's dynamics of class and power. A detailed performance history traces productions from 1632, across the Restoration to the present day, including that of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987. A textual history of the play's first quarto determines how it was printed and what relationship Hyde Park has to other texts by Shirley.

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        Molecular biology
        December 2013

        Green Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles

        Mechanisms and Applications

        by Ali Mumtaz, Arfan Mohammad, Afolake Temitope Arowolo, Dennis A Bazylinski, Elias Berni, Markéta Bohunická, Aileen Boshoff, Nelson Durán, Martín A Fernández-Baldo, Kelvii Wei Guo, Sangiliyandi Gurunathan, Lena-Maria Holtz, Katerina Horská, Siavash Iravani, Muniyandi Jeyaraj, Anal K Jha, Andrea Kadilak, Kateryna Kon, Hassan Korbekandi, Nikolay Krumov, Gerald Langer, Christopher T Lefèvre, Muralidharan Murugan, Yvonne Nemcová, K Prasad, Kevin John Pulikotil Anthony, Julio Raba, Sebastian D Rokitta, Katerina Rosenbergová, Zygmunt Sadowski, María I Sanz, Adam Schröfel, Ahmad Reza Shahverdi, Jirí Slabotinský, Thoms Silke. Edited by Mahendra Rai, Clemens Posten.

        There are physical and chemical methods of synthesis of nanomaterials. But due to the damage caused by these methods to the environment there is a pressing need of green nanotechnology, which is a clean and eco-friendly technology for the development of nanomaterials. The present book includes green synthesis of nanoparticles by algae, diatoms and plants. The mechanism behind the synthesis of nanoparticles will also be discussed. The book would be a valuable resource for students, researchers and teachers of biology, chemistry, chemical technology, nanotechnology, microbial technology and those who are interested in green nanotechnology.

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