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Frankfurt Invitation Programme Alumni
The Invitation Programme offers publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean the chance to participate inthe Frankfurter Buchmesse.
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Promoted ContentJanuary 1983
Der Naturgarten
Mehr Platz für einheimische Pflanzen und Tiere
by Schwarz, Urs / Vorwort von Stern, Horst; Herausgegeben von World Wildlife Fund
Promoted ContentBusiness, Economics & LawNovember 2024
African perspectives in international investment law
by Yenkong Ngangjoh Hodu, Makane Moïse Mbengue
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawFebruary 2022
Latin America and international investment law
by Sufyan Droubi, Cecilia Juliana Flores Elizondo, Jean d'Aspremont, Sufyan Droubi, Iain Scobbie
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesNovember 2013
Promoting Investment in Agriculture for Increased Production and Productivity
by Saifullah Syed, Masahiro Miyazako
Investing in agriculture is one of the most effective ways of reducing hunger and poverty, promoting agricultural productivity and enhancing environmental sustainability. Covering the development of sustainable agriculture, food production and food security, this paper explains the relationship between all levels of investment and their interdependence to be successful. It also describes how to drive increased investment, at what stage and where, providing a useful overview of investment in agriculture for policymakers and researchers.
Trusted PartnerApril 2023
Speculation by Commodity Index Funds
The Impact on Food and Energy Prices
by Scott H. Irwin, Dwight R. Sanders
Commodity futures prices exploded in 2007-08 and concerns about a new type of participant in commodity futures markets began to emerge. Market participants, regulators, and civic organizations began raising concerns that inflows from new "commodity index" investments were driving the increases in commodity prices instead of economic fundamentals. The main argument was that unprecedented buying pressure from these speculative long-only futures traders created massive bubbles that resulted in prices substantially exceeding fundamental value. At the time, it was not uncommon to link concerns about speculation and high prices to world hunger, food crises, and civil unrest. Naturally, this outcry resulted in numerous regulatory proposals to restrict speculation in commodity futures markets through transaction taxes, speculative position limits, and even the bizarre idea of a "virtual reserve" whereby a public agency would take futures positions opposite speculators. At the core, these assertions raised major economic questions about the efficiency of price discovery in commodity futures markets. Moreover, these so-called remedies did not come without a potential cost. Burdensome regulations would increase compliance and risk sharing costs across the global food system-lowering prices for producers and increasing costs to consumers. To guide this debate, a rigorous approach was needed to understand the dynamics between prices and commodity index activity. This book documents a curated selection of papers on the impact of index investment on commodity futures prices. The chronology of the papers roughly follows the timeline of our involvement in the world-wide debate about commodity speculation as it evolved after 2007. The 10 papers follow the evolving speculation debate with new author forwards highlighting the contribution and impact. Policy-makers, researchers, and market participants will find this not only as useful documentation of the debate; but, also a natural starting point when high commodity prices inevitably create the next speculation backlash.
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Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawJuly 2024
False profits of ethical capital
Finance, labour and the politics of risk
by Claire Parfitt
False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.
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Trusted PartnerJune 2011
UNICEF-Report 2011
Mit allen Daten zur Situation der Kinder in der Welt
by Herausgegeben von UNICEF
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