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Organisation for Researching and Composing University Textbooks in the Humanities (SAMT)
Over 140 titles of books in cooperation with universities and research centers in countries in Asia and Europe
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Promoted ContentMicrobiology (non-medical)January 1994
International Mycology Directory
by D W Minter. Edited by Geoffrey S Hall.
Published on behalf of the International Mycological Association and the International Mycological Institute, this directory aims to address the problems of isolation and awareness that mycologists can experience by bringing together basic information on the various pertinent organizations already in existence, the services they provide, serial publications, living genetic resource collections, and biosystematic reference collections.
Promoted ContentMedicineFebruary 2020
The Impact of Research at The International Livestock Research Institute
by John McIntire, Delia Grace
This book recounts the history and achievements of research at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), including work at its predecessors the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA; 1974-1994) and the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD; 1974-1994). The scientific and economic impacts of tropical livestock research reveal valuable lessons, in this work charting the research of these three institutions. Describing mixed crop and livestock systems' impact on the global environment, it also covers animal genetics, production, health and disease control, land management, public policy, and economics. Providing global estimates of the impact of livestock research and with useful pointers for future research, this book provides an important reference for animal scientists and veterinarians working in the global south.
Trusted PartnerScience & MathematicsMarch 2006
International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products
by Robert E Evenson, Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello, Vittorio Santaniello
There are a number of controversial issues that surround agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified products. International trade and policies are at the forefront of these controversies. This book addresses these issues and has been developed from a meeting of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Revello, Italy, in July 2004. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models. ; International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products has been developed from the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models. ; 1: Editors' Overview, R E Evenson and V SantanielloPart 1: Analytical Studies2: Biotechnology Risks and Project Interdependence, O K Knudsen, The World Bank, USA and P L Scandizzo, Facoltà de Economia Università, Italy3: Restricted Monopoly R & D Pricing: Uncertainty, Irreversibility and Non-Market Effect, R D Weaver, Pennsylvania State University, USA and J Wesseler, Wageningen University, The Netherlands4: Biotechnology and the Emergence of Club Behavior in Agricultural Trade, M Tothova and J F Oehmke, Michigan State University, USA5: The Labelling of Genetically Modified Products in a Global Trading Environment, S Scandizzo, Corporacion Andina de Fomento, VenezuelaPart 2: Empirical Trade Studies6: Tree Biotechnology: Regulation and International Trade, R A Sedjo, Resources for the Future, USA7: Commercialized Products of Biotechnology and Trade Pattern Effects, S Smyth, W A Kerr and K A Davey, University of Saskatchewan, CanadaPart 3: Spillover Dimensions8: The Coexistence of GM and non-GM Arable Crops in the EU: Economic and Market Considerations, G Brookes, Canterbury, UK9: Research Spillovers in Biotech Industry: The Case of Canola, R S Gray, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, S Malla, University of Lethbridge, Canada and K Tran, University of Saskatchewan, Canada10: Mergers, Acquisitions and Flows of Agbiotech Intellectual Property, D Schimmelpfennig and J King, USDA, Washington, USA11: The Impact of Regulation on the Development of New Products in the Food Industry, K Menrad, University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan and K Blind, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), GermanyPart 4: Intellectual Property Rights12: Patents Versus Plant Varietal Protection, D Eaton and F van Tongeren, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands13: Governing Innovative Science: Challenges Facing the Commercialization of Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals, S Smyth, G G Khachatourians and P W B Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Canada14: Are GURTs Needed to Remedy Intellectual Property Failures and Environmental Problems with GM Crops? G Budd, Grains Research and Development Corporation, AustraliaPart 5: Applied General Equilibrium Trade Models15: Economic Effects of Producing or Banning G.M. Crops, J Flatau and P M Schmitz, University of Giessen, Germany16: Opposition to Genetically Modified Wheat and Global Food Security, F Haggui, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, P W B Phillips and R S Gray17: International Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption, G B Frisvold, R Tronstad, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA and J M Reeves, Cotton Incorporated, USA
Trusted PartnerMedicineAugust 2017
Proceedings of the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting
by Sagi Denenberg
This book contains the proceedings from the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting. Keynote Presentations include 'Use of Psychopharmacology to Reduce Anxiety and Fear in Dogs and Cats: A Practical Approach' by Barbara L. Sherman, 'A Multimodal Approach to Resolving Tension Between Cats in the Same Household: A Practical Approach' by Sarah E. Heath, 'The Importance of the Welfare of Research Animals to Maximise the Quality of Behavioural Research: Do We Measure True Behaviours?' by Patrick Pageat and 'Making Animal Welfare Sustainable - Human Behaviour Change for Animal Behaviour: The Human Element' by Jo White and Suzanne Rogers.
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesNovember 2003
Agriculture and International Trade
Law, Policy and the WTO
by Edited by Michael N Cardwell, Margaret R Grossman, Christopher Rodgers
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture has had a fundamental impact on agricultural policy worldwide. The new WTO agreements will cover agriculture,sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade and trade in intellectual property rights. This book addresses the interface between the law of international agricultural trade, the emerging legal and economic order for agricultural trade under the auspices of the WTO, and its impact on agricultural policy reform both in the European Union and the USA. With contributions from leading authorities in the appropriate areas.
Trusted PartnerFisheries & related industriesFebruary 2010
Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries
by Evelyne Meltzer
The United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA) represents a major international effort to improve fisheries governance, resource recovery, and sustainable development of international fisheries. Straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks are especially vulnerable to overexploitation because of ineffective management regimes and noncompliance by fishing interests. This book explains the international legal framework, summarizes the state of the fisheries, and outlines the efforts of regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) to adopt and implement key elements of UNFSA: the precautionary approach, the ecosystem approach, decision making, and enforcement.
Trusted PartnerOrganic farmingJuly 1997
Biodiversity Information
Needs and Operations
by David L Hawksworth. Edited by Paul M Kirk, Stella Dextre Clarke
Biodiversity has been identified as a key issue in the general debate about the sustainable use of the world’s natural resources. Major international efforts are now underway to assess and maintain biodiversity. However, there is an urgent need to collect, manage and disseminate information related to biodiversity in an efficient and effective way. The purpose of this book is to review the needs and opportunities for information and efficient information flows in support of world priorities in biodiversity. It is based on papers presented at a workshop held in London in July 1996, organized by CAB International with the support of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO), IUCN — The World Conservation Union and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Contributors include leading players from organizations concerned with conserving and managing biodiversity, based in Europe and the USA as well as developing countries.
Trusted PartnerZoology & animal sciencesMay 2021
Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle
by Robert Blair
Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.
Trusted PartnerSustainable agricultureJune 2016
International Trade and Food Security
The Future of Indian Agriculture
by Edited by Floor Brouwer, Pramod K Joshi
This book explores structural changes in India's agrifood systems during the next ten to twenty years. The dynamics in the agrifood sector is explored in the context of the overall economy, taking into account agricultural and trade policies and their impacts on national and global markets. The contributors draw on qualitative and quantitative approaches, using both a national model - to focus on urban-rural relations and income distribution - and an international model to focus on patterns of economic growth and international trade.
Trusted PartnerMedicineSeptember 2018
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry
by Robert Blair
Organic poultry production has increased significantly in recent years to keep up with increasing consumer demand for organic eggs and meat. There are many guidelines and restrictions on what should go into the feed of organically-farmed poultry, from which difficulties arise when trying to ensure a well-balanced nutritious diet without the use of any unapproved supplements. This, the second edition of Robert Blair's classic and bestselling book on the nutrition and feeding of organic poultry, presents advice for organic producers, and the agencies and organizations serving them. It covers: - Selecting suitable ingredients. - Preparing appropriate feed mixtures and integrating them into organic poultry production systems. - International standards for organic feeding. - Breeds that are most suitable for organic farming. - Examples of diets formulated to organic standards. Completely updated and revised to address how to formulate organic diets in situations where there is a declining supply of organic feed, this new edition also includes up-to-date information on the nutritional requirements of poultry and feed-related disease incidence in organic flocks. Also including the feasibility of utilizing novel feed, such as insect meal, and their acceptability by consumers of organic meat products, this book forms a comprehensive reference for students, organic farmers, veterinarians and researchers.
Trusted PartnerTourism industryAugust 2013
International Volunteer Tourism
Integrating Travellers and Communities
by Stephen Wearing, Nancy Gard McGehee
Volunteer tourism has increased in popularity and prevalence and is no longer considered only a small section of alternative tourism. It is now part of the mainstream tourism industry and tourism experience for many people. Concentrating on the experience of the volunteer tourist and the host community, this new book builds on the view of volunteer tourism as a positive and sustainable form of tourism to examine a broader spectrum of behaviours and experiences and consider critically where the volunteer tourist experience both compliments and collides with host communities, using multiple case studies.
Trusted PartnerBiotechnologySeptember 1998
Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development
by Edited by Catherine Ives, Bruce Bedford
Obtaining world food security and food self-reliance for the developing nations is a complex and difficult task, but with increased research and education, agricultural production in developing countries can be improved. Biotechnology applications, integrated into traditional systems, hold much promise in this respect. Realizing the positive impact of biotechnology will depend upon the ability of developing countries to access and generate technology which is suitable to their needs. However, government policies may not encourage investment in public sector agricultural research and the private sector is often underdeveloped. This book is the product of a conference, held in California in April 1997, under the auspices of the Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity (ABSP) project. It provides a broad overview of the latest research and applications and policy requirements for biotechnology in developing countries. The issues of food security, capacity building, intellectual property rights, technology transfer, biosafety and the need for private sector enterprise are addressed. This book is essential reading for policy makers, researchers in agricultural biotechnology, economists, and extension workers.
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesJune 2006
WTO Negotiations and Agricultural Trade Liberalization
The Effect of Developed Countries' Policies on Developing Countries
by Edited by Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla, Soren E Frandsen, Sherman Robinson
The purpose of this book is to analyze the effects of developed countries' agricultural policies on developing countries. The main focus is on food security, poverty and other topics such as multifunctionality, biotechnology and regional agreements, as an input to policy reform within the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations. The book arises from a joint project between the Food and Resource Economics Institute in Denmark and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.
Trusted PartnerBiotechnologyOctober 2004
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 1
A Case Study of Bt Maize in Kenya
by Edited by Angelika Hilbeck, David A. Andow
International forums have identified the need for comprehensive, transparent, scientific methods, for the pre-release testing and post-release monitoring of transgenic plants to ensure environmental safety. There is also wide recognition that the regulatory and scientific capacity for conducting these types of assessments needs to be strengthened.In response to these requirements, a GMO Guidelines Project was established - under the aegis of the International Organization for Biological Control - to develop biosafety testing guidelines for transgenic plants. This book is one of the first outputs from this project. The book aims, using the case study of Bt maize, to detail generic approaches to the evaluation of environmental impact of GM technologies. This book focuses on transgenic maize in Kenya. This maize includes genetic material derived from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which naturally produces proteins that are toxic to some insects. The book explores both the environmental and agricultural impacts of transgenic plants. It draws out general risk assessment guidelines, and demonstrates the need for case-by-case analysis. Although focused on Kenya and Bt Maize, the book's findings and recommendations are relevant and applicable to a multitude of nations and GM crops.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerBiotechnologyMarch 2006
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 2
A Case Study of Bt Cotton in Brazil
by Edited by Angelika Hilbeck, David A. Andow, Eliana M G Fontes
Many international forums have identified the need for comprehensive, scientific methods for the pre-release testing and post-release monitoring of transgenic plants to ensure their environmental safety and sustainable use. In response to this requirement, a GMO Guidelines Project was established under the aegis of the International Organization for Biological Control, to develop biosafety testing guidelines for transgenic plants. This second volume focuses on transgenic cotton in Brazil and addresses both environmental and agricultural impacts. It draws out some general risk assessment guidelines and demonstrates the need for case-by-case analysis.
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureNovember 2008
Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds
by B G Rector, Mic H. Julien, Mic H. Julien
The control of invasive plant species is a global challenge, and effective biological control is a long-term solution which reduces the need for environmentally damaging chemical sprays. Covering the very latest research findings in all aspects of weed biocontrol, this comprehensive volume contains over 250 papers and abstracts across nine key themes presented at the symposium by international experts. It explores weed biology and ecology and the economic impacts, effectiveness and practical implications of weed management strategies, and will be of interest to researchers and students in plant and environmental sciences. ; This comprehensive volume contains over 250 papers and abstracts across nine key themes presented at the symposium by international experts. It explores weed biology and ecology and the economic impacts, effectiveness and practical implications of weed management strategies. ; Theme 1: Ecology and Modelling in Biocontrol of WeedsTheme 2: Benefit/Risk and Cost AnalysesTheme 3: Target and Agent SelectionTheme 4: Pre-release Specificity and Efficacy TestingTheme 5: Regulations and Public AwarenessTheme 6: Evolutionary ProcessesTheme 7: Opportunities and Constraints for the Biological Control of Weeds in EuropeTheme 8: Release Activities and Post-release EvaluationsTheme 9: Management Specifics, Integration, Restoration and Implementation
Trusted PartnerOther technologies & applied sciencesJune 2009
Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds
by B G Rector. Edited by Mic H. Julien
The control of invasive plant species is a global challenge, and effective biological control is a long-term solution which reduces the need for environmentally damaging chemical sprays. Covering the very latest research findings in all aspects of weed biocontrol, this comprehensive volume contains over 250 papers and abstracts across nine key themes presented at the symposium by international experts. It explores weed biology and ecology and the economic impacts, effectiveness and practical implications of weed management strategies, and will be of interest to researchers and students in plant and environmental sciences.
Trusted PartnerBiotechnologyDecember 2003
Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control
by Edited by Professor Lester E Ehler, Rene Sforza, Thierry Mateille
This book has been developed from the keynote addresses delivered at the third IOBC International Symposium (co-organized with CILBA) that was held in Montpellier in October 2002, to address recent developments in genetics and evolutionary biology as applied to biological control. Chapters are organized around the following themes: Genetic structure of pest and natural enemy populations Molecular diagnostic tools in biological control Tracing the origin of pests and natural enemies Predicting evolutionary change in pests and natural enemies Compatibility of transgenic crops and natural enemies Genetic manipulation of natural enemies. The authors identify new issues for each of the major approaches in applied biological control. These include the (1) use of molecular genetics to trace the origin of target pests in classical biological control, (2) potential of mass-reared, transgenic agents in augmentative biological control, and (3) compatibility of transgenic crops and natural enemies in conservational biological control.
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesJune 1998
Ecological History of European Forests
by Edited by Keith, Charles Watkins
Forest is the natural vegetation of most of Europe. Although the majority has been destroyed by human activity over the centuries, a considerable amount remains and has been managed to varying degrees and for a wide variety of reasons. This has resulted in a large number of natural and semi-natural landscapes and habitat types over the region and a high diversity of plant and animal communities adapted to them. The growing interest in natural history and the environment in recent years has resulted in a greater demand for information on the complex ecological history of European forest. This book is unique in providing wide ranging and detailed case studies on specific aspects, including grazing, management practices and conservation and overviews, from recognised authorities, of the latest research on the ecological history of forests and woodland in Europe. It consists of selected papers given at an international conference of forest historians organised in association with the British Ecological Society and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations at Nottingham University in September 1996. Contributions come from the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Turkey. This book is essential reading for ecologists, conservationists, landscape historians, foresters and geographers. It will also be of interest to advanced students in these areas.