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        December 1987

        Allegorien des Lesens

        by Paul Man, Werner Hamacher, Peter Krumme, Werner Hamacher

        Im Falle Paul de Mans ist die begriffliche Charakterisierung seines Vorgehens zusätzlich erschwert dadurch, daß die Theorie nie losgelöst von den Texten, an denen sie gewonnen wird, betrachtet werden kann.

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        June 2017

        Frauen der 1920er Jahre

        Glamour, Stil und Avantgarde

        by Thomas Bleitner, Man Ray, Edward Steichen, Claude Cahun, Dora Kallmus

        In den 1920er Jahren war vieles wagemutiger, unkonventioneller und exzessiver als heute. Keine Zeit hat so viel Glamour, Stil und Avantgarde hervorgebracht, und eine nie gekannte Experimentierlust erobert Bühnen, Kunstateliers, den Sport und so manches Schlafzimmer. Frauen machen den Flug- und Führerschein, sie greifen zur Filmkamera, sie designen eine neue Mode, sie rauchen und trinken und tanzen fröhlich am Abgrund. Thomas Bleitner stellt in diesem opulent bebilderten Band legendäre und unvergleichliche Frauen aus Film, Fotografie, Sport, Mode und Kunst vor, die in den 1920er Jahren in Berlin, Paris und New York alte Rollenmuster auf den Kopf stellten und damit für Furore sorgten. »Als die Frauen begannen, ihre Röcke zu kürzen und ihre Haare zu stutzen, war dies der größte Umbruch in der Geschichte der Mode der letzten hundert Jahre.« New York Vogue vom 1. Juli 1928

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        by Ninot Aziz, Rita Angelelli, Renato Ghezzi, The Journey Man Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili, Helmut Kunkel, Samuel Peralta Imam Qalyubi, Arian Tejano, Teoh Choon Ean, Can Yiğit Tunçman Minah Sintian, Cora Wang Siyao, Ruby Yusuf

        24 LEGENDS. 14 STORYTELLERS. 10 COUNTRIES. 1 MASTERPIECE.   Dragons, or 'Naga' as they are known in Southeast Asia, continue to exist in our legends long after we have embraced modern ideas and technology. They are beings that are both mystical and all-knowing. Until today, dragons still take on our emotions; our deepest joy and darkest fears, true love, and fleeting desires.    DRAGONLORE, conceptualised by Ninot in 2012,  features stories from many regions of the world of Southeast Asia, Australia, the Far East, Europe, ancient worlds, and mythology. Edited by Ninot and Johnny Gillett, award-winning writers Samuel Peralta (Canada), Cora Wang (China), Helmut Kunkel (Germany), Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili (Georgia) Imam Qalyubi (Indonesia), Renato Ghezzi (Italy), Rita Angelelli (Italy),  Arian Tejano (Philippines), Minah Sintian (Malaysian) Teoh Choon Ean (Malaysia), Can Yigit Tuncmann (Turkiye), Ruby Yusuf ( Malaysia) , The Journey Man (UK) join Ninot Aziz in this amazing journey chasing dragons around the globe.    With Malaysian and Southeast Asian legends,  the gorgeous retelling of the Inuit legend of Palraijug to the delightful folktale of the Filipino, Bakunawa enchant readers. The twist in the tale of the Lyminster Knucker to the mystical dragon painter from China. We join Ajetis as he battles evil hidden in the Bosphorus Sea.     Twenty-four in all, each story is unique, bringing us to a different part of the world, and meeting wonderful characters along the way.   The significance of legends and folklore in imparting important lessons is more evident than ever. The lessons conveyed through these stories often resonate deeply with the present era, offering invaluable insights into our challenges.    From the Malay Archipelago to the Far East, the Arctic Circle to Down-under Australia, Europe, and beyond, legends and folklore possess a remarkable ability to capture the essence of our collective consciousness. By delving into these ancient narratives, we gain a broader perspective on the challenges that have plagued humanity throughout history. In the context of today's world, which grapples with urgent environmental concerns, stories from the past offer unyielding wisdom on sustainable living and the consequences of neglecting our planet.   These narratives serve as a bridge between the past and the present, weaving together timeless wisdom and modern challenges into a cohesive narrative that resonates with a wide audience and ensures the continuity and survival of such legends.

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        January 1983

        Der Naturgarten

        Mehr Platz für einheimische Pflanzen und Tiere

        by Schwarz, Urs / Vorwort von Stern, Horst; Herausgegeben von World Wildlife Fund

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        January 2017

        Der Deutsch-Russische Handels- und Schiffahrtsvertrag vom 20. März 1894.

        (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen XVII.3).

        by Human, Arthur

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        March 2019

        Be Brave and Be Yourself

        by Guangzhou Childhood Arts

        This book tells 23 vivid and interesting animal stories to help parents build their children’s courage and confidence.

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        February 2019

        Traditional Craftsmanship

        by Guangzhou Childhood Arts

        The Chinese Traditional Culture Game Book series is designed for 4-8 year-old children, and integrates Chinese traditional culture into fun and interesting games. The themes of the series cover ancient costumes, classical architecture, traditional crafts, folk festivals, and games including maze, matching, coloring, and identifying variations. The items are carefully arranged and the games are smartly designed to allow children to deepen their understanding of Chinese traditional cultural knowledge in the game.

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        February 2019

        Ancient Costumes

        by Guangzhou Childhood Arts

        The Chinese Traditional Culture Game Book series is designed for 4-8 year-old children, and integrates Chinese traditional culture into fun and interesting games. The themes of the series cover ancient costumes, classical architecture, traditional crafts, folk festivals, and games including maze, matching, coloring, and identifying variations. The items are carefully arranged and the games are smartly designed to allow children to deepen their understanding of Chinese traditional cultural knowledge in the game.

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