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      • Proverse Hong Kong

        Proverse Hong Kong is a Hong Kong-based press publishing local and international authors with local and international content, including:  English-language and translated literary novels, short story and poetry collections, detective stories, mysteries and thrillers, non-fiction (biography, memoirs, travel, china missionary, education and law-court history; source materials including annotated archival transcriptions) ; poetry anthologies; YA fiction; books for students; academic studies (mainly with a Hong Kong and Hong Kong China focus). Formats: paperback, hardback, POD, e-books, audio. Publication awards: from local and international cultural bodies. Events: Spring and Autumn Receptions in Hong Kong with prize announcements and awards, book launches, authors’ brief talks. Prizes: We offer two annual international prizes for writing previously unpublished in English: 1) the Proverse Prize  for book-length works of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry; 2) the Proverse Poetry Prize  for single poems (max 30 lines). Open to all, 18+ irrespective of residence, nationality or citizenship.  Annual entry periods: 7 May-30 June. More information:

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors

        Ein lässiger Generationenroman aus Indien

        by Aravind Jayan, Daniel Beskos

        Es ist mehr als nur ein neues Auto. Für Appa und Amma der indischen Kleinfamilie beglaubigt der weiße Honda Civic – »Weiß ist gut. Das wirkt sauber« – den Aufstieg. Mittelschicht, harter Arbeit Lohn, die Kinder werden es mal besser haben. Natürlich sollen die Nachbarn das sehen! Doch Sreenath, ihr Ältester, verhält sich seltsam, kommt nicht mal runter in die Einfahrt, und sehr bald wissen sie und ihr Jüngster sowieso: Ein Video ist aufgetaucht, eins von Sreenath und seiner Freundin, auf einer dieser Seiten. Seit Jahren sind sie ein Paar, trotzdem bedeutet dieses heimlich gefilmte Video eine unerhörte Schande, und eine sagenhafte Eskalation nimmt seinen Lauf … Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors ist ein beißender Generationenroman aus Indien. Aravind Jayan erzählt darin mit der Lässigkeit der Jungen von Scham, Repression und Tradition im Angesicht von Klasse, Sex, dem Internet. Und doch beschreibt er mit Zärtlichkeit eine Heimat, die fortwährend mit der eigenen Modernisierung kämpft.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2009

        Ich ganz cool

        by Kirsten Boie

        In "Ich ganz cool" von Kirsten Boie erleben wir die Welt durch die Augen von Steffen, einem Jungen, der von einem besseren Leben träumt – weit weg von den Herausforderungen seines derzeitigen Daseins. Steffen sehnt sich nach Freiheit, symbolisiert durch den Wunsch, eines Tages auf einer Honda oder Kawasaki zu fliehen. Sein Alltag ist geprägt von familiären Spannungen, Schulfrust und einem Mangel an Perspektiven. Seine Mutter bezieht Sozialhilfe, ihr Partner verbringt die Tage vor dem Fernseher, und Steffen selbst sieht in seinem Vater, einem Supermarkt-Filialleiter, kein Vorbild. Trotz dieser Umstände träumt Steffen von einer Zukunft, vielleicht bei BMW, oder einer anderen Flucht aus seiner momentanen Situation. Doch bis dahin muss er sich mit der Schule und dem "Mutjoggen" mit Freunden abfinden, was ein Bild einer Jugend zeichnet, die zwischen Hoffnung und Resignation gefangen ist. Steffens Geschichte ist eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt, die Leserinnen und Leser durch die Augen eines Jugendlichen, der nach Identität und einem Platz in der Welt sucht, führt. Die Kluft zwischen seinen Träumen und der harten Realität seines Lebens bildet den Kern des Romans. Er träumt von Coolness und Abenteuer, während er sich im echten Leben mit Armut, familiären Konflikten und einem Bildungssystem auseinandersetzen muss, das ihn nicht zu inspirieren scheint. Die Figur des Schnulli bietet einen Kontrast zu Steffens Welt, indem er ihm zeigt, dass es auch andere, sinnstiftendere Lebenswege gibt. Trotz der reduzierten und oft harten Sprache, die Steffen verwendet, offenbart der Roman tiefere Schichten von Empathie und die Suche nach einem besseren Leben, was die Leserschaft dazu einlädt, über die sozialen und emotionalen Herausforderungen nachzudenken, mit denen Jugendliche in ähnlichen Situationen konfrontiert sind. Preisgekrönter Klassiker: Nominiert zum Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis, bietet dieser Roman tiefe Einblicke in die Jugendkultur und -problematik. Authentischer Einblick in jugendliche Lebenswelten: Durch Steffens Augen erleben Leserinnen und Leser die Realität von Jugendlichen, die am Rande der Gesellschaft leben, inklusive der Herausforderungen und Träume, die sie antreiben. Bewegende Charakterentwicklung: Die Transformation von Steffen und seine innere Auseinandersetzung mit den Werten seiner Umgebung regen zum Nachdenken an und bieten tiefe emotionale Einblicke. Starke, realistische Sprache: Der Roman zeichnet sich durch eine Sprache aus, die jugendliche Leser direkt anspricht und die Realitäten des Heranwachsens in schwierigen Verhältnissen ungeschönt darstellt. Mit Nachwort und Biografie der Autorin: Einblicke in Kirsten Boies Schaffen und die Bedeutung des Werks, angereichert durch die Laudatio von Prof. Birgit Dankert, erweitern das Verständnis des Romans. Vielfältige Themen: Von familiären Konflikten über soziale Ungleichheit bis hin zu Freundschaft und der Suche nach Identität – ein breites Spektrum an relevanten Themen wird abgedeckt. Bildungsrelevanz: Der Roman eignet sich hervorragend für den Einsatz im Schulunterricht, um Diskussionen über soziale Gerechtigkeit, persönliche Entwicklung und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung anzuregen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Big Book of Curiosities

        by Julia Kislitsyna (Author), Hanna Nekrasova (Author), Stanislav Dvornitskyi (Author), Julia Budnik (Author), Iryna Rutylo (Illustrator)

        This book is a real treasure for young readers, who are constantly asking “why?” and are curious about absolutely everything that surrounds them. This visually astonishing volume takes children on a journey through different facts about our World. - Who can hold its breath for the longest time under water? - Why is plastic dangerous? - Which tree is the biggest on the Earth? - Who are the members of a symphony orchestra? - When will we be able to fly into space? Young readers can find answers to all these questions — and more — in The Big Book of Curiosities.   From 5 to 12 years, 9000 words Rightsholders: Olga Popovych,

      • April 2021

        Little Honda

        The Legendary Mini-Motorbikes Super Cub, Dax and Monkey

        by Gerfried Vogt-Möbs

        The brand Honda is mainly known as a manufacturer of cars and full-blown motorcycles. But only a few people know that they also have produced the best-selling motorized two-wheeler ever: the Honda Super Cub. More than 100 million lightweight motorcycles have been produced worldwide since its presentation in 1958. However, a second family of mopeds, which Honda has invented more by accident, still sets the tone today. Actually intended as an attraction for children in an amusement park, the Honda Monkey became a true hit from 1961 on. Even though the rider looks like the eponymous monkey thanks to the tiny dimensions, things didn’t get much cooler than riding a Monkey or its bigger brother Gorilla. From 1969 onwards, the Honda Dax joined in with progressive design and foldable handlebars, a popular "range extender" for many RVs. While Chinese replicas of these cult bikes have been flooding the market for the last decade or two, Honda stayed quiet for a long time. Until in 2018 the completely new Monkey finally arrived and is set to continue what its predecessors started. Complete model history of Honda's light motorcycles Many historical photos from the archives Detailed technical data With contemporary tests and driving reports

      • Travel & Transport
        November 2020

        The Book of the Honda S2000

        by Brian Long

        Researched and written in Japan with the full co-operation of the factory, here in definitive detail is the story of the Honda S2000 - a series of open two-seaters that built on the success of the NSX, helping the company justify its on-track exploits with a proper line of sporting machinery. Successful immediately, the S2000 models defended Honda's honour on the tracks, but it was in the showrooms where the S2000 excelled. After a major face-lift, it was eventually killed off in 2009, but is as popular today as it ever was as a modern classic for enthusiasts.

      • September 2017

        Ishiro Honda

        by Ryfle, Steve

      • Cultural studies
        March 2015

        In Search of the Village Distilleries of Maramures

        A Romanian Odyssey

        by Ian Macilwain

        This photographic portrait of the Village fruit brandy distilleries of the remote inaccessible northernmost province of Romania has taken the author five years to complete. He first went to the neighbouring province of Transylvania in 1968 on a Honda 50. After a career in Psychiatry , he has specialised in the photography of Scottish malt whisky distilleries , producing several books, of which the best known is ‘Bottled History’.  He has found in Maramures a process remarkably similar to the family distilling tradition in Scotland which died out after 1820. The photographs capture the atmospheric interiors and the people who work in them.  The author tries to distil the essence of this deeply traditional place before it disappears for ever.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Work Made Fun Gets Done

        Easy Ways to Boost Energy, Morale, and Results

        by Bob Nelson and Mario Tamayo

        Every business needs happy, engaged, and motivated employees, whether it’s a major corporation or one of the over thirty million small businesses in America today. Most elements in modern business work against this basic need: constant change and increasing stress from both the speed of business and its complexity, as well as the expansive application of technology to all aspects of business. Work Made Fun Gets Done gives the reader simple, practical ideas for instantly bringing fun into the workplace. Based on examples from scores of real companies like Pinterest, Asana, Bank of America, Genentech, Zappos, Honda, General Mills, Microsoft, and many more, as well as the authors’ collective experience, this book provides clear behavioral examples on exactly what managers can do to immediately lighten the tone of the work environment and excite their teams. The book, written in a fun style, contains lighthearted illustrations and callout boxes to highlight fun practices.

      • February 2018

        Hit the Road

        Vans, Nomads and Roadside Adventures

        by gestalten

        Hit the Road – and leave your comfort zone behind. Step aboard a four-wheeled home that allows you the freedom to stay wherever you want, whenever you want, and however you want. Watch the passing landscapes, follow the desire to see what is just over the horizon line, and escape from modern monotony. Be it the story of a couple that traveled across Spain, Portugal, and the United Kingdom in a Volkswagen T4 on a journey to enrich their culinary education to a trek from one tip of Canada to the other behind the wheel of a Honda Element with the aurora borealis as a guiding light to a group of friends who perseveringly drove a Porsche 944 from England to Cape Town: Hit the Road welcomes you to follow these nomads and their journeys with stunning photography and details of their intrepid transportation. Rides range from classic Volkswagen Bullis to refurbished Airstream trailers and unstoppable 4x4s. From the deserts of Africa to the snow-capped mountains of Mongolia: prepare to hit the road.

      • December 2020

        Heading Over The Hill

        by Judy Leigh

        Anyone can grow old disgracefully — and have a grand old time doing it. Sparkling humour with a streak of wisdom from an internationally acclaimed author.  Billy and Dawnie may be in their seventies, but that won’t stop them taking chances or starting again. Their grown-up children have families and lives of their own, so now it’s Billy and Dawnie’s turn, and a life near the sea in Devon beckons.  But the residents of Margot Street (or Maggot Street as Dawnie insists on calling it), don’t quite know what to make of their new neighbours. Billy’s loud, shiny and huge Harley Davidson looks out of place next to the Honda Jazz next door, and Dawnie’s never-ending range of outrageous wigs and colourful clothes, means she’s impossible to miss.  As new friendships are formed and new adventures are shared, Billy and Dawnie start winning their neighbours’ affection. And when life teaches them all a terrible lesson, the folks of Margot Street are determined to live every day as if it’s their last. Judy Leigh returns with a soul-warming, rib-tickling, timeless tale of true love, true friendship and happy-ever-afters.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • Y todo por una canción

        by Biadiu Llorente, Marta

        Desalentada por un nuevo engaño amoroso y por la reciente muerte de su querida abuela, la insípida y desesperanzada vida de Sara se ve sacudida cuando una canción, una popular habanera, irrumpe en su vida de forma casual y enigmática una tarde de verano. Sara no entiende por qué se estremece cada vez que escucha la popular melodía, pero sí recuerda que sonreía cada vez que su abuela se la cantaba. Ya no hay marcha atrás, la canción parece perseguirla allá donde va y acaba formando parte de su existencia. Sara decide a toda costa seguir las huellas de la canción emprendiendo un viaje  hacia las raíces más hondas del pueblo cubano en búsqueda de un secreto sellado entre abuela y nieta, un secreto transmitido al filo de los años y que ahora ella tratará de esclarecer sorteando toda clase de obstáculos y vivir así la historia más apasionante de su vida.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Well Spent

        How Strong Infrastructure Governance Can End Waste in Public Investment

        by Gerd Schwartz, Manal Fouad, Torben Hansen, Geneviève Verdier

        The book covers critical issues such as infrastructure investment and Sustainable Development Goals, controlling corruption, managing fiscal risks, integrating planning and budgeting, and identifying best practices in project appraisal and selection. It also covers emerging areas in infrastructure governance, such as maintaining and managing public infrastructure assets and building resilience against climate change.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        El arte de la cháchara - La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        by Daniel Rojas Pachas

        La trilogía sobre la retórica del poder, que Enrique Lihn nos ha legado, fue creada bajo el signo del bufón y la podemos entender como literatura plural y abigarrada. Antonio Cornejo Polar señala en torno a estos dos conceptos: "corresponde a una especie de supradiscurso multiétnico que acumula, sin sintetizarlas, sus hondas y extensas contradicciones".  En ese tenor, Enrique Lihn señala en uno de sus versos, dedicados al ocio increíble del que somos capaces: “el estilo que por lo cierto no es el hombre / sino la suma de sus incertidumbres”.  En busca de la contradicción inherente, el autor chileno crea realidades ficcionales, que se apartan de lo documental y privilegia generar efectos de enmascaramiento y una comunicación que se da en términos de una combinación de estados neuróticos y paranoides. Habla que remite a un marco de censura y vigilancia, al punto de extremar el locus horridus propiciado por un poder corrupto e irrefrenable. Se trata del reino en que prevalece la palabra vacía e impotente que surge de la censura. Daniel Rojas Pachas nos entrega en este ensayo, una visión profunda y crítica de la narrativa, de uno de los escritores chilenos más importantes del siglo XX.

      • Biography & True Stories
        May 2011

        The Sex Slave Murders

        The True Story of Serial Killers Gerald & Charlene Gallego

        by R. Barri Flowers

        The Sex Slave Murders is an international bestselling true crime book.   A marriage made in hell... Barely five feet tall, sweet and innocent looking, Charlene Gallego used all of her charms to beguile pretty teenage girls and young women into the back of a van, where her lethal husband, Gerald, lay waiting. A killer couple bound together by secrets, lies, and sex slave fantasies... Married multiple times and still in his early thirties, Gerald Gallego found the perfect companion in Charlene. Over a grisly period of twenty-six months, their bloody and brutal rampage of kidnapping, rape, and murder spanned three states and claimed eleven lives. In this much more frightening than fiction tale of domination, depraved lust, substance abuse, violence, and murder, award winning, bestselling criminologist R. Barri Flowers tells the whole story of a couple's twisted relationship, their ghastly crimes and ability to elude the law, how they were finally captured, and the two riveting trials that ultimately pitted wife against husband with the stakes higher than either once imagined in their murderous bond.   "Selected as one of Suspense Magazine's Best of 2011 books." -- John Raab, CEO/Publisher, Suspense Magazine   "A gripping account of the murders committed by husband-and-wife serial killers Gerald and Charlene Gallego. Top true crime author and criminologist R. Barri Flowers provides his keen insight and expertise into what made these killing partners tick. Flowers knows his stuff. Compelling reading." -- Gary C. King, author of Blood Lust

      • Sports & outdoor recreation
        August 2009

        Formula One On This Day

        History, Facts & Figures from Every Day of the Year

        by Rob Burnett

        Formula One On This Day revisits many of the sport’s most magical and memorable moments which might otherwise have slipped under the radar. Here are hundreds of unusual highlights, all mixed in with a maelstrom of quirky anecdotes and legendary characters to produce an irresistibly dippable F1 diary – with an entry for every day of the year. Revisit the day Alberto Ascari took an unplanned dip in Monaco harbour along with his Lancia during the 1955 race; the race which saw Taki Inoue tangling with the course marshal’s car, and Nigel Mansell’s unlikely first win for Ferrari! Recalling events that will make you laugh, cry, or shake your head in disbelief, Formula One On This Day benefits from brilliant research, gathering together many original stories and tit-bits to create a snapshot of the diverse and often bizarre world of top-class motor-racing.

      • Children's & YA


        Federico García Lorca for kids

        by Author: Federico García Lorca / Selection and editing by Marta Mearin / Illustrations: Carolina Monterrubio

        Cuando sale la luna (When the moon rises) is an anthological selection of poetry and a play by the great Spanish writer Federico García Lorca. This selection has been specially designed to bring his poetry and drama closer to the world of children and young people, making it accessible to a greater number of boys, girls and young people so that they can discover his work, get to know it and enjoy it. Precisely because of this, some modifications have been made that seek to avoid macho expressions (socially accepted at the time the book was written) and to bring the characters of the play closer to children and young people today. The beautiful illustrations play with the poet’s words, bringing imagination and humor.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Damaged Deer. Anthology

        by Rafael Rubio

        This poetic anthology by Rafael Rubio, without a doubt one of the most relevant poetic voices nowadays in Chile, is of greatest relevance to invite teenagers to approach to poetry and helping them to face directly their pains and joys, with that which tears the apart and also with that which enlightens their path. This anthology includes a selection of poems made by the author himself. It includes poems published in Arbolando (1998), Luz rabiosa (2007), Mala siembra (2013) and Viernes santo (2019), as well as 17 unpublished poems.

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