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      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2015

        Climate Resilient Crops for The Future

        by K.V. Peter

        Concise Oxford Dictionary defines Resilience as recoiling; springing back; resuming its original shape after bending, stretching, compression etc. With five components of crop production –space, water, energy, light, nutrients- limiting, there are stresses on crops to perform at threshold input yielding optimum output. Droughts and floods, cold and heat waves, forest fires, landslides and mud slips, ice storms, dust storms, hailstorms, thunder clouds associated with lightening and sea level rise are throwing new challenges to farming. This dangerously narrow level of food base prompts to widen the base of grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, industrial crops, mushrooms and aromatic plants. The emphasis so far was more on terrestrial plants, forest plants and lesser on lower plants. The aquatic plants-fresh water, brackish water, marine- were not much explored for edible use except by Chinese and Japanese. Halophytes, bryophytes, ferns and sea weeds are so far climate resilient. The Indo-Burmese Centre of origin (Hindustan centre including North East) is abode of several plants of possible vegetable, fruit and spicy value. The New Life styles consequent to migration for employment have brought newer food and dietary patterns. The urbanization and smaller family size are leading to pre-cooked foods and visitation to restaurants. s on bryophytes, halophytes, microalgae, chasmophytes, pseudocereals, medicinal mushrooms, speciality mushrooms, palmyrah palms, bramakamal, tropical tuber crops, dragon fruits, broad dhaniya, plants for dyes, kale and ornamental ginger are authored by eminent working scientists from 21 Universities and Research Institutes in Japan and India. The crops for the future especially climate resilient are to be identified and promoted in an emerging production scenario of new life style foods and convenient speciality foods getting attention by the new generation. The present book Climate Resilient Crops for the Future carries 17 chapters authored by men of eminence in respective areas concerning to the above areas.

      • Agronomy & crop production
        November 2020

        Advances in Crop Production and Climate Change

        by A.S. Yadav, Narendra Kumar, Sanjay Arora, D.S. Srivastava & Hemlata Pant

        In recent years India has made notable advances in the fisheries. Progresses made in refinements of vessels, new line materials and line-handling systems, preserving the catch, the availability of oceanographic-sensor equipments and the utilization of satellite technology to locate potential fishing grounds have greatly improved the fishing power of longline vessels. Post harvest technology of fish has evolved in the last one decade to a more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and quality upgrading technology. Since fresh fish can get spoiled very quickly, the development of technology for post-harvest preservation and methodology to convert fish to value added products have also become popular in recent times. Value addition helps in getting high price for the fishery products. There is a need to develop competent human resources in the field of post harvest management of fish and production of value added products from them. It is required to inculcate vocational and entrepreneurial skills in order to widen employment opportunities, particularly among rural youth and the disadvantaged sections of the society as well as to enable self employment.

      • Rural planning
        July 2021


        Principles and Practices

        by Alok Kumar Patra

        Agroforestry is now recommended as a core subject in the curriculum of undergraduate courses of forestry, horticulture and agriculture. Keeping the needs of the students in mind this book has been written. Besides fulfilling curriculum requirements of the students, it will also help them to prepare for various competitive examinations. The plant lovers may also find this book worth reading.This book has been divided into twenty chapters covering all aspects of agroforestry including concepts, systems classifications, soil productivity, tree-crop interaction, watershed and wasteland management through agroforestry, climate change adaptation and mitigation, carbon sequestration, urban agroforestry, agroforestry design & diagnosis, economics and extension of agroforestry.

      • Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 2023

        Crops and Cropping System

        by Kajal Sengupta & Rajesh Khan

        This book is an attempt to enlighten the learners and to inculcate, among them and other concerned persons, the importance and influence of cropping system on sustainable crop production. The smooth order, clear explanation and simple presentation are expected to help the readers understanding the subject in a better way.

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