Your Search Results(showing 102)

    • Trusted Partner
      Art forms

      Famine Tales

      A Graphic Anthology

      by Ayesha Mukherjee, Shrutakirti Dutta, Abhijit Gupta, Sujit Kumar Mandal

      A graphic anthology of five famines in India and Britain, interpreted by traditional scroll painters and comics book artists

    • Biography & True Stories
      February 2019

      A Global Citizen at Home in Saxony

      Mit Sebastian Christ

      by Hussein Jinah

      An East German, migrant view of Saxony before and after 1989. A committed life, led with unwavering humanity. And an autobiography of an activist life in times of xenophobia and racism. The fascinating story of Hussein Jinah from Gujarat / India who was born on a British steamer, grew up in Tanzania and South Africa and came to the GDR as a guest student in the 1980s to study. He tells how relationships between "foreigners" and native women were badly regarded. Why he changed from electrical engineering to social pedagogy after 1989 despite completing his doctorate. How he has since worked as a street worker with young people and also mediated between neo-Nazis and kebab shop owners. How he was beaten up by skins and became the first anti-Pegida demonstrator. How, in his opinion, prejudices against Muslims and in general against being different hardened after 9/11. Why he still stays in Dresden, lives and works and can still say calmly and convincingly: "I never give up."

    • Agriculture & farming
      January 2011

      Information and Communication Technology for Agriculture and Rural Development

      by R. Saravanan, C. Kathiresan & T. Indra Devi

      The articles included in this book focuses on; Digital divide in rural India, e-Agriculture issues, Cyber extension, overview on Village Knowledge Centres (VKCs), Community Information Centre iniative in Orissa, SATCOM application in Karnataka State, Model e-Villages in Arunachal Pradesh State of North-East India, Nationwide InDG web portal initiative for rural development, Kisan Mobile Sandesh (KMS), Dynamic Market Information (DMI) by Web and Mobile in Tamil Nadu, Expert systems for pest and diseases diagnosis in rubber, Interactive Multimedia Compact Disc (IMCD), Village Information Centres among Dairy Farmers in Tamil Nadu, KISSAN initiative of Kerala State, Mobile Agricultural School and Services (MASS) in Jharkhand, Farmers Database creation in Darjeeling District of West Bengal, Village Resource Centres (VRCs) in Uttaranchal, Pest Surveillance of Rice using satellite data, Techmode Approach for Distance Learning Courses for Field Veterinarians in Maharastra, Information Retrieval System for Buffalo Reproduction, Web Portals and Digital Data base in Agroforestry, Watershed Modelling using GIS and Remote Sensing in Gujarat State, e-Readiness and Participation Level of Akshya and KISSAN Kerala Beneficiaries and VRC & CIC Network in Assam and Internet utilization pattern, evaluation of Kissan Call Centres (KCCs), ICT adoption level, impact, stakeholders feedback, policy implications and recommendations.

    • Agriculture & farming
      August 2017

      Eco Agri Revolution

      Practical Lessons and The Way Ahead

      by M.H. Mehta

      The Sustainable Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations, put great emphasis on moving away from heavy input agricultural system to more eco-friendly and balanced farming. Eco Agriculture or Agro Ecology is the approach capable of producing enough food and accessible food without harming the environment.This book is about moving from Know How to Do How and brings about rich experience in industrial research and farm scale demonstrations in different parts of the world to show the practical aspects of Eco Agriculture. Theory and practice and recent developments in the areas of Bio Fertilizers, Bio Pesticides, and Bio Composts and agro-waste management form important base for Eco Agriculture practices. The global scenario of industrial development and future trends are discussed with much authority because of the extensive experience of the Author. Encouraged by field studies and success stories, the Author - who is President of a leading NGO - The Science Ashram and Chairman of a well-known Agri Bio Tech Company, Gujarat Life Sciences - has discussed the global scenario and emerging trends. His now famous 20:20 model of Eco Agriculture (20% more farm production with more than 20% reduction in input costs in a sustainable manner) emerges out of this. Developments and field experiences in Bio shield, Water use efficiencies, ICT, Rehabilitation post disasters like Earth Quake and Tsunami, Saline Water Agriculture and River Revival Projects, Urban agriculture and their common link for Eco Agriculture Revolution makes the book especially significant. Finally, the Author describes the Way Ahead for Eco Agri Revolution including aspects of Soil and Waters and COP 22. The conviction about the coming Eco Agri Revolution and planning and implementation for a sustainable future are the final thoughts that makes this book extremely valuable the current and future generations.

    • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
      July 2021

      Courtyard Houses of India

      by Yatin Pandya

      Indian architecture is not an object in space; it integrates space within the object, where the built and the unbuilt become counterpoints to vitalize each other. The alchemy of the two sustains the space and the life within. The void within the built—the courtyard—lies at the genesis of the urban dwelling form in India across geography and time. In ancient Indian sciences, the courtyard assumes the central position as Brahmasthana, the nucleus of the living environment. It provided for an open-to-sky outdoor space while being away from the public eye and thus suited an introverted lifestyle. In this book, the author traces the metaphysical, mythical, socio-cultural, environmental and spatial roles of the courtyard in the domestic architecture of India—from early civilization and Vedic times to Islamic and colonial influences. This volume documents traditional and vernacular courtyard dwelling types across India within diverse climatic, cultural as well as geographic zones such as western (Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra), southern (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa), eastern (Bihar, West Bengal), central (Madhya Pradesh) and northern (Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.). It then discerns the spatial elements constituting the court, and the arts, the crafts as well as the elements integral to the court. Illustrated with splendid photographs and representative drawings, the book attempts to understand the presence and resolution, continued use and adaptation as well as the diverse interpretations and abstractions of the courtyard. Yatin Pandya is an author, activist, academician, researcher as well as a practising architect with his firm FOOTPRINTS E.A.R.T.H. (Environment Architecture Research Technology Housing). He is a graduate of CEPT University, Ahmedabad, and holds a Master of Architecture degree from McGill University, Montreal. Pandya has been involved with city planning, urban design, mass housing, architecture, interior design and product design as well as conservation projects. He has authored numerous papers, which have appeared in national and international journals, and has produced several documentary films on architecture. During his tenure at the Vastu-Shilpa Foundation, Pandya worked on the publications Concepts of Space in Traditional Indian Architecture and Elements of Spacemaking, published by Mapin and now in their fourth reprint, which have won the Indian Institute of Architects’ (IIA) Award for Architectural Excellence in Research in the years 2012 and 2014, respectively. The research leading to this book was also carried out during his time at Vastu-Shilpa Foundation. He is a visiting faculty at the National Institute of Design and CEPT University, and a guest lecturer at various universities in India and abroad. The recipient of numerous national and international awards for research, design and dissemination, Pandya counts environmental sustainability, socio-cultural appropriateness, timeless aesthetics and economic affordability to be key principles of his work.

    • The Arts
      October 2021


      Windows of Divine Light in Mughal Art and Architecture

      by Editor: Navina Haider, contributors: George Michell, Mitchell Abdul Karim Crites, Ebba Koch

      A jali is a perforated stone or latticed screen, with ornamental patterns that draw on the compositional rhythms of calligraphy and geometry. In the parts of Asia and the Mediterranean where solar rays are strongest and brightest is where ustads, or master artisans, were able to evolve an aesthetic language of light, giving it form and shape through stone and other materials. Jalis share a common aim to bring filtered light into enclosed spaces, while providing protection and privacy. Additionally, they shape the atmosphere of a sacred space, augment the grandeur of palaces and enhance the charm of domestic interiors. This book explores the delicate beauty of more than two-hundred jalis across India, from fourteenth-century examples in Delhi to those designed by global contemporary artists inspired by historical styles. This expansive volume covers the temple designs of the Gujarat Sultanates, imperial symbolism and Sufi allusions in Mughal jalis, the innovations and adaptations of jalis across Rajasthan and central India and, further south, calligraphy in stone relief and pierced stone in the Deccan. With contributions by American art historian Mitchell Abdul Karim Crites, George Michell, an authority on South Asian architecture, and renowned art and architectural historian Ebba Koch, this lavishly illustrated publication reveals the poetry etched in these stone screens. Navina Najat Haidar is a curator in the Department of Islamic Art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. She helped lead the planning of the museum’s galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia. Mitchell Abdul Karim Crites is an American art historian, who has lived and worked in India for more than forty years. His primary focus has been the revival of traditional Indian and Islamic arts and crafts. Over the years, Crites has participated in a number of prestigious art and architectural projects ranging from Mexico to Malaysia. George Michell, an authority on South Asian architecture, has made the study of Deccani architecture and archaeology his life’s work. He has spent over thirty years researching and cataloguing the enormous ruined city of Hampi Vijayanagara, among many other historical sites in the region. Ebba Koch, preeminent art and architectural historian, is presently a professor at the Institute of Art History in Vienna, Austria and a senior researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Koch has spent much of her professional life studying the architecture, art, and culture of the Mughal Empire, and is considered a leading authority on Mughal architecture. Abhinav Goswami, based in Vrindavan, is trained as an archaeologist, photographer and temple priest. For the last three decades, Goswami has dedicated himself to documenting people, places, architecture and festivals of the rich cultural region of Vraj and other parts of India.

    • Food & Drink
      October 2022

      Masala Memsahib

      Recipes and Stories from My Culinary Adventures in India

      by Karen Anand

      Self-professed ‘Masala Memsahib’ Karen Anand takes us on a journey across five Indian states – Goa, Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra and West Bengal – and introduces us to mouth-watering local cuisines, diverse eating practices and fabulous culinary histories. Each of the book’s sections is a window into Karen’s remarkable adventures with food, interspersed with the most distinctive recipes from the regions she visits, from the piquant prawn balchao to the soulful Mulligatawny. Illustrated throughout with absorbing photographs from kitchens as well as the streets, this spectacular cookbook from one of India’s most well-loved and widely traveled food writers goes far beyond the tired tropes of Indian cooking and brings home the authentic tastes and qualities of our nation’s myriad cuisines. Packed with 100-plus ludicrously delicious, easy-to-use recipes, it is a true collectible.

    • Anthologies (non-poetry)
      July 2016

      First Hand

      Graphic Non-Fiction from India

      by Orijit Sen,Vidyun Sabhaney

      First Hand Volume I, a collection of new non-fiction graphic narratives, features works by independent writers, artists, reporters, activists, researchers, designers, anthropologists, academicians, and film-makers based in India, who comment on and describe their world through comics in six genres: biography, autobiography, oral history, documentary, commentary, and reportage.By combining image and word to tell stories that range from urgent contemporary narratives to more exploratory historical perspectives to simply the extraordinary lives of ordinary people, the book offers new worlds through which we can re-enter our own. Whether it be reporting the murder of an RTI applicant, or an account of the Gujarat riots, or a biography of Begum Akhtar, or a narrative about becoming familiar with one’s city through the use of its public transport system, each comic tells the story of an Indian reality, bringing alive what has only been encountered in word till now, visually.

    • Medical Genetics, 4th Ed.

      by G.P. PAL

      The subject of genetics is gaining utmost importance in the medical science. However, most of the medical students find this subject difficult to understand and therefore, neglect it. The aim of this book is to present the text in such a way that it provides the clear and conceptual understanding of the subject. A simple and concise account of the genetic basis of various diseases, cancers and embryonic development is given to make the subject directly applicable to the medical science. It is hoped that the undergraduate and postgraduate students of medical science and clinicians will find this book interesting and useful. About the Author Professor G.P. Pal (MBBS, MS, FASI, DSc, FAMS, FNASc, FASc, Bhatnagar Laureate), is an eminent teacher with more than three decades of teaching experience. Currently, he is Director at the Modern Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore. Earlier, he had been Head, Department of Anatomy at MP Shah Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat, and was the visiting Associate Professor at he Medical College of Pennsylvaia, Philadelphia, USA. He has to his credit, numerous publications and journals of international repute. He has received many national awards and honours for his research. His research work is cited in more than 50 standard textbooks throughout the world. He has authored many well accepted books, that include: “Illustrated Textbook of Neuroanatomy”, “Textbook of Histology”, “Genetics in Dentistry”, “General Anatomy”, “Human Osteology”, “Basics of Medical Genetics”, and “Medical Genetics for Dental Students”. He has been also the co-author of Professor Inderbir Singh’s “Human Embryology.

    • March 2021

      Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe

      by Bonnie Henry and Lynn Henry

      Dr. Bonnie Henry, “one of the most effective public health figures in the world” (The New York Times), earned accolades in 2020 for her consistent, calm, empathetic, and science-based public health strategy in the face of COVID 19, embodied in the phrase “Be kind, be calm, be safe.” This is the story of the four key weeks in spring during which British Columbia flattened the curve while other places struggled, and of the challenging weeks in summer when the infection returned with a vengeance. This is not only a medical story; it's a personal story punctuated by moments of gravity and grace. Public health officials are required to make personally agonizing decisions in the face of incomplete information and competing health priorities; we glimpse the private deliberations behind policies that affect millions. This is a universal story about how we make decisions (and who makes them) in times of great upheaval; the nuances of communication, leadership, and public trust; the balance between politics and policy; and what and whom we value, as individuals and a society. It's also about Henry’s deceptively simply slogan, and what it requires from all of us to “be kind, be calm, be safe.”

    • Animal husbandry
      June 2014

      Farm Animal Management

      Principles and Practices

      by Rana Ranjit Singh & Md. Manzarul Islam

      Livestock rearing is an integral part of socio-economic framework of India since time immemorial. Livestock sub-sector being a vital component of agriculture sector, plays a multidimensional role and acts as a tool in achieving nutritional security, employment generation and socio-economic development of rural sector, particularly among the landless, small, marginal farmers and women. India possesses huge livestock population of varying production potentials, distributed across different agro-ecological zones under different operational and livestock holding size. Hence, it requires different package of practices for their management. Further, factors like drivers of development change and climate change pose many challenges to this sector. Farm animal management encompasses integrated and precise application of basic scientific principles of breeding, feeding, heeding and weeding in general as well as in times of specific need. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this book to cover all these basic and applied aspects of livestock management in detail. In the perspective of reorganization of the syllabus of veterinary science and animal husbandry programme. This book is appropriately divided into fifteen s covering almost each and every aspect of livestock production management.

    • Tropical agriculture: practice & techniques

      Production Technology of Tropical and Sustropical Fruits

      by P.K. Yadav

      This book is designed to cater the needs of students of Horticulture and allied science. The main motive is to cover all important points about temperate fruit and plantation crops. These fruit crops need oriented text encompassing and the latest information about various aspects, to serve as a reliable source of information about production of temperate and plantation crops. This subject of fruit and plantation crops is highlighted in a concise manner using simple and lucid language so that it is understood well. This book is written from our experience of the past several decades. It deals with several temperate and plantation crops. Each chapter in this book has been presented and well written in accordance with the present scenario. It provides an overview and recent detailed information of all principles and management practices.

    • Agriculture & farming
      July 2019

      Climate Change and Agriculture

      Causes,Impacts and Interventation

      by GSLHV Prasada Rao, VUM Rao & DVS Rao

      Natural change in climate is slow and takes millions of years; and it is known to have made our planet hospitable to live. The climate change is not limited to one country or a continent. It is occurring across the globe as evident from droughts in Texas and flooding along the Missouri River in the United States and along the Red River in Canada. Climate change drives many stressors and interacts with many non-climatic stressors which make it difficult to forecast outcomes in any general way other than existing threats to agriculture. Agroforestry increases a high level of diversity within agricultural lands which supports numerous ecological and production services that bring resilience to the impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate change risk management is difficult in annual cropping systems due to increasing uncertainty of inter-annual variability in rainfall and temperature. Mixing of woody trees with crops, forage and livestock operations provides greater resilience to the inter-annual variability through crop diversification and increased resource use efficiency. Deep rooted trees allow better access to nutrients and water during droughts and when appropriately integrated into annual cropping systems and extract from different resource pools that would otherwise be lost from systems. Agroforestry increases soil porosity, reduces runoff and increases soil cover, which improve water infiltration and reduces moisture stress in low rainfall years. During periods of excessive soil moisture, tree based systems keep soils aerated by pumping out excess water and offer an economic return. The book contains 36 chapters mainly on agroforestry practices found in India and its role in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

    • Animal husbandry
      September 2015

      Livestock and Poultry

      Conservation and Improvement Techniques

      by C.V. Singh & R.S. Barwal

      It is difficult to forecast the There are 25 s contributed by distinguished contributors who have made valuable contributions to the field of conservation of animal biodiversity and improvement of livestock. The topics covered are ranging from cattle genetic resources, strategic action plan for sustainable management, conservation and genetics improvement, breeding strategies to improve milk productivity, production systems and breeding policies for genetic improvement, application of biotechnological tools for conservation and improving of animal genetic resources, bioinformatics and genome analysis in conservation, heat stress management etc.

    • Agriculture & farming
      October 2015

      Improving Productivity of Drylands By Sustainable Resource Utilisation and Management

      by Devi Dayal, Deepesh Machiwal, Sharmsudheen Mangalassery & R.S. Tripathi,

      The book entitled, Improving Productivity of Drylands by Sustainable Resource Utilization and Management deals with a variety of aspects linked with utilization and management of resources used in dryland agriculture. The content of the book covers the topics on the natural resources management, biodiversity conservation, crop production and management, livestock management, energy, technology transfer and socio-economic issues. Subjects such as climate resilient agriculture, soil and water conservation measures, soil fertility appraisal, recycling of organic wastes, management strategies for livestock production, intercropping in agri-horti system, agro-morphological evaluation of crops, developing genotype for vegetable cultivation, crop diversification, farming systems, improved forage production, variability and heritability of grasses, weed management practices, economics of arable crop production, and energy conservation strategies through greenhouse have been incorporated under different chapters contributed by subject specialists. This book is an attempt to present collectively the scattered available information on several recently developed technologies and strategies for dryland management. Furthermore, the book contains 30 chapters that discuss both theoretical and practical knowledge for sustainable management of the drylands by improving productivity. Moreover, the book will be useful for professionals, researchers, scholars, and students involved in scientific activities of agricultural research in drylands.

    • Dairy farming
      February 2021

      Milk of Non Bovine Mammals

      Chemistry and Health Benefits

      by Anamika Das, Tanmay Hazra & Rohit G Shindhav

      .Milk is an integral part of human diet from ancient times. It provides a significant amount of protein, micronutrients and vitamins, which are essential to alleviate and fight malnutrition. To the worlds total milk production, Cow milk contributes 82.7%, followed by milk from Buffaloes, Goats, Sheeps and Camels. Cow milk contributes almost majority of worlds total milk production. Apart from plenty of health benefits of cow milk, the adverse effects or devil side of cow milk have been observed for certain population in the world. These adverse effects have been categorized as symptoms ofLactose intolerance- a condition characterized by difficulty in digesting milk due to absence of particular enzyme Lactase. Milk allergy occurs due to adverse immune reaction due to presence of certain milk proteins and this is usually termed as milk allergy cow milk protein allergy (CMPA). Non-cow (goat, camel, donkey, yak, horse) milks are closely associated with the culinary cultures of many societies throughout the world. Non-Bovine milks draw great interest for researchers in terms of milk production, technology, chemistry, microbiology, safety, nutrition, and health aspects

    • Agriculture & farming
      May 2016

      Climate Change and Plantations in The Humid Tropics

      by GSHLV Prasada Rao & C.S.Gopakumar

      Weather and climate play an important role in plantation crops production. While climate determines the adaptability of a particular crop in a region, weather determines the yield attributes of the crop. The global warming and climate change impacts on plantation crops are evident in the form of extreme weather events like floods, droughts, cold and heat waves and strong cyclonic winds, the frequency of which is likely to be more and more in the ensuing decades as noticed year after year around the globe in 1998, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2015. It is now a topic of concern and the plantations economy is in a threat in the ensuing decades due to climate variability. Decline in monsoon rainfall with number of rainy days, increasing ambient air temperatures (both day maximum and night minimum), decline in groundwater table, decline in wetland area and surface water resources, increasing number of forest fires and decline in forest area, increasing events of landslides during both the monsoon seasons, indiscriminate sand mining from river beds and unscientific land filling are the important climate change related issues in the Humid Tropics.

    • Biotechnology
      July 2021

      Flower Production and Gardening

      by P.K. Yadav & R.P.Singh

      Floriculture is a fast emerging and rapidly expanding industry through strong research and development. It covers all aspects related to commercial growing, marketing, arrangement of seeds and bulbs, plants, flowers etc. On the other hand gardening is all about the planning and planting of an area to secure a relationship between the landscape and plants to meet the human needs for beauty and function in the best way. The present title has been planned and designed to meet the long - felt need for a book covering major aspects of important floriculture crops. This book would serve as a reliable source of information about all the important and relevant aspects of floriculture and ornamental horticulture for various uses including production technology of export quality flowers to the persons who are associated with or working in floriculture with the latest information for further advancement. In this book important aspects of floriculture are explained in a concise and easy to understand format using simple and lucid language. Encompassing 32 chapters the book is a detailed summary of facts, figures yet in a comprehensive way.

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