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      • Families International

        It began when I left Ghana to study in Marburg, Germany. I entered a classroom of children with developmental concerns and instantly fell in love with them–the passion continues. I’m an indie professional author-publisher of Christian, academic and children’s books. Founder of Families International, Ottawa, Canada. An organization for all families, especially those who have children with developmental concerns. Our vision is to empower these families to believe in and help themselves, and their children. Be passionate partners of their children’s educational systems and working resiliently with special pedagogic and medical teams to support their children to achieve their full potential. We value every child and believe disabilities don’t mean inabilities. These children have educational assets exemplified by my newly released children’s books–Mommie, Snoopy Mr. Crab and Jumbolino The Dancing Clown. Inspired and created from my international work with these children and their families.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Family & health

        A Family with Autism

        When Autism is the Rule, not the Exception

        by Joyce van Maaren

        Four out of your five children have autism, and your husband too! This is what happened to Joyce van Maaren. Over the years four of her children and her husband are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. In A Family With Autism she talks openly about how her life gets turned upside down over and over again, and how the family had to regain their balance. In this inspiring and lovable book, Joyce van Maaren takes the reader on a journey – one with many ups and downs. Readers can find support in her story and discover what autism means for daily life. But most of all, they will be inspired to make the most of every day, even if they or their family has to deal with autism (or other psychological disorders). Target Group: people with autism and their relatives, families of which some members have autism.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1973

        Die See

        Eine Komödie

        by Edward Bond, Harald Mueller

        Edward Bond wurde 1934 in der Londoner Vorstadt Holloway geboren. 1956 schrieb er erste Gedichte und Stückentwürfe und trat 1960 einer Dramatikergruppe um John Osborne, Arnold Wesker und John Arden bei. 1962 wurde Bonds erstes Stück, The Pope's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Papstes), in London uraufgeführt. Sein zweites Theaterstück, Saved (Gerettet), provozierte einen der größten Skandale der britischen Theatergeschichte: Das Stück wurde kurz nach seiner Premiere im November 1965 im Royal Court Theatre aufgrund von expliziter Gewaltdarstellung von der Zensur verboten. Die sich anschließende Diskussion um Freiheit der Kunst bewirkte 1968 das Ende der britischen Theaterzensur. Große Erfolge wurden Anfang der 1970er Jahre seine Lear-Bearbeitung und das Stück The Sea (Die See). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Stücke, Opernlibretti für Hans Werner Henze, Arbeit an Theatern, für den Film (u.a. Mitarbeit am Drehbuch zu Antonionis Film Blow up) und das Fernsehen. Edward Bond lebt in der Nähe von Cambridge. Harald Mueller, geb. am 18. Mai 1934 in Memel, war u. a. Theaterautor und Dramaturg. Für den Suhrkamp Verlag übersetzte er Werke von Bernard Shaw ins Deutsche. Er starb am 27. Dezember 2021.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        The bonds of family

        by Katie Donington, Alan Lester, Andrew Thompson

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        The Donkey Family

        by Tang Sulan

        One day, mom brought back a little boy. From then on, all the family took focus on the baby. The boy’s sister thought parents didn’t love her any longer, so she hided in a cave alone and changed into a donkey. For looking after her, grandpa changed into a donkey too. Did other members of the family change into donkey?

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1972


        by Edward Bond, Christian Enzensberger, Jörg Wehmeier, Edward Bond

        Hilde Spiel in der Weltwoche: »Mit seinem ›Lear‹ ist Bond an die Seite Becketts getreten: sagt dieser uns letzte Wahrheiten über die kosmische Situation des Menschen, so rührt Bond an die sozialen Wurzeln unserer Existenz.«

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1994

        Die See, Gerettet und andere Stücke

        by Edward Bond, Harald Mueller, Klaus Reichert, Christian Enzensberger

        Edward Bond wurde 1934 in der Londoner Vorstadt Holloway geboren. 1956 schrieb er erste Gedichte und Stückentwürfe und trat 1960 einer Dramatikergruppe um John Osborne, Arnold Wesker und John Arden bei. 1962 wurde Bonds erstes Stück, The Pope's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Papstes), in London uraufgeführt. Sein zweites Theaterstück, Saved (Gerettet), provozierte einen der größten Skandale der britischen Theatergeschichte: Das Stück wurde kurz nach seiner Premiere im November 1965 im Royal Court Theatre aufgrund von expliziter Gewaltdarstellung von der Zensur verboten. Die sich anschließende Diskussion um Freiheit der Kunst bewirkte 1968 das Ende der britischen Theaterzensur. Große Erfolge wurden Anfang der 1970er Jahre seine Lear-Bearbeitung und das Stück The Sea (Die See). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Stücke, Opernlibretti für Hans Werner Henze, Arbeit an Theatern, für den Film (u.a. Mitarbeit am Drehbuch zu Antonionis Film Blow up) und das Fernsehen. Edward Bond lebt in der Nähe von Cambridge. Harald Mueller, geb. am 18. Mai 1934 in Memel, war u. a. Theaterautor und Dramaturg. Für den Suhrkamp Verlag übersetzte er Werke von Bernard Shaw ins Deutsche. Er starb am 27. Dezember 2021. Klaus Reichert, geboren 1938, emeritierter Professor für Anglistik an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1964-1968 Lektor in den Verlagen Suhrkamp und Insel, 2002-2011 Präsident der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung in Darmstadt. Autor, Übersetzer und Herausgeber (u. a. der Joyce-Ausgabe des Suhrkamp Verlages). Christian Enzensberger, geboren 1931 in Nürnberg und verstorben 2009 in München, war Professor für Englische Literaturgeschichte an der Universität München. Er übersetzte zahlreiche Werke aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche.

      • Trusted Partner

        For Love and Faith BringUs Together

        Letters from Home in Hunan during the Fight against COVID-19

        by Xiaoxiang Family Letter Activity Committee

        This book contains 81 letters written by medical care staff, police officers, journalists, community workers, volunteers and others during their fight novel coronavirus time. Together with photos and letters, it records ordinary true stories one by one, showing people what love is and what national spirits is.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2003

        Das Verbrechen des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Die Kinder

        Stücke und Materialien

        by Edward Bond, Brigitte Landes

        Edward Bond wurde 1934 in der Londoner Vorstadt Holloway geboren. 1956 schrieb er erste Gedichte und Stückentwürfe und trat 1960 einer Dramatikergruppe um John Osborne, Arnold Wesker und John Arden bei. 1962 wurde Bonds erstes Stück, The Pope's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Papstes), in London uraufgeführt. Sein zweites Theaterstück, Saved (Gerettet), provozierte einen der größten Skandale der britischen Theatergeschichte: Das Stück wurde kurz nach seiner Premiere im November 1965 im Royal Court Theatre aufgrund von expliziter Gewaltdarstellung von der Zensur verboten. Die sich anschließende Diskussion um Freiheit der Kunst bewirkte 1968 das Ende der britischen Theaterzensur. Große Erfolge wurden Anfang der 1970er Jahre seine Lear-Bearbeitung und das Stück The Sea (Die See). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Stücke, Opernlibretti für Hans Werner Henze, Arbeit an Theatern, für den Film (u.a. Mitarbeit am Drehbuch zu Antonionis Film Blow up) und das Fernsehen. Edward Bond lebt in der Nähe von Cambridge. Brigitte Landes, geboren 1946 in Frankfurt/Main. Sie arbeitet freiberuflich als Dramaturgin, Regisseurin und Autorin.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2024

        The Family of Love

        By Lording Barry

        by Sophie Tomlinson

        The Family of Love charts a successful love intrigue between the cash-strapped Gerardine, and Maria, the sequestered niece of the mercenary Doctor Glister. Their romance unfolds against the dissection of two citizen marriages, the Glisters' and the Purges'. Mistress Purge attends Familist meetings independently, arousing her husband's suspicions about her marital fidelity. Two libertines, Lipsalve and Gudgeon, go in search of sex and solubility (freedom from constipation), receiving more than they bargain for in respect of the latter. This scholarly edition of Family of Love marks the first occasion on which the comedy is attributed to Lording Barry in print. It brings together literary and historical discussion with a thorough analysis of the play's disputed authorship. Tomlinson highlights Barry's rich vein of burlesque humour in a comedy that combines magic, a trunk, and a mock-court session with vigorous colloquial language.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2022

        The Family of Love

        By Lording Barry

        by Helen Ostovich, Sophie Tomlinson

        The Family of Love charts a successful love intrigue between the cash-strapped Gerardine, and Maria, the sequestered niece of the mercenary Doctor Glister. Their romance unfolds against the dissection of two citizen marriages, the Glisters' and the Purges'. Mistress Purge attends Familist meetings independently, arousing her husband's suspicions about her marital fidelity. Two libertines, Lipsalve and Gudgeon, go in search of sex and solubility (freedom from constipation), receiving more than they bargain for in respect of the latter. This scholarly edition of Family of Love marks the first occasion on which the comedy is attributed to Lording Barry in print. It brings together literary and historical discussion with a thorough analysis of the play's disputed authorship. Tomlinson highlights Barry's rich vein of burlesque humour in a comedy that combines magic, a trunk, and a mock-court session with vigorous colloquial language.

      • Trusted Partner

        The House in Baiting Hollow

        by Vasyl Makhno

        Events, described by Vasyl Makhno in a debut collection of short prose, are happening at different times and in different places, and no matter who the storyteller is – a man over fifty, a grey-headed widow or a little boy – you believe them; because there are no author’s generalizations, conclusions or guidelines. These impartial stories tell us about fates of completely different people, honestly and without pathos. It is honesty and simplicity that make this prose so different; common and simple details, at first sight, add mystery and hold the reader in suspense throughout the entire book.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2009

        The James Bond Phenomenon

        A critical reader (second edition)

        by Derek Cullen

        Sean Connery's tuxedo, Ursula Andress' bikini, Oddjob's bowler hat, and Q's gadgets are just a few defining features of the 007 world examined in The James Bond phenomenon. Drawn from the fields of literary, film, music, and cultural studies, the essays in this collection range from revitalised readings of Ian Fleming's original spy novels to the analysis of Pussy Galore's lesbianism, Miss Moneypenny's filmic feminism, and Pierce Brosnan's techno-fetishism. Together, the essays not only consider the James Bond novels and films in relation to their historical, political, and social contexts from the Cold War period onwards, but also examine the classic Bond canon from an array of theoretical perspectives. This updated and expanded edition features new essays on a range of hot topics, including Daniel Craig's debut as Bond, Playboy magazine's obsession with the 007 lifestyle, Bond's erotic Orientalism, and the rise of 007 video gaming. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A House that Holds Us All

        by Tang Sulan

        A moment ago, sun was smiling in the sky. Why rain all of the sudden? Snail was not afraid of rain, because he had his own little house. An ant, a bunny and a little boy was running close one by one. They asked a same question, "Can I get in your house to get out of the rain?"

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        Changsha Traditional Family Values and Rules

        by Changsha Discipline Inspection Committee

        This book collects Changsha traditional family rules, family values, and family mottos, and contains a lot of folk proverbs and sayings. It uses pictures, footnotes, and content reviews to help readers have a better understanding. The author hopes to keep this good tradition and promote the building of family values and rules.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Blue Book of Chinese Family Education (2020)

        by SUN Yunxiao

        "China Family Education Blue Book (2020)" is jointly selected by the Chinese Education Society Family Education Professional Committee and Beijing Dongcheng District Home Education Research Center, is a blue book that brings together an annual excellent family education theory and practice research results. This book is based on academic articles, investigation reports, typical cases, annual documents, etc., etc. This book has important reference value to promote our family education work in depth.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Confucius' Family Words

        by Huang Dunbin

        This book records the thoughts and words of Confucius and his disciples, and much of its content concerns major historical and cultural events, such as Confucius' travels around the world, his questioning of Laozi, his replies to the ruler of his country, and his discussions on the rituals and music system and history and nature. The Confucius Family Sayings has long been questioned as an apocryphal book, but unearthed documents from the 20th century prove that the book is not apocryphal, although there are traces of later collation and reorganisation. In the study of Confucius' disciples and Confucian family studies, the book has more obvious advantages than the Historical Records; in presenting an overall image of early Confucianism and interpreting the history of the three generations, the book has irreplaceable value. Some scholars believe that the Confucian Family Sayings is of higher value than the Analects of Confucius and is the "first book of Confucianism".

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Bonbon and Blanket

        by Emily House

        A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        A Harvest Truce

        by Serhiy Zhadan

        Brothers Anton and Tolik reunite at their family home to bury their recently deceased mother. An otherwise natural ritual unfolds under extraordinary circumstances: their house is on the front line of a war ignited by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. Isolated without power or running water, the brothers’ best hope for success and survival lies in the declared cease-fire - the harvest truce. But such hopes are swiftly dashed, as it becomes apparent that the conflagration of war will not abate. Serhiy Zhadan’s A Harvest Truce stages a tragicomedy in which the commonplace experiences of death, birth, and the cycles of life marked by the practices of growing and harvesting food are rendered futile and farcical in the wake of the indifferent juggernaut of war.

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