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        The Endocrine Society is a global organization of 18,000 researchers, educators, and clinicians advancing breakthroughs in hormone science and improving public health.

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        February 2017


        Recall of the Spiritual View of Childhood

        by Can Xue

        This is a autobiography-style prose collection. Applying the unique writing technique, Can Xue has revealed the perceivable childhood inward world and all aspects of her childhood. Unlike her obscure novels, this collection attempts to grasp memory fragments through critical thinking and recall the childhood days. As a child, Can Xue is imaginative and obstinate, which has influence on her literary creation later. This spiritual autobiography serves as the key to the artistic world of Can Xue.

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        February 2017

        Wuxiang Street

        by Can Xue

        The novel narrates the “possible” amour of Lady X, which arouses the discussion of local people. Every character has his own view towards this event which even acquires a more vital status than the event itself. The characteristic narration style of Can Xue has imbued the ordinary event with distinct aesthetic connotation.

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        Lady Lv Fangshi

        by Can Xue

        Lady Lv Fangshi is born in a family with many siblings. She was not a good-looking girl and no one in her family cared about her. All her family lived in two small and dark rooms with both warmness and horror. As a 21-year-old lady, Lv Fangshi had already met some guys. Zeng Laoliu, the carpet dealer, was quite mysterious to her though he was not the one that excited her most. Is the lifestyle of Lady Lv Fangshi ever possible? We could frequently be face with this kind of question in our daily life.

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        The Borderland

        by Can Xue

        The Borderland has narrated the weird life of several strangers in Xiaoshi Town in the border area. Years ago, Liujin’s parents came to Xiaoshi Town in pursuit of love. They found that Xiaoshi Town was a place where everything was invisible rather than visible, and they had gradually discovered the way how the anomalies impacted people’s life. As an adult, Liujin decides to trace the road that her parents had taken in Xiaoshi Town. By virtue of contacts with various people in the borderland who possess unique sensory ability, she even gains some absurd and fantastic perspectives and imaginations towards things in the borderland such as snow mountains, snow leopards, geckos, birds and rocks.

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        December 2015

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth

        by Can Xue

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth, the latest novel by Can Xue, is a profound metaphor of her hometown. It follows her usual magical style in the sense that it vividly unfolds the complex and delicate inner world of the characters. The story takes place in the remote Wuliqu School, with such distinctive characters as Teacher Meiyong, Zhang Danzhi, Yutian, Xiao Man, Uncle Yun and Sha Men presented one after another. The personality and human nature exposed through unique dialogues enable the readers to feel a return to simplicity so that they want to explore human soul and nature and start in-depth reading and thinking. The book depicts petty matters in a great age. The author’s ambition is to create a feeling for the pattern of the whole universe through the structure of an ordinary tree leaf, and to unify the arbitrarily split world through the narration of various folk sundries so that different characters can all become the center of this unity and their performance can have a universality. As the only Chinese writer who has won the Best Translated Book Award in the United States, Can Xue was nominated for the foreign novel prize of The Independent of the UK and shortlisted in the Neustadt International Prize for Literature of the US. As the Chinese woman writer, whose works have been translated and published the most abroad, Can Xue has been called the most creative Chinese writer by overseas critics.

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        July 2024

        Reise in das unbekannte Land des Vertrauens

        Ein wahres Märchen über die Sehnsucht so angenommen zu werden, wie wir sind

        by André Stern

        Der Bestsellerautor André Stern begibt sich auf der Suche nach dem Wesen des Vertrauens durch eine Welt voller Grenzen, Trennungen und Misstrauen. Feinsinnig, philosophisch und zum Nachdenken anregend konfrontiert die Leser mit den uns selbstverständlich erscheinenden Erwartungen und Bewertungen, die das Vertrauen in uns selbst und in andere beeinflussen, schädigen oder stören können – immer verbunden mit dem tiefen inneren Wunsch jedes Menschen, so angenommen zu werden, wie wir sind. André Stern hält uns in diesem wahren Märchen in bildstarker, poetischer Sprache den Spiegel vor und er beleuchtet Seiten – Winkel, Details aber auch das große Ganze –, die wir so noch nicht gesehen haben. Dieses Buch ist ein Herzöffner.

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        The Barefoot Doctor

        by Can Xue

        The novel tells of the story about the growth of a barefoot doctor in a village. By means of the experiences of Sister Yi the barefoot doctor, Mi Yi, Hui Ju and other characters, the author manages to expose the real dependence relationship between man and nature, and between man and man, so as to construct a new kind of relationship in the future world from a brand-new perspective with lots of astounding descriptions. The scenes depicted in the novel belong to the future world, the plots, however, firmly stick to the reality. Thus the real and free conceptions in the novel are both down-to-earth and overwhelmingly shocking, from which every ordinary reader can find resonance and gain strength for life in it. Once again, the outlook of philosophy and nature of Can Xue has delicately and simply stood out in the novel in a literary way.

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        International relations
        September 2005

        Naming security - constructing identity

        ‘Mayan-women’ in Guatemala on the eve of ‘peace’

        by Maria Stern

        How do people seek security in relation to their sense of 'who they are'? How can one make sense of insecurity at the intersection of competing identity claims? Based on the voices of Mayan women, Stern critically re-considers the connections between security, subjectivity and identity. By engaging in a careful reading of how Mayan women 'speak' security in relation to the different contexts that inform their lives, she explores the multiplicity of both identity and security, and questions the main story of security imbedded in the modern 'paradox of sovereignty.' Her provocative analysis thus raises vital questions about what might constitute 'security', and the 'insecurity' that is its inevitable supplement. Her study also offers an innovative methodology that bridges many different disciplines and substantively develops the method of 'reading' politics as a 'textual practice'. It will be essential reading for students of security, identity politics, feminism, and Latin American studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Water Town

        by Can Xue

        Can Xue's latest novel "Water Town" is an artistic display of the complex history of human experience. What kind of survival is free survival? These thousand years of questioning have become extremely urgent in this era. The individual lives created by the writer are squeezed like a magic one by one, forcing themselves, fighting hard amidst the revelation of a grand and dim allegory background, and unanimously following the vague call to the magic after a long journey. Water town. In this wonderland, people will realize their dreams as long as they act. Everything is possible, the power of life rushes to the peak of ideals in the carnival... and the earth responds to the heartbeat in calmness. The free survival of man is a performance art activity, which is also the ancient essential impulse of man. "Water Village" is not only a display of artistic life, but also an advocacy of this kind of life.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Spielen, um zu fühlen, zu lernen und zu leben

        by André Stern, Petra Thorbrietz

        André Stern, der mit seinem Buch …und ich war nie in der Schule einen Bestseller landete und seither auf Veranstaltungen Säle füllt, hat ein fesselndes Plädoyer für bedingungsloses Vertrauen in die natürliche Entwicklung unserer Kinder verfasst. Statt Leistungsoptimierung und Konkurrenzdenken setzt er auf die individuelle Entwicklung und das eigene Tempo des Kindes.»Das Spiel ist für das Kind die direkte Art, sich mit dem Alltag, mit sich und mit der Welt zu verbinden. Für Kinder ist das freie Spiel ein Bedürfnis. Eine Veranlagung, ein Hang, oft ein Drang. Es ist für das Kind eine tiefe Erfüllung.« André Stern

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        Schatten und Licht

        by Anne Stern

        1922: Hulda Gold is a midwife and she is smart, fearless and extremely popular in the neighbourhood since the fate of her female patients is extremely close to her heart. Especially as she encounters not only new life, but also death. In the notorious Bülowbogen, one of the city's many slums, Hulda looks after a pregnant woman. The young woman is devastated because her neighbour was found dead in the Landwehrkanal; allegedly a tragic accident. But why is the opaque detective commissioner Karl North so interested in the case? And why is Hulda so attracted to him? She investigates and gets deeper and deeper into the abysses of a city where shadow and light are so close together.

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        May 2018

        Expeditionen ins Leben

        Entdecken, was wirklich zählt

        by Christian Butt

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Eine Bildbiographie

        by Arno Schmidt, Fanny Esterhazy, Bernd Rauschenbach

        Kein anderer Schriftsteller war sich der Bedeutung von Bildern für ein Leben so bewusst wie Arno Schmidt: »Mein Leben?!: ein Tablett voll glitzernder snapshots«, schrieb er in seinem Roman »Aus dem Leben eines Fauns«. Was also wäre adäquater, als Arno Schmidts Leben mit einer Bildbiographie nachzuzeichnen, die mosaikartig das Panorama einer eigenwilligen Schriftstellerexistenz zusammensetzt. Einführende Texte von Bernd Rauschenbach geben einen Überblick über die Stationen von Schmidts Leben – die Kindheit in Hamburg, die Jugend in Schlesien, Kriegszeit und Nachkriegselend, die wiederholten Wohnortwechsel, bis Arno Schmidt in Bargfeld in der Lüneburger Heide die »ihm gemäße Landschaft« findet. Für diese erste umfangreiche Bildbiographie über Arno Schmidt hat die Herausgeberin Fanny Esterházy in Archiven nachgeforscht und Unbekanntes und Verblüffendes zutage gefördert: Fotos, Zeichnungen, Dokumente aller Art, Bücher und Manuskripte, Notizen und Briefe, Zeitungsartikel, Alltägliches und Kurioses. Ergänzt und erläutert wird das vielfältige Material durch Textpassagen aus Arno Schmidts Werk, Auszüge aus den Tagebüchern von Arno und Alice Schmidt sowie Kommentare von Kollegen und Freunden.

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