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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1992

        Die Erreichbarkeit der Gesellschaft

        Zur Konstruktion und Imagination gesellschaftlicher Einheit

        by Peter Fuchs

        Peter Fuchs geht es darum, diese ›polykontexturale‹ Struktur auf der Grundlage vor allem des Luhmann'schen Theoriedesigns so nachzuzeichnen, daß ein Befund sichtbar wird, von dem aus (und hinter den nicht zurück) gedacht werden sollte. Versuche des Zurückdenkens werden unter Problemtiteln wie Lebenswelt, Risikosemantik, Gemeinschaft, Communio etc. und in einer Fallstudie über den deutschen Patriotismus diskutiert und abgewiesen. Eher spekulativ und auf der Basis der second order cybernetics wird die Möglichkeit der Entwicklung einer ›Beobachtungskultur‹ durchgespielt, die die ökologische Differenz (System/Umwelt) und die daran geknüpften komplexen Beobachtungsverhältnisse nicht okkult hält (um stattdessen Gesellschaft wie eine adressable Größe zu behandeln), sondern sie operativ und reflexiv zu nutzen sucht.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • February 2015

        The Metabarons

        First Cycle

        by Alejandro Jodorowsky & Juan Gimenez

        A must-read spin-off of best selling Sci-Fi masterpiece The Incal. Visionary film director and author Alejandro Jodorowsky's returns with a grand-scale space opera. The Metabarons chronicles the fascinating dynasty of the ultimate warrior. This collection introduces the history of the Metabarons and reveals the origins of their deep-seated principles, their vast wealth, their cybernetic implants, and their most brutal custom: that the only way for a son to become the next Metabaron is to slay his own father in mortal combat. Follow generations of Metabarons as they struggle to overcome the forces amassed against them in a galaxy corrupted by greed, power, and terror.

      • Tales from the Crucible

        A Keyforge Anthology

        by Edited by Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells

        Take a whirlwind tour to the incredible planet of a million fantasy races, the Crucible, in this wild science fantasy anthology from the hit new game, KeyForge Welcome to the Crucible – an artificial planet larger than our sun – an ever-growing patchwork of countless other worlds, filled with creatures, sentient beings and societies stolen from across the universe by the mythical Architects. Across this dizzying juxtaposition of alien biospheres, the enigmatic and godlike Archons seek to unlock the secrets at the heart of the Crucible. Everyone else is just trying to survive... Explore nine tales of adventure in a realm where science and magic team up, of discovery and culture clash, featuring mad Martian scientists, cybernetic surgeons, battle reenactors, elven thieves, private investigators, goblins, saurian monsters, and the newly arrived human Star Alliance.

      • Cybernetics & systems theory

        Science of Synthesis

        Exploring the Social Implications of General Systems Theory

        by Debora Hammond

        This book explores the development of general systems theory and the individuals who gathered together around that idea to form the Society for General Systems Research. In examining the life and work of the SGSR's five founding members -- Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Kenneth Boulding, Ralph Gerard, James Grier Miller, and Anatol Rapoport -- Hammond traces the emergence of systems ideas across a broad range of disciplines in the mid-twentieth century. A metaphor and a framework, the systems concept as articulated by its earliest proponents highlights relationship and interconnectedness among the biological, ecological, social, psychological, and technological dimensions of our increasingly complex lives. Seeking to transcend the reductionism and mechanism of classical science -- which they saw as limited by its focus on the discrete, component parts of reality -- the general systems community hoped to complement this analytic approach with a more holistic approach. As one of many systems traditions, the general systems group was specifically interested in fostering collaboration and integration between different disciplinary perspectives. The book documents a unique episode in the history of modern thought, one that remains relevant today. This book will be of interest to historians of science, system theorists, and scholars in such fields as cybernetics and system dynamics.

      • Geographical information systems (GIS) & remote sensing
        January 2009

        Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Spectral Signature Applications

        by S. Rajendran, S.Aravindran, T.Jeyavel Rajakumar, R. Sivakumar & K.R. Murali Mohan

        Hyperspectral imaging is an emerging modern technique in modern remote sensing that expands and removes capability of multispectral image analysis. It takes advantage of hundreds of continuous spectral channels to uncover materials that usually cannot be resolved by multispectral sensoThis book is a collection of research papers of Indian scientist working in the field of hyperspectral remote sensing and spectral signature applications. This has been organized in a way that all the s are logically connected and can be referred back and the forth one another for more details. The title of hyperspectral remote sensing and spectral signature applications is use to reflect its focus on spectral techniques, i.e. non-literal techniques that are especially designed and developed for hyperspectral imagery rather than multispectral imagery.

      • Health & Personal Development
        March 2021

        The Brain Always Wins

        Improving your life through better brain management

        by John Sullivan

        Now fully revised, The Brain Always Wins is the practical guide to improving your life through better brain management. It is based on one simple fact: Our brain controls and determines everything we do! How we perceive, understand and respond to the world, how we survive, adapt and communicate, how we learn and remember, the decisions we make and the emotions we feel - all are determined by our amazing brain. We have to take care of our brain because it takes cares of us - and the great news is that we can! In this fully updated new edition, the authors have updated the examples to incude the latest scientific research and data, as well as including a full range of new practical PROCESS activities and recommendations. In The Brain Always Wins, John Sullivan and Chris Parker combine science and storytelling, teaching us all how to create our own personalized brain management process. So if you want to improve any - or all - aspects of your life, from personal to professional and anything in-between, The Brain Always Wins will show you how.

      • Berlin Meeting, Ukrainian Death

        by Pepe Ribas

        Ernesto Usabiaga is a young Chilean activist, son of a tortured woman, who leaves his country after a professional disappointment. He settles in Berlin, a city which brings him the possibility of starting a new life and discovering the secret family history. Ernesto meets there Maksim Kazantev, an Ukrainian Cossack connected to oligarchs and the secret servicies, with whom he fell in love and of whom is also afraid. This passional relationship will be the beginning of the most agitated, clarifying and crucial weeks for both of their lives; lives which will be in danger with the hidden threads which braids the gas pipelines and the stories of the ones controlling them. The geopolitical chessboard of the old Sovietic bloc, the refugee drama due to wars, the family love and the search of the individual and collective identity are the essence of this novel -at the same time a hectic story about espionage and a brutal journey along the last hundred years of the European and South American history- inviting us to refresh our memory and follow reconciliation.

      • Intellectual property law
        September 2018

        Intellectual Property Rights and Public Policy

        by Zafar Mahfooz Nomani

        The book Intellectual Property Rights & Public Policy is rooted in the fact that creativity and innovation have been hall mark of knowledge economy. However despite there is an abundance of innovative energies flowing in India a conducive ecosystem to access to education, knowledge and health is far from reality. Being TRIPS compliant country, the equitable and dynamic IP regime with full potential of harnessing intellectual property for Indias economic growth, socio-cultural development and promotion of public interest are distant goalposts. The pronouncement of National IPR Policy spelt out the public policy orientation but the need to create robust IP environment as stunning controversy thats spinning out of control needs to hardly emphasized. The book is an erudite compilation of renowned scholars in the field of intellectual property having implication of moulding public policy discourse in intellectual property law. The contributors of the volumes luminates grey areas of research by drawing diverse perspectives from academicians, judges and IP practitioners. The range of papers diverse from jurisprudence of intellectual property to cyber law, human right, access to food and medicine, biotechnology and law. The book investigates prospects as well as the challenges by encompassing theoretical and juridical dimensions in Indian socio-legal context. The consequences of IP institutional failures are unimaginable and pragmatic ending is unthinkable for any vibrant nation like India. The book is never before seen revelations and leading to a single impossible and inconceivable truth of being panacea for plagued public policy diametric but definitely an incredible collection in auguring healthy polemics of knowledge management. To lend appropriate credence to the subject the working of IP Laws and institutions is undertaken to hone out the strategy of IP Law reform in public policy paradigm in India. The outputs of the compilation can capture the attention of not merely legal academics, policy makers, and legal profession but also to IP practitioners, development planner and innovation activists.

      • Computer science
        November 2011

        UML and Data Modeling

        A Reconciliation

        by David C. Hay

        Here you will learn how to develop an attractive, easily readable, conceptual, business-oriented entity/relationship model, using a variation on the UML Class Model notation.   Hear the author, David Hay, talk about his book.    This book has two audiences:  Data modelers (both analysts and database designers) who are convinced that UML has nothing to do with them; and UML experts who don’t realize that architectural data modeling really is different from object modeling (and that the differences are important). David Hay’s objective is to finally bring these two groups together in peace.   Here all modelers will receive guidance on how to produce a high quality (that is, readable) entity/relationship model to describe the data architecture of an organization.  The notation involved happens to be the one for class models in the Unified Modeling Language, even though  UML was originally developed to support object-oriented design. Designers have a different view of the world from those who develop business-oriented conceptual data models, which means that to use UML for architectural modeling requires some adjustments.  These adjustments are described in this book.   David Hay is the author of Enterprise Model Patterns: Describing the World, a comprehensive model of a generic enterprise. The diagrams were at various levels of abstraction, and they were all rendered in the slightly modified version of UML Class Diagrams presented here.  This book is a handbook to describe how to build models such as these.  By way of background, an appendix provides a history of the two groups, revealing the sources of their different attitudes towards the system development process.   If you are an old-school ER modeler and now find yourself having to come up to speed on UML to get that next job (or keep the current one), this is your guidebook to success. If you are a long time object oriented programmer who has to interact with data modelers, this book is for you too. David has done the hard work of mapping out how to do a logical entity relationship model using standard (and accepted) UML diagram components. This book shows you step-by-step, with ample examples, how to get from here to there with the least pain possible for all concerned. Kent Graziano Certified Data Vault Master and Oracle ACE Past-President of ODTUG & RMOUG

      • Self-help & personal development

        Master Key Workbook, The

        A Complete Method of Self-mastery and Goal Attainment Based on The Master Key System, the legendary book by Charles F. Haanel

        by Anthony R. Michalski

        The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel has changed the lives of millions of people. The Master Key Workbook will continue that proud practice. You have always dreamed about living a successful and rewarding life, both financially and emotionally. The Master Key Workbook will help you make all of your dreams come true and set you on the road to riches and self-mastery. Based on the timeless classic The Master Key System, this book combines motivational exercises that build your “thought muscles” with written worksheets to define and prepare you to attain your goals. Once you define your goals and are given the power to attain them, then you can accomplish anything! Some of the things you will learn from this book are… ▪ You will gain a complete understanding of the operation of the Universe and how your dreams can become reality. ▪ You will learn how to “train your brain” properly and efficiently, thus removing doubt and fear from your life. ▪ Putting your plans into action will be easier and results will come quicker than ever before. ▪ Goal-setting and goal-attainment will be a snap. ▪ You will magnetize yourself to opportunity and success. ▪ Your problems will seem to dissolve and your life will have fewer “speed bumps”. ▪ Your life will be fuller, richer, and more purposeful. Based on the tried and true knowledge and wisdom of Charles F. Haanel, written in an easy and approachable manner, and including many exercises that will both entertain and enlighten, The Master Key Workbook will set every man and woman on the path to a prosperous and meaningful life. Prepare yourself to attain all of your dreams!

      • August 2019

        A defence of armed Art/Struggle

        by Óscar Guardiola-Rivera

        Esta actitud obsesiva y antinomiana, que se denomina provocativamente la lucha "armada" en el camino hacia la paz (más que como lo opuesto a ella), presente como espíritu, efervescencia colectiva, combate o fantasma en los rituales institucionalizados o constitutivos (ejemplificado por el (episodio del juramento a cetro en la literatura clásica, ya menudo imaginado como un "contrato" original autorizado por una "voluntad" genérica que legitima el derecho en la literatura moderna), está representado bajo la economía política del régimen industrial-colonial en un estado de suspensión o "emergencia". En este sentido, como se sugirió anteriormente, el "estado de emergencia" que según Benjamin se ha convertido en la regla no es consecuencia de la violencia. Al contrario,es el intento de suspender el combate,

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