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      • Fiction
        June 2019

        El guardián de Omu

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Juan suffers a spectacular camouflaged traffic accident, since his real objective was suicide. Then he discovers that it was not Juan, but an experienced special agent of the Solar Police of this galaxy, with jurisdiction over the entire solar system and a life completely opposite to what he had. Recover the memory and assume his situation, sharing mission and adventures with Yura, his eternal partner and co-worker.Argos recovers and learns to live "out of the box" again, facing alien species of clear negative polarity in his new mission. The very existence of planet Earth is in your hands.Without a doubt, it is a current and action novel. For minds of the New Earth, awake beings, with intuition, and capable of recreating in their imaginations scenarios, concepts, and fictitious events that could be very close to becoming real potentials in the immediate future.Take back the pleasure of fiction ... Or not.

      • Fiction
        May 2019


        En tierras de Urantia

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Are you ready to read the story of the second coming of Christ in full s. XXI? Do you want to know first-hand who he was, what he did and with whom? Do you know that this time she was a woman and that her mothers were lesbians?Get ready to explode your neurons with this groundbreaking, entertaining, and surprising novel, set in real settings in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona) and Europe.Action, adventure, travel, sex, technology, chases, magical scenarios, extraterrestrial beings ...You have before you a new modern and daring thriller that will make you reflect on reality.

      • Crime & mystery
        July 2018

        Donde lloran los demonios

        by Martí Martínez, Pedro

        Inspector Cesar Giralt enjoys a period of happiness previously denied to him since the brutal murder of his sister by the criminal known as the locker seven years before. However, when life shows him its nicer side, the shadow of his worst fears comes back to Barcelona together with the coldest winter that the city has experienced for several years. The body of another dead girl reaches the same beach where, years before, had appeared, in the same circumstances, one of the locker's victims.   El inspector César Giralt disfruta de una felicidad que le había sido negada desde el cruel asesinato de su hermana a manos del encerrador siete años atrás. Pero cuando la vida por fin le muestra su lado más amable, la sombra de sus peores miedos regresa a Barcelona de la mano del invierno más frío de los últimos años. El cadáver de una chica llega a la misma playa en la que apareció, en idénticas circunstancias, una de las víctimas del Encerrador. ¿Es posible que se trate de un imitador? ¿O acaso el asesino de Eva ha vuelto de entre los muertos? Ayudado por su equipo, el inspector Giralt emprenderá una última travesía por los recovecos de su pasado para descubrir qué tipo de persona es en realidad antes de afrontar un último baile con el mismísimo diablo.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2016

        Musas, mecenas y amantes.

        Mujeres en torno al Surrealismo

        by Victoria Combalía

        What do these six women have in common, apart from having lived in an extraordinary world and era? They are better known as companions of the male protagonists of their time - Man Ray, Max Ernst, Samuel Beckett, André Breton, TS Eliot or Jean Cocteau, among others - than for their own works. However, they were much more than a name on a caption or a handsome face adorning parties and literary salons.

      • September 2019

        El niño que no quiso llorar

        by Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio

        Again facing his reflection on the mirror, and again the same idea coming to his mind, putting an end to his life. Inside his clenched fist, mum's sleeping pills, his only hope for escaping the hell esecially designed for him by his schoolmates. His little sister's love being his only reason to endure  a life of hardship, Santiago has become, after years suffering the cruellest of bullyings at school, a mere shadow of himself.   Otra vez frente al espejo, y otra vez con la misma idea, quitarse la vida. En el interior de su mano cerrada, las pastillas de dormir de mamá, su única esperanza para escapar del infierno que han fabricado para él sus propios compañeros de colegio. Sin más aliciente para seguir viviendo que el amor por su hermanita Teresa, Santiago se ha convertido, tras años de estar sufriendo acoso en su colegio, en una sombra de sí mismo. La llegada de Lucía, una niña nueva, extraña y diferente, logrará rescatarlo del universo frío e inhóspito en el que vive, y hará renacer en él la esperanza de volver a sonreír. Pero en el colegio, la persecución continúa y Nacho, su principal acosador, no ceja en su empeño de doblegar su espíritu de un forma u otra. Y Santiago, decidido a no dejarse derrotar, acabará transformándose en aquello que más odia.   The arrival of Lucia, a new classmate, different and awkward, will strike some degree of balance in his life, successfully rescuing him from the cold and barren universe he inhabits and triggering a new desire to smile again. But nothing changes at school: the bullying goes on relentlessly and Nacho, the worst bully, won't give up on his whim to break Santiago's spirit one way or the other. But Santiago, firmly determined not to be defeated, will inevitably turn into the thing he hates the most.

      • Children's & YA

        Panthera Leo

        by Molina, Alicia

        Julia is going through a bad time: her mom and her dad are going to go away for three months to finish their diplomas outside of the country and they have left her aunt Sofía in charge of her, meaning, apart from changing house, she will also have to change school. There Julia will meet every kind of specimens: a protective elephant miss, and an understanding giraffe, some obedient zebras, and a dangerous tigress with whom she will fight against more than once. Julia will have to overcome many obstacles alone, and still, in the middle of it, she will have to find time to visit his very peculiar friend: Panther leo.

      • Fiction
        September 2019

        Heart Land

        by Luz Gabás

        A brilliant novel that brings together a beautiful story of autumn love, a crime investigation, the defense of the earth, and the countryside as a universal heritage. Alira, heiress of the mansion and lands her family has held onto for generations, must choose between staying true to her origins or adapting to the new times. When she thinks she found an answer to her questions, a mysterious disappearance upsets the apparent calm at her home—the only inhabited house in a small abandoned village. A twist of fate makes her face her past and question everything that had been solid for her. From that moment on, she will start to feel something she never knew she was ready for: love!

      • May 2019

        Cuando tomábamos café

        by Sánchez, José Carlos

        The heart of Madrid becomes a stage that beats at every step of the protagonists of this story. A novel that perfectly stages the society of the last years of the Franco regime and the conquest for freedom of a generation of brave women who fought to make themselves heard. Matesa, the most convulsive case of corruption under Franco, shakes the political and social landscape in increasingly difficult times. Unaware of this reality, Adela, a young woman from high society, only has eyes for Carlos, a young musician she has known since childhood and who only cares about two things: living without ties and her best friend Constanza. When we drank coffee it is a novel that reflects the social idealism and cultural movement that begins to boil in the streets of Madrid in the hope of changing things. A song to freedom, to how to survive amidst so much uncertainty, but above all, to the efforts of those women and men who inspire us today to fight for our identity, not to give up and to be free to the last consequences.   El corazón de Madrid se convierte en un escenario que late a cada paso de los protagonistas de esta historia. Una novela que escenifica a la perfección la sociedad de los últimos años del régimen de Franco y la conquista por la libertad de una generación de mujeres valientes que lucharon por hacerse oír. Matesa, el caso de corrupción más convulso del franquismo, sacude el panorama político y social en unos tiempos cada vez más difíciles. Ajena a esta realidad, Adela, una joven de alta sociedad, solo tiene ojos para Carlos, un joven músico que conoce desde la infancia y al que solo le importan dos cosas: vivir sin ataduras y su mejor amiga Constanza. Cuando tomábamos café es una novela que refleja el idealismo social y movimiento cultural que empieza a bullir en las calles de Madrid con la esperanza de cambiar las cosas. Un canto a la libertad, a cómo sobrevivir entre tanta incertidumbre, pero, sobre todo, al empeño de esas mujeres y hombres que nos inspiran hoy en día a luchar por nuestra identidad, a no rendirnos y a ser libres hasta las últimas consecuencias.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2019

        How to make good things happen to you

        Understand your brain, manage your emotions, improve your life.

        by Marian Rojas

        The author offers a deep reflection, sprinkled with useful advice with an edifying aim, on the application of our abilities to achieve a full and happy existence. To this end, she brings together scientific, psychological and human points of view. This full and happy existence is achieved in the knowledge and optimization of certain areas of the brain. With this book we will learn to set goals and objectives, exercise our will, activate emotional intelligence, develop assertiveness, avoid excessive self-criticism and self-demands, and affirm our optimism.

      • Personal & social issues
        December 2019


        by Martínez, Elena

        A novel for young people, for families, for everyone, about bullying, abuse, racism and those who feel different at school. Motivational youth novel.

      • Fiction
        May 2020

        La reina del exilio

        by Herminia Luque

        EDHASA’S HISTORICAL FICTION AWARD 2020 Salic law’s abolition in articulo mortis and accession to the throne of Elizabeth II unleash the conflictive 19th Century in Spain, time of fratricidal wars, conspiracies and mysteries. In 1882, Elizabeth II lived her Parisian exile in the Palace of Castile, being around noble people and luxury, but far from power. To that court will arrive an attractive gentleman, Julio Uceda, sent by Sagasta with very risky documents for the queen; and also will arrive Teresa, a young girl raised and educated in Rhe Girls of Leganés, An orphans school in Madrid, whose life and thoughts are so different to that ones behind rich people. Among Julio and Teresa will grow a love story that will have to survive to political conspiracies and the suffocating and corrupt atmosphere of a decaying monarchy. Nothing is what it seems to be, but, at the same time, everything is as hypocritical and degraded as it is shown. Herminia Luque related us a palatial intrigue; an approximation to the historical figure of Isabel II, as well as a magnificent, precise and ironic recreation of the 19th Century. And she recounts us in an unusual and clever way, thanks to femenine characters perfectly fits and an original and intelligent narrative structure, which includes a critical look at the highly contrasting contexts of society at the time.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)

        CRAZY CARS 1

        by Nacho Golfe

        Welcome to the championship of cars by control most important remote WORLD WORLD: THE CRAZY CUP!!! * 10 ORIGINAL CARS. * 10 SPECTACULAR PILOTS. * 5 EXCITING RACES. * 1 BIG CUP. Adventure, action, friendship, family, speed and lots of fun. ARE YOU GOING TO MISS IT?

      • Humorous stories (Children's/YA)

        CRAZY CARS 2

        by Nacho Golfe

        We continue with the car championship by remote control more important of WORLD WORLD: THE CRAZY CUP!!! * 10 ORIGINAL CARS. * 10 SPECTACULAR PILOTS. * 5 EXCITING RACES. * 1 BIG CUP. Adventure, action, friendship, family, speed and lots of fun. ARE YOU GOING TO MISS IT?

      • 2022


        by Isaac Palmiola

        «Dear Bianca, receiving this message is not good news neither for me nor for you. It means that they have found me and that things have really gone wrong. You need to act immediately, without delay. Collect the last updated hard drives I gave you and take them to Axel Green. You will find him at 22 Planella Street in Barcelona. Memorize this name and the address. Then delete the message, turn off the mobile and destroy it so they can’t trace you. Don’t talk to anyone, especially not the police. You will put anyone you talk to in danger. In fact, you can’t even imagine what you could endanger by talking to anyone». The power of the big hydrocarbon business to control the discovery of new alternative green energies is in the center of this thriller plot as well as the commitment of new generations to stop climate change.

      • Fiction
        February 2019

        Savage Wednesdays

        by Susana Hernández

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        November 2019


        by JAVIER LEON

        What we now know as classic tales are oral stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. It is not known exactly when they appeared, what we do know is that in 1600 Charles Perrault gave them a literary form, tempering, in many cases, the harshness of the oral versions to adapt them to the times. 200 years later, Hans Christian Andersen and the Grimm brothers (among others), would do the same by creating new stories and transforming those of Perrault to their time. Now, 200 years later, they are revised and updated again. This time, without princes or princesses, without stepmothers or witches. This time, they are the heroines and they don't need anyone to save them.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        February 2022

        Away Days

        by Álvaro de Grado

        There is no better journalism than the one that is done on the ground, there is no better literature than the one that takes us far from home and there is no better passion than the one that is breathed in the stands during a football match in England. Álvaro de Grado made a decision in 2013 that changed his life: moving to Manchester. This book is the journey of someone who, from that day on, always plays as a visitor. It is the x-ray of a unique way of feeling football that emerges in the Premier League stadiums but also in the most modest fields. This book does not give news, it narrates the adventures and misadventures of a correspondent. It tells stories about a land and a people to whom the ball owes everything.

      • Graphic novels
        May 2017

        Freehand Robbery

        by Lundi, Javier Ara

        "Being a cartoonist is suicide these days if you have to raise a family, but what is really tragic is being the widow of a cartoonist. Robbing a bank may be your last option. Let me explain in my graphic novel how I did it." Lundi drew this work during the last years of his life, when he was already aware of his fatal illness. In order not to leave his daughter and his wife abandoned with debts and without resources, he came up with a seemingly crazy solution: robbing a bank. What was unknown until now is that Lundi had drawn this comic to explain to her daughter Elisa the reasons why he decided to rob the bank. However, the handwritten work that Elisa received when she came of age was unfinished, and the author in a posthumous note asked Javier Ara, the draftsman who was his assistant to fix his drawings for years, to finish it. Javier Ara accepts the task, but his hatred of Lundi makes him embark on a much larger undertaking: expanding the comic by unmasking Lundi and finding out whether the bank was actually robbed. This work is a longseller that has already sold out its third edition and we are preparing the fourth edition. A short animated film by Javier Ara, author of this comic Freehand Robbery, but also of Dark Investment  and The Great Battle of the Gusis, has gone viral in 2022 and has tens of millions of views on social networks.More than 43 million views on TikTok: youtube it already has more than 1.5 million views: the number of views is growing every day.

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