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      • Barbara E. Euler

        Hello, I am the author and publisher of a German police story situated in Bruges. Available in print and as e-book.   Look at the e-book here:   Look at the print and e-book here:

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2017

        Clive Barker

        by Sorcha Fhlainn

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2005

        Pat Barker

        by John Brannigan, Daniel Lea

        This book provides a comprehensive account and critical analysis of the literary career of Pat Barker. It offers readings of Barker's innovations in narrative form, her revisionist perspectives on history, class and gender, and her preoccupation with themes of trauma, haunting and terror. It also analyses the reasons for her success and significance as a novelist. The chapters draw on contemporary theories of critical realism, gender and social identities, memory and narrative, in order to outline the debates with which Barker's work has consistently engaged. Brannigan argues that Barker is one of the most important writers in modern English literary history. She is principally renowned and widely acclaimed for her 'Regeneration' trilogy, the last volume of which, 'The Ghost Road', won the Booker Prize in 1995. In recent novels, Barker has continued to deal with controversial and shocking themes, including child murderers and the meanings of 'terror' in the contemporary world. ;

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        March 1999

        Weit offen


        by Nicola Barker, Brigitte Heinrich

        Brigitte Heinrich, geboren 1957 am Bodensee, lebt nach Verlagstätigkeit in etlichen Städten und Häusern als Übersetzerin, Herausgeberin und Lektorin in Frankfurt am Main. Sie übertrug unter anderem Nicola Barker, Alan Bennett, Robin Black, Lily Brett und Daphne du Maurier ins Deutsche.

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        November 2021

        Was uns schmeckt

        Ein Atlas der Köstlichkeiten

        by Laura Gladwin, Zoë Barker, Ursula Heinzelmann

        Essen macht satt, Essen macht Spaß – und es ist sinnlich. Wie wunderbar es sich anfühlt, wenn man in einen Pfirsich beißt. Wenn die Vollkorncräcker so richtig laut zwischen den Zähnen krachen. Wie wunderbar frisch gebackenes Brot riecht. Wie seidig sich eine Miso-Suppe im Mund anfühlt, wie anders Odon-Nudeln mit Biss. Oder ein scharfes Linsen-Dhal. Odon-Nudeln? Miso-Suppe? Linsen-Dhal? Was ist das? Schmeckt das? Können wir unser Brot tatsächlich selber backen? Wo kommt der Pfirsich im Winter her? Wozu brauchen wir Kohlenhydrate, oder Fett? Wie wird aus Korn Mehl? Und aus einer Kakaobohne Schokolade? Warum essen manche Menschen kein Schweinefleisch? Und warum ist es besser, nach Lebensmitteln zu greifen, die in unserer Nähe wachsen? All dies und noch viel mehr erfahren wir in diesem Atlas für die ganze Familie, den Zoe Barker ganz wunderbar illustriert hat. Seine 1.144 Bilder und Texte laden uns zu einer kulinarischen Reise um die ganze Welt ein, bei der wir andere Kulturen und Traditionen kennenlernen. Empfohlen ab 5 Jahren

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        People power

        by Robert Ingram, Christopher Barker

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Manchester minds

        A university history of ideas

        by Stuart Jones

        A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history. The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas. This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

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        January 1999

        Union Street


        by Barker, Pat

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        Agricultural science
        October 2010

        Experimental Statistics for Agriculture and Horticulture

        by Clive Ireland

        Providing practical training supported by a sound theoretical basis, this textbook introduces students to the principles of investigation by experiment and the role of statistics in analysis. It draws on the author’s extensive teaching experience and is illustrated with fully worked contextualized examples throughout, helping the reader to correctly design their own experiments and identify the most appropriate technique for analysis. Subjects covered include sampling and determining sample reliability, hypothesis testing, relationships between variables, the role and use of computer packages such as Genstat, and more complex experimental designs such as randomized blocks and split plots.

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        February 1998

        Against the Grain

        Agri-Environmental Reform In the United States and European Union

        by Clive Potter

        Agricultural policy has long been regarded as a driving force for rural environmental change in industrial countries. While the causes of recent habitat loss, landscape degradation, soil erosion and water pollution in the EU and US are undoubtedly complex, the most convincing explanations are still ones that are strongly policy driven. By the mid-1980s, environmentalists had come to the conclusion that a major change to farm support in favour of the environment was required if the environmental problems of modern agriculture were to be tackled at source.Against the Grain tells the story of the long campaign for agri-environmental reform which followed. The central argument of this timely book is that in order to appreciate the significance of the reforms themselves, and to predict where they are going, it is necessary to understand why they occurred and how they were accomplished. The book offers a unique comparative analysis of the greening process in the US and EU, connecting policy outcomes to the political battles which produced them. It reflects on what has been achieved in each case and seeks to identify what countries can learn from each other. With its fresh analysis of what promises to be an increasingly central component of rural policy, this book is essential reading for analysts and policy-makers as well as an important text for senior undergraduates and postgraduates in rural geography, agricultural and environmental economics and environmental studies.

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        Anfangen mit BASIC

        Programmieren lernen im Selbstunterricht. (rororo computer)

        by Prigmore, Clive

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        June 2017

        Brand New Ancients / Brandneue Klassiker


        by Johanna Wange, Kae Tempest

        Die antiken Götter von heute leben im Südosten Londons. Sie heißen Kevin und Jane, Mary und Brian, Thomas und Clive – zwei Familien in benachbarten Häusern, Eheleute, die einander betrügen, Halbbrüder, die nichts voneinander wissen. Ihre Nöte, Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen bringt Kae Tempest in dem preisgekrönten Langgedicht Brand New Ancients / Brandneue Klassiker zu Gehör. In den kleinen, prekären Leben findet Tempest die Kraft der alten Mythen wieder. Dem Zynismus und der Gleichgültigkeit der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft setzt Tempest Humanismus und Einfühlungsvermögen entgegen und die Wucht der literarischen Sprache.

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