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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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      • Balans Publishers

        Balans is an independent publisher of quality non-fiction in the areas of history, politics, economy, biography, science, nature writing, memoirs, current affairs, religion and psychology. With our dedicated team, we publish approximately 40 new titles per year.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1987

        Mein Papa

        Mark Twain im Tagebuch seiner dreizehnjährigen Tochter Susy und seine Anmerkungen dazu

        by Susy Clemens, Charles Neider, Gisbert Haefs, Charles Neider, Mark Twain

        Das vorliegende Werk eines wachen und empfindsamen jungen Mädchens könnte es abgeben. Unnachahmlich scheint die Mischung von kindlicher Erzählfreude, altkluger Wahrnehmung und nachdenklichem Sentiment. Unnachahmlich erscheint aber auch der posthume innige Dialog zwischen Vater und Tochter – dies ist das Werk des Herausgebers, Charles Neider, der als einer der besten amerikanischen Kenner des Werkes von Mark Twain gelten kann und die vorliegende erste vollständige Ausgabe des biographischen Tagebuches der Susy Clemens mit vielen Kommentaren von Mark Twain liebevoll ausgestattet hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2001

        Wieviel Gemeinschaft braucht die Demokratie?

        Aufsätze zur praktischen Philosophie

        by Charles Taylor, Holger Fliessbach, Hans Günter Holl, Charles Taylor

        In der philosophischen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Liberalismus und Kommunitarismus gehört Charles Taylor eher zur Seite der Kommunitaristen. Geht der Liberalismus von einem Individuum aus, das unabhängig von Wertüberzeugungen und frei von sozialen Bindungen ist, betont Taylor die Rolle des Gemeinwesens und die Einbindung des Individuums in die Werte seiner Kultur. Mit der Erfahrung eigener politischer Aktivität diskutiert Taylor in seinen Aufsätzen unter dem Titel Wieviel Gemeinschaft braucht die Demokratie? Themen wie Nationalismus, Ausgrenzung, Solidarität und analysiert den Individualismus der Moderne.

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        Ecological science, the Biosphere
        January 2008

        Ecological World View

        by Charles Krebs

        Written as an introduction for non-ecology majors, The Ecological World View is an important new text from Professor Charles Krebs, the highly successful author of several mainstream ecology textbooks. It is suitable for any course designed for science majors in general, and for biology students who are interested in a career in medicine, dentistry, or biotechnology.From the basic principles of population dynamics presented in this text, students will be able to understand the applied problems that appear in every newspaper - human population growth, pest control in agriculture, and the conservation of rare species. Action on practical problems can then flow from a conceptual understanding of theoretical ecological problems and an insight is gained into how the natural world works and how humans interact with the ecosystems of the planet.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Die Wiedergewinnung des Realismus

        by Hubert Dreyfus, Charles Taylor, Joachim Schulte

        Anhand von Begriffen wie Dasein, Zeitlichkeit und Verkörperung und in Rückbesinnung auf eine Traditionslinie, die von Aristoteles bis zu Heidegger und Merleau-Ponty reicht, skizzieren Hubert Dreyfus und Charles Taylor ein radikal neues erkenntnistheoretisches Paradigma, das den Menschen als immer schon in direktem Kontakt mit der Welt begreift: einen robusten pluralen Realismus, der auch in ethisch-politischer Hinsicht einheitsstiftende Kraft hat. Es ist der endgültige Abschied von René Descartes – souverän inszeniert von zwei der bedeutendsten Denker unserer Zeit.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1990

        Umgang mit der Schweiz

        Nichtschweizer über die Schweiz und ihre Erfahrungen mit ihr Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Charles Linsmayer

        by Charles Linsmayer, Charles Linsmayer

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2022

        All Fools

        George Chapman

        by Charles Edelman

        Of all the poets Francis Meres names in his famous Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury (1598), just two rate a mention as being both 'our best for tragedy' and 'the best poets for comedy': William Shakespeare and George Chapman. All Fools, written in 1599, is the only Elizabethan comedy based directly on the plays of Terence. By taking episodes and characters from two brilliant works, The Self-Tormenter and The Brothers, Chapman creates something that is distinctly Elizabethan while remaining faithful to the spirit of the great Roman master. In this edition, an extensive introduction and commentary show how Chapman combines the literary and theatrical traditions of ancient Rome with everyday life in his own time to fashion a sparkling and innovative comedy that will delight audiences today as much as it did those of 1599.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2016

        The Troublesome Reign of John, King of England

        By George Peele

        by David Bevington, Charles Forker, Charles R. Forker, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Forker's critical edition fills the need for a fully annotated, historically contextualised and modernised text of the most important Elizabethan chronicle play apart from Shakespeare and Marlowe's Edward II. Now attributed definitely to George Peele, this drama helped to establish a major theatrical genre, raising contemporary political and religious issues through the dramatisation of medieval history in a compelling and popular fashion. A major source for Shakespeare, it throws new light on the bard's adaptation of earlier drama and helps to illustrate his working methods. With the full introduction and generous notes this Revels Plays edition will be the first port of call for students and enthusiasts of Elizabethan and early modern drama. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Laizität und Gewissensfreiheit

        by Jocelyn Maclure, Charles Taylor, Eva Buddeberg, Robin Celikates

        Der Kopftuchstreit in Deutschland und Frankreich, der Mord an Theo van Gogh in den Niederlanden, der Karikaturenstreit in Dänemark: die politische Dimension religiöser Haltungen ist in den letzten Jahren allgegenwärtig. Der Philosoph Charles Taylor gilt als einer der besten Kenner der modernen Religionsgeschichte und als Experte in Sachen Multikulturalismus. Zusammen mit seinem kanadischen Kollegen Jocelyn Maclure versucht er, eine Antwort auf die Frage zu finden, wie sich eine politische Gemeinschaft gegenüber religiösen Mehrheiten und Minderheiten verhalten sollte. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Frage der religiösen Neutralität des Staates, die in der Moderne unter dem Begriff des Laizismus diskutiert wird. Mit ihr ist das Problem der individuellen Religions- und Gewissensfreiheit aufs engste verbunden. Taylor und Maclure zeigen eindrucksvoll, daß alleine eine »liberal-pluralistische Politik«, die Religion nicht prinzipiell aus der öffentlichen Sphäre ausschließt, unter den Bedingungen heutiger multikultureller Gesellschaften geeignet ist, ein friedliches Zusammenleben und das fundamentale Recht der freien Religionsausübung und Gewissensfreiheit zu gewährleisten.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2018

        All Fools

        By George Chapman

        by Charles Edelman, David Bevington

        Of all the poets Francis Meres names in his famous Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury (1598), just two rate a mention as being both 'our best for tragedy' and 'the best poets for comedy': William Shakespeare and George Chapman. All Fools, written in 1599, is the only Elizabethan comedy based directly on the plays of Terence. By taking episodes and characters from two brilliant works, The Self-Tormenter and The Brothers, Chapman creates something that is distinctly Elizabethan while remaining faithful to the spirit of the great Roman master. In this edition, an extensive introduction and commentary show how Chapman combines the literary and theatrical traditions of ancient Rome with everyday life in his own time to fashion a sparkling and innovative comedy that will delight audiences today as much as it did those of 1599.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Handbook of Phytosanitary Risk Management

        Theory and Practice

        by Charles Yoe, Robert Griffin, Stephanie Bloem

        Phytosanitary risk management is essential to the global economy as well as the world's ability to feed itself. This book is about understanding the fundamentals of phytosanitary risk management for trade and non-trade issues, and how to manage those risks in an effective and efficient manner that is consistent with the international regulatory framework. Its purpose is to provide the international phytosanitary community and its principal stakeholders with a strong foundation in risk management concepts and a thorough guide to best practices. Starting with the conceptual background necessary for understanding risk management, this book then covers a risk management model with a detailed description of the structure and processes necessary for best practice risk management in the global economy. This is followed by an in-depth look at the continuum of phytosanitary measures with a laser-like focus on key risk management issues, and the book concludes with a final section devoted to an examination of the most compelling risk management issues of the day. This book is: - A comprehensive exposition of phytosanitary risk management. - Valuable both to the experienced risk manager and to those getting started in the field. - Written by a team of experts with extensive professional phytosanitary work experience and knowledge of plant health. Written for professionals, practitioners and policy makers who work in the international trade of plants and plant products and allied fields, this book provides the global phytosanitary community and its principal stakeholders with a practical guide to best risk management practices.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1977

        Pragmatische Semiotik und Handlungstheorie

        by Charles W. Morris, Achim Eschbach, Stefan Eschbach, Achim Eschbach, Achim Eschbach

        Dieser Band stellt einen in der deutschen Diskussion bisher weitgehend vernachlässigten Aspekt des Werkes von Charles W. Morris dar, nämlich seine Beziehung zur pragmatischen Bewegung in der amerikanischen Philosophie. In seiner Einleitung diskutiert Achim Eschbach nach einer wissenschaftshistorischen und systematischen Charakterisierung der ausgewählten Texte, inwiefern Morris' Begründung der Zeichentheorie den Forderungen moderner Pragmasemiotik genügt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2010

        An Humorous Day's Mirth

        by George Chapman

        by David Bevington, Charles Edelman, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        George Chapman is known today as a translator of Homer and as the author of dark tragedies such as Bussy D'Ambois. An Humorous Day's Mirth, written in 1597, was one of the most popular plays of the Elizabethan era. Not only was Chapman's play the Rose Theatre's greatest box-office success of that year, but it also presented an entirely new type of comedy, one that has profoundly influenced comic writing up to the present day. This play is the English theatre's first 'comedy of humours', in which the attitudes, behaviour, and social pretensions of contemporary men and women are satirised. Charles Edelman's is the first fully annotated, modern spelling edition of this long-neglected play. In his extensive introduction and commentary, Edelman discusses the intellectual, philosophical and theatrical background to Chapman's comedy, and shows that An Humorous Day's Mirth would delight the readers and audiences of today as much as it did those in 1597. ;

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