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Dar Al Farabi
Dar Al Farabi Publishing and Distribution Company was founded in 1956. We publish books in a variety of subjects including sciences, humanities and literature whether written in Arabic or translated. Ever since its inception Dar ALFARABI has been committed to the defense of democratic freedoms liberation and progress. We participate in all Arabic book events. We also provide various printing services for those looking to publish a book or author at his own expense, according to an equivalent format between the two parties, in the event that there is no opportunity to publish at the expense of the house.
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Promoted ContentMicrobiology (non-medical)January 1970
Studies in the Lophiostomataceae
by C G C Chesters, A Bella
Mycological papers on the studies in the Lophiostomataceae.
Promoted ContentFertilizers & manuresNovember 2006
No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture
by C J Baker, Scott E Justice, Keith E Saxton, Peter Hobbs, William R Ritchie, W C T Chamen, Don C Reicosky, Fatima Ribeiro
This book is a much-expanded and updated edition of a previous volume, published in 1996 as "No-tillage Seeding: Science and Practice". The base objective remains to describe, in lay terms, a range of international experiments designed to examine the causes of successes and failures in no-tillage. The book summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of no tillage. It highlights the pros and cons of a range of features and options, without promoting any particular product.Topics added or covered in more detail in the second edition include:* soil carbon and how its retention or sequestration interacts with tillage and no-tillage* controlled traffic farming as an adjunct to no-tillage* comparison of the performance of generic no-tillage opener designs* the role of banding fertilizer in no-tillage* the economics of no-tillage* small-scale equipment used by poorer farmers* forage cropping by no-tillage* a method for risk assessment of different levels of machine sophistication
Trusted PartnerAgricultural scienceJuly 2002
Global Rangelands
Progress and Prospects
by Anthony C Grice, Ken C Hodgkinson
Although traditionally defined as areas where natural vegetation is exploited for grazing by domestic and native herbivores, rangelands are used by many different people, for a host of purposes. As well as livestock products, rangelands provide fuels, minerals and water and are used for ecotourism, recreation, nature conservation and as carbon sinks. More than half of the earth's land surface is rangeland and millions of people, both within and outside the rangelands, depend on them. This book addresses the important issues confronting the rangelands and presents new concepts and approaches for the management of rangeland resources. It is relevant to the people who live in or depend on the rangelands, and to the institutions and organisations that support them.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2005
Friedrich Schiller
by Volker C. Dörr, Volker C. Dörr
In einer Zeit großer politischer Umwälzungen, in Sorge um seine finanzielle Existenz, von Krankheit gezeichnet, schrieb Friedrich Schiller Literatur, die von der Spannung zwischen dem Ideal und dem Leben geprägt ist. Längst sind seine Werke kanonisch geworden, sie werden viel gelesen, oft parodiert und noch häufiger verkürzt – auf die berühmten Dichterworte über das Wahre, Gute, Schöne.
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Trusted PartnerAnimal husbandryMarch 1997
Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crops/Livestock Farming Systems
by Edited by C Renard
In many tropical areas the main constraint to increased output of livestock products is the inability of producers to feed animals adequately throughout the year. Yet opportunities exist to enhance ruminant livestock feed supplies by using crop residues, such as cereal straw and legume haulms. Greater emphasis is therefore now being placed on vegetative production in plant breeding research. Crop residues also play an important role in conserving soil moisture, preventing erosion and providing products such as fuel or thatch for smallholders. This book provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on crop residues, bringing together crop, animal and social scientists from six continents. It has been developed from papers presented at a workshop held in April 1996 at ICRISAT Asia Center, as part of the Systemwide Livestock Program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) convened by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), based in Africa. It will appeal to a wide readership in disciplines as diverse as agronomy, soil science, plant breeding, animal nutrition and socio-economics.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 1975
The Best of H. C. Artmann
by H. C. Artmann, Klaus Reichert
Von allen deutschen Autoren, die nach 1945 zu schreiben begannen, ist Artmann ohne jeden Zweifel der vielseitigste, originellste und erfinderischste. So wie Artmann in fast allen Gattungen gearbeitet hat, auch den angeblich antiquierten, und ohne sich um die Tagesparolen der mal reine Dichtung betreibenden, mal engagierten, mal die Literatur totsagenden Kollegen zu kümmern, so hat er seine Quellen, seine Herkunft überall: in der Artusepik, in barocker Schäferpoesie, in den Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken von gut zwei Dutzend Sprachen, in Irland und im England des Sherlock Holmes, bei Villon und dem Wiener Vorstadtdialekt, Lorca, Gomez de la Serna, den Surrealisten und Dadaisten, in den Detektivheftchen der 20er Jahre und den Comic strips von damals bis heute. Unsere Auswahl versucht, nicht nur einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Werk Artmanns zu geben, sondern gleichzeitig Verstreutes, an entlegensten Orten Publiziertes zu sammeln.
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Trusted PartnerSeptember 2023
Managing Risk in Agriculture
A Development Perspective
by Ashok K. Mishra, Subal C. Kumbhakar, Gudbrand Lien
The book addresses and documents farmers' risks in developing and emerging economies. It draws lessons from experimental economics on measuring risk preferences, attitudes, gender differences in managing risks, and risk management strategies in countries across Africa and Asia. It argues policy makers, especially in emerging economies, need a better understanding of farmers' attitudes toward risk and choices of risk management strategies when designing policies to support production agriculture. The book includes chapters on three themes: understanding risk attitudes and preferences; using experimental economics to measure risk, preferences, and risk management strategies; and understanding climate change, risk, and risk management. The book critically examines the currently held beliefs about risk preference, attitudes, and empirical estimation of risk management strategies, emphasizing developing and emerging economies (DEE). "The agricultural development space is an inherently risky one and this welcome collection belatedly helps to plug an important hole." Jock R. Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia "Over time, agricultural production practices have evolved, as have the markets and value chains for food and agricultural products. A constant consideration, however, and one that continues to define agriculture worldwide, is risk. The risks that impinge on agriculture come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, production risks are ubiquitous. But so are market risks. And the same is true for macroeconomic and financial risks and the risks associated with an evolving climate. This book will be a valuable, comprehensive resource for any applied economist desiring to understand the risk management principles relevant to modern food and agricultural systems." Matthew Holt, Prof. and head of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
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Trusted PartnerHorticultureFebruary 2009
Potatoes Postharvest
by R T Pringle, C F H Bishop, R C Clayton
A wider understanding of potato postharvest practices is needed to improve working relations between growers, agronomists, pathologists and crop store managers. Providing a comprehensive examination of international potato production, this book identifies which storage systems suit particular climatic zones as well as considering interactions between crop microclimate, dehydration, crop cooling, condensation and disease development. Potatoes Postharvest will guide the reader through the activities following harvest from store loading, store management, and grading to packaging and dispatch.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2022
Jacopo da Varagine's Chronicle of the city of Genoa
by C. E. Beneš
This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.
Trusted Partner1985
Die chinesische Zivilsation
Familie, Gesellschaft, Herrschaft von den Anfängen bis zur Kaiserzeit
by Marcel Granet, Wolfgang Bauer, Claudius C Müller, Claudius C Müller
Trusted PartnerFertilizers & manuresDecember 2000
Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter
by Edited by Robert M Rees, B Ball, C Watson, C D Campbell
Includes some fifty edited and revised papers from an international conference on Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter, held by the British Society of Soil Science in Edinburgh in September 1999. The book explores the results of recent research studies examining how organic matter functions in soils, factors affecting organic matter quality and quantity and how management of organic matter can be optimised in order to achieve sustainable farming practices.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2019
Jacopo da Varagine's Chronicle of the city of Genoa
by C. E. Beneš, Rosemary Horrox
This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.
Trusted PartnerNovember 1995
Der letzte Mohikaner
by James Fenimore Cooper, O. C. Darley, C. Kolb, Peter Härtling
Peter Härtling, geboren 1933, veröffentlichte Romane, Essays, Gedichte und Bücher für Kinder.
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1965
Je länger ein Blinder lebt, desto mehr sieht er
Jiddische Sprichwörter
by H. C. Artmann
»Ein Pechvogel fällt auf den Hintern und zerschlägt sich dabei die Nase«: Jiddische Sprichwörter voller Witz und mit einem tiefen Verständnis für alles Menschliche finden sich in dieser Zusammenstellung in der übersetzung H. C. Artmanns.
Trusted PartnerApril 2006
Komposition für den Film
by Theodor W. Adorno, Hanns Eisler, Johannes C. Gall, Johannes C. Gall
Adornos und Eislers Buch, das erstmals 1947 in englischer Sprache erschien, gehört zu den Klassikern der Musik-, aber auch der Filmtheorie. Es entstand als Gemeinschaftsarbeit im amerikanischen Exil, in der Folge zweier von der Rockefeller Foundation geförderter Forschungsprojekte: Im Rahmen des von Paul Lazarsfeld geleiteten »Radio Research Project« betrieb Adorno Studien zur Musik im Rundfunk, die in das zu Lebzeiten Fragment gebliebene Buch Current of Music eingegangen sind; Eisler lotete im »Film Music Project« die Funktionen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Filmmusik aus. Dabei galt Eislers Arbeit zunächst weniger abstrakten Analysen und Erwägungen als der Komposition exemplarischer Filmpartituren und der anschließenden Produktion und Evaluation von Demonstrationsfilmen. Zu den künstlerischen Ergebnissen des Projekts zählen das berühmte Quintett Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben als neue und neuartige Filmmusik zu Joris Ivens' »cinépoème« Regen ebenso wie die Tonspuren zu White Flood und zu A Child Went Forth, einem frühen Film von Joseph Losey. Auch komponierte Eisler zu einem Ausschnitt aus dem Klassiker The Grapes of Wrath von John Ford zwei experimentelle Filmpartituren als Alternative zu Alfred Newmans Musik in der Verleihfassung. Die DVD, die dem Band beiliegt, dokumentiert diese Filme und Filmmusikexperimente teils in originaler und restaurierter, teils in rekonstruierter Form. Cineasten und Philosophen, Musik- und Kulturwissenschaftler werden gleichermaßen begeistert sein. Erstmals liegt das großangelegte »Film Music Project« in der Form vor, die ihm gebührt.Mit in ihrem originalen deutschen Wortlaut erstmals publizierten Textpassagen, einem Entwurf zum Filmmusikbuch von Theodor W. Adorno und einer zweisprachig (deutsch/englisch) angelegten DVD: »Hanns Eislers Rockefeller-Filmmusik-Projekt 1940–1942«
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