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      • Buddha's Light Publishing

        Buddha’s Light Publishing offers quality translations of classical Buddhist texts as well as works by contemporary Buddhist teachers and scholars. We embrace Humanistic Buddhism, and promote Buddhist writing which is accessible, community-oriented, and relevant to daily life. Founded in 1996 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun as the Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center, Buddha’s Light Publishing seeks to continue Master Hsing Yun’s goal of promoting the Buddha’s teachings by fostering writing, art, and culture.

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      • Verlag Barbara Budrich

        Verlag Barbara Budrich was founded in 2004 by Barbara Budrich. The publishing house provides high-quality specialized literature in Pedagogy, Gender Studies, Political Science, Social Work and Sociology for researchers, teachers and students. The publications include German as well as English books and journals in print and online with open access being a given.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Lebendiger Buddha

        Aus dem Amerikanischen von Ursula Gräfe. Mit einer Einleitung von Robert A.F.Thurman

        by Jack Kerouac, Ursula Gräfe, Robert A. F. Thurman

        Die neu entdeckte Biographie von Jack Kerouac über den historischen Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, und den Weg zur Erleuchtung. In den 50er Jahren entdeckte Jack Kerouac seine Faszination für den Buddhismus. Diese spirituelle Erweckung fand ihre literarische Form in "Lebendiger Buddha". Mit großer poetischer Ausdruckskraft erzählt er nicht nur das Leben des Siddhartha Gautama, sondern schreibt gleichzeitig eine Einführung in die buddhistische Lehre. "Lebendiger Buddha" ist das amerikanische Pendant zu Hermann Hesses "Siddhartha".

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Lebendiger Buddha

        Aus dem Amerikanischen von Ursula Gräfe. Mit einer Einleitung von Robert A.F.Thurman

        by Jack Kerouac, Ursula Gräfe

        Die neu entdeckte Biographie von Jack Kerouac über den historischen Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, und den Weg zur Erleuchtung. In den 50er Jahren entdeckte Jack Kerouac seine Faszination für den Buddhismus. Diese spirituelle Erweckung fand ihre literarische Form in "Lebendiger Buddha". Mit großer poetischer Ausdruckskraft erzählt er nicht nur das Leben des Siddhartha Gautama, sondern schreibt gleichzeitig eine Einführung in die buddhistische Lehre. "Lebendiger Buddha" ist das amerikanische Pendant zu Hermann Hesses "Siddhartha".

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007

        Der Buddha

        Sein Leben, seine Lehren, seine Weisheiten

        by Nhat Hanh Thich, Ursula Richard, Marion Engelhardt

        Die spannend erzählte Lebensgeschichte des Prinzen Siddharta, der sein wohlbehütetes Leben aufgab, seine Familie verließ und nach vielen Jahren der spirituellen Suche zum Buddha, zum Erwachten, wurde, steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches. Thich Nhat Hanh zeigt den Buddha als einen Menschen, der sich mit Fragen auseinandersetzt, die auch unsere sind. Thich Nhat Hanh verbindet die Beschreibung der wichtigsten Lebensstationen des Buddha mit dessen zentralen Lehren. Über eine Biographie weit hinausreichend, stellt dieses Buch eine unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Einführung in den Buddhismus dar.

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        Journey to the West for Teenagers

        by Zhang Jiahua

        The Journey to the West is one of the “Four Great Classical Novels”of China. However written in the sixteenth century with ancient words, it is hard for children to read. Zhang Jiahua, a renowned children's literature writer, has repeatedly studied and apprehended the content and spirit of the original work. And thinking from the perspective of children, he cuts the contents that are redundant and some others that are not suitable for children to read, particularly those violent and cruel scenes, creates a brand new Journey to the West for Children. The Journey to the West tells not only a journey to the west to retrieve Buddhist scriptures but also stories about spiritual growth, which is hard for young readers to perceive when they first read the book. The author adds detailed and appropriate explanations, making the intended meaning of the stories further clarified, and also making it more understandable how the Monkey King Wukong strengthens his willpower while defeating demons and ghosts and finally becomes the “Victorious Fighting Buddha”.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2013

        Samyutta-Nikaya - Die gruppierte Sammlung der Lehrreden des Buddha

        by Konrad Meisig

        Der Palikanon des Theravada-Buddhismus, der heute die dominierende buddhistische Strömung in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos und Kambodscha ist, wird traditionell in drei 'Körbe' gegliedert: Der erste enthält vor allem eine Ordensdisziplin für Mönche und Nonnen sowie Rechtsvorschriften, der zweite die Lehrreden des Buddha und der dritte scholastische Unterweisungen. Zum 'Korb der Lehrreden' (Sanskrit: Sutta-Pitaka) des Buddha gehören fünf Sammlungen, unter ihnen die 'Gruppierte Sammlung' mit mehr als siebentausend Predigten. Ihren Namen verdankt sie dem Versuch, Suttas ähnlicher Thematik zusammenzustellen. Der Samyutta-Nikaya mit seinen 56 Gruppen vereinigt Material ganz unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Eigenart. Anfangs überwiegen Mönchsdichtung, Spruchweisheit, Rätselfragen und Zaubersprüche, darauf folgen einige Gruppen, die vorwiegend dogmatisch und didaktisch orientiert sind und einen Überblick über die autoritativen kanonischen Lehren des Pali-Kanons vermitteln. Da viele der späteren Gruppen durch ihre Wiederholungen und Detailvariationen die Lesergeduld herausfordern, konzentriert sich die vorliegende Auswahl auf den ersten Teil.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe

        by Konstantinos Andriotis, Carla Pinto Cardoso, Dimitrios Stylidis

        For many decades, Western European countries have undertaken diverse pathways in tourism development and planning. Most have experienced fast or even unlimited growth, resulting in overtourism and, now, the introduction of policies that respect the limits of communities and the sustainability of their resources. Focusing exclusively on tourism development, planning and policy, this book draws together new voices to discuss issues across Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It: - Provides both successful and unsuccessful case studies to illuminate real, practical solutions, developed by tourism scholars who are experts in their researched context countries. - Adopts a range of methodological approaches to cover diverse and less-covered areas such as industrial tourism, saltpans, natural and cultural heritage, and micro-destinations. - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in Western Europe's re-development. An invaluable collection for policy-makers, researchers and academics, this book is also an insightful source of engaging contemporary case studies for use in the classroom.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Sustainable Tourism in the Americas

        by Edward W Manning, Luis Márquez

        Sustainable Tourism in the Americas introduces the reader to the establishment of sustainable tourism across the region. It examines questions such as 'what is really meant by sustainable tourism?' Covered in eight chapters, the book discusses the evolution and application of the concept in the Americas from its origins as well as documenting established success stories of sustainable tourism policy and implementation from several countries in the Americas. The country and regional case studies critically examine what sustainable tourism means in their destination and address how in practice the concept of sustainability can be built to show results across different cultural and ecological situations ranging from local indigenous sites to urban environments. The book presents solid findings and includes content from: · research of academics and experiences of those working within the heritage setting; · recent criteria and indicators of sustainable tourism developed by GSTC and other standards, indicators and observatories work associated with UNWTO; · success stories of managing Western tourism destinations and applies relevant lessons to Americas; · Provides support to those who need to study and manage impacted destinations. It will be a valuable addition to the current lack of literature on this concept and of particular interest to those working within and studying tourism management and related themes.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2020

        New Directions in Garden Tourism

        by Richard W Benfield

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Defense of the West

        by Stanley R. Sloan, Lawrence Freedman

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1998


        Eine indische Dichtung

        by Hermann Hesse, Heribert Kuhn

        Siddhartha, die Legende von der Selbstbefreiung eines jungen Menschen aus familiärer und gesellschaftlicher Fremdbestimmung zu einem selbständigen Leben, zeigt, dass Erkenntnis nicht durch Lehren zu vermitteln ist, sondern nur durch eigene Erfahrung erworben werden kann. Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Weck den Buddha in dir

        Wege zu innerer Stärke

        by Reuter, Wilfried

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1989

        Der Pfad der Vervollkommnung

        Worte des Erwachten

        by Buddha

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities

        by Susan L Slocum, Peter Wiltshier, John Basil Read IV, Dorothee Bohn, Andrea Zita Botelho, Kelly S. Bricker, Robert S. Bristow, Karina H. Casimiro, Rosa Suárez Chaparro, Ana Cristina Costa, Kynda R. Curtis, Margaret J. Daniels, Edieser Dela Santa, C. Michael Hall, Manuel Ramón Gonzalez Herrera, Russell M. Hicks, Julie Judkins, N. Qwynne Lackey, Natalya Lawrence, Gustavo C. X. M. P. Machado, Gianna Moscardo, Jake Powell, Sidnei Raimundo, Mary Anne Ramos-Tumanan, Milena Manhães Rodrigues, Chris Ryan, Renato de Oliveira dos Santos, Jessica A. Schottanes, Ole R. Sleipness, Maria Anunciação Ventura, Therez B. Walker

        Gateway communities that neighbour parks and protected areas are impacted by tourism, while facing unique circumstances related to protected area management. Economic dependency remains a serious challenge for these communities, especially in a climate of neoliberalism, top-down policy environments, and park closures related to environmental degradation or government budgets. The collection of works in this edited book provide bottom-up, informed, and nuanced approaches to tourism management using local experiences from gateway communities and protected areas management emerging from a decade of guidelines, rulemaking, and exclusive decision-making. Global perspectives are presented and contextualized at the local level of gateway communities in an attempt to balance nature, community, and commerce, while supporting the triple bottom line of sustainable tourism. While anticipating a post-COVID 19 global shift, readers are encouraged to think through transformation and resiliency in regard to how the flux of supply vs demand alters gateway community perspectives on tourism. Specific features of this book include: · Focus on transformations, which provides insight into the complex and dynamic nature of gateway communities. · Multidisciplinary, multi-cultural insights into protected area management. · Applied and conceptual chapters from global perspectives.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Ukraine's fateful years 2013–2019

        Vol. 1: The Maidan uprising in 2013/2014 Vol. 2: The annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass

        by Winfried Schneider-Deters

        — Comprehensive and detailled analysis of the Euromaidan and the ongoing war in Ukraine — Brussels versus Moscow, Russian aggression and geopolitical interests — China's role in a new East-West conflict The years between 2013 and 2019 were almost as significant for Ukraine as the attainment of independence in 1991, as this very independence was in danger of being lost again after the Euromaidan. The nationwide popular uprising against the regime of President Yanukovych had led to a change of power: the former parliamentary opposition formed a new government, resulting in a loss of influence for Russia. Russian agents therefore tried to bring about a "Crimea scenario", another secession in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine. The resulting "Ukraine conflict", often called a civil war, is in fact a Russian war of attrition against Ukraine. President Putin intends to resolve it on his terms in the Minsk process: through a de facto "autonomous" part of the Donbass in the Ukrainian state, independent of Kiev, as a lever for Russian political influence. Winfried Schneider- Deters, a renowned expert on Ukraine, analyses narratively and in detail the events from 2013 to 2019 and places the Russian- Ukrainian conflict in the context of the dawning "Chinese century".

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