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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Supernatural bodies

        Stigmata in modern Britain and Ireland

        by Kristof Smeyers

        This book is the first in-depth study of the changing perceptions and receptions of supernatural bodies in modern Britain and Ireland. It focuses on one phenomenon that became hotly contested and discussed in the public sphere between 1840 and 1940: the stigmata. In 1874, an Irish reporter asked why the wounds of the crucified Christ on mortal bodies could 'not be discussed with calmness. without indulging in angry rhetoric'. Supernatural bodies takes that question seriously. It draws on previously unexamined archival materials to place supernatural bodies at the heart of long-lasting discussions about the position of Roman Catholicism in society; the supernatural in modern Christianity and society; the authority of sciences; the relationship between Britain and Ireland, and between Britain and the Continent. Through the lens of stigmata controversies, this book shows how these discussions could converge around supernatural bodies.

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        The Arts
        March 2019

        Dada bodies

        by Elza Adamowicz

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Atlas of the world "Let's travel to the wonderland"

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        Let's travel to the Wonderland! Geographical atlas for the youngest. An interesting and unusual journey awaits the little reader in this book. Together with the fairy-tale boy Telesyk and Goosenya, he will go on a space journey, where he will get to know the stars and planets. And when he returns to the Earth, he will be able to look into all its corners, find out how many countries there are on it, what their flags are and how the inhabitants of these countries dress. And then you will get to know the various plants and animals characteristic of each region of the world, find out where such familiar plants come from, and who was the first to domesticate domestic animals. Telesyk with Geese will help the baby to get to know his native Ukraine better, its nature, to look at the bright colored maps that are produced and grown on its lands, which are crafts and crafts in Ukraine. And then everyone together will return to the world of fairy tales of Europe and America, Africa and Asia, Australia and Ukraine. The book is beautifully illustrated. The cartographic material is aimed at the reading level of the youngest schoolboy. The publication is a laureate of the national competition "Book Art of Ukraine", awarded with diplomas of the Forum of Publishers in Lviv and the Committee of Radio and Television of Ukraine.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Fashioning Gothic bodies

        by Catherine Spooner

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        June 2020

        New Land, New Life

        A success story of new land resettlement in Bangladesh

        by Andrew Jenkins, Natasha Haider, Bazlul Karim, Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Kiran Sankar Sarker, Rezaul Karim, Robiul Islam, Nujulee Begum, Edward Mallorie, Koen de Wilde

        The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta has newly emerged 'char' islands, resulting from the deposition of sediment, which are very vulnerable, socially, institutionally and environmentally. This book explains how the governments of Bangladesh and the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development cooperated on a land-based rural development project to give settlers security and purpose. It details how they engaged communities and civil societies, and implemented an infrastructure aimed at reducing flooding, improving drainage, and providing adequate drinking water and sanitation. The book describes the project's application to crop and animal agriculture, and the development of value chains and encouragement of female participation. It considers the financial underpinning and infrastructure, as well as how to ensure the impacts of the scheme are enduring. The scheme serves as a model for support projects to vulnerable groups faced with climate change and other environmental challenges. This book is suitable for students, researchers, specialists and practitioners in rural development, water resources, land management and soil science.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Im Alten Land

        by Birgit Haustedt

        Apfelbäume, so weit das Auge reicht, idyllische Fachwerkdörfer hinter dem Deich und am Horizont die Elbe: Das Alte Land ist eine uralte Kulturlandschaft am Wasser, die ihren eigenen Charakter bewahrt hat. Prächtige Bauernhöfe und Backsteinkirchen mit kostbaren Barockorgeln zeugen noch heute vom frühen Wohlstand der Altländer. Birgit Haustedt erzählt von den Anfängen im Mittelalter, von Deichbau und Sturmfluten, vom Alltag der kleinen Leute und von großer Handwerkskunst, von stolzen Bauern und mutigen Schiffern. Dazu ein Exkurs, welche Rolle das Alte Land in Lessings Leben und Goethes Faust spielte.

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        Geographical atlas of the world

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        The Geographical Atlas of the World is a modern reference cartographic publication containing up to 100 political and physical maps of the world and political maps of individual countries and groups of countries. Political and administrative maps of the regions of Ukraine are presented separately. At the end of each separate section, a reference block with flags and a selection of modern, necessary information about the countries is provided from the "Political and political-geographical maps" section. In the second part of "Physical Maps", each map is supplemented with thematic illustrations, reference data, and interesting facts inherent in the corresponding region of our planet. The index of geographical names, which includes more than 16 thousand proper names of geographical objects in its list, will help you quickly find them on pages of the atlas. Modern design and printing capabilities were used to create the atlas.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        The Rangelands of Libya

        by Gustave Gintzburger, Slim Saïdi

        Libya remains a land of mysteries with a harsh arid climate, a land rich in millenaries of troubled history, a land where the Sahara meet the Mediterranean Sea, a land where the West and the East Mediterranean merge. Libya is also a land where the desert and the sown intermingle in the steppe country where the rainfall is unpredictable, the soils are poor, rocky, saline, rendering rainfed cultivation hazardous, where grazing and rainfed cropping remained for long the only viable agricultural options. Over the past 60 years, oil resources allowed gigantic agricultural development projects, urbanization, road network expansion and well drilling. This changed the ways of life of rural populations, impacting and undoubtedly altering rangelands conditions and systems, as well as native vegetation cover, wildlife and land use. This book reviews the past and current environmental and agricultural condition of the Libyan rangelands with example of how territories and resources are used by tribal communities. It describes, explains and illustrates the landscapes, the vegetation, the wildlife, the rainfed cereal systems and livestock systems, the reasons for the rampant overstocking, the relentless land clearing for hazardous cropping and uncertain irrigation projects, the wild fuelwood collection and charcoal manufacturing, triggering land degradation and desertification. Long-tested rangeland recovery and rehabilitation techniques in Libya are reviewed using appropriate plant material and proven establishment techniques with successes and failures assessed. This book is offered in hopes of a better future for the Libyan people and the whole Mediterranean arid regions from Morocco to Pakistan.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukrainian Worlds of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Stories about History

        by Natalya Starchenko

        The vision of the Ukrainian history dominant in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union focused exclusively on the heroic Cossacks and disenfranchised peasants. There was no room in it for the local elites: the Ukrainian aristocracy (szlachta) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As the result of this biased perspective, Ukrainians to this day know very little about the life of those people. This book invites the readers to take a closer look at the Ukrainian aristocracy. This introduction is done in a somewhat unusual form, through true anecdotes from the life of aristocracy gleaned from court records and other sources from the time. We get glimpses of the elites not only in their best garbs but also in their well-worn home clothes. The book brings together 105 brief chapters that describe how these people saw themselves, how they fought and made peace, how they fell in love and got married, how unwavering they were in the defense of their rights in court. Last not least, these essays explore whether the Ukrainian elites were mere extras and viewers in history or its active makers, resolute and strong in their insistence on defending and expanding their rights and freedoms.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Die Olchis im Land der Drachen

        by Erhard Dietl, Wolf Frass, Nadine Schreier, Eva Michaelis, Jens Wendland, Dagmar Dreke, Monty Arnold, Tim Grobe, Jodie Ahlborn, Dieter Faber, Uticha Marmon, Frank Gustavus, Erhard Dietl

        Auf einer Koralleninsel, weit weg im Ozean, lebt Helene, eine Freundin von Professor Brausewein. In einem versteckten Bergwerk erforscht sie dort Drachen. Doch jetzt machen ihr zwei ihrer Schützlinge Ärger, und sie bittet den Professor um Hilfe. Mit der Zeitmaschine sausen Brausewein und die Olchi-Kinder zu Helene. Denn warum hat sich der kleine Albert in Helenes Labor verschanzt, und was treibt er da? Und warum ist Drago auf einmal so böse geworden und lässt niemanden in die Nähe des Labors? Ein schwieriger Fall für die Olchis und Brausewein! Aber wer weiß, vielleicht dürfen sie am Ende zur Belohnung einen von Helenes kleinen Drachen mit nach Schmuddelfing nehmen? Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern.

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        Biography & True Stories
        September 2024

        Bedsit land

        The strange worlds of Soft Cell

        by Patrick Clarke

        A rich and revealing examination of the legendary pop duo Soft Cell. Soft Cell are not your average pop band. Marc Almond and Dave Ball may be best known for the string of hits they released in 1981, but the powerful first phase of their collaboration embraced a staggering array of sounds, influences and innovations that would change the face of music to come. In Bedsit land, Patrick Clarke plunges into the archives and interviews more than sixty contributors, including the band members themselves, to follow Soft Cell through the many strange and sprawling worlds that shaped their extraordinary career. They lead him from the faded camp glamour of the British seaside to the dizzying thrills of the New York club scene. From transgressive student performance art to the sleaze and squalor of pre-gentrified Soho. From the glitz of British showbiz to the drug-addled chaos of post-Franco Spain. He emerges on the other side with the most in-depth, innovative and entertaining account of the duo ever written.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Living with water

        Everyday encounters and liquid connections

        by Charlotte Bates, Kate Moles

        Living with water brings together sociologists, geographers, artists, writers and poets to explore the ways in which water binds, immerses and supports us. Drawing from international research on river crossings, boat dwelling, wild swimming, sea fishing, and drought impacts, and navigating urban waters, glacial lagoons, barrier reefs and disappearing tarns, the collection illuminates the ways that we live with and without water, and explores how we can think and write with water on land. Water offers a way of attending to emerging and enduring social and ecological concerns and making sense of them in lively and creative ways. By approaching Living with water from different disciplinary and methodological perspectives, and drawing on research from around the world, this collection opens up discussions that reinvigorate and renew previously landlocked debates. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6, Clean water and sanitation

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Postcolonial African cinema

        Ten directors

        by David Murphy, Patrick Williams

        This is the first introduction of its kind to an important cross-section of postcolonial African filmmakers from the 1950s to the present. Building on previous critical work in the field, this volume will bring together ideas from a range of disciplines - film studies, African cultural studies, and, in particular, postcolonial studies - in order to combine the in-depth analysis of individual films and bodies of work by individual directors with a sustained interrogation of these films in relation to important theoretical concepts. Structurally, the book is straightforward, though the aim is to incorporate diversity and complexity of approach within the overall simplicity of format. Chapters provide both an overview of the director's output to date, and the necessary background - personal or national, cultural or political - to enable readers to achieve a better understanding of the director's choice of subject matter, aesthetic or formal strategies, or ideological stance. They also offer a particular reading of one or more films, in which the authors aim to situate African cinema in relation to important critical and theoretical debates. This book thus constitutes a new departure in African film studies, recognising the maturity of the field, and the need for complex yet accessible approaches to it, which move beyond the purely descriptive while refusing to get bogged down in theoretical jargon. Consequently, the volume should be of interest not only to specialists but also to the general reader.

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