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      • Naufal Hachette Antoine

        In 2009, Hachette Livre (# 3 publishing group worldwide) and Librairie Antoine (one of the most renowned Lebanese bookseller groups) joined their strengths to set up Hachette Antoine, a joint-venture based in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the JV between Hachette Livre and Librairie Antoine was to create a leading trade publisher in the Arabic speaking world, covering the Middle East (Levant and GCC) and North-Africa regions, with a business focus on high potential markets. Our strength: • Large-scale distribution channels in the MENA region with warehouses in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt. • Strong PR and Media connections throughout the region with efficient online and offline marketing tools. • The only Arab publishing house to provide professional and exhaustive editing on both translated and original Arabic books. • Full financial transparency: All audit assertions and financial statements are served by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Our imprints Naufal: is dedicated to fiction and non-fiction. Our list includes well established classical and contemporary authors from the Arab world among which the best-selling/phenomenon Algerian author, Ahlem Mosteghanemi, Syrian novelist Khaled Khalifa, and Lebanese journalist and women’s rights activist, Joumana Haddad. Fiction/translated: In translated fiction, our strategy consists of publishing authors from Arab origins who write in languages other than Arabic, alongside international best-selling authors. We also leave room for a few “coups de cœur” by debut authors. Thrillers and suspense: Include names such as J.K. Rowling aka Robert Galbraith, Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Coben, Anthony Horowitz and others, and providing quality translations. Non-Fiction: Biographies and Memoirs: Becoming, A promised land. HA Kids: Licenses: Hachette Antoine is the official licensee of Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Nickelodeon, Ferrari... in the MENA region, with more brands to come. History and Topical books, Illustrated, Inspirational stories, HA Lifestyle, HA Education, HA Reference

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2021

        Anti-racist scholar-activism

        by Remi Joseph-Salisbury, Laura Connelly

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        History beyond apartheid

        by Thula Simpson

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Die unbequeme Vergangenheit

        Vom Umgang mit Staatsverbrechen in Russland und anderswo

        by Nikolai Epplée, Anselm Bühling

        Wie umgehen mit einer Geschichte, die von Phasen exzessiven Terrors geprägt war? Kann es eine Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit geben, wenn als einzige Institution der Geheimdienst den Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion überdauert hat? Nikolai Epplée umreißt in seinem fesselnden Buch die Unterdrückungsmethoden der Sowjetherrschaft von der Oktoberrevolution bis zu Stalins Tod und die anschließenden Versuche, ihre Opfer zu rehabilitieren. Eine »Versöhnung« von oben spricht die Bürger von Schuld und Verantwortung frei, während Initiativen von unten, wie die im Dezember 2021 verbotene Menschenrechtsgesellschaft Memorial, Millionen von Toten ihre Namen zurückgeben. Vergleichend blickt er auf Länder wie Argentinien, Deutschland, Japan, Polen, Spanien und Südafrika. Ob Schlussstrich, juristische Aufarbeitung oder Wahrheitskommissionen – was lässt sich daraus lernen? Welche Folgen das Ausbleiben der Vergangenheitsbearbeitung für die russische Gesellschaft hatte, zeigt sich heute dramatischer als je zuvor. Wie dennoch zu einem produktiven Umgang mit der Vergangenheit gefunden werden könnte – das ist Thema dieser eindringlichen Studie, die seit Kriegsbeginn ein Bestseller ist.

      • Trusted Partner

        Frauen gegen Apartheid

        Zur Geschichte des politischen Widerstandes von Frauen

        by Herausgegeben von Weiss, Ruth

      • Trusted Partner
        Civil rights & citizenship
        July 2015

        Anti-terrorism, citizenship and security

        by Lee Jarvis, Michael Lister

        This book explores how different publics make sense of and evaluate anti-terrorism powers within the UK, and the implications of this for citizenship and security. Drawing on primary empirical research, the book argues that whilst white individuals are not unconcerned about the effects of anti-terrorism, ethnic minority citizens (including, but not only those identifying as Muslim) believe that anti-terrorism powers have impacted negatively on their citizenship and security. This book thus offers the first systematic engagement with 'vernacular' or 'everyday' understandings of anti-terrorism policy, citizenship and security. It argues that while transformations in anti-terrorism frameworks impact on public experiences of security and citizenship, they do not do so in a uniform, homogeneous, or predictable manner. At the same time, public understandings and expectations of security and citizenship themselves shape how developments in anti-terrorism frameworks are discussed and evaluated. This important new book will be of interest to researchers and students working in a wide range of disciplines including Political Science, International Relations, Security Studies and Sociology.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Lessons of Chinese Anti-Corruption History

        by Xi Hua

        Why did an egg provided for emperors in Qing Dynasty cost 10 liang (equal to 1,000 U.S. dollars)? How could a commoner be promoted to senior ofcial in two years merely because of a folding fan? Could Chong Zhen, the last emperor in Ming Dynasty, avoid fleeing away in despair and ending up hanging himself? Answers all lie in this impressive book. As a Chinese saying goes, "Guided by history, one can see through reasons behind a nation's rise and fall." Narrated by a senior cadre of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the book consists of 24 referential stories about anti-corruption in Chinese history. Through continuously reflecting on past lessons, the author sums up valuable experience for combating corruption and building a trustworthy government. In concise and vivid language, this book reveals vast unheard anecdotes and historical truths of Chinese officialdom before establishment of PRC, which are significant for readers inside and outside China to understand historical roots of current anti-corruption policies in China.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1997

        Niemand, der mit mir geht


        by Nadine Gordimer, Friederike Kuhn

        »Die Zukunft«, sagt die weiße Juristin und aktive Gegnerin der Apartheid Vera Stark zu ihrem Mann Ben, »besteht darin, die Vergangenheit rückgängig zu machen.« Sie meint es politisch und weiß, es gilt auch für ihr Leben. Sie zieht die Konsequenzen, trennt sich von ihrem Mann, verkauft das ihr durch die Scheidung zugefallene Haus und geht den dornigen Weg der Politik allein weiter.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Settlers at the end of empire

        Race and the politics of migration in South Africa, Rhodesia and the United Kingdom

        by Jean Smith

        Settlers at the end of empire traces the development of racialised migration regimes in South Africa, Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe) and the United Kingdom from the Second World War to the end of apartheid in 1994. While South Africa and Rhodesia, like other settler colonies, had a long history of restricting the entry of migrants of colour, in the 1960s under existential threat and after abandoning formal ties with the Commonwealth they began to actively recruit white migrants, the majority of whom were British. At the same time, with the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, the British government began to implement restrictions aimed at slowing the migration of British subjects of colour. In all three nations, these policies were aimed at the preservation of nations imagined as white, revealing the persistence of the racial ideologies of empire across the era of decolonisation.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018


        by Niemann

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015


        Für eine entspannte Weihnachtszeit

        by Illustriert von Rühmer, Yo

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016


        Breivik, Dugin, al-Suri & Co.

        by Claus Leggewie

        Die Griechenland-Krise und die mangelnde Handlungsbereitschaft im Umgang mit den Flüchtlingen haben nachdrücklich gezeigt, dass es um die Europäische Union derzeit nicht allzu gut bestellt ist. Parallel zu diesen internen Problemen mehren sich Stimmen unterschiedlichster Provenienz, die Europa attackieren und europäische Werte infrage stellen: Identitäre wie der Massenmörder Anders Breivik, Dschihadisten wie der Syrer Abu Musab al-Suri, »Eurasier« wie der Putin-Berater Alexander Dugin, illiberale Demokraten à la Viktor Orbán, aber auch einige Linkspopulisten am Rande von Syriza und Podemos. Claus Leggewie porträtiert Wortführer und politische Unternehmer, die unabhängig voneinander, aber oft in ungewollter Komplizenschaft die »Festung Europa« schleifen wollen. Er erklärt, woher sie kommen, welche Pläne sie verfolgen und welche Mächtigen sie unterstützen. Und er fordert dazu auf, sich endlich politisch mit ihnen auseinanderzusetzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2010


        Gegen den täglichen Wahnsinn im Büro

        by Kurz, Janina / Illustriert von Rühmer, Yo

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007


        Zur Steigerung der Gelassenheit

        by Hübner, Franz / Illustriert von Rühmer, Yo

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013


        Hochwirksamer Muntermacher

        by Sommer, Sabine / Illustriert von Rühmer, Yo

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      • Trusted Partner


        Der Pfeil der Zeit in der Selbstorganisation des Lebens

        by Coveney, Peter; Highfield, Roger / Übersetzt von Henning, Klaus

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