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      • Mark Allen Group

        The Mark Allen Group is a dynamic media company which delivers high-quality content through market-leading journals, magazines, books, events, exhibitions and websites.

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      • S&S Alliance

        Step & Step Alliance is a children’s book publisher under the Beijing Huirui Times Culture Group (established in January 2008), supporting children’s comprehensive development. Step & Step Alliance is positioned in the domestic high-end children’s book market and develops and produces high-quality board books and novelty books, sound books, puzzle books and games, non-fiction books, interactive books, pop-up books, picture books meant for international coproductions through a smart, young and efficient international sales Team. Love to play, love to read and following step by step childhood and development! An open door to knowledge connecting the world!

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Defense of the West

        by Stanley R. Sloan, Lawrence Freedman

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2015

        In defence of councillors

        by Colin Copus

        In defence of councillors is an unashamed defence of local representative democracy and of those elected to serve as councillors from the often ill-informed, ill-judged and inaccurate criticism made by the media, government and public, of councillors' personal, political and professional roles. By using qualitative research from a number of related projects, the book examines the roles, functions and responsibilities of councillors and the expectations placed upon them by citizens, communities and government. It also examines the impact council membership has on other facets of the councillor's life. The book examines how councillors develop strategies to overcome the constraints and restrictions on their office so as to be able to govern their communities, balance their political and public life and democratise and hold to account a vast array of unelected bodies that spend public money and develop public policy without the electoral mandate and legitimacy held by our councillors. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        In defence of councillors

        by Colin Copus

        In defence of councillors is an unashamed defence of local representative democracy and of those elected to serve as councillors from the often ill-informed, ill-judged and inaccurate criticism made by the media, government and public, of councillors' personal, political and professional roles. By using qualitative research from a number of related projects, the book examines the roles, functions and responsibilities of councillors and the expectations placed upon them by citizens, communities and government. It also examines the impact council membership has on other facets of the councillor's life. The book examines how councillors develop strategies to overcome the constraints and restrictions on their office so as to be able to govern their communities, balance their political and public life and democratise and hold to account a vast array of unelected bodies that spend public money and develop public policy without the electoral mandate and legitimacy held by our councillors.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        September 2003

        Ecology of Soil Decomposition

        by Sina M Adl

        Decomposition is an ecological process that recycles dead tissues, mainly from primary production, into nutrients in the soil. The Ecology of Soil Decomposition describes trophic interactions between species that carry out the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. Key topics addressed feature functional groups, spatial stratification and succession patterns over time, involving bacteria, protists, fungi and micro-invertebrates. Emphasis is placed on the role of species diversity in functional groups.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2005

        Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude

        by Jakob Wassermann, Marcel Reich-Ranicki

        »Es ist vergeblich, für sie zu leben und für sie zu sterben. Sie sagen: er ist ein Jude.« Dies schrieb einer der erfolgreichsten Schriftsteller deutscher Sprache in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Jakob Wassermann, in seinem autobiographischen Essay Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude. Er war Deutscher, er war Jude – »eines so sehr und so völlig wie das andere, keines ist vom anderen zu lösen«. Beides zugleich zu sein aber war ihm in der Welt, in der er lebte, verwehrt: »Es ist mir, als wäre nur bei den Toten Gerechtigkeit zu finden gegen die Lebenden. Denn was diese tun, ist ganz und gar unerträglich.« Dieses radikal anklagende Buch wurde 1921 erstmals veröffentlicht, zwölf Jahre, bevor die Nazis in Deutschland an die Macht kamen und damit begonnen wurde, den Juden Europas das Leben zu nehmen.Jakob Wassermann führt die persönlich erfahrene Bodenlosigkeit einer deutsch-jüdischen Doppelexistenz vor Augen, die Abgründe des Antisemitismus, mit denen sich ein Jude in Deutschland schon in den frühen zwanziger Jahren konfrontiert sah.

      • Trusted Partner
        Parasitology (non-medical)
        June 2013

        Parasitic Nematodes

        Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology

        by Judith E Allen, David Artis, David McK Bird, Susanne Hartmann, Collette Britton, Jonathan Ewbank, John Gilleard, Bernadette Connolly, Richard Grencis, Julian M Hopkin, Peter J Hotez, David Knox, Sara Lustigman, Rick Maizels, Aaron G Maule, Thomas B Nutman, Tony Page, Marie-Noëlle Rosso, Roger Prichard, Rupert Quinnell, Ralf Sommer, Mark Taylor, Mark Viney, Joel V Weinstock, Sarah Williams-Blangero. Edited by Malcolm W Kennedy, William Harnett.

        Covering a wide range of rapidly-developing fields of research into parasitic nematodes, this comprehensive volume discusses the genetics, biochemistry and immunology of nematode parasites of humans as well as domestic animals and plants. This fully-updated edition also covers new advances including horizontal gene transfer, immune expulsion mechanisms, genetics of susceptibility in humans, nematode protein structures, role of bacterial symbionts, intrinsic immune response, host immune system modulation, modulation of allergic and autoimmune diseases and the use of parasitic nematodes or their products as therapeutics.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Fusion, Revised Edition

        by James A. Mahaffey, Ph.D.

        Billions of dollars have been spent and hundreds of reactors have been built, but not a watt of usable power has been produced by a controlled fusion device. Unlike fission systems, precise prediction of fusion system behavior by mathematical means has proven difficult. Still, the advantages of this ultimate source of limitless power are too great to abandon. As energy problems of the world grow, work toward fusion power continues at a greater pace than ever before. The topic of fusion is one that is often met with the most recognition and interest in the nuclear power arena. Written in clear and jargon-free prose, Fusion, Revised Edition explores the big bang of creation to the blackout death of worn-out stars. A brief history of fusion research, beginning with the first tentative theories in the early 20th century, is also discussed, as well as the race for fusion power. This updated, full-color resource examines the various programs currently being funded or planned as well as the reality of fusion power and the magnitude of the challenge for future scientists and engineers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2002

        An Apology for Poetry (or The Defence of Poesy)

        Sir Philip Sidney

        by R. W. Maslen

        An Apology for Poetry (or The Defence of Poesy), by the celebrated soldier-poet Sir Philip Sidney, is the most important work of literary theory published in the Renaissance. The new introduction and notes include a wealth of new information and new readings drawing on recent developments in Renassance Studies. Unfamiliar words and phrases are glossed, classical and other references explained, and difficult passages analysed in detail. The first separate edition of Sidney's seminal text to be published for more than a decade. Since 1965 Geoffrey Shepherd's edition of the Apology has been the standard, and this revision of Shepherd's edition, with a new introduction and extensive notes, is designed to introduce Sidney's best-known work to a new generation of readers at the beginning. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Chemical Reactions, Third Edition

        by Kristi Lew

        Fireworks light up the summer night sky with their colorful displays. Forensic experts use DNA to help solve crimes. Deep-sea creatures illuminate the depths of the ocean in search of their next meal. All these things happen because of chemical reactions, but what exactly is a chemical reaction? Filled with intriguing full-color photographs and other essential features, Chemical Reactions, Third Edition helps students fully understand how chemical reactions happen—covering atomic structure, chemical bonding, reaction rates, and more.

      • Trusted Partner

        Generalized Anxiety Disorder

        A Guide for the Overly Anxious

        by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

        People with a generalized anxiety disorder experience large parts of their surrounding as threatening and are disproportionately worried. Because of the physical discomfort associated with anxiety, e.g. restlessness, dizziness, and sleep disorders, many sufferers believe they are physically ill.   This guide carefully examines the specifics of the disorder and compares these with other anxiety disorders. The reader receives information about the etiology and maintenance of the generalized anxiety disorder as well as disorders that are often accompanied by generalized anxiety disorder.   The guide informs the reader on how the disorder can be managed and contains examples and exercises that can be done out of the comfort of the own home to provide relief.   Target Group: people who suffer from anxiety and their family members, psychotherapists, coaches

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

        by Glen Curry, Simon Lewis, Roger Carter, Philippa Sully, Anthony Rowe, Peter Thorpe, Verity Kemp, Richard Williams, Rob Ellett, John Simpson, Gordon MacDonald, David Griffiths, Jonathan Van-Tam, Tim Uyeki, Marianne Coughlin, Chloe Sellwood, Andy Wapling

        Intensely practical and down to earth, this timely new text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses to a range of threats. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events, such as: major incident planning; infectious disease epidemics and pandemics; natural disasters; terrorist threats; and business and service continuity management. The book builds upon the basics of risk assessment and writing an emergency plan, and then covers inter-agency working, command and control, communication, personal impact and business continuity as well as training, exercises and post-incident follow up. Detailing the full emergency preparedness and civil protection planning cycle, the book is illustrated throughout with real-life examples and case studies from global experts in the field for countries with both advanced and developing healthcare systems. This practical handbook covering the essential aspects of major incident and disaster management is ideal for undergraduate and master's students in emergency management and public health, as well as for practitioners in emergency preparedness and civil protection. It will be valuable to all health practitioners from ambulance, hospital, primary and community care, mental health and public health backgrounds. Read the first chapter for free: Introduction: Why Do We Need to Prepare? ; Intensely practical and illustrated with real-life examples, this text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events. ; 1: Introduction: Why do we need to Prepare?2: The Planning Process3: Risk Assessment4: Writing an Emergency Plan5: Emergency Planning and Response: Working in Partnership6: Interprofessional Working: Understanding some Emotional Barriers and Unconscious Processes That Might Influence Practice in Group and Team Work7: Command, Control and Communication8: Communications during a Health Emergency9: Psychosocial and Mental Health Care Before, During and After Emergencies, Disasters and Major Incidents10: Business Continuity11: Training and Exercising for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response12: Post-incident Follow-up13: Mass Casualty Incidents14: Preparedness and Response to Pandemics and other Infectious Disease Emergencies15: CBRN Incidents16: A Military Case Study17: From Pandemics to Earthquakes: Health and Emergencies in Canterbury, New Zealand

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Living displacement

        by Mateja Celestina, Alexander Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        National Missile Defence and the politics of US identity

        A poststructural critique

        by Natalie Bormann

        Why adopt a poststructural lens for the reading of the military strategy of national missile defence (NMD)? No doubt, when contemplating an attack on US territory by intercontinental ballistic missiles, consulting Michel Foucault and critical international relations theory scholars may not seem the obvious route to take. The answer to this lies in another question: why has there been so much interest and continuous investment in NMD deployment when there is such ambiguity surrounding the status of threat to which it responds, controversy over its technological feasibility and concern about its cost? Posed in this manner, the question cannot be answered on its own terms - the terms given in official accounts of NMD that justify the system's significance on the basis of strategic feasibility studies and conventional threat predictions guided by worst-case scenarios. Instead, this book argues that the preferences leading to NMD deployment must be understood as satisfying requirements beyond strategic approaches and issues. In turning towards the interpretative modes of inquiry provided by critical social theory and poststructuralism, this book contests the conventional wisdom about NMD and suggests reading the strategy in terms of US identity. Presented as an analysis of discourses on threats to national security, around which the need for NMD deployment is predominantly framed, this book is an effort to let the two fields of critical international relations theory and US foreign policy speak directly to each other. It seeks to do so by showing how the concept of identity can be harnessed to an analysis of a contemporary military-strategic practice. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021


        by Silvia Pasquetti, Romola Sanyal

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Cape Coral 1. Break through my Defense

        by Mimi Heeger, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Auf dem Platz gewinnt er jedes Spiel. Aber kann er auch ihr Herz gewinnen? Als die Eltern der 20-jährigen Payton bei einem tragischen Unfall ums Leben kommen, bricht für sie eine Welt zusammen. Da sie die Schulden für ihr Elternhaus in Tennessee nicht abbezahlen kann, zieht sie in das Poolhaus ihres Onkels nach Cape Coral in Florida. Ein Albtraum für die mehrgewichtige Musikstudentin. Zwischen oberflächlichen Models und durchtrainierten College-Sportlern versucht Payton, mit ihrer Trauer fertig zu werden. Und mit den Gefühlen, die Cameron, der Quarterback der Cape Coral Tigers, in ihr auslöst … Bestseller-Autorin Mimi Heeger nimmt Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren in diesem bewegenden New-Adult-Roman mit auf eine emotionale Reise in Paytons Welt – eine Welt voller Trauer, Bodyshaming, Oberflächlichkeiten und der Suche nach sich selbst. Aber auch eine Welt voller Sommer, Sonnenschein und glitzerndem Meer. Lass dich mitreißen von der zarten Slow-Burn-Romance, die sich entwickelt und die Paytons Leben für immer verändern wird. Break through my Defense: Ein Sommer voller Tragödien, Touchdowns und der großen Liebe Voller Gefühle: Ein bewegender New-Adult-Roman für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Spannung und Liebe: Die mitreißende Sports Romance mit dem Trope Enemies-to-Lovers fesselt von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. Starke Protagonistin: Eine inspirierende Geschichte über Bodyshaming, Selbstfindung, die Kraft der Liebe und die Überwindung von Trauer. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2018

        Nursery Screening for Ganoderma Response in Oil Palm Seedlings

        A Manual

        by Miranti Rahmaningsih, Ike Virdiana, Syamsul Bahri, Yassier Anwar, Brian P Forster, Frédéric Breton, Brian P Forster, Peter D. S. Caligari

        This is a hands-on, practical guide covering seedling screening for disease response in oil palm for pathology, breeding and genetics. Oil palm is the top oil crop in the world and Ganoderma is the most devastating disease of oil palm. The authors are all actively engaged in oil palm seed production and breeding and bring together the many aspects of seedling disease testing in to one integrated manual. Presenting sound practices based on scientific innovation and knowledge, this guide provides techniques integrated with expertise and also looks towards future possibilities. Promoting green, eco-friendly agriculture, this book covers: Health and safety considerations Media preparation for in vitro culture Collecting isolates and culture preparation Preparation of Ganoderma inoculum Nursery inoculation Scoring response Based on experience and protocols, this is an invaluable manual for students and researchers in agriculture, plant breeders, growers, traders and production companies interested in the practicalities of oil palm pathology. It provides a resource for training, a knowledge base for people new to oil palm and a reference guide for managers, to ensure best practices in maximising sustainability and production of this important crop.

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