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      • Island Press

        Island Press began with a simple idea:knowledge is power—the power to imagine a better future and find ways for getting us there. Founded in 1984, Island Press’ mission is to provide the best ideas and information to those seeking to understand and protect the environment and create solutions to its complex problems. We elevate voices of change, shine a spotlight on crucial issues, and focus attention on sustainable solutions. Our network of authors includes E.O. Wilson, Paul Ehrlich, Sylvia Earle, Gretchen Daily, Jan Gehl, Daniel Pauly, and many others. By working closely with experts like these, Island Press has developed a comprehensive and growing body of knowledge—vital resources for all those working to protect the environment and create healthy communities.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2023

        The Island Book of Records Volume I


        by Neil Storey

        The Island Book of Records brings the early years of this iconic record label to life. A fifteen-year labour of love, the volumes will fully document the analogue era of Island. Offering a comprehensive archive of album cover design and photography, together with the voices of the musicians, designers, photographers, producers, studio engineers and record company personnel that worked on each project, the volumes show in unique depth the workings of the label, covering every LP. Featuring material from recent interviews and from media interviews of the time, and each including a comprehensive discography of 45s, the books are lavishly illustrated with gig adverts (very many at venues which no longer exist), concert tickets, flyers, international LP variants, labels, LP and 45 adverts and other ephemera. These LP-sized editions are a collector's dream, offering a truly unparalleled resource for those interested in music history and a perfect gift for any music lover.

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        June 2010

        Literarischer Führer Irland

        by Hermann Rasche, Harald Raykowski

        Literaturland Irland – die Heimat von James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, Seamus Heaney, Maeve Binchy, Edna O’Brien und vielen anderen. Alphabetisch nach Orten gegliedert, von Achill Island bis Youghal, informiert der Literarische Führer Irland anschaulich über Lebens- und Reisestationen berühmter Autorinnen und Autoren und über die Schauplätze ihrer Werke. Wußten Sie, daß James Joyce fast Opernsänger geworden wäre? Daß Bram Stoker und Oscar Wilde derselben jungen Dame den Hof machten? Oder daß ein kleines Wort 1907 in Dublin einen riesigen Theaterskandal verursachte? Diese und andere skurrile Geschichten von der Grünen Insel erzählt der Band. Ein Anhang versammelt die wichtigsten Adressen.

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        July 2011

        Die schönsten isländischen Sagas

        by Rolf Heller, Arthúr Björgvin Bollason

        Wikinger, Abenteurer, tapfere Helden, Ausgestoßene und Geächtete – vielfältig sind die Gestalten, deren Geschichten und Schicksale in den berühmten Isländersagas erzählt werden. Die unterhaltsamen Geschichten aus dem alten Island erzählen von starken, mutigen und waghalsigen Männern und Frauen, die sich vor über tausend Jahren dort niederließen. Sie hatten Fehden und Konflikte zu bestehen und ehrenhafte Heldentaten zu begehen. Und mußten nicht nur gegen Wind, Wetter und die rauhe Natur, sondern auch gegen verfeindete Wikinger und Gesetzeslose ankämpfen … Dieser Band versammelt die berühmtesten und schönsten Isländersagas – unvergleichliche literarische Zeugnisse eines fernen Landes in einer fernen Zeit.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2016

        Sustainable Island Tourism

        Competitiveness and Quality of Life

        by Patrizia Modica, Patrizia Modica, Louise Twining-Ward, Muzaffer Uysal, Muzaffer Uysal, Robertico R Croes, Haywantee Ramkissoon, Jack Carlsen, Kelly Bricker, Allan S Wright, Elisa Scanu, Maria Oroian, Gyumin Lee, Deborah Kerstetter, Anna Farmaki, Levent Altinay, Muhammet Yasarata, Meghan Beardsley, Marketa Kubickova, Mariyam Zulfa

        Tourism continues to grow, and as the industry develops, it is important for researchers and practitioners to fully understand and examine issues such as sustainability, competiveness, and stakeholder quality of life in tourism centres around the world. Focusing on the unique perspective of island tourism destinations, this book outlines impacts on, and potential strategies for protecting, the natural environment, local economy, and local culture. Presenting an interdisciplinary integrated approach, this important collection of new research: - Is the first book to provide coverage on sustainable tourism best practice in island destinations; - Focuses on the unique perspective of islands as destinations, exploring the interplays of competitiveness and quality of life; - Includes a portfolio of conceptual, empirical, and case-based studies written by international experts to give a balanced and comprehensive view. A timely and important read for researchers, students and practitioners of tourism, this book also provides a valuable resource for researchers of sustainability and environmental science. ; As the tourism industry develops, it is vitally important issues such as sustainability, competitiveness, and stakeholder quality of life are fully understood. Focusing on the unique perspective of island destinations, this book outlines impacts on, and potential strategies for protecting, the natural environment, local economy, and local culture. ; Part l: Sustainable Island Tourism1: Sustainability and Tourism Development in Island Territories.2: Ecotourism and Environmental Management: A Case Study of a Partnership for Conservation in Fiji3: Rhetoric versus the Realities of Sustainable Tourism: The Case of CyprusPart II: Competitiveness and Quality of life4: The Various Faces of Competitiveness in Tourism: A Survey of the extant literature5: Island Tourism Competitiveness and Sustainability in the Maldives6: Quality of Life, the TALC, and Sustainability: A Case of CUBA7: Place Satisfaction, Place Attachment and Quality of Life: Development of a Conceptual Framework for Island DestinationsPart III: Sustainability and Alternative Resource use8: Developing a Sustainable Caribbean Tourism Product9: Dive Tourism and the Entrepreneurial Process in the Perhentian Islands, Malaysia.10: Stakeholders’ Perceived Impact of Wind Farms at a Tourism Destination. A Case Study of Jeju Island, South KoreaPart IV: Challenges and Future Research Directions11: Island Tourism: Challenges and Future Research Directions

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1992

        Tristan Island


        by Erich Wolfgang Skwara

        Der österreichische Diplomat Dr. Anselm Traurig verbrachte seine ereignislose Dienstzeit in Afrika vor einer Karte des Südatlantiks, auf der er eines Tages Tnstan Island entdeckte – die entlegenste bewohnte Insel der Welt. Er vergaffte sich in die Insel. Er hatte endlos Zeit, von ihr zu träumen. Klein war sie und in der Mitte gelegen – wie Österreich, dessen armselige Realität ihn schmerzte. Auf dieser Insel wäre der Traum einer anarchistischen Glücksgemeinschaft fast in Erfüllung gegangen. Jahre später zur Vertretung an die Pariser Botschaft seines Landes entsandt, beschwor Traurig mit seinem resoluten Versuch, größte Nähe zu einem geliebten Menschen herzustellen, eine Katastrophe herauf. Seither lebt der in den vorzeitigen Ruhestand Versetzte in Südkalifornien, als »Legationsrat in Ruhe«. Am liebsten sitzt er auf der Terrasse eines italienischen Restaurants mit Blick auf den Pazifik. In seine träumende Betrachtung des Meers stehlen sich Überlegungen, wie Tristan Island aus dem Südatlantik in den Pazifik zu schleppen wäre, an den Rand des Blickfelds, in greifbare Nähe. In Gedanken rüstet er eine Expedition aus, stellt er eine Schiffsbesatzung zusammen, trifft er bereits seine Auswahl unter den Ballspielern am Strand...

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        True stories

        Lost Island

        by Natalia Gumenyuk

        The Lost Island is a collection of reportage pieces from the Russian- occupied Crimea by a well-known journalist Nataliya Gumenyuk, who visited the peninsula in 2014– 2019. Her book tells the true stories and tragedies of people whose lives took a drastic turn after 2014. Some of these Crimean residents live under occupation, others in a different country. What is the unvarnished truth of their stories? Businessmen and retirees, Crimean Tatars, students and activists, human rights advocates and soldiers, people of varied political and ideological affiliations tell their stories: some want to share their quiet, long suppressed pain while others are tired of silently succumbing to fear.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        Blackout Island


        by Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, Tina Flecken

        Was passiert, wenn ein ganzes Land plötzlich von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten ist? Die Ressourcen knapp werden? Nicht alle überleben können? Die Menschen zu Selbstversorgern werden, Eltern ihre Kinder suchen, die in Banden hungernd durchs Land irren. Milizen marodieren. Bürgerkriegsähnliche Verhältnisse herrschen. In einem abgelegenen isländischen Fjord lebt der ehemalige Journalist Hjalti aus Reykjavik unter primitiven Bedingungen auf dem alten Hof seines Großvaters. Er versorgt die Schafe, bewirtschaftet das karge Land und lebt von dem, was er dem Boden und dem Meer abtrotzt. Gesellschaft leistet ihm neben den Schafen nur noch sein Hund. Hjalti führt einen harten Kampf ums Überleben, denn Island ist seit geraumer Zeit von der Außenwelt abgeschottet, seine Lebensgefährtin Maria und deren Kinder von ihm getrennt, ihr Schicksal ungewiss. An den langen, einsamen Abenden protokolliert er die Ereignisse, die zu dieser Situation geführt und die ehrgeizige Innenministerin Elín Olafsdottir dazu gezwungen haben, den Ausnahmezustand auszurufen.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        So sprach Achill

        Die Ilias nacherzählt von Alessandro Baricco

        by Baricco, Alessandro / Übersetzt von Schneider, Marianne

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2018

        Tourism Management in Warm-water Island Destinations

        by Michelle McLeod, Robertico R Croes, David Airey, Sheree-Ann Adams, Donna Chambers, Anne P. Crick, Robertico R Croes, Frederic Dimanche, Rachel Dodds, Brigitte Joubert, Michelle McLeod, Jorge Ridderstaat, Manuel Rivera, Michael Sadowski, Neelu Seetaram, Kelly J. Semrad, Noel Scott

        Warm-water islands are a cohesive group of islands distinguished by their geography and remoteness, history as former colonial territories, and dependence on external stakeholders for their economic and social development. Warm-water island destinations also have a year-round tourism industry. These island tourism destinations are facing unprecedented adjustment challenges in the wake of increasing globalization and susceptibility to external shocks, and are in search of appropriate policy responses to that globalization. It is critical for small islands to understand how these challenges affect tourism performance and how they impact their residents. Tourism Management in Warm-water Island Destinations unearths the critical aspects that contribute to tourism development and growth in islands. Particular emphasis is placed on destinations such as the Caribbean, with lessons learned that are applicable to other island tourism contexts in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and the Pacific. · Presents emerging research themes and methodology; · Provides insight into factors that result in successful and unsuccessful cases; · Features a focus on Cuba and its reintroduction to the tourism landscape. This book provides a platform for emerging systemic perspectives of the various aspects of island tourism, with the view that strategies for the management and development of tourism in island environments can be improved and will be of interest to those studying and researching within destination management.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019


        Essays zu Literatur und Kunst

        by Sibylle Lewitscharoff

        »Stellen Sie sich bitte vor: Peter Handke, der Spatzen liebt und ihnen die muntersten, zwitschrigsten Passagen seiner Prosa gewidmet hat, weilte in der Öffentlichkeit als Spatzenschönheit unter uns.« Stellen Sie sich weiter vor: Robert Walser, wie er »vorbildlich gekleidet auf spazierlustigen Beinen« durchs Totenreich wandert. Vielleicht begegnet er dort dem Pilger Dante auf seiner Reise durch die drei Welten des Jenseits, der Erlösung zustrebend. Uns Irdischen begegnet sie als Ahnung in den Altarbildern van Eycks, in den berauschenden Zeichnungen Achilles Rizzolis. »Guten Morgen oder besser: Guten Abend«, begrüßt Sibylle Lewitscharoff die ihr vorausgegangenen Dichter und Künstler. Sie umarmt die Schmerzensmänner Kafka und Beckett, blickt mit Bolaño in den kalten Glutkern der Hölle, findet in den Gemälden Rembrandts einen Quell religiöser Zuversicht, lässt sich kitzeln von Romananfängen und Malweisen und widmet ihnen Essays von solcher Sprachkraft und Erkenntnisfülle, dass »das Hören und Sehen einem nicht vergeht, sondern geschärft wird« (Süddeutsche Zeitung).

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2022

        'Adolf Island'

        by Caroline Sturdy Colls, Kevin Colls

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        Children's & YA
        October 2019


        Ten endemic plants of Reunion to know and protect

        by Mary-des-ailes

        This herbarium is devoted to ten endemic trees of Reunion, examples of precious species that are now only found in a few islands, witnesses of a now threatened balance.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        March 2011

        Island Tourism

        Sustainable Perspectives

        by Dr Girish Prayag, Johnny Coomansingh, Patricia Erfurt-Cooper, Fathilah Ismail, Julia Jabour, Hiroshi Kakazu, Jithendran Kokkranikal, Janne J Liburd, Guilherme (Gui) Lohmann, Brent Moyle, Giovanni Ruggieri, Louise Twining-Ward, Heather D Zeppel, Malcolm J M Cooper. Edited by Jack Carlsen, Richard W Butler.

        Islands are the most vulnerable and fragile of tourism destinations and will experience even more pressure as the combined impacts of economic, social and environmental change accelerate in the future. In order to understand the process of island tourism development, response to change and challenges and their journey to sustainability, this book provides insights and instruction on topics including social, cultural, environmental and economic aspects of island tourism. It contains essential information for policymakers, planners, researchers, managers and operators within the tourism industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2012


        by Homer, Michael Schroeder, Karl Ferdinand Lempp

        Die »Ilias« erzählt vom über zwanzig Jahre währenden Trojanischen Krieg. Der Kampf der Archäer gegen Troja, die Abenteuer des Achill und der Zorn der olympischen Götter gehören zu den Höhepunkten der Weltliteratur. Wie die »Odyssee« kann auch die gewaltige und schillernde »Ilias« in dieser modernen Prosafassung als das gelesen werden, was sie wirklich ist: ein fesselnder Roman.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Ausgang aus der langen Nacht

        Versuch über ein entkolonisiertes Afrika

        by Achille Mbembe, Christine Pries

        War die Entkolonialisierung Afrikas nur ein Unfall, ein Kratzen an der Oberfläche, das kurze Aufblitzen einer Zukunft, die zum Scheitern verurteilt war? In seinem mitreißenden Essay zeigt Achille Mbembe, dass jenseits der Krisen und Kriege, die den Kontinent regelmäßig heimsuchen, neue »afropolitane« Gesellschaften entstehen, die sich durch einen anderen Umgang mit Differenzen und mit der Zirkulation von Menschen und Kulturen auszeichnen. Um diese neuen Gesellschaften zu entschlüsseln, zeichnet Mbembe in souveräner Manier und im Rekurs auf seine eigene Lebensgeschichte die afrikanischen Entwicklungen seit dem Beginn der Entkolonialisierung nach. Aber auch die Veränderungen in den postkolonialen Gesellschaften jenseits des Mittelmeers, in Europa, werden in den Blick genommen, denn womöglich haben diese zwar Afrika entkolonialisiert, jedoch nicht sich selbst. Eine solche »Autoentkolonialisierung« ist aber notwendige Voraussetzung, um den Rassismus, die Gewalt und die Ausgrenzung des Anderen zu überwinden. Geschrieben in einer teils kalt-nüchternen, teils glühend-poetischen Sprache, zählt dieses Buch bereits zu den großen Werken des postkolonialen Denkens.

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        Requiem for A Holy Island

        by Zecharia Plavin

        There was a tiny island in the Far East populated by tall, gifted people plagued by malignant ideology and ruled by merciless leaders. However, a noble few were dedicated to peacefully rescuing their people from tyranny and death. Dr. Solomon Jekavpils reads about this unfamiliar place in the diary of the late pianist Adelaide Fourangier. Meanwhile, Solomon's former classmate, Nelly, manipulates him to search for Illirio Mariafels, her lost love. The story spans entire lifetimes in pre-war France, French Saigon, the island, and Paris in the late twentieth century; the diary reveals many crucial personalities. After several setbacks in her life, Fourangier joins the leading liberal islander and devotes her life to teaching piano to children. Life on the island transforms her into a caring human being, inspired pianist, and master tutor. Illirio, her heroic son, can inspire wonderful kindness with his chanting. Fourangier’s diary reveals her unusual family’s secrets and describes the tragic fate of the island and its people. Dr. Zecharia Plavin, a concert pianist and educator, was born in 1956 in Lithuania but has lived in Israel since his youth. He studied under Louis Kentner, the great pianist. Prof. Plavin teaches at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and Ono Academic College. He is an author, composer, scholar, and self-proclaimed dull fellow with no sense of humor… An English-language eBook edition was published in summer 2015 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA. 432 pages, 15 x 22 .5cm.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Islandscapes and Tourism

        An Anthology

        by Joseph M Cheer, Solene Prince, Philip Hayward

        The links between islands and tourism, as sights of pleasure is embodied in the touristification of sun, sand and sea. Islandscapes are central to the tourist imaginaries that shape islands as touristified places - curated, designed and commodified for both mass tourism and more niche inclined versions. Yet while islands are parlayed for touristic pleasure seekers, islands are also home to longstanding communities that have variously battled with the tyranny of distance from metropolitan centres, as well as the everyday challenges of climate change effects, and benefitted from their isolation from modern-day pressures. To what extent are islandscapes resilient to rapidly changing utilities, significances and ways of life wrought by tourism expansion? The vulnerability-resilience duality remains firmly entrenched in the discourse on islands where tourism has become prominent. Although tourism provides some resiliency, overall, islandscapes remain subject to externally driven fast and slow change that exercises an overwhelming influence. This anthology of articles previously published in the journal Shima explores emergent themes that describe how island peoples adapt and respond in localised cultural islandscapes as a consequence of tourism expansion. It is aimed at researchers in island studies, tourism, sustainability, human geography, cultural studies, sociology and anthropology. The anthology will also be of interest to those with an abiding interest in the trajectories of islands and their peoples, particularly where tourism has come to shape islandscapes.

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