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      • Environmental monitoring
        April 2023

        Building Biology Measurement on EMF

        Basics of Field Theory, Practice of Field Measurement Techniques

        by Martin H. Virnich

        The teaching of well-founded, practice-oriented EM field measurement technology on a scientific basis is the central concern of Dr.-Ing. Martin H. Virnich's book. In an easily understandable form and without "higher" mathematics, the author clearly presents the fundamentals of field theory in a depth necessary for practice. Core topics of his book are the following aspects: Physics of EM fields, Measurement of vector fields, Alternating electric fields (low frequency and DC fields), Alternating magnetic fields (low frequency and DC fields), Electromagnetic waves (high frequency), "Dirty Power", as well as The alteration of the natural EMF spectrum and its consequences. New to this 2nd edition is a detailed section on 5G NR, which deals with the current mobile communications standard and its many manifestations. In doing so, it dispels a number of myths surrounding 5G.

      • the World of 5G Series

        by Xue Quan

        Humanistic science and Technology book

      • When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People

        How Philosophy Can Save Us from Ourselves

        by Steven Nadler and Lawrence Shapiro

        Why the tools of philosophy offer a powerful antidote to today’s epidemic of irrationalityThere is an epidemic of bad thinking in the world today. An alarming number of people are embracing crazy, even dangerous ideas. They believe that vaccinations cause autism. They reject the scientific consensus on climate change as a “hoax.” And they blame the spread of COVID-19 on the 5G network or a Chinese cabal. Worse, bad thinking drives bad acting—it even inspired a mob to storm the U.S. Capitol. In this book, Steven Nadler and Lawrence Shapiro argue that the best antidote for bad thinking is the wisdom, insights, and practical skills of philosophy. When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People provides an engaging tour through the basic principles of logic, argument, evidence, and probability that can make all of us more reasonable and responsible citizens.When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People shows how we can more readily spot and avoid flawed arguments and unreliable information; determine whether evidence supports or contradicts an idea; distinguish between merely believing something and knowing it; and much more. In doing so, the book reveals how epistemology, which addresses the nature of belief and knowledge, and ethics, the study of moral principles that should govern our behavior, can reduce bad thinking. Moreover, the book shows why philosophy’s millennia-old advice about how to lead a good, rational, and examined life is essential for escaping our current predicament.In a world in which irrationality has exploded to deadly effect, When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People is a timely and essential guide for a return to reason.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Prinzip Mensch

        Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz

        by Paul Nemitz/Matthias Pfeffer

        The Human Imperative. Power, Freedom and Democracy in an Era of Artificial Intelligence   Human or algorithm - who is calling the shots for our future in this age of Artificial Intelligence? The power that digital corporations in Silicon Valley exert is astronomical, and this poses a serious threat to democracy and independence as we know them.Paul Nemitz and Matthias Pfeffer present an impressive analysis of how current attempts to implement an ethical regulation of Artificial Intelligence are too shortsighted and limited.The authors provide a detailed examination of this topic, concentrating specifically on the role being played by the public sphere and the threats posed against journalism in the digital age. They call for a strict regulation of Artificial Intelligence and a reconceptualization of the principles that define humanity, which must be defended against the principles of the

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2019

        Landschaftswandel. Das Mitteldeutsche Seenland – Die Erde hat Gedächtnis

        by Eißmann, Lothar/Junge, Frank W.

        The uniquely documented transformation of the mining region in Central Germany tells a story of global dimensions. An insight into the natural mutability of the earth and its living creations, incomparable in space and time, becomes visible. The layers exposed in the open-cast lignite mines become a journey through time for those in the know, through the millions of years of our earth up to the present day. Stages and witnesses of the transformation in a region: from the natural tropical moorland, sea and ice age land, to the settlement and cultural land of early man, to the mining and industrial land and the new beginning, the transformation of a large region into a lake landscape.Today's man-made lake district is taking shape and becoming a global model and testing ground for the large-scale transformation of a post-mining landscape. The experiences of the Central German region become a global model case of wound healing of man-made, hostile landscape interventions and an opportunity to design in reverence and adaptation to "Mother Earth".

      • Science & Mathematics
        April 2020

        Science, Technology and Innovation

        by Chen Jin

        This book explores the innovation path in which China builds itself as a great power in science and technology; analyzes the development paths of world’s major powers in science and technology incorporating the US, UK, Germany and Japan, etc.; measures the science and technology innovation capability of China at different levels; and puts forward the specific suggestions from such macroscopic aspects as strategic thought, innovation system and policies and regulations. The book is highly recommended and prefaced by famous academician Qian Qihu, the winner of the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China and Professor Zhang Bihui, the expert in science and technology and management. The publication of this book is significant in the year of 2020 which is the first critic time point of the "three-step" strategic goal of building China into a world scientific and technological power put forward by President Xi Jinping.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2007

        Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 02

        by K.V. Peter

        The present book is the second volume in the series Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops edited by Prof. K.V.Peter. As in the 1st volume the present volume also covers 6 s on underexploited fruits, 5 on vegetables, 1 on tuber crops, 3 each on flowers and trees and 2 on spices. Dr. Bhuwon Sthapit, IPGRI, Malaysia contributes a on In Situ Conservation of Horticultural Crops. Underutilized fruits of Andaman and Nicobar Islands are dealt with in detail by Dr. D.R. Singh, Giant Granadilla, Apricot, Low Chilling Peaches, Aonla and Ber are dealt by eminent scientists in respective crops. Dr. Umesh Srivastava, ICAR, New Delhi deals Genetic Resource Management in Cucurbits. Dr. Samadia from Central Institute of Arid Horticulture, Bikaner writes on Arid Vegetables. Dr. S.K. Pandey, Director, CPRI, Shimla elaborates Taxonomy of Temperate Underutilized Root and Tuber Crops. Underutilized flowers surrounding the homesteads are narrated by Dr. U. Sreelatha, Kerala Agricultural University. An overview on Liliums is given by Dr. K. Valliappan, Mahua, Chironji and Drumstick are the trees dealt with. Turmeric and Long Coriander are elucidated by Dr. A.M. Rao and Dr. P. Indira respectively.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences



        by MIHA KOVAČ

        All book readers that have doubts about whether book reading still makes sense and anyone professionally involved with struggling readers (i.e., teachers and librarians); also young parents who need motivation to regularly read books to their children. Pick up a Book to Pick Yourself Up is a mass market book · Although based on the latest scholarly research, the author discusses the meaning of book reading in a journalistic narrative enhanced with graphics in a way that makes the book comprehensible to non-specialists. · The book’s main point is that in an abundance of digital recreational and informational content in text, audio and video format, readily available to any smartphone user, the nature and perception of book reading has changed as well. · The author shows that besides enjoying the content, book readers benefit from a set of “positive externalities” of long-form reading that are not present when using screen media. · These positive side effects represent an important counterweight to some of the negative effects of social media and as such a allow more balanced and productive use of screen content, thus making the book an important member of the quickly growing media family. The author discusses these positive effects of book reading in ten short illustrated chapters.   156 pages / 200 photos, illustrations and tables / format 14 x 20 cm

      • Children's & YA

        The Young Scientists Series Level 4

        by The Editorial Team

        Contents are based on Singapore primary school Science syllabus. Encompasing 5 themes: Diversity, Cycles, Systems, Energyand Interactions. ♦ A 100% Science-based comic in English, complies with the NEW SINGAPORE MOE Primary Science Syllabus with added Science worksheets designed and formulated byexperienced Science teachers.♦ Reveals the wonders of Science by creating stories in comic format to assist pupils to better understand the Science contents encompassed in the lower block themes of the latest Primary Science syllabus, viz. Diversity, Cycles, Systems, Energy and Interactions.♦ Helps readers to relate to the Science concepts taught in the Science textbooks easily.♦ Has been around in Singapore for 15 years. Best selling Science magazine in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, India, Brunei, Indonesia and Taiwan (e-book).♦ The stories are creatively crafted and illustrated with animation of the highest standard in the comic realm.

      • Pest control
        July 2019

        Diseases and Pests of Fibre Crops

        Identification, Treatment and Management

        by Subrata Biswas

        This book presents a comprehensive knowledge on the diseases and pests of fibre crops, causing economic damage. It covers major disease and pest damages with the methods to combat them in fibre crop cultivations. The diseases and pests are described elaborately, giving emphasis on both morphological and molecular characteristics of pathogens and biology of different insect pests. The latest and most up-to-date knowledge on these aspects which acquired from diverse, complex, contemporary scientific discoveries in the field of fibre crop diseases and pests are compiled and presented in this book. This book is written in eight major chapters, each representing a certain type fibre crop, except for chapter 2 (two) which deals with both Mesta (kenaf) and Roselle for their similarities in disease and insect pest attacks. Each of the eight chapters is again subdivided into 2 or 3 (only for Chapter 2) subchapters to deal with different types of diseases and pests separately. This is a reference book in textbook format which intended to provide undergraduate, postgraduate and research personnel a means to acquire deeper knowledge on diseases and pests of nine major fibre crops, viz., cotton, jute, kenaf, roselle, sunnhemp , sisal, ramie, flax and hemp. Plant pathologists, entomologists and agricultural research scientists, and in academia, may find much of great use in this book.

      • Agriculture & farming
        September 2022

        Pests of Fruit Crops

        by Nripendra Laskar, Victor Phani & Supriya Biswas

        Among the leading fruit producing countries in the world, India ranks second only after China. Fruits play pivotal role in mitigating nutritional requirement of the society as well as providing employment opportunity, especially in the agriculture dominated rural agrarian economy of the developing countries like India. In the age of Hi-tech Horticulture, introduction of new fruit crops resulted in the paradigm shift in fruit crop cultivation. Climatic changes and increment in cropping intensity reflected in a remarkable and rapid shift of fruit ecosystem. Biotic stresses like insect, mite and nematode pests etc. have also been increasing day by day. These pest problems in fruit crop cultivation are now changing in a dynamic fashion in close association with the change in cropping system and the environment. To protect the fruit crops from insect pest devastation, synthetic poisonous chemicals are the quick and easy solution which are being used indiscriminately. Considering the ill effects of these hard-to-degrade synthetic chemical pesticides, integrated approaches are the only answer to combat such a complex and dreaded problem. The integrated approach comprises cultural, mechanical, biological and ecological management strategies in association with need based and safe pesticidal chemicals. Some pesticides have also been banned for using in horticultural crop cultivation, some others are withdrawn. But information with regard to these phenomena are scattered. In this compilation, an exhaustive effort has been undertaken to compile them. In addition to elaborating the host range, distribution, marks of identification, mode of feeding and symptoms of infestation, bionomics of the pests, biological control, pesticide residue problem and measures to mitigate it have been presented by the experts from different Institutes of repute from all over India.

      • Science & Mathematics
        June 2020

        Postharvest Plant Pathology

        by N.G. Ravichandra

        The purpose of the book Postharvest Plant Pathology is to provide its readers recent developments and uated comprehensive information on postharvest pathogens & diseases of major crops. This book explicates the fundamental aspects of postharvest diseases of crops and is conveniently divided into ten chapters, providing the latest information on the concept & types of postharvest diseases, economically significant postharvest pathogens & diseases of major crops, factors governing postharvest diseases, storage conditions, food safety issues, quiescence in post harvest pathogens, detailed & recent information on major mycotoxins, various approaches of postharvest disease management, integrated management strategies, biochemical & molecular aspects of postharvest diseases, apart from which, an exclusive chapter for discussing the postharvest nematode diseases and their management is also furnished. Impressive diagrams at appropriate places, convincing tables and suitable graphs / illustrations have been furnished. A bibliography providing the list of references cited has also been included. The information presented in this book, reflecting an extensive literature search, will be useful for teachers, researchers, students in several departments including Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Food Technology, Postharvest technology, Environmental Sciences, officials of the State Departments of Horticulture & Agriculture, personnel of Commercial Production Centers, Plant Quarantine, Certification agencies and Policy planners who are concerned with the production and supply of horticultural and agricultural produce of high quality and acceptable for human consumption.

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