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      • Trusted Partner
        Business & management
        November 2012

        Veterinary Practice Management

        by Catherine R Coates, Alan Jones, Michael W Coates

        Veterinarians are increasingly aware of the need to recognise they are working in a business enterprise. From operating as small practices twenty years ago, veterinary businesses are now run along sophisticated models and operate out of multi-million pound hospitals. Drawing together the latest information on practice management, this textbook provides practical and straightforward coverage of major elements, including client relationships and staff management, business and financial procedures, computer systems and project management. This book covers practice management topics as taught in veterinary schools worldwide, providing students with a textbook resource in this increasingly important subject. It is also a valuable source of information for newly qualified veterinarians, veterinarians interested in practice management and veterinary practice managers.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1984

        Phantastik und Futurologie. 2. Teil

        Übersetzt von Edda Werfel

        by Stanisław Lem, Edda Werfel, Franz Rottensteiner

        Für Stanisław Lem ist die Science Fiction vor allem ein Arsenal ungenützter Chancen; er wirft ihr vor, daß sie die Herausforderungen, die Wissenschaft und Technik an den Menschen und seine Kultur herantragen, nicht aufnimmt und daß sie Probleme allenfalls benennt, ohne sie in die Struktur ihrer Erzählungen einzugliedern. Im einzelnen analysiert Lem im zweiten Band seiner umfangreichen Untersuchung der SF, nachdem er im ersten Band den theoretischen Grundstein gelegt hat, die wichtigsten Themen- und Motivkreise der Science Fiction: globale Katastrophen, Roboter und Menschen, Kosmos und Phantastik, die Metaphysik der SF und die Futurologie des Glaubens, Erotik und Sex in der utopischen Literatur, Mensch und Übermensch. Auch das literarische Experiment in der Science Fiction-Literatur, von Ray Bradbury bis J. G. Ballard, kommt nicht zu kurz. Lem beleuchtet auch das Verhältnis von Utopie und Futurologie, würdigt die phantastische Philosophie von Borges und Stapledon und entwirft Modelle für eine anspruchsvollere Science Fiction.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        Der Unbesiegbare

        Utopischer Roman

        by Roswitha Dietrich, Stanisław Lem

        In ferner Zukunft landet das mächtige Raumschiff »Der Unbesiegbare« auf dem Planeten Regis III, um das Schicksal seines dort verschollenen Schwesterschiffes »Kondor« zu ergründen. Doch obwohl diese Welt unbewohnt ist, lauern hier Gefahren, die sich die selbstgewisse menschliche Besatzung zunächst nicht träumen lässt. Lem spinnt ein spannendes Weltraumgarn, wäre aber nicht Lem, wenn er sich nicht noch quasi nebenbei die Nanotechnologie, die Technoevolution und vieles mehr ausdenken würde. Ein Klassiker der SF.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Der Unbesiegbare

        Utopischer Roman

        by Stanisław Lem, Roswitha Dietrich

        In ferner Zukunft landet das mächtige Raumschiff »Der Unbesiegbare« auf dem Planeten Regis III, um das Schicksal seines dort verschollenen Schwesterschiffes »Kondor« zu ergründen. Doch obwohl diese Welt unbewohnt ist, lauern hier Gefahren, die sich die selbstgewisse menschliche Besatzung zunächst nicht träumen lässt. Lem spinnt ein spannendes Weltraumgarn, wäre aber nicht Lem, wenn er sich nicht noch quasi nebenbei die Nanotechnologie, die Technoevolution und vieles mehr ausdenken würde. Ein Klassiker der SF.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        A book of monsters

        Promethean horror in modern literature and culture

        by David Ashford

        This books traces the rise to prominence in the twentieth-century of a sub-genre of gothic fiction that is, emphatically, a horror of enlightenment rationality rather than gothic darkness, examining post-modern revisions of Modernist "Promethean" tropes in an eclectic range of gothic, fantasy and SF writing. Whether the subject be terror of London's churches in the psychogeographical fiction of Iain Sinclair and Alan Moore, the Orcs in the linguistic fantasies of J.R.R. Tolkien, King Kong, killer-computers, or demon-children in post-war British science-fiction, A Book of Monsters offers illuminating perspectives on the darker recesses of the post-modern imagination, setting out a compelling, and comprehensive, overview on our contemporary unconscious.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1991

        Sommer im Treibhaus


        by George Turner, Michael Koseler

        George Turners Buch, das im englischen Sprachraum beträchtliche Aufmerksamkeit gefunden hat und mit einem SF-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, ist ein Bildungsroman. Erzählt wird die Geschichte einiger junger Leute, die in einer zukünftigen Stadt Australiens aufwachsen, in der sich die Massen drängen, in der aber nur die Privilegierten Arbeit und menschenwürdige Unterkünfte haben, und die Städte allmählich in den steigenden Fluten des Ozeans und des Elends versinken – eine Folge des Treibhauseffektes, der zu katastrophalen Klimaveränderungen und als Folge davon zu weltweiten Hungersnöten führt. Der überwiegende Teil der Bevölkerung muß eine von Gewalt geprägte, kümmerliche Existenz fristen. Trotz des düsteren Hintergrunds, der andere Antiutopien anklingen läßt, ist dies keineswegs ein pessimistisches, deprimierendes Buch, sondern eine differenzierte Lektüre, die menschlichen Unternehmungsgeist und Mut feiert, die sich auch durch bedrückende äußere Umstände nicht unterkriegen lassen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Veterinary Clinical Skills Manual

        by Nichola Coombes, Ayona Silva-Fletcher

        Down-to-earth and intensely practical, this book and video package provides step-by-step guidance on the essential clinical skills required by veterinary students before they face clinical situations encountered in the real world of the busy veterinary professional. - Contains step by step illustrations and photographs, complemented by videos of clinical procedures which can be viewed on your desktop, smartphone or tablet. - Covers the essential key skills that veterinary students need to know. - Details a whole range of techniques, from surgical, anaesthesia and laboratory through to everyday essential and diagnostic skills, in both farm and companion animals. - Describes in-depth the use of simulators in learning key skills. - Provides advice on preparing for OSCEs and practical exams. This book is the go-to manual for an essential grounding in key veterinary clinical skills for all students and educators of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Bovine Pathology

        A Text and Color Atlas

        by Claus D. Buergelt, Edward G. Clark, Fabio Del Piero

        Illustrated with over 1000 color images of the highest quality, Bovine Pathology: A Text and Color Atlas is a comprehensive single resource to identifying diseases in dairy cattle, feedlot cattle, and their calves. With summary text describing key features, the book correlates clinical information with pathology and differential diagnoses. The text covers naked-eye macroscopic appearance, through to microscopic pathology, and the immunohistochemistry of infectious agents and tumor markers. Structured by major organ system, the disease entries follow a consistent format and clarity of display. This, combined with an integrated E-book, handy fact sheets, summary boxes and key points, helps aid understanding. Key features include: - Over 1000 superb color images to illustrate the pathologies - A thorough review of mainly western hemisphere diseases of cattle covering macroscopic appearance, microscopic appearance, and immunohistochemistry - Synoptic layout, fact sheets, summary boxes, succinct legends and key bullet points supports its use as a field guide or revision aid - Organised by major organ system which ensures that vital facts can be found quickly - A unique chapter covering calf-hood diseases Serving as an essential reference work for veterinary pathologists who perform bovine necropsies, veterinary residents and students, the book is also practical enough for bovine practitioners who need to investigate sudden death losses of cattle on the farm.


        by Joan Boix

        SF and horror comics published previously at magazines, now compiled in a hardback volume.

      • Fiction
        April 2021

        Composite Creatures

        by Caroline Hardaker

        Reminiscent of Margaret Atwood, Han Kang's Vegetarian, Megan Hunter’s The End We’re Starting From and Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, with a pinch of Black Mirror. Birds are gone. It only became noticeable when none were left. Norah’s mother collected their feathers on the ground and preciously passed them onto her daughter. She was an artist and dreamed of better things. But Norah isn’t her mother. In fact, she wasn’t even there when she passed away. She’s pragmatic and does ok in her 9-5 insurance job. Norah is in her thirties now and her date with Art (short for Arthur) has been cautiously engineered. They both meet in a restaurant, bringing their portfolio. Afterwards, each in the silence of their own little flat, they delight in reviewing the files: they’re a match. And when they spend their first night together, folding their clothes neatly on the side and only touching the tips of their fingers under the duvet tucked around their necks, they know they’re in for something special. And it doesn’t disappoint. The couple are soon selected for the most exciting upgrade: they’re given a creature. It comes with a strict set of rules, mostly to keep it in a safe secluded environment – the loft has been prepared for this – and not to get attached. But Norah soon pushes the boundaries: letting the cute ball of fur run wild in the house and sleep in their bed. While Art keeps his distance, Norah gets closer to it (or her!) by the day and even gives her a name. As ‘Nut’ grows, and starts to develop features uncannily similar to Norah’s and Art’s, the reason behind Nut’s existence becomes impossible to ignore anymore and the couple must face a devastating reality which tests their bonds to family, memory, and each other forever. A dark and haunting take on both literary and science fiction.

      • Fiction
        April 2020


        by Andrew Yeh

        Disaster, biological warfare, environmental catastrophe, and resistance to hegemony. No, it’s not a description of 2020; it’s Andrew Yeh’s science fiction collection, GREEN MONKEY SYNDROME. Originally published in 1987 and has never gone out of print, these stories reflect a dystopian future so resonant with our own, it is almost like they came out yesterday.   Set in a fictional East Asia, the four stories narrate the struggles of the tiny island nation of Buron to resist the onslaught of its much bigger neighbor, Garsia, via any means necessary. “Green Monkey Syndrome” describes the disaster of a pathogenic weapon leaked among indigenous tribespeople; “The Gaoka Case” tracks through case files a pharmaceutical offensive designed to take advantage of the enemy’s patriarchal culture; “I Love Thee Winona” and “The Lost Bird” describe campaigns to manipulate disastrous weather patterns and deliver bio-weapons through migrating birds.   These stories, fortified by the author’s own extensive research, paint a picture of transnational warfare and brutal environmental imbalance that will chill the blood of anyone who has been reading this year’s news. Yeh’s surgically precise language and compelling narratives read like 1984 meets BRAVE NEW WORLD meets the front page of the New York Times.

      • November 2021

        The History of Science Fiction

        A Graphic Novel Adventure

        by Xavier Dollo & Djibril Morissette-Phan

        Journey through time and space with this graphic novel history of the Sci-Fi genre, from Mary Shelley to William Gibson and Philip K. Dick to Ken Liu and Ted Chiang, and more. Trace the progress of SF through modern times and learn why key figures and inventors like Thomas Edison and Elon Musk have looked to Sci-Fi to predict the future.For the first time in illustrated form, this comprehensive history of Sci-Fi traces its origins and charts its history from its beginnings as a “schlock” genre to its respected status today.Who is considered the world’s first science fiction author? How did American science fiction begin? What sci-fi novel is the all-time best-seller? Discover the origins of your favorite page-to-screen Sci-Fi movies. Find out why Sci-Fi so effortlessly captures our imaginations and makes us dream of new worlds.The answers are here, along with detailed chapters dedicated to the founders of the genre and their modern-day successors.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        Team Zed

        Shell Game

        by Craig Gallant

        The second book in the series based on the tabletop game, "Infinity" from Corvus Belli, SL

      • Fiction
        October 2020


        by Mark Barber

        The first in the furhter adventure novels set in the tabletop game world of Infinity

      • Devourer

        A Graphic Novel

        by adapted by Jean David Morvan, illustrated by Yang Weilin

        The Earth receives a warning: A colossal, ring-shaped extraterrestrial spacecraft hurtles toward the solar system, intent on invading in the next century. Humanity prepares for war, harnessing nuclear power to acceler- ate the Moon so it can be used as a projectile. The spaceship takes heavy losses, but humanity is unable to secure a victory. When the soldiers return to a devastated Earth, they discover that the spaceship pilots were dinosaurs of old. The dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct, but rather left the Earth because of climate problems to find a viable place to live elsewhere in the universe. They are now returning to plunder the Earth for resources. The dinosaurs’experi- ence leaves a deep impression on the soldiers, who decide to sacrifice themselves so that the last remaining life on Earth, ants, can live.

      • The Wandering Earth

        by Christophe Bec,Stefano Raffaele

        The life-bringing sun is on track to have a catastrophic helium flash within the next four hundred years, which would wipe the Earth from the universe entirely. To survive, humani- ty constructs massive engines on Earth that keep running nonstop, gradually taking Earth out of the Sun’s orbit. Braking, escaping, and hostile living conditions wear down humanity’s hope. People who believe that civilization has already been destroyed form a rebel faction, carrying out a ruthless execution of those who still believe that the Sun will undergo a helium flash.

      • Sea of Dreams

        by Jok,Rodolfo Santullo

        An annual ice sculpture festival draws the attention of an extraterrestrial visitor, who learns how to create such art and decides to use local resources to sculpt a piece in a gesture of goodwill. All the water in the ocean is sent to the stratosphere, where the ice sculptor uses splendid techniques to create crystal dominoes scattered by a giant of the cosmos. In the world of the ice sculptor, art is the sole reason for civilization’s existence. After the ice sculptor creates the pinnacle of beauty, but also brings forth devastation and disaster, humanity decides during Earth’s last breaths to fight for their survival.

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