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      • Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG

        With over 120 years of experience Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG is a family owned, independent publishing company and has, as of now, 750 titles available. We specialize amongst others in the fields of psychology, education, gerontology and social work and publish an average of 45 new titles every year. Internationally known as quality research literature, our publications have been translated into over 30 languages.Reinhardt Publishing cooperates with professional institutions and associations such as the German Association for Psychology or the Association for Bodypsychotherapy and is a member of utb GmbH – a university-focused joint venture of 15 German  academic publishers.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Den Sturm ernten


        by Phil Klay, Hannes Meyer

        Phil Klay verwandelt seine Erfahrungen als US-Marine in eine weltumspannende Geschichte des Krieges. Er legt ein brillantes erzählerisches Zeugnis ab von den Verheerungskräften der Zivilisation, von Liebe und Hass, Schuld und Stolz in einer globalisierten Welt. Am Ende zählt nur eins: auf der richtigen Seite stehen. Doch für die vier Menschen in dieser Geschichte, alle aus Idealismus an einen Ort der Gewalt im kolumbianischen Dschungel gekommen, ist die Grenze zwischen Gut und Böse längst verronnen. Sie setzen ihr Leben ein – als Mitglied der US-Special-Forces, als Journalistin, Patriot, Paramilitär –, sie kämpfen um das Schicksal eines Landes, dessen Fundamente abgetragen wurden, von falschen Freunden in Washington, den Drogen, jahrzehntelangen Heilsversprechen. Und sie suchen mit aller Kraft Antworten auf eine Frage: Was heilt die Wunden der Geschichte, was lässt den Schmerz vergessen und an das Gute glauben?

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2013

        Bin im Garten!

        by Susanne Wiborg, Rotraut Susanne Berner

        »Garten ist genau wie das richtige Leben: durchwachsen«, schreibt Susanne Wiborg. Es gilt viel zu graben, zu harken und zu pflanzen, doch es kehrt auch immer wieder Ruhe ein. Dann findet der fleißige Gärtner Zeit, die Früchte seiner Mühsal zu ernten und sich die Pracht genauer anzusehen: von zarten kaltblütigen Vorfrühlings-Zyklamen und Mondviolen über den Perückenstrauch bis hin zur Wegwarte. Und auch die Tiere kehren zurück: Schnecken ziehen übers Beet, ein Sperberweibchen kommt vorbei und dann zeigt sich auch die lang erwartete Erdkröte …

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Zwischen dir und mir wächst tief das Paradies


        by Robert Schindel, Christof Subik, André Heller

        »Zwischen dir und mir wächst tief das Paradies / Wir wolln uns gegenseitig vorwärtsführen / Und ernten uns als Schweigeschattenriß« – Robert Schindel, geboren 1944 in Bad Hall, Oberösterreich, lebt als Schriftsteller in Wien. Er hat neben Romanen, Erzählungen und Drehbüchern zahlreiche Lyrikbände veröffentlicht. Seine Gedichte sprechen von Heimat und Exil, berichten von Reisen und Alltagserfahrungen – und von der Liebe. Melancholische Vagantenpoesie, die an François Villon erinnere, hat man seine Gedichte genannt, und sie seien wahlverwandt mit denen Heinrich Heines und Bertolt Brechts, Paul Celans und Peter Huchels. Vor allem Schindels virtuose und facettenreiche Liebesgedichte, aus denen dieser Band eine Auswahl vorlegt, zeigen die Doppelbödigkeit des Erlebens und der Poesie, sie sind lebensvoll und sinnlich und zugleich bitter in ihrem Humor und fordern dazu auf, sich nicht um die Erfüllung des Daseins betrügen zu lassen. »Während wir uns küssen Mund und Ohren Tritt Fremdheit ein und applaudiertIm Beifall der Vereinigung

      • Trusted Partner

        Pflügen, Säen, Ernten

        Landarbeit und Landtechnik in der Geschichte. (Deutsches Museum)

        by Herrmann, Klaus

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        March 2021

        Gemüse ernten ohne Gießen

        Growing Vegetable without watering

        by Christine Weidenweber

        Smart gardening with 44 dry-tolerant plants Do you want to avoid having to water constantly on hot summer days, and instead design your garden to be more sustainable? This book shows you how to establish a dry-tolerant garden – 44 robust perennials, shrubs, pot and climbing plants that are useful for animals in the garden as well, smart projects from rain gardens to wall planting, along with basic troubleshooting for weather damage, pests and diseases. The book also covers all the basic principles regarding natural cycles, soil maintenance and site-appropriate gardening with a focus on conserving resources. For example, did you know that you can save considerable watering quantities by adopting a smart mulching approach? And meanwhile, you’ll also be establishing an excellent microclimate, both for yourself and for the natural environment.

      • November 2019

        Gelobtes Land - Hoop


        by Christine Heimannsberg

        Dystopische Climate-Fiction: In Europa ist nichts mehr, wie es war: Nach dem Vorfall ist der länderreiche Kontinent auf einen Bruchteil seiner Größe reduziert und wird von einer restriktiven Regierung sowie archaischen Clans beherrscht. Die oberste Maxime lautet, das Überleben der männlichen Nachkommen zu sichern.   Als die achtzehnjährige Lore von einem Treffen mit ihrer heimlichen Liebe Jul auf den elterlichen Hof zurückkommt, bricht die Katastrophe über sie herein. Der Anführer des Nachbarclans ist tot - in Notwehr erschlagen von ihrem jüngeren Bruder Jame. Lore muss mit ihm fliehen und alles zurücklassen. Ihr Ziel: das Gelobte Land, ein mystischer Sehnsuchtsort, von dem niemand weiß, ob es ihn wirklich gibt, oder wo er sich befindet.   HOOP – Der erste Band zur Trilogie über Hoffnung, Glaube und Liebe in einer vom Klimawandel und der Macht des Stärkeren geprägten Zukunft.

      • The Forest Gardening Principle

        The Seven Layers to Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, Nuts and Berries

        by Sandra und Michael Skala

        The special thing about this book is its accessible tone and the authors’ direct, personal approach. Thanks to many years of experience, they know exactly how to create a forest garden and can share vast amounts of practical knowledge – made simple and accessible for everyone, even if you’re totally new to gardening. And it isn’t just (budding) forest gardeners who can benefit from this book; anyone who likes to grow their own can learn something from the many different methodologies explained here. No matter whether you want to plant your own forest garden or just to learn about the different methods this principle uses: in this book you’ll find plenty of useful guidance, valuable tips and tons of inspiration for how to integrate these elements into your very own space. Planning aids, plant lists for the individual layers, and numerous sketches and information tables will help you to implement it all smoothly at home and to find the strategy that works for you. Dig in!

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Schleichend an die Macht

        Wie die Neue Rechte Geschichte instrumentalisiert, um Deutungshoheit über unsere Zukunft zu erlangen

        by Andreas Audretsch/Claudia Gatzka (Hg)

        Slinking Into Power How the New Right is Instrumentalizing History to Gain Interpretational Sovereignty over Our Future   The New Right’s culture war A European perspective from renowned experts Contributions from Andreas Audretsch, Claudia Gatzka, Paul Jürgensen, Jürgen Kocka, Markus Linden, Stephan Ozsváth, Hedwig Richter   The New Right is striving for power within Europe. One of its strongest strategies: the instrumentalizing of history to secure its perspective in the minds of people. Myths about nations, their heroes and their struggles for independence are being leveraged to make nationalism and ethnocentric thinking socially acceptable again. What this indicates is that we need to battle for the past so that the liberal basis of our society can have a future. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany party evokes over a millenia of glorious German culture. Matteo Salvini in Italy is stylizing himself in the tradition of his country’s freedom fighters. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán wants to lead his nation back to its “historical greatness.” And even in the midst of the Corona crisis, the New Right is promoting the concept of a nationalistic renaissance as a solution. The populist illusion of “pure” homogenous societies is supposed to emerge as the future’s political consensus. This book analyzes the New Right’s strategies across Europe and also functions as a call to politicians and scholars, teachers and civil servants, to stand up to the misuse of the historical narrative.

      • February 2020

        Rebellious knowledge

        Diderot's battle for the Great French Encyclopedia

        by Klaus Möckel

        France, middle of the 18th century. In a time of feudal rule, moral decline and fierce religious disputes, the still little known philosopher Diderot and his publisher Le Breton decide to publish an encyclopedia of knowledge and thus of spiritual enlightenment. But this "Great Encyclopedia" met with bitter resistance. The prefect of police and his informers, the archbishop of Paris, the courts of justice, and dark men of all stripes fight the work. While Diderot rallies comrades-in-arms around him (d'Alembert, Voltaire, Rousseau), he is exposed to constant threats. Intrigues are instigated, the affair of a young abbé and an assassination attempt on the king conjure up the highest dangers. The allies fall out, and in the end the work is betrayed, almost causing it to fail.In this historically well-founded, exciting novella by the author and Romanist, who was already successful with "The King's Playgirls", "Gold and Galleys" and "Hot Goods under the Lily Banner", the contrasts of an entire epoch collide. Not only the mentioned persons, but also the king himself and his mistress, the famous Pompadour, intervene in the events. Nobles of different colors, clergymen, rich citizens like the publisher Le Breton, but also craftsmen, lackeys, prostitutes, populate an exciting event filled with contradictions.The controversies surrounding the "Great French Encyclopedia", hitherto little noticed by literature, are full of drama and challenge comparison with the religious and secular conflicts of our day.

      • March 2020

        The King's Playgirls

        France's most famous mistresses

        by Klaus Möckel

        "Now it had really happened, she was the whore of the heir to the throne. The courtiers would not dare to say this to her face, but they would think it. This is how the author begins his tale of Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of the future King Henry II, who is still considered one of the most beautiful women in French history. Self-confident and enterprising, she achieved great wealth and almost unlimited power. But the other ladies in this volume, the most famous of which is Madame Pompadour, also knew how to use their skills in bed and at court. Surrounded by splendour, mostly intelligent and cunning, the Entragues, the Montespan, the Du Barry enraptured their ruler and then led him on the corridor ribbon. Of course, their path was dangerous. Opposed by many a courtier and threatened by underhandedness, they could never lose the favour of their beloved - that would have meant their downfall.This book is a painting of customs, depicting four centuries of French history. Exciting in every detail, adventurous and full of humour, it shows the reader a world that captivates him or her with its intrigues that reach to murder, with its cunning and violence, but also with its charm and vivacity from beginning to end."As a lover of good historical novels, I can learn from this book... rave about this book. Klaus Möckel, novelist, poet and crime novelist, uses all these 'qualifications' for magnificent novels in shorthand" (from "L, the magazine for mature people", Cottbus).

      • Picture storybooks

        Eine Kiste Irgendwas / A Box of Something

        by Lena Hesse / Lena Hesse

        Chicken has ordered a big box of something and Rabbit can‘t help but imagine what it might be. It‘s certainly something useful for their life on an island. But what? For children from 3 years of age.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2022

        From Wholesome to Deadly

        A mind-expanding journey through the forgotten world of poisonous plants

        by Jan Grossarth

        Survival artists, murder weapons, life-givers Poisonous plants are alchemists. From sunlight, soil and water alone, they create nerve toxins, medicinal substances and hallucinogens. Their history is both many-faceted and exciting and tells of murder, intoxication, brilliant minds and scientific errors. In this book, author Jan Grossarth takes us on a journey through time, presenting the most important poisonous plants, describing mysterious deaths and offering tips on creating your own poison garden. And finally, he ventures a look ahead, as he is convinced that plant toxins are going to revolutionise agriculture and medicine – and safeguard our future.

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