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      • Das Eis schmilzt

        Klimaschutz und Wirtschaft neu denken

        by Arved Fuchs

        Well-known and experienced sailor Arved Fuchs has witnessed the disastrous developments of climate change first hand. He pointed out the urgency decades ago but politics and society have ignored and trivialized the problem for far too long. In dialogue with energy experts, scientists and local people, best practice examples, perspectives and ideas of individual communities are presented to counteract the powerlessness. The motto of the book remains posivie:  "We have a problem, but we can solve it.“  Emotionally, socio-politically, critically differentiated: Fuchs stands for 40 years of Arctic experience and due to its ICE camps and the current "Ocean Change" campaign, also in exchange with the younger generation. In autumn 2019 Fuchs received the "Seadevcon Maritime Award". The prize honours an annual personality, whose "life's work is exemplary for the struggle for a sustainable and respectful use of the oceans". In the context of various lectures and discussions Fuchs will continue to actively accompany the book.

      • January 2007

        Via Mystica

        All'uomo, in quanto essere amato

        by Giuseppe Pollano

        Dio è amore, Dio è carità: ecco il candore da far di nuovo brillare agli occhi del mondo. Queste pagine hanno dunque un solo obiettivo: restituire l’uomo d’oggi – e di sempre? – al dialogo amicale con Dio che lo ama. Gesù è il vero interlocutore di quest’uomo, il Gesù di Nazaret che ci ha perdutamente amato e ci vuole nella sua vita. Dialogo, interpellanza, invito, coinvolgimento che non hanno un filo di violenza pur essendo una corsa impetuosa verso il cuore e la libertà di ciascuno. Non c’è paura, in questa parola, non c’è anticaglia, non c’è impossibile: c’è semplicemente il prevalere di Dio, l’insinuarsi del suo amore dovunque, la forza radiante della sua natura nella nostra, in una parola Gesù che dimora in noi e noi in lui. Bisogna imboccare come nostra, senza tradimenti, la via della misticità.


        by Sergio Bambaren

        Per anni, Sergio Bambarén ha girato il mondo in cerca di una serenità all'apparenza irraggiungibile, spinto dal vento irrequieto del suo animo. Poi, proprio quando crede di aver finalmente conquistato l'equilibrio da sempre desiderato, ecco che arriva un figlio a sconvolgere ogni sua certezza. Solo stringendo tra le braccia il piccolo Daniel per la prima volta, Sergio si rende conto di non aver mai nemmeno immaginato le straordinarie implicazioni della paternità. Sopraffatto dalle emozioni, decide di prendere carta e penna per scrivere una lunga lettera al figlio. Una lettera in cui possano trovare sfogo tutte le parole che gli affollano la mente. Così, Sergio si mette completamente a nudo, raccontando pagine della sua esistenza che non ha mai condiviso con nessuno. Parla della sua infanzia in Perù, del primo amore, della passione per il mare. Svela i suoi sogni più intimi, le ambizioni più nascoste, le speranze più segrete. Ma non solo. Con lucidità e onestà, rievoca le paure, gli errori, le debolezze e le lezioni imparate a caro prezzo sulla propria pelle. Rimanendo fedele allo stile semplice e poetico che lo ha reso celebre, l'autore de "Il delfino" parla per la prima volta della meravigliosa esperienza che gli ha cambiato la vita, regalandoci un messaggio d'amore intenso e dolcissimo, che va dritto al cuore.

      • Baby - cosa vuoi mangiare?

        Libro di Lingua elementare per i piú piccoli

        by Kathrin Dreusicke / Roberto Di Bartolomeo

        Il mio bambino ha fame e non vuole mangiare quello che gli offro , Fino a quando non mi accorgo: la sua manina tocca la foto di un mandarino che è stampato su un annuncio pubblicitario. OK! cosí possiamo comunicare, anche senza parole. Ecco il primo libro in lingua materna, affinché i nostri piccoli possano farsi capire.

      • Foglie sparse

        by Alessandra Jatta

        The October Revolution described through the incredulous eyes of a noble Moscow woman who sees her whole world collapsing in an instant. And her determination to try to save at least her family and her dignity in the midst of the disaster. Alessandra Jatta gives us an unusual perspective on some of the most dramatic moments in Russian history over the last century, revealing the thoughts and concerns of an entire social class at the moment of its decline. A true story, in which the use of photos, excerpts from diaries and documents belonging to the author’s direct ancestors adds value to a narrative that will leave you breathless.


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

      • Fun Experiments

        by Valeria Salandin

        Fun experiment book full of simple experiment to do at home


        by Various

        Nine lovely fairy tales, enriched by the illustrations and technique of Valeria Abatzoglu. The magic illustrations are developed on double and single spreads, with simple texts for all early readers.

      • Fiction

        I am Nirvana. The story of Kurt Cobain

        by Andrea Biscaro

        Kurt è la rock star più famosa del pianeta. Ha appena ventisette anni, ma ha già vissuto tutto. Adesso è solo, lontano dai riflettori e dai palchi, senza amici, senza più voglia di scrivere e di suonare, blindato tra le pareti dorate della sua reggia di Seattle.  Nella detonazione dello sparo Kurt rivive tutta la sua vita: l'infanzia ad Aberdeen, i locali, la nascita dei Nirvana, il primo contratto con la Sub Pop, la droga, il successo planetario e improvviso di Nevermind, il grunge, l'amore disperato per Courtney Love, la dipendenza dall'eroina, le tournée mondiali, la nascita di Frances Bean, In Utero, il policlinico di Roma, le disintossicazioni, Unplugged in New York. Fino a quel maledetto fucile Remington... A fargli immancabile compagnia è la voce di quell’amico misterioso al cui abbraccio mortale non saprà sfuggire.

      • Learning Music

        by Emanuela Carletti

        An illustrated little manual teaching the basics of musics, with drawings, games, curiosities and tests for the young musicians!

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020


        by Michele Cocchi

        Tommaso is 16 years old, and hasn’t left the house for 18 months – in fact, he barely leaves his room. He is what psychologists refer to as hikikomori: literally “pulling inward, being confined”. One day, he suddenly abandoned basketball, school, and all his hobbies, and now spends his time watching old NBA matches and playing video games. There is one game in particular which determines the structure of his days, and has become his only means of socialisation. The game is called Us: a multiplayer game where teams of three players carry out 100 challenges per year, one each day. The team that completes the challenge first, while staying united as a group, wins. Tommaso’s avatar, whose head is a skull, is called Logan. His other team members are Rin: a girl who resembles a Japanese manga character, and Hud: a character straight out of a shooter game. These three do not know each other – according to the rules of the game, they are not allowed to discuss their private lives – but they soon become friends. Every day, Us provides them with a “historical” mission. They will fight either for the victims or for the perpetrators – for example, as part of the Colombian FARC, with the German Nazis, or in support of Mandela in South Africa. Every day, they must work out how to reach the end of the mission while surrounded by the horrors of the twentieth century. Every day, they will have someone to save and someone to kill. They will soon discover that history can be brutal, and that it’s not always possible to be the hero.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        The Revenge of the Ill-mannered Orphans

        by Carolina Capria, Mariella Martucci

        Series - With zero choice in the matter, four little girls end up living in a mansion, which is literally falling apart, with a guardian, who’s literally gross. Then, a tornado comes and sweeps away misunderstandings, pessimism, and even their guardian. The tragicomic events are told in a light, irreverent style offering a glimpse into the lives of kids forced to grow up faster.

      • Children's & YA


        Picture Books Series

        by Luigi dal Cin

        A series of 13 picture books - each one collects the most traditional tales from a specific country. Every story is illustrated by a different artist, either international or local. It's possible to select the books of interest or to create a collection of tales from the world picking up the single tales from the various titles.  In the series: BRASIL, SCOTLAND, RUSSIA, CHILE, FAR EAST, ARCTIC REGION, AFRICA, MEXICO, OCEANIA, INDIA, ITALY, JAPAN, 1001 NIGHTS

      • Tantalum's rule

        by Claudio Forti

        Una luce penetrante. Un uomo confuso recuperato dalla polizia. E tante, troppe cornacchie.  Norman Barclay è un dirigente di successo, uso a tutti gli agi di New York, ma da quattro anni non dorme più. Le sue notti sono devastate dal ricordo ancora vivido di quella luce e alleviate solo dalle inebrianti prostitute di Madame Trilly. L’improbabile equilibrio è rotto da un uomo grigio e misterioso: John Smith. Così anonimo da non lasciare alcuna traccia di sé, se non un enigmatico biglietto da visita: ‘Professor Jeremy Kalwinsky, psicopatologo della memoria’.  Sarà un secondo biglietto, lascito di una coinvolgente notte d’amore, a spingere Norman a cercare l’aiuto di Kalwinsky per sbarazzarsi dei ricordi che lo tormentano. Insieme al sollievo dell’oblio arriverà però una inattesa discesa negli inferi dei dimenticati. Qui Barclay scoprirà una grigia verità ben più inquietante dei ricordi...

      • Children's & YA


        Fiction series

        by Nicoletta Costa

        A fiction series of 12 titles where the shy bunny Julius takes on various adventures accompanied by his friends. Simple stories for first readers with stickers and simple activities at the end of the book.


        Picture Books

        by Nicoletta Costa

        A series of picture books where Julius the Bunny is the protagonist of stories about various feelings - anger, sweetness, fear, courage, enthusiasm, boredom...

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.


        Picture Book

        by Gek Tessaro

        A special picture book made with paper craft technique, where characters are little bugs hidden in the grass. They tell about the surrounding world from their perspective, representing some of the most important values like acceptance and respect of differences. FULL ENGLISH MANUSCRIPT AVAILABLE

      • Super detox

        by multiple authors

        The concept behind the 65 recipes in this series is basic: simple ingredients, just a few and the most used everyday, to transform into delicious, original, impressive and easy-to-make dishes with a few simple moves. Every recipe is completed by the Instagram-friendly photo of the finished dish.Detox contains many ideas to eliminate wastes and toxines from the body, and hence feeling lighter and more active. The secret lies in the careful choice of foods and cooking methods

      • Super salads

        by Multiple authors

        The concept behind the 65 recipes in this series is basic: simple ingredients, just a few and the most used everyday, to transform into delicious, original, impressive and easy-to-make dishes with a few simple moves. Every recipe is completed by the Instagram-friendly photo of the finished dish.From the easy, tasty and fast-to-prepare recipes of Salads - with a complete section dedicated to the “out of home” and the dressings, to a selection of recipesto detoxify your body with healthy, nutritious and tasty ingredients.

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