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      • Evernade Creative Circle

        An Alliance of Dream Weavers First comes the dreams. And then we take out our pens and notebooks and weave those dreams into medias that we can see, hear and even enjoy. The realities in our minds become realities in other people's too. Initiated by Andry Chang, author and creator of Everna Saga, Adilaga and Martial Worlds, we collaborate with illustrators, game developers and many creators in the intellectual property industry. And our orientation is always global. Our current intellectual property brands in developent are: - Everna Saga - Adilaga (part of Martial World) Everyone can be Evernade.Evernade is everyone,everywhere,everything.

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      • Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2016

        Tony Ninguno

        by Andrés Montero

        Un árabe abandona en un circo de pueblo a un niño junto a dos antiguos libros: Las mil y una noches. Cuando la trapecista del circo se lesiona, decide memorizar las historias para contarlas al público. Así le dará vida a Sherezade y el rey Shariyar hasta el punto de confundir, ella y el niño abandonado, sus roles dentro del mundo de la verdad y de la ilusión. Esta novela fue reconocida en 2017 con el X Premio Iberoamericano de Novela Elena Poniatowska.

      • Poor rich Brazil. Stories from a big country that fails to become a great country

        Storie di un paese grande che non riesce a diventare un grande paese

        by Franco Vaselli

        Tre ‘c’ a magnificarne le eccellenze: caffè, calcio, carnevale.E tre ‘p’ a marcarne le realtà scomode: pobres, pretos, prostitutas. Terra di inebrianti mulatte, di musiche dall'allegria contagiosa, di risorse naturali senza pari e di inimitabili campioni del calcio – da Pelé a Garrincha, da Zico a Sócrates.Ma anche terra delle favelas e degli squadroni della morte, delle mamme-bambine e delle enormi disparità sociali, del genocidio degli indi e della distruzione dell’Amazzonia. Un paese grande, il quinto al mondo, che da sempre aspira a diventare un grande paese e che, dai militari a Dilma Rousseff, questo ha sempre promesso ai suoi pazienti abitanti. Un paese in cui calcio, carnevale e sesso sono stati usati come narcotici per evitare la rivolta e le telenovelas come il circo dei romani, per divertire e distrarre la gente. In questo reportage ‘vissuto da dentro’, Franco Vaselli racconta i molti volti di un paese a lui caro e squarcia il velo sulle ipocrisie e gli stereotipi della più grande democrazia sudamericana, raccontando storie e personaggi che vi faranno conoscere meglio il Brasile, nel bene e nel male. Con l’obiettivo dichiarato di contribuire ad abbattere i troppi luoghi comuni che lo circondano.

      • Djô

        by Gilles Eduar

        One day, Djô, a little yellow monkey who dreams of flying, winds up in a circus, where he makes friends with the elephant Rebab. Rebab is old and tired and wants to go back to the place he was born. On their journey back to the forest, Djô and Rebab discover the true meaning of friendship.

      • Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Los Mil y un Dias

        Cuentos Juveniles Cortos

        by Ann A Guerra/Author,Daniel Guerra/Co-Author, Art of Winning Rock, Inc.

        This book contains a compilation of 12 juvenile shorts stories.  Is stories made from different parts of the world. Different races and culture.  Moral, cultural, values and adventures.

      • Poetry


        A poetry book written by Enrique Bunbury, focusing on his personal life and microdoses as a form of self-discovery.

        by Enrique Bunbury

        MicroDosis is a diary written during the last two years in which Enrique Bunbury decides to experiment in his conscience the ingestion of microdoses of psilocybin. The genre chosen by the author to narrate this inner journey is poetry. In this way Bunbury consolidates his incursion into literature after the appearance in 2021 of his first collection of poems Exilio Topanga (La Bella Varsovia) adding to the aesthetic features present in that one an atmosphere of psychedelia and a critique of "the mental norm" of the system. MicroDosis is an experiential and intimate book that contemplates the daily routine with eyes that open without hesitation the doors of another perception. Space and time acquire a new depth, just as they do in Krishnamurti's diaries, grafting onto its passages the heritage of the American beat generation, the oneirism of David Lynch and a very filmic plasticity that runs through Los Angeles with a neural network in flames. Taking the words of Vicente Gallego in his prologue: "Of that extinction of oneself in the cosmic amplitude, of those inner journeys where the familiar becomes unacceptable and the prodigious dawns to its prodigality the pages of this book written with his underpants off, but full of affection for everything, including the always vain spectacle of this world, speak to us." Four editions since March 2023 6000 copies sold

      • The Arts

        Bauhaus Women Designers

        History of a silent revolution

        by María Vadillo

        In 1919, Walter Gropius founded the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany): a place for construction. The project was born as a utopian school in which to train, integrating various artistic disciplines through the object and architecture, the new craftsmen that would be demanded for a sweeping beginning of the century. An idea that would evolve into design from its headquarters in Dessau with the famous "art and technology: a new unity". However, the intellectual recognition of the Bauhaus is a fact that historically focused on its male protagonists, forgetting a number of women artists, designers, set designers, painters or architects trained there who contributed decisively to this "revolution", and whose work in the imaginary about the Bauhaus has remained invisible, despite developing their respective careers with an unquestionable international impact. With this work, Marisa Vadillo fills this gap, completing the reality of the school by recounting the outstanding role of these fundamental authors in an unrepeatable episode of twentieth-century art.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        El arte de la cháchara - La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        by Daniel Rojas Pachas

        La trilogía sobre la retórica del poder, que Enrique Lihn nos ha legado, fue creada bajo el signo del bufón y la podemos entender como literatura plural y abigarrada. Antonio Cornejo Polar señala en torno a estos dos conceptos: "corresponde a una especie de supradiscurso multiétnico que acumula, sin sintetizarlas, sus hondas y extensas contradicciones".  En ese tenor, Enrique Lihn señala en uno de sus versos, dedicados al ocio increíble del que somos capaces: “el estilo que por lo cierto no es el hombre / sino la suma de sus incertidumbres”.  En busca de la contradicción inherente, el autor chileno crea realidades ficcionales, que se apartan de lo documental y privilegia generar efectos de enmascaramiento y una comunicación que se da en términos de una combinación de estados neuróticos y paranoides. Habla que remite a un marco de censura y vigilancia, al punto de extremar el locus horridus propiciado por un poder corrupto e irrefrenable. Se trata del reino en que prevalece la palabra vacía e impotente que surge de la censura. Daniel Rojas Pachas nos entrega en este ensayo, una visión profunda y crítica de la narrativa, de uno de los escritores chilenos más importantes del siglo XX.

      • Graphic novels
        December 2017

        Los Fantasmas del Viento

        by Oscar Barrientos/Cristian Escobar/Mirko Vukasovic

        Magallanes, – escriben sus autores-  la última región de Chile en ser colonizada, posee una historia que ni bien termina de ser narrada, es necesario escribirla nuevamente; una serpiente con plumas de pingüino, con pezuñas de guanaco, que se muerde la cola y habla en español, croata, con un acento sureño “cantadito” al son de una estufa con agua para el café, mientras afuera nieva, llueve y sale el sol simultáneamente. “Los Fantasmas del Viento” es una publicación que busca actualizar y enfrentar tanto a magallánicos como a chilenos no sólo con la historia de la Región, si no también con la cultura y naturaleza increíble, fantasiosa, descabellada y últimamente, muy real

      • The Great Beyond

        by Silvia&David Fernández, Mercè López

        The artists of Galaxy Circus risks their lives every single day: they fly in the trapeze without a safe net, they swallow swords and fire, they are shot by cannons... Maybe for that reason they talk so much about death. Is there an afterlife? How would it be? At Galaxy Circus there are many different points of view.

      • Graphic novels

        Arde Cuba

        by Agustín Ferrer Casas

        Accompany Errol Flynn and Frank Spellman along to do the only interview that Fidel Castro allowed before he took La Habana. HISTORICAL ADVENTURE HUMOUR When photographer Frank Spellman travels to Cuba accompanied by Hollywood star Errol Flynn, he doesn’t expect that a simple shooting location for a movie will soon transform into a tropical nightmare. Mafia thugs, CIA agents, careless representatives of multinational companies and military intelligence officers all fight to save the remains of the corrupt and violent regime of Fulgencio Batista against the advancing Castro guerrillas. José Sanchis award winner for the Best Graphic Novel 2018 Award winner for the Best Script 2018 (Salón Internacional del Cómic de Donostia)

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        September 2019

        Cuentos META

        by Enrique Patiño, Hadley Pennington Keefe, Federico Palomera, Lautaro Vincon, Belén Palos, Thais Díaz Montalvo, María Toca, Dixon Acosta Medellín

        Is the goal the beginning or the end? Is the goal sequel or consequence? META Stories brings together eight narrative voices that transform realities, invert solutions and reconcile results with objectives, so that the purpose of their actions exceeds their own expectations. Some of the inhabitants of this playing field are: an ambitious journalist and an anti-establishment revolutionary planning known theories on outdated models; a perfect couple who decides their own path of perdition; a Russian teacher determined to beat the winter cold in postwar Spain; a young woman who finds a peculiar way of transmuting her family reality; a dressmaker's apprentice who in World War II Paris amends wrappings and fabrics; a mother who is reborn in a story already written; a woman who prefers to live to imagine, and for whom an outcome is reconstructed; and a man who learns the true meaning of not scoring a goal. The characters and voices in these stories pose new challenges in the extremes of a biographical journey in which the beginning and the end are part of a process of knowledge.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2016

        Musas, mecenas y amantes.

        Mujeres en torno al Surrealismo

        by Victoria Combalía

        What do these six women have in common, apart from having lived in an extraordinary world and era? They are better known as companions of the male protagonists of their time - Man Ray, Max Ernst, Samuel Beckett, André Breton, TS Eliot or Jean Cocteau, among others - than for their own works. However, they were much more than a name on a caption or a handsome face adorning parties and literary salons.

      • Children's & YA

        School Mayhem #2

        Blanca and the Barbarians

        by Hugo Tormenta, Clara Soriano

        Adrian, Blanca, Charlie, Daphne, Eric... No name starts with the same later, and each has a madcap story to tell. It's impossible to be bored in class 3-A, because the students come up with the most incredible adventures.   Blanca is a very rebellious girl. She gets in a ton of fights and she gets time out every two seconds. But it?s not her fault that bad words aren?t allowed! That?s why she decides to create her own secret language with hand signs in order to express herself the way she wants. At the beginning, it?s a total success, but a misunderstanding with a boy from another class will lead to a war without precedent at the craziest school in the world. Two sides battling against each other, the Gorillas and the Big Teeth. They?ll fight to conquer the other?s territory without remembering why they even began to fight in the first place. A fun story about misunderstandings and the sense-lessness of war in a school where anything can happen.   Anything could happen before the bell rings!

      • October 2019

        Parenting The Art of Caring and Loving Parenting. A proposal from the family resilience.

        by María Stella Rodríguez

        Este libro quiere aportar desde la resiliencia familiar a la tarea maravillosa de nuestros prodigar amor y cuidado a niños y jóvenes. Todos tenemos la obligación sagrada de cuidar la vida, cuando lo hacemos de forma consciente estamos paternando y maternando. Quien desarrolla esta actitud siente indignación ante los terribles atropellos a la infancia. Por ello es urgente que comprendamos y cambiemos los sistemas de creencias que limitan nuestra capacidad de amar y cuidar.

      • Cinematographic

        by Gema Sirven, Ana Pez

        "Cinematográfico is a riotous cavalcade through the fascinating story of cinema, from its beginnings to the present day. In just forty pages, images and text use the language and techniques of film - laced with a refreshing dose of irony and surprise - to give young readers a precise account of the history of film." Bologna Children's Book Fair 2020 - Jury How can children’s books tell the story of cinema? An invitation to get children to discover the fascinating world of cinema, its key protagonists, the different techniques and crafts of film making as well as the many possibilities for this media in the future.

      • The Arts
        April 2021

        The House as a Garden

        by Xavier Monteys

        A cross between an academic article and ingenious reflection in a journalistic style, in this book the concept of the house is extended to the garden, not only in a literal sense, but also metaphorical: houses with gardens, gardens inside houses, the house understood as a garden. The journey includes well known historical examples as well as rarities from architects such as Le Corbusier, Lina Bo Bardi and Bernard Rudofsky to popular or anonymous architecture to expand upon the idea of the house and garden.

      • Adiós a China

        Catorce mil kilómetros por un gigante en transformación

        by Suso Mourelo

        At the end of the 20th century, Suso Mourelo, made a hiatus in his activity as a teacher, reporter and scriptwriter to undertake a trip through China that would turn his plans for the future and his life itself upside down. It traveled nearly 15,000 kilometers in all types of transport, reaching Tibetan villages in the eastern mountains, villages of ethnic minorities in the borderlands, places abandoned by development, villages anchored in tradition, and industrial centers and cities in after modernity. An exceptional witness to the moments before the vertiginous change of the Asian giant, the author, thanks to his clear vision of the world and his peculiar way of traveling, draws a portrait of a China that was beginning to be what we know today, at the same time lived a China that will never return. Suso Mourelo is the author of dozens of stories, hundreds of journalistic reports, and several travel books. He has recently published The Western Frontier, The Alphabet of an Immigrant, and The Five Tombs of Genghis Khan.

      • Historical fiction
        September 2019

        Nigrinus. The condemnation of memory

        by Xavier N. Cervera

        The greatest Roman of his time, Marco Cornelio Nigrino Curiacio Materno, suffers the damnatio memoriae (the condemnation of memory) for posing a threat to Trajan aspirations, the other candidate to Caesar’s chair. Nigrino carved the most brilliant military career of his time, became the most awarded general, was named consul and ruled the Aquitaine, Moesia, and Syria provinces. However, the emperor Nerva is forced to choose Trajan as his successor. The chance of a civil war disappears with a quick movement that leads to the cessation of Nigrino, his forced exile and the prohibition of mentioning his name. Nigrino and his family, from Edeta, fought to keep their memory alive no matter how regardless of the difficulties imposed by those who saw their disgrace as a chance to inherit their influences and great fortune. Historical novel thoroughly set in the 1st century, retrieving the character of one of the most important personalities of our history, forgotten during nearly twenty centuries. The Edetan Marco Cornelio Nigrino, condemned to memory due to his rivalry with Trajan to gain Caesar’s chair.

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