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        We are a small publishing house that publishes the collection of children's books "The Adventures of Txano and Oscar". Our collection is available in paper and digital and the first book in the collection has more than 400,000 downloads in ebook.

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      • Zahorí Books

        Based in Barcelona, at Zahorí Books we are specialized in highly illustrated books and novelty books. Our catalogue outlines a number of titles covering a wide range of mostly non-fiction subjects attractive to children and adults alike.

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        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Children’s Safety Education

        by Four-leaf Clover Children’s Book Studio

        This series of books focuses on the status quo of frequent child safety accidents, and is compiled to enable children to correctly understand their surroundings and improve their self-protection ability for their healthy and happy growth. This series of books is compiled according to the Guidelines for Learning and Development of 3-6 Year Olds Children and the rules of physical and mental development of children. Consisting of 6 books with three volumes for bottom classes, middle classes and top classes respectively, these books are presented in forms of children's songs, stories, games; so that children can improve their self-protection ability in happy learning.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        The Official Record

        Oversight, national security and democracy

        by Peter Finn, Robert Ledger

        The construction, control and preservation of the Official Record is inherently contested. Those seeking greater openness and (democratic) accountability argue 'sunlight is [...] the best of disinfectants', while others seek stricter information control because, to their mind, sound government arises when advice and policy are formulated secretly. This edited volume explores the intersection of the Official Record, oversight, national security and democracy. Through US, UK and Canadian case studies, this volume will benefit higher level undergraduate readers and above to explore the Official Record in the context of the national security operations of democratic states. All chapters are research-based pieces of original writing that feature a document appendix containing primary documents (often excerpts) that are key to a chapter's narrative. As a result, this book interrogates the boundaries between national security, accountability, oversight, and the Official Record.

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        November 2019

        Paul Klee

        by Daniel Kupper

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2015

        Children’s Civilization Etiquette

        by Four-leaf Clover Children’s Book Studio

        For young children to be civilized and polite with an all-round personality and confident life, the early guidance and education are of essential importance. Taking into the consideration of children's realistic and practical life, this series of books focuses on civilization etiquette education for children. Its simple language with strong sense of rhythm and catchy feeling is easy for children to understand and remember. In addition, it also features various well-chosen beautiful pictures with a strong sense of interest for children as they love to see photos. This series of books will inspire children to learn, know, understand and make use of etiquette when they are young, and grow up to be good boys who are with civilized manners.

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        Fun Coloring Sticker Book for Babies

        by Green Books

        Fun Coloring Sticker Book for Babies consists of stickers and coloring. It guides children to use hands and brains simultaneously, and stimulates children's unlimited potential with multidirectional play. It's specially designed for children aged 2-5. Children can not only play stickers, but also paint in the process of reading. The figures are cute and colorful, enabling children to easily recognize the common things around and improve the ability of visual discernment and concentration, making babies’ early education enlightenment more diversified and intelligent!

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        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys

        by Le Fan, Duan Zhang Qu Yi

        There is a pervading idea, both in the east and west, that "big boys don't cry". To reach some cultural ideal of a "real man", boys are too often pushed to be tough and stoic and suppress their emotions. The Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys challenges this old tradition. Of course boys cry, and we should let them cry!   The series contains five books. I Want to Cry encourages boys to express their vulnerable feelings in appropriate ways. I Don't Want to Hit Back encourages boys to follow their hearts and stick up for themselves in the way they like. I am a Coward talks about self-acceptance. I Don't Want to be a Big Brother is for boys experiencing issues with new siblings. I Didn't Hear You talks about protecting boys' own little worlds.   All five stories came from author Le Fan's real experiences of raising two sons as a mother. While the books are certainly children's books, they could even be viewed as parent handbooks of sorts. The author has written their parents and other adults in little boys' eyes, and calls for parents and society to raise boys differently and understandingly so they can grow in positive, healthy ways.

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        March 1993

        Der Berg des bösen Rates

        by Amos Oz, Ruth Achlama

        Amos Oz richtet in der 1976 entstandenen Erzählung Der Berg des bösen Rates sein Augenmerk auf die Zeit unmittelbar vor der Gründung des Staates Israel. Im Mai 1946 werden der aus Schlesien 1932 nach Palästina eingewanderte Veterinärmediziner Hans Kipnis und seine aus Warschau stammende Frau Ruth zu einem Ball im Palast des Britischen Hochkommissars für Palästina eingeladen. Beide nehmen die Einladung zu dem Fest auf dem Berg des bösen Rates an, und im Verlaufe des Abends treffen beide eine existentielle Entscheidung - eine Entscheidung, die Ausdruck ihrer Elinstellung zu der sich abzeichnenden Gründung des Staates Israel ist. In dieser vielstimmigen, nach dem klassischen Muster der Novelle komponierten Erzählung ruft Amos Oz die unterschiedlichen Erwartungen der europäischen Einwanderer in Palästina vor der Gründung des Staates Israel in Erinnerung.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2025

        People and piety

        Protestant devotional identities in early modern England

        by Elizabeth Clarke, Robert W. Daniel

        This international and interdisciplinary volume investigates Protestant devotional identities in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England. Divided into two sections, the book examines the 'sites' where these identities were forged - the academy, printing house, household, theatre and prison - and the 'types' of texts that expressed them - spiritual autobiographies, religious poetry and writings tied to the ars moriendi - providing a broad analysis of social, material and literary forms of devotion during England's Long Reformation. Through archival and cutting-edge research, a detailed picture of 'lived religion' emerges, which re-evaluates the pietistic acts and attitudes of well-known and recently discovered figures. To those studying and teaching religion and identity in early modern England, and anyone interested in the history of religious self-expression, these chapters offer a rich and rewarding read.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Water and fire

        by Daniel Anlezark

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        October 2000

        Der Fischer Atlas Sexualität

        Fakten Trends Zusammenhänge

        by Mackay, Judith

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