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        Si pudieras cerrar los ojos y mirar hacia adentro, ¿qué verías? Nos han enseñado a programar el cuerpo y la mente para resolver la vida que ocurre fuera de nosotros, pero no conocemos quién vive adentro.Nadia Herencia cuenta la experiencia de vivir en otros planos de conciencia y comparte los mensajes que le llegan de ellos, y que le permitieron encontrar su verdadero camino de evolución. Nos propone, con su relato, recordar de dónde venimos y porqué hemos elegido volver a la Tierra.Este libro tiene como objetivo movilizar tu interior para que te animes a despertar.

      • Una Cita Contigo Misma

        by Lee Maritere

        Libro Best seller con mas 10.000 unas vendidas en centro América. Una Cita Contigo Misma: Como dejar de ser una opción para ser una prioridad. Este no es un libro de autoayuda más. Tampoco es una receta mágica para que tu vida sentimental mejore de la noche a la mañana. Se trata más bien de una mirada aguda y perspicaz, sabia y oportuna de una joven psicoanalista que "ha estado allí", que ha vivido en carne propia muchas de las situaciones con el sexo masculino sobre las que escribe y aconseja a sus fieles lectores. Un libro que como citó esta paciente nos ayudará a cambiar, ¡para nuestra mejores y beneficio! Nos merecemos ser felices. Best seller book with more than 10,000 some sold in Central America. An Appointment With Yourself: How to stop being an option to be a priority. This is not just another self-help book. It is also not a magic recipe for your love life to improve overnight. Rather, it is a sharp, insightful, wise and timely look from a young psychoanalyst who "has been there", who has lived through many of the situations with the male sex on which she writes and advises her loyal readers. A book that, as this patient mentioned, will help us change, for our best and benefit! We deserve to be happy.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2019

        How to make good things happen to you

        Understand your brain, manage your emotions, improve your life.

        by Marian Rojas

        The author offers a deep reflection, sprinkled with useful advice with an edifying aim, on the application of our abilities to achieve a full and happy existence. To this end, she brings together scientific, psychological and human points of view. This full and happy existence is achieved in the knowledge and optimization of certain areas of the brain. With this book we will learn to set goals and objectives, exercise our will, activate emotional intelligence, develop assertiveness, avoid excessive self-criticism and self-demands, and affirm our optimism.

      • Fiction
        January 2020


        by Aro Sáinz de la Maza

        Milo Malart, detective of the Catalan State Police, faces a particularly cruel and complex case. Monday at dawn a young man shows up at the police station covered in blood from head to toe. "Everyone is dead," he whispers before fainting. Analysis of his clothes confirms that the blood belongs to at least three people. Are the police looking at yet another victim, the survivor of a massacre? But why does he remain silent when he regains consciousness? There is another possibility: that he is the murderer. However, everyone describes him as a docile boy, unable to hurt a fly. Who is Lucas Torres really?

      • October 2019

        Parenting The Art of Caring and Loving Parenting. A proposal from the family resilience.

        by María Stella Rodríguez

        Este libro quiere aportar desde la resiliencia familiar a la tarea maravillosa de nuestros prodigar amor y cuidado a niños y jóvenes. Todos tenemos la obligación sagrada de cuidar la vida, cuando lo hacemos de forma consciente estamos paternando y maternando. Quien desarrolla esta actitud siente indignación ante los terribles atropellos a la infancia. Por ello es urgente que comprendamos y cambiemos los sistemas de creencias que limitan nuestra capacidad de amar y cuidar.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2021

        La era de Casandra

        Una apología del no saber

        by David Casacuberta

        La era de Casandra cuestiona la actual moda ensayística de intentar reducir la complejidad de nuestra sociedad a algún principio abstracto y mal definido con el que se pretende explicar todas las facetas de nuestra vida, ya sea ofreciendo escenarios apocalípticos u optimismos ingenuos. Como alternativa, el texto propone una epistemología del no saber, de aceptar que no existen modelos que lo puedan explicar todo y resolver cada problema desde su contexto concreto y la incertidumbre inevitable. En un tono ameno y a veces irónico, se analizan así tendencias actuales como el neurocientismo y creer que puede entenderse toda actividad humana con solo examinar detalladamente nuestras neuronas, la cultura de la cancelación, pasando por las teorías que presentan el mundo digital como un entorno manipulador del que no podemos escapar.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        From the Apple to the Screen

        Love, sex and desire in the digital age

        by Marta Roqueta

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2021


        by Antonio Agredano

        “In a world of winners, defeat is a kind of dissidence. Losing is not a romantic exercise, it hurts like a stepfather, but you learn. All victories are alike, but each defeat is similar in its own way; There are many ways to cry, but everyone drinks champagne the same way. This is not a football book. Not only. Because in football there is room for a life”. Julián Bellón, at the age of 40, returns to Córdoba due to the death of his father. That loss will drag him to his childhood, to his neighborhood, to the bars and to the people who saw him grow up, the last place of armored happiness before his life twisted and fell into a spiral of self-destruction. The boy who became a goalkeeper still dreaming of scoring a goal, the young man who later became a professional goalkeeper, today is a broken man cornered by memories of him. Is there time for redemption before the final whistle?

      • Against the Arrogance of Those Who Read

        Texts to rethink the act of reading

        by Cristian Vázquez

        It seemed to me that the different texts that appear in this book needed each other, and that each one of them knew the exact place it had to occupy, and that its limits fitted in so well with those around it as if they were the pieces of a detailed puzzle. I also feared that this collection might be superfluous and banal. Moreover, is it not even contradictory that under the title Against the 'Arrogance of Those Who Read', the mere notes of a reader are printed? In any case, I like to think of this book as the child of that tension. And of other tensions, such as that between reading and writing. Or the one that asks if there are differences between the writers who read and the readers who write, and if so, what are they? Or the one that seeks the last frontier in the eagerness to express love for books, in order to promote reading, without falling into the trap of becoming a crude propagandist or an obnoxious show-off.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2022


        by Francisco Cabezas

        Carlos García is told in the newspaper that his name is too common. For this reason, when he begins to write the chronicles of FC Barcelona, he signs as K. Behind the mask of the pseudonym, the student who dreamed of newsrooms engulfed in smoke and screams at closing time begins his promising career without having left university. But dreams are seldom made of real material. Between football stadiums, ballpoint pen caps and lonely hotel rooms, K. imposes on himself a happiness that he will never own. The rise and fall of a legendary team, the decrepitude of a profession that only finds refuge in the big headlines and some journalists who hide behind their screens set a chronicle of chronicles in which the final result remains to be discovered. Soccer players, journalism or K. Who will accept the final defeat?

      • May 2017

        Los mejores días

        by Magalí Etchebarne

        Certain events unfold, exquisitely and poetically, until we reach an illuminating passage: the precise moment of learning something important. With rare maturity for someone in her thirties, in the manner of Clarice Lispector, Lorrie Moore, or Grace Paley, these stories are a space for inquiry. Undoubtedly, this first book by Magalí Etchebarne is the best possible beginning to a work. It is also the book we all wish we could write someday. I Acevedo

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