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      • Proverse Hong Kong

        Proverse Hong Kong is a Hong Kong-based press publishing local and international authors with local and international content, including:  English-language and translated literary novels, short story and poetry collections, detective stories, mysteries and thrillers, non-fiction (biography, memoirs, travel, china missionary, education and law-court history; source materials including annotated archival transcriptions) ; poetry anthologies; YA fiction; books for students; academic studies (mainly with a Hong Kong and Hong Kong China focus). Formats: paperback, hardback, POD, e-books, audio. Publication awards: from local and international cultural bodies. Events: Spring and Autumn Receptions in Hong Kong with prize announcements and awards, book launches, authors’ brief talks. Prizes: We offer two annual international prizes for writing previously unpublished in English: 1) the Proverse Prize  for book-length works of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry; 2) the Proverse Poetry Prize  for single poems (max 30 lines). Open to all, 18+ irrespective of residence, nationality or citizenship.  Annual entry periods: 7 May-30 June. More information:

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1994

        Die blaue Villa in Hongkong


        by Alain Robbe-Grillet, Hedda Soellner, Rolf Soellner, Joachim Heinrich Campe

        Alain Robbe-Grillet wurde am 18. August 1922 in Brest geboren. Er hat Landwirtschaft studiert und später am Institut  National des Statistiques gearbeitet. 1953 publizierte er seinen ersten Roman: Les Gommes. In der Editions de Minuit versammelten sich mit Alan Robbe-Grillet, Michel Butor, Nathalie Sarraute, Marguerite Duras und Claude Simon die Gründungsfiguren des Nouveau Roman. »Der Nouveau Roman war von Anfang an sehr bekannt, aber genauso verkannt« hat Robbe-Grillet imner wieder gesagt. »Robbe-Grillet will die Objektivität in der Literatur einführen, schrieben die Kritiker. Ich protestierte schon damals dagegen - aber niemand nahm es zur Kenntnis.« 2001, kurz vor seinem 80. Geburtstag, überraschte Robbe-Grillet  Leser und Kritik mit seinem Roman La Reprise (Die Wiederholung, 2002), der als »Gründungstext des 21. Jahrhunderts«, als »einer der modernsten Texte der letzten Jahre« gefeiert wurde. Am 18. Feburar 2008 ist Alain Robbe-Grillet 85jährig in Caen gestorben.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2012

        Staatsschutzgesetzgebung und Medienfreiheit in der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong.

        Eine exemplarische Untersuchung des Art. 23 Basic Law unter Berücksichtigung staatstheoretischer, verfassungsrechtlicher und rechtskultureller Besonderheiten.

        by Lotz, Benjamin N.

      • Trusted Partner

        Movable Type·Destruction of Character - Character Destructed

        by Cao Fang

        This series is a collection of art works about character designing of The Global Exhibition of Characters held by Nanjing University of the Arts and student works. These three books are in different size and color, very well classified and designed. It contains art works about character design of diverse languages by several designers, such as Reza Abedini(Iran), Michael Bierut(USA),Robert Appleton(USA),Stephan Bundi(Swiss), Kit Hinrichs(USA), Lech Majewski(Poland)Leonardo Sonnoli(Italy), Clotilde Olyff(Belgium), Paula Scher(USA), Philippe Apeloig(France), Ahn Sang—soo(Korea), Shiraki Akira(Japan), Bi Xuefeng(China), Kan Tai—keung(Hongkong), Cao Fang(China), etc.. Also it collects high quality assigned project student works of font designing course. The world of typeface will totally amaze you. Won "The Beauty of Books in China " Prize in 2013.

      • Trusted Partner

        Movable Type·Collage of Character - Character Collaged

        by Cao Fang

        This series is a collection of art works about character designing of The Global Exhibition of Characters held by Nanjing University of the Arts and student works. These three books are in different size and color, very well classified and designed. It contains art works about character design of diverse languages by several designers, such as Reza Abedini(Iran), Michael Bierut(USA),Robert Appleton(USA),Stephan Bundi(Swiss), Kit Hinrichs(USA), Lech Majewski(Poland)Leonardo Sonnoli(Italy), Clotilde Olyff(Belgium), Paula Scher(USA), Philippe Apeloig(France), Ahn Sang—soo(Korea), Shiraki Akira(Japan), Bi Xuefeng(China), Kan Tai—keung(Hongkong), Cao Fang(China), etc.. Also it collects high quality assigned project student works of font designing course. The world of typeface will totally amaze you. Won "The Beauty of Books in China " Prize in 2013.

      • Trusted Partner

        Movable Type·World of Character-Character of the World

        by Cao Fang

        This series is a collection of art works about character designing of The Global Exhibition of Characters held by Nanjing University of the Arts and student works. These three books are in different size and color, very well classified and designed. It contains art works about character design of diverse languages by several designers, such as Reza Abedini(Iran), Michael Bierut(USA),Robert Appleton(USA),Stephan Bundi(Swiss), Kit Hinrichs(USA), Lech Majewski(Poland)Leonardo Sonnoli(Italy), Clotilde Olyff(Belgium), Paula Scher(USA), Philippe Apeloig(France), Ahn Sang—soo(Korea), Shiraki Akira(Japan), Bi Xuefeng(China), Kan Tai—keung(Hongkong), Cao Fang(China), etc.. Also it collects high quality assigned project student works of font designing course. The world of typeface will totally amaze you. Won "The Beauty of Books in China " Prize in 2013.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Kapitalismus ohne Demokratie

        Wie Marktradikale die Welt in Mikronationen, Privatstädte und Steueroasen zerlegen wollen

        by Quinn Slobodian, Stephan Gebauer

        Freiheit und Demokratie, so der Investor Peter Thiel 2009, seien nicht länger kompatibel. Wer die Freiheit liebe, müsse daher versuchen, der Politik in all ihren Formen zu entkommen. Zuflucht suchen könnten Libertäre im Cyberspace, im Weltraum und auf dem offenen Meer. Das mag verblasen klingen, steht aber in einer jahrzehntealten Tradition marktradikaler Ideen: Denker wie Milton Friedman begeisterten sich für das noch unter britischer Oberhoheit stehende Hongkong; Margaret Thatcher träumte von einem Singapur an der Themse. In seinem Buch Globalisten hatte sich Quinn Slobodian mit Versuchen befasst, ökonomische Fragen der demokratischen Willensbildung zu entziehen, etwa durch ihre Übertragung an internationale Organisationen. In Kapitalismus ohne Demokratie geht es nun um eine andere Lösung für das von Thiel beklagte Problem: die Zerschlagung der Welt in Steueroasen, Privatstädte oder Mikronationen. Quinn Slobodian nimmt uns mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die Welt der neoliberalen Utopien. Sie führt nach Dubai und Liechtenstein, ins vom Bürgerkrieg zerrüttete Somalia und zu Elon Musks texanischem Weltraumbahnhof. Und sie weitet den Blick auf eine mögliche Zukunft, die uns Sorgen machen sollte.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Bruce Lee

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Miguel Bustos, Silke Kleemann

        Bruce wurde im Jahr des Drachen in San Francisco geboren und wuchs in Hongkong auf. Als Kind spielte er in über 20 Filmen mit, aber das reichte ihm nicht, er tanzte auch Cha-Cha-Cha und liebte Fechten und Boxen. Zurück in den USA studierte er Philosophie und dachte sich seinen ganz eigenen Kampfstil aus. Außerdem eröffnete er Kampfschulen und produzierte Filme. Er wurde zum Vorbild vieler junger Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Schauspielerin, Fußballer oder Bürgerrechtsaktivistin, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen. Für welches Alter sind diese Bücher gedacht? Für Babys das perfekte Geschenk zur Begrüßung in eine Welt voller Träume! Und Eltern werden in schlaflosen Nächten von diesen Büchern dazu ermutigt, das Vorlesen zu einem selbstverständlichen Teil des Lebens zu machen. Kleinkinder werden von den Illustrationen verzaubert sein – sie werden zahlreiche Dinge entdecken. Auch sind die Bücher großartige „Vokabeltrainer“! 3- bis 5-Jährige werden alles, Illustrationen und Texte, geradezu in sich aufsaugen! 6-, 8- und 10-Jährige haben ein ausgeprägteres Verständnis für die Illustrationen und die Bedeutung der Geschichte – es geht nicht nur darum, sich selbst zu akzeptieren und die eigenen Zukunftsträume zu verwirklichen, sondern auch darum, andere so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind. Später: Die Bücher sind gute Geschenke zu jedem Anlass, denn die Träume der Kindheit können das ganze Leben lang Wirklichkeit werden.

      • Society & culture: general
        January 2018

        The Evolving Landscape of Media and Communication in Hong Kong

        by Edited by Yu HUANG, Yunya SONG

        Over the last twenty years Hong Kong society has witnessed dramatic change, and nowhere is this better reflected than in the realm of media and communications. Across the fields of journalism, public relations and advertising, we can see the changing trends in terms of audience consumption and interaction. From technological developments to the shift in audience participation, the expectations and functions of these professions have been greatly altered. While many of these changes are occurring worldwide, within Hong Kong the processes of change have been further complicated by recent social and political events. Through a selection of essays by field experts, this volume explores the evolution of media itself as well as the complex causes underlying these developments. It identifies not only the difficulties and opportunities for media professionals today, but also the evolving role of the audience.

      • Reportage & collected journalism

        The Summons of Centuries Past

        Reflections on Hong Kong: A True Account

        by Zhang Yawen

        What sort of changes has Hong Kong seen in the eighteen years(2015) since its return to China. And what sort of support has the motherland provided to Hong Kong's development? The author has strived to portray the reality of post-return Hong Kong, including:the tests faced by the PLA's Hong Kong garrison (as well as its achievements); the path to success and the contributions of a number of Hong Kong's elites; charity in Hong Kong; the lives of the city's people,as well as its culture, media, and education;the origins of clean governance in HongKong; the challenges the city faces, and its prospects. The author has written the truth of Hong Kong post-return.

      • Hongkong's Economic Transition & Cooperation with the Mainland of China

        by Wang Chunxin

        The book concludes the three economic traansitions of Hongkong, such as from entrepot to a industrial base, and then developed services, and now innovative economy. What's more, the book probes into the furtural cooperation betwbeen Hongkong and the Mainland of China.

      • March 2022

        More than 1001 Days and Nights of Hong Kong Internment

        A Personal Narrative

        by Chaloner Grenville Alabaster. Edited by David St Maur Sheil, Kwong Chi Man, and Tony Banham

        More Than 1001 Days and Nights of Hong Kong Internment is the wartime journal of Sir Chaloner Grenville Alabaster, former attorney-general of Hong Kong and one of the three highest-ranking British officials during the Japanese occupation. He was imprisoned by the Japanese at the Stanley Internment Camp from 1941 to 1945. During his internment, he managed to keep a diary of his life in the camp in small notebooks and hid them until his release in 1945. He then wrote his wartime journal on the basis of these notes. The journal records his day-to-day experiences of the fall of Hong Kong, his time at Stanley, and his eventual release. Some of the most fascinating extracts cover the three months immediately after the fall of Hong Kong and when Alabaster and his colleagues were imprisoned in Prince’s Building in Central and before they were sent to the camp, a period little covered in previous publications. Hence, the book is an important primary source for understanding the daily operation of the Stanley Internment Camp and the camp’s environment. Readers will also learn more about the daily life of those imprisoned in the camp, and C. G. Alabaster’s interaction with other prisoners there.

      • October 2016

        CITIES - Brennpunkte der Menschheit

        by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger, Peter Matzanetz, Paul Schreilechner,

        The satellite image book CITIES - Brennpunkte der Menschheit shows the fascinating variety of cities from all over the world. Repeatedly the selection of spectacular  high resolution images taken by state-of-the-art satellites surprises with unexpected perspectives. Cities in extreme situations, ghost towns planned for millions of people, fascinating city layouts are presented in an appealing sequence. Systematic, planned structures and chaotically grown patterns are shown in the colors of all continents. The dynamics of rise and fall is visible in the images as well as the current, increasingly rapid development of megacities.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2023


        by Korieocha Emmanuel Uwaozuruonye

        This compendium strives to confront the teething problems faced by students of international politics in respect of the complex issues of war and peace. This exercise is a deliberate attempt designed to unravel the tremor and illusion associated with the subject matter, to the benefit of the student. The target readerships of this book are students of history, international and diplomatic studies, political science, military science, strategic studies and sociology.

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