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      • Emily Publishing Company

        Founded in 2012 by Emily Chuang. Emily Publishing mainly publishes translated fiction, non-fiction and children's picture books and starts to represent selected books from Taiwan and Japan to all over the world since 2019.

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        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        December 2004

        Western Corn Rootworm

        Ecology and Management

        by Edited by Stefan Vidal, Ulrich Kuhlmann, C R Edwards

        Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, has been a major economic pest of maize in the Americas for many years. However, since the early 1990's it has become an increasing threat to crops in Europe and is expected to spread to all maize growing areas of the continent. This book provides a comprehensive review of current knowledge of the biology and ecology of this insect pest and how it might be managed in order to limit its damage as it spreads into new agroecological areas. Cultural, biotechnical, and biological control measures are addressed, as are ecological baseline data such as population dynamics, economic thresholds and aspects of its behaviour. The book also examines the potential of plant protection techniques currently used in North America to be applied in Europe.

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        Der Geist im Atom

        Eine Diskussion der Geheimnisse der Quantenphysik

        by P C Davies, J R Brown, Jürgen Koch

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2010

        Household servants in early modern England

        by R. C. Richardson

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        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1991

        Synopsis of Nectria Subgen. Dialonectria

        by G J Samuels, R Lowen, C T Rogerson

        Mycological paper with a synopsis of Nectria Subgen. Dialonectria.

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        January 2022

        Infectious Diseases of the Mouth, Second Edition

        by Scott C. Kachlany, Ph.D. and Brian R. Shmaefsky, Ph.D.

        Infectious diseases of the mouth include gingivitis, endodontic infections, periodontal diseases, and cavity-causing bacteria. Oral health has been identified as a major publich health challenge often overlooked by the general public. Good oral health is directly linked to good overall health. Filled with practical medical facts, Infectious Diseases of the Mouth, Second Edition clearly elaborates on the anatomy and biology of the mouth, the types of diseases that affect it, and how they can be prevented and treated.

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        Medical toxicology
        May 2011

        Poisoning by Plants, Mycotoxins and Related Toxins

        by Kip Panter, A C.F Amaral, A P.M Figueiredo, R A Schultz, A G Armién, B T Green, L C.B Fernandes, F Guedes, M C.J.S Lima, L X Mesquita, R C Rocha-e-Silva, I Pacífico da Silva, F M Boabaid, C J Botha, A C.L Câmara, C R Dogo, D R Gardner, James Pfister, K Welch, F B Grecco, P B Pal, B L Stegelmeier, S T Lee, T Z Davis, M B Almeida. Edited by Franklin Riet-Correa, James Pfister, Ana Lucia Schild, Terrie L Wierenga.

        This comprehensive collection of up-to-the-minute research in the field of poisonous plants investigates the effects of toxins on animals and humans. It covers the effects of poisonous plants on the liver, the reproductive system, and the nervous system, as well as exploring the field of herbal medicine. In a specialised section devoted to control measures, the book highlights techniques such as vaccination and taste aversion, providing the reader with important information on safeguarding against disaster. This volume is an essential reference for veterinarians, researchers, toxicologists and chemists.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1997

        Literatur in den den Rheinlanden und in Westfalen – Literatur in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Texte aus hundert Jahren in vier Bänden

        2: »Auf meinem Herzen liegt es wie ein Alp«. Literatur in den Rheinlanden und in Westfalen 1919–1945

        by Monika R. Schloz, Volker C. Dörr, Norbert Oellers, Hartmut Steinecke, Joseph Anton Kruse

        Volker C. Dörr, geboren 1966, studierte Germanistik, Philosophie und Kunstgeschichte in Bonn. Seit 2002 lehrt er als Privatdozent am Germanistischen Seminar der Universität Bonn. Er ist u. a. Mitherausgeber der beiden Bände Mit Schiller. Briefe, Tagebücher und Gespräche vom 24. Juni 1794 bis zum 9. Mai 1805 innerhalb der Frankfurter Ausgabe von Goethes Werken. Joseph A. Kruse, 1944 in Dingden bei Bocholt (heute Hamminkeln) geboren, ist seit 1975 Direktor des Heinrich-Heine-Instituts in Düsseldorf; 1986 wurde er zum Honorarprofessor an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf ernannt. Er gibt u. a. das Heine-Jahrbuch und die Heine-Studien heraus und hat zahlreiche Publikationen zu Heine und seiner Zeit sowie zu den Sammlungen des Heine-Instituts veröffentlicht.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        September 2006

        Climate Change in Developing Countries

        by Edited by Michiel A van Drunen, R Lasage, C Dorlands

        This book presents an overview of the studies conducted by the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance programme.The programme was set up in recognition of the need for developing countries, in particular, to face the challenges confronting all countries under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The book presents an overview of the main results in 13 countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mongolia, Senegal, Suriname, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe. It provides a critical evaluation of the methodologies and approaches used, a cross-country synthesis and recommendations for further studies. Subjects dealt with include not only impact studies, but also vulnerability and adaptation, mitigation and climate related policy.

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        Thriller / suspense
        December 2020

        CO2 - World Without Tomorrow

        by Roth, Tom

        CO2. A WORLD WITH NO TOMORROW is a fast-paced science thriller. For this story, Tom Roth takes movements such as Fridays for Future and the increasingly radical protests for climate change as his inspiration and point of departure. It seems that increasing numbers of people see themselves justified in resorting to radical measures in their efforts to save the planet and the future of humanity (children). And for the first time in history, the movement is emanating primarily from children and young people – whose future is at stake. Twelve children from twelve nations are kidnapped. They’ve been participating in a climate camp in Australia. From now on, one child will die every week unless the international community meets certain demands of the kidnappers for climate protection. As mankind waits with bated breath in anticipation of the first ultimatum expiring, the governments of the countries concerned are fighting over solutions. It soon becomes clear that this race is about much more than the lives of individuals, and that time knows no mercy. A topical issue of our times, highly emotional For readers of Marc Elsberg and Andreas Eschbach English outline and sample translation available

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        Medical parasitology
        August 2002


        The Cosmopolitan Parasite

        by R C A Thompson. Edited by Barbara E Olson, Merle E Olson, Peter M Wallis.

        This book covers all aspects of research into Giardia as an organism and giardiasis the disease. Based on papers presented at the 2000 ‘Giardia in the Rockies conference, held in Alberta, Canada, it contains contributions from leading international experts.Includes chapters on:biochemistry, biology, detection and diagnosishost-parasite relationships, zoonotic transmission and epidemiologytherapeutics and new drug targetswater treatment, legislation and policyGiardia in companion animals, in farm animals, and as a public health problem

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal breeding
        June 1999

        Poultry Meat Science

        by Edited by R I Richardson, C Mead

        This authoritative volume reviews the subject in a style which is comprehensible to the non-specialist. Contributions by leading authorities review avian meat science from basic meat structure and function, colour, texture and flavour, through to practical aspects of production, harvesting and slaughter factors affecting meat quality. The book is the result of the 25th Poultry Science Symposium held at the University of Bristol in September 1997.

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        Forestry & related industries
        September 2001

        Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems

        by Edited by David Karnosky, Reinhart Ceulemans, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, John L Innes

        Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons, are all increasing in the atmosphere. These gases are directly affecting biological processes in trees and ecological processes in forests.They are also causing considerable radiant energy to be trapped near the earth’s surface resulting in the so-called “greenhouse” effect which may significantly alter global climate in the 21st century. However, this issue is subject to some controversyThis book provides an authoritative review, written by expert world forest scientists, of what is known about the impact of elevated CO2 and other greenhouse gases on forest ecosystems.

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        Medical parasitology
        February 2009

        Giardia and Cryptosporidium

        by Edited by M G Ortega-Pierres, S Cacciò, R Fayer, T Mank, H Smith, R C A Thompson

        Giardia and Cryptosporidium are both parasites of considerable global interest due to the gastrointestinal problems the organisms can cause in humans as well as domestic and wild animals. This book presents a comprehensive overview of recent research. Chapters discuss topics from taxonomy, nomenclature and evolution to molecular epidemiology, advances in diagnostics and zoonotic, human and animal health issues.

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        Fertilizers & manures
        November 2006

        No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture

        by C J Baker, Scott E Justice, Keith E Saxton, Peter Hobbs, William R Ritchie, W C T Chamen, Don C Reicosky, Fatima Ribeiro

        This book is a much-expanded and updated edition of a previous volume, published in 1996 as "No-tillage Seeding: Science and Practice". The base objective remains to describe, in lay terms, a range of international experiments designed to examine the causes of successes and failures in no-tillage. The book summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of no tillage. It highlights the pros and cons of a range of features and options, without promoting any particular product.Topics added or covered in more detail in the second edition include:* soil carbon and how its retention or sequestration interacts with tillage and no-tillage* controlled traffic farming as an adjunct to no-tillage* comparison of the performance of generic no-tillage opener designs* the role of banding fertilizer in no-tillage* the economics of no-tillage* small-scale equipment used by poorer farmers* forage cropping by no-tillage* a method for risk assessment of different levels of machine sophistication

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Neurowissenschaft und Philosophie

        Gehirn, Geist und Sprache

        by Maxwell Bennett, Daniel C. Dennett, Peter Hacker, John R. Searle, Joachim Schulte, Daniel Robinson

        Als der Neurowissenschaftler Maxwell Bennett und der Philosoph Peter Hacker den Klassiker Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience veröffentlichten, war dies die erste systematische Untersuchung der begrifflichen Grundlagen der Neurowissenschaften und der Startschuss für den bis heute intensiv geführten Kampf um die Deutungsmacht über den menschlichen Geist. Besonders kritisch fiel seinerzeit die Auseinandersetzung mit den einflussreichen Arbeiten von Daniel Dennett und John Searle aus – also mit jenen beiden Denkern, die von der neurowissenschaftlichen Seite gerne als philosophische Gewährsmänner herangezogen werden. In Neurowissenschaft und Philosophie diskutieren die vier kongenialen »Streithähne« miteinander.

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        March 2024

        BiBiBiber hat da mal 'ne Frage. Warum leuchten Sterne?

        Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim & Marie Meimberg wissen, warum Teilchen im Universum tanzen und wir alle Sternenstaub sind

        by Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, Marie Meimberg, Marie Meimberg

        In diesem Sach-Bilderbuch haben Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim und Marie Meimberg auf über 100 Seiten all ihr Wissen in Antworten und Bildern vereint. Wenn Du dieses Buch liest, wirst Du verstehen, warum Sterne leuchten und was das mit tanzenden Teilchen, Luftdruck und Wärme zu tun hat. Mit dem Kohlenstoff-Kreislauf des Lebens, CO2 und Pflanzen. Mit der Entstehung des Universums, der Milchstraße und unserer Welt. Du wirst verstehen: Bei dieser kleinen Frage geht es um Leben und Tod. Und um Bausteine, die in Sternen entstehen. Bausteine, aus denen alles auf dieser Erde gebaut ist. Auch wir. Denn wir alle sind aus Sternenstaub. Wir schauen nicht nur in den Sternenhimmel. Wir sind ein Teil davon. Reise mit Marie und Mai zum Ursprung des Universums – und erlebe Erstaunliches! Wusstes du, dass wir alle Sternenstaub sind? Lüfte dieses und weitere überraschende Geheimnisse und staune, wie viele Wunder im Weltall stecken. Die promovierte Chemikerin Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim und die Kulturwissenschaftlerin Marie Meimberg haben ein Sachbuch für Kinder geschaffen, so großartig und vielfältig wie der Sternenhimmel. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und zugleich anrührend poetisch. Weckt den Forschergeist und die Freude an Wissenschaft bei Kindern ab 7 Jahren und begeistert auch erwachsene Fans des beliebten YouTube-Kanals „maiLab“.

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