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      • Liels un Mazs

        LIELS UN MAZS is an independent, family-owned publishing house founded in 2004, based in Rīga, Latvia. Since the very beginning, our focus has been on publishing contemporary picture books and quality fiction created by the most talented Latvian writers and illustrators. In 2020, for the third year in a row, we have been shortlisted for the Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year for Europe. We also publish a list of thoughtfully selected translations from the best children’s authors.

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      • Ediciones Liebre

        Chilean company that creates books focused on early childhood. Our publications innovate in formats (accordion-leporello, pop up) using poetry, nature, science, and humor.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Postcolonial African cinema

        Ten directors

        by David Murphy, Patrick Williams

        This is the first introduction of its kind to an important cross-section of postcolonial African filmmakers from the 1950s to the present. Building on previous critical work in the field, this volume will bring together ideas from a range of disciplines - film studies, African cultural studies, and, in particular, postcolonial studies - in order to combine the in-depth analysis of individual films and bodies of work by individual directors with a sustained interrogation of these films in relation to important theoretical concepts. Structurally, the book is straightforward, though the aim is to incorporate diversity and complexity of approach within the overall simplicity of format. Chapters provide both an overview of the director's output to date, and the necessary background - personal or national, cultural or political - to enable readers to achieve a better understanding of the director's choice of subject matter, aesthetic or formal strategies, or ideological stance. They also offer a particular reading of one or more films, in which the authors aim to situate African cinema in relation to important critical and theoretical debates. This book thus constitutes a new departure in African film studies, recognising the maturity of the field, and the need for complex yet accessible approaches to it, which move beyond the purely descriptive while refusing to get bogged down in theoretical jargon. Consequently, the volume should be of interest not only to specialists but also to the general reader.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The South African War reappraised

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        The South African War was a catalyst in the creation of modern South Africa and was a major international event which had profound implications for British rule in other parts of their colonial empire. This was South Africa's own 'Great War' - the largest conflict waged by the British in the century between the Napoleonic Wars and the First World War. It shaped political discourse among South Africa's various communities and moulded the outlook of a generation of imperial administrators, soldiers and anti-colonial activists. The war launched South Africa as a moral issue of global significance, involving leading humanitarians, foreign 'pro-Boer' volunteers as well as pro-imperial contingents from various dominions and colonies of settlement, and would later find echoes in the campaign against apartheid. This volume includes a historiographical review of a century of writing on the war. It examines South Africa's place in the imperial structure and reappraises its impact on imperial defence and the political identities of Africans, Asians, Boer commandos and Cape Afrikaners. An analysis of the role of the media and the effects of the war on nationalists in India, Ireland and the Dominions is also included. The South African War reappraised will be of particular interest to students of imperialism, modern South Africa, nationalism and the media.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Amsterdam und zurück


        by Marente Moor, Waltraud Hüsmert

        Es ist ein ganzer Haufen Russen, den es zu Beginn der Neunziger in Amsterdam an Land gespült hat. Die Sowjetunion gibt es nicht mehr, die Grenzen sind durchlässiger geworden, aber Heimweh ist trotzdem ein Thema für diese Jungs, denen Puschkin-Büsten und Salzgurken inneren Halt geben, die ihre Tage auf dem pittoresken Rembrandtplein verbringen, wo sie Aquarelle an die Touristen verscherbeln, und ihre Nächte dem Studium des Wodkas widmen. Witali Kirillow ist einer von ihnen, der Mann mit den meergrünen Augen. Längst ist sein Visum abgelaufen, seit dem Tag, an dem er »illegal« wurde, fährt er vorsichtshalber in der Straßenbahn nicht mehr schwarz. Doch das ist nicht das einzige Delikt in Witalis Leben. Acht Jahre zuvor, als Offizier an der sowjetisch-finnischen Grenze, hinderte er einen Kameraden nicht daran, sich in den Westen abzusetzen. Von der Familie gutmütig als »das größte Loch im eisernen Vorhang« verspottet, wurde er von der Armee hart bestraft. Seitdem läßt der Gedanke an den Flüchtling Witali nicht mehr los. Und schließlich, unterstützt von der rasant-energischen Jessie, macht er sich auf, um herauszufinden, was aus ihm geworden ist. Nur zwei, drei Pinselstriche braucht Marente de Moor, um in ihrem Debütroman die unterschiedlichsten Viertel Amsterdams lebendig werden zu lassen und vor allem die russische Szene der Stadt zu porträtieren: lauter Charakterköpfe, die – hochsympathisch und besorgniserregend tiefgründig – ganz nebenbei verhandeln, was Grenze, was Identität, was Heimat bedeutet. »Ein mitreißendes Bild – manchmal herrlich komisch, manchmal voller Nostalgie – von einem ungebärdigen Pulk Russen, die wie Schiffbrüchige in Amsterdam gestrandet sind.« Haarlems Dagblad

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Biodiversity and Conservation Along an East African Railway

        A Survey of the Dar es Salaam-Makutupora Standard Gauge Railway, Tanzania

        by Catherine Aloyce Masao, Joel Nobert, Flora John Magige, Edmond Alavaisha, S. Zainabu Bungwa, Philbert Anitha Byabato, Deusdedith Fidelis, Elikana John, Jasson John, Julius Mohamed Kibaja, Heriel Moshy, Athumani Fatina Mturi, R. Juma Mwangi, Henry Ndangalasi, Wilrik Ngalasoni, Alberto Bruno Nyundo, Chacha Werema, Felix A. Shayo, N A Mbwambo

        It is well known that infrastructure development projects can boost the economy and reduce the cost of trade in both developing and developed economies, however, infrastructure projects can also cause biodiversity loss. This book is the result of an important biodiversity survey conducted along an East African railway in Tanzania. The building of the railway, still under construction, has already led to habitat loss, habitat degradation and landscape change which may have affected biodiversity. The book includes recommendations to mitigate the effect of railway construction by protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services which could have major implications across Africa and other regions. The area covered by the survey focuses on the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) running through the Pugu and Ruvu South Forest Reserves towards Maktupora-Dodoma, plus data on large mammals through to Isaka-Shinyanga. The Pugu forests boast high biodiversity of both flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the area. There are both plant and animal species that are of major conservation concern so there is urgent need to consolidate information to help formulate suitable conservation measures. The data collected covers plants, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and mammals for terrestrial and aquatic environments along the SGR. This work is timely as there are many more ongoing SGR construction projects in Tanzania and across Africa, as such construction activities inevitably involve some habitat modification and destruction that may have a negative impact on biodiversity. National and international scientists, decision and policy makers, as well as ecologists and conservation managers involved in large infrastructure projects will find this book invaluable. The book provides baseline information and can be used as a case study for other infrastructure development projects around the world.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 1993

        Jüdisches Städtebild Amsterdam

        by Edward Voolen, Carel Haar, Helga Beuningen

        Dieser Band stellt das jüdische Amsterdam vor. In literarischen Texten, Bildern und Dokumenten wird die Blütezeit des 17. Jahrhunderts laut. Geschildert wird die Zeit der französischen Besatzung von 1795, die jüdische Lebenswelt des 19. Jahrhunderts, die Zeit der deutschen Besetzung der Niederlande 1940, die Deportation und Ermordung der meisten niederländischen Juden. Das gegenwärtige jüdische Leben kommt in literarischen Zeugnissen zu Wort. Die Anthologie literarischer Texte zeigt die deutschsprachige Literatur im holländischen Exil und gibt zugleich eine Übersicht der modernen niederländischen Literatur.

      • Trusted Partner
        Anthologies (Children's/YA)
        October 2022

        Vuvuzela Verses

        by Seele, Liza / Wallace, Stephen

        Vuvuzela Verses is Liza Seele's sequel to the nose snortingly hilarious Potjie Pot Poems, with belly laugh inducing illustrations from Stephen Wallace. Once again from the South African melting pot, Liza Seele brings children together under one banner: No more boring poems allowed at school! Dive into these childhood-friendly poems and join the boring textbook protest.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        African cities and collaborative futures

        Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics

        by Michael Keith, Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos, Susan Parnell

        This groundbreaking volume brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss the infrastructure, energy, housing, safety and sustainability of African cities, as seen through local narratives of residents. Drawing on a variety of fields and extensive first-hand research, the contributions offer a fresh perspective on some of the most pressing issues confronting urban Africa in the twenty-first century. At a time when the future of the region as a whole will be determined in large part by its cities, the implications of these developments are profound. With case studies from cities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania, this volume explores how the rapid growth of African cities is reconfiguring the relationship between urban social life and its built forms. While the most visible transformations in cities today can be seen as infrastructural, these manifestations are cultural as well as material, reflecting the different ways in which the city is rationalised, economised and governed. How can we 'see like a city' in twenty-first-century Africa, understanding the urban present to shape its future? This is the central question posed throughout this volume, with a practical focus on how academics, local decision makers and international practitioners can collaborate to meet the challenge of rapid growth, environmental pressures and resource gaps.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        August 2023

        Parasitic Plants in African Agriculture

        by Lytton John Musselman, Jonne Rodenburg

        Parasitic Plants in African Agriculture brings together for the first time in a single volume, the ecology, biology, damage, and control of all groups of African parasitic plants including both the relatively few parasites introduced to the continent as well as those native parasites that have spread from within Africa. The book covers the well-known witchweeds and broomrapes but also groups and species that have received less attention including mistletoes, dodders, rice vampire weed, and other species posing threats. The book distinguishes between stem and root parasitic weeds and between holoparasites and (facultative or obligate) hemiparasites. Based on their research and experience collectively spanning six decades, the authors provide an authoritative and state-of-the-art overview of the distribution, biology and impact of these highly specialized weeds and include recommendations for their management. Since parasitic plants in African agriculture primarily affect smallholder farmers, these weeds are explicitly discussed within a context of resource limitations and global changes. Readers are informed on all parasitic plant species relevant to African agriculture and the impact these plants have on crop production and livelihoods of smallholders in a changing world. Current and future management strategies are outlined in terms of their principles and effectiveness as well as their feasibility and affordability for farmers, all of which determine farmer adoption. The final chapter synthesises some of the relevant findings and statistics regarding parasitic weed distribution and their host crops and discusses implications in terms of future crop protection concerns in African agricultural systems. Key features: · Authoritative text based on extensive field and laboratory work. · First comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of parasitic plants and their management in Africa. · Highly illustrated with photos, graphs and species distribution maps. · Reviews previous basic and applied work, with relevance to smallholder farming systems. This book will be a valuable reference for students, researchers, extension workers, development officers, national agriculture researchers, plant pathologists, food security specialists, weed scientists, agronomists and botanists.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Mann in der Ferne


        by Andreas Ecke, Otto de Kat

        Otto de Kat, 1946 geboren, studierte niederländische Literatur an der Universität Leiden. 1986 gründete er mit Uitgeverij Balans seinen eigenen Verlag; seither lebt er als Verleger und Autor in Amsterdam. Sein Roman Sehnsucht nach Kapstadt war nominiert für den größten belgischen Literaturpreis für Niederländisch schreibende Autoren, De Golden Owl 2005, und wurde ausgezeichnet mit dem niederländischen Halewijn-Literaturpreis.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Miyayu: The Mischievous Cat


        by Bosa, Subi

        Miyayu: The Mischievous Cat is a new children's comic book series by Subi Bosa, which centres around the cat Miyayu and his mischievous adventures.  Meet Miyayu as the beloved central character of the series; a wild cat living in the big city. Miyayu has a big heart and huge ideas, but his plans never quite seem to turn out right... for him or anybody else. The comic series includes hilarious characters, such as Miyayu, Sebastian's Cat, Tendo, Mami Wota, Miko, Chi-chi, and so many more!  The current annual 32-page children's comic book is made up of multiple comic strip stories.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Practical Feline Behaviour

        Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

        by Trudi Atkinson

        Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that a veterinary nurse or technician needs to understand and handle the behaviour and welfare of house cats, and to offer safe and practical advice to clients. There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behaviour in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with their care, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these developments. This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences on feline behaviour; on communication, learning, social behaviour, the relationship between behaviour and disease, and the cat - human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behaviour problems should be addressed and how to avoid them. In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behaviour resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions. - Practical, down to earth guide detailing all aspects of feline behaviour - Rapid reference for instant access to information - Written by a well-known animal behaviourist who has extensive experience in treating feline behaviour problems and in advising clients to protect the welfare of their cats - Includes a foreword by John Bradshaw, School of Veterinary Science at University of Bristol, UK

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2010

        South African economy and policy, 1990-2000

        An economy in transition

        by Stuart Jones, Robert W. Vivian

        The 1990s were the decade of transition from white rule to black rule in South Africa. In the political sphere the transition was dramatic. In the economic sphere less so, yet the effects were and are likely to be far more far reaching. It is the economic impacts which are likely to determine the future of the country. With the exception of the diamond-rich Botswana, all the countries of Africa which underwent the transition from white to black rule experienced economic decline. Is this to be the fate of South Africa? How was and is South Africa's historical role as the world's leading gold producer affected by the transition? Why did some economic policies succeed and others fail? This book, by leading authorities in the field, attempts to answer these and other related questions. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2008

        Princely power in the Dutch Republic

        Patronage and William Frederick of Nassau (1613–64)

        by Geert Janssen, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        Based on one of the richest surviving diaries of the Dutch Golden Age, Princely Power in the Dutch Republic recaptures the social world of William Frederick of Nassau (1613-1664). As a Stadholder and relative of the Prince of Orange, William Frederick was among the key players in a fragmented republican state system. This study offers a vivid analysis of his political strategies and reveals how unwritten codes of patronage guided his daily contacts and shaped his mental world. As a patron at his court and as a client of the Prince of Orange, William Frederick developed distinctive patronage roles, appropriate to different social spheres. By assessing these different roles, Janssen provides a unique insight into the ways in which a seventeenth-century nobleman negotiated and articulated clientage, friendship and corruption in his life. This study offers an in-depth analysis of political practices in the Dutch Republic and reconsiders the way in which patronage shaped early modern politics, affected religious divisions and framed social identities. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Feline Reproduction

        by Aime Johnson, Michelle Kutzler

        Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, and as homes become smaller, and single-person households become more common, it is predicted that the numbers being bred and kept will only grow. In Feline Reproduction, the global author team cover all aspects of reproduction in the queen and the tom. Beginning with basic anatomy and normal reproduction, it goes on to cover practical knowledge about pregnancy, neonatal care, breeding soundness exams, and semen cryopreservation. It also includes an overview of factors, diseases, and abnormal conditions affecting reproduction, such as infertility, causes of abortion and contraception. Covering both pet patients and nondomestic species, this book provides a thorough grounding in feline reproduction for the general veterinary practitioner, veterinary student, animal scientist, and experienced cat breeder.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2003

        De Stijl and Dutch modernism

        by Michael White, Marsha Meskimmon, Shearer West, Tim Barringer

        De Stijl was the title of a magazine founded in the Netherlands in 1917 and is now used to identify the abstract art and functional architecture of its major contributors: Mondrian, Van Doesburg, Van der Leck, Oud, Wils and Rietveld. This book is the first to emphasize the local context of De Stijl and explore its relationship to the distinctive character of Dutch modernism. Examines the connection between debates concerning abstraction in painting and spatiality in architecture and contemporary developments in the fields of urban planning, advertising, interior design and exhibition design. Describes the interaction between the world of mass culture and the fine arts. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        The Florentine florin

        The politics and culture of money in the Middle Ages

        by Stefano Locatelli

        Minted in Florence around November 1252, the florin became one of the leading gold currencies of the Middle Ages. Historians agree that its success was mainly due to the need for a stable means of payment in the networks of international trade. The Florentine Florin investigates the florin as a medium with hitherto neglected political, social, and cultural dimensions. By bringing human agents and political institutions more prominently into the history of the coin, this book enhances our understanding of money and its nature from a historical perspective, and provides an original framework for the integrated study of material culture and economic practices.

      • Trusted Partner
        Politics & government
        October 2020

        Made in South Africa

        A Black Woman’s Stories of Rage, Resistance and Progress

        by Lwando Xaso

        Like so many of her generation, Lwando Xaso came of age alongside the beginnings and growth of South Africa’s constitutional democracy. Her journey into adulthood was a radically different one from that of earlier generations, marked by hope that changing perceptions would usher in a new and free society. Made in South Africa – A Black Woman’s Stories of Rage, Resistance and Progress, is a vibrant collection of essays in which Lwando examines with incisive clarity some of the events that have shaped her experience of South Africa – a country with huge potential but weighed down by persistent racism and inequality, cultural appropriation, sexism and corruption, all legacies of a complicated history. As a young lawyer intent on climbing the corporate ladder, Lwando’s life’s direction was changed by a personal experience of the oppressive capacity of a supposedly democratic government when it unjustly fired a close family friend and mentor from a senior government position. She found herself on his legal team and the turmoil the case created within her led her to further her studies in constitutional law, and to pick up her pen and share with a wider audience her views of what was happening in her beloved country. Her outlook was further shaped by her experience of clerking at the Constitutional Court for Justice Edwin Cameron, which deepened her respect for the South African Constitution, and what it really means for a resilient people to strive continually to live up to its moral and legal standards. Lwando’s writing reflects her unflinching resolve to live according to the precepts of our groundbreaking Constitution and offers a challenge to all South Africans to believe in and achieve ‘the improbable’.

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